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A Betting Bride

Page 15

by Rebecca de Medeiros

  "Goodnight," Bethany kissed her son's cheek before he could pull away from her. "Welcome to the family dear," she smiled at Serena before allowing Hunter to escort her from the room.

  "Don't you be expecting me to be waiting on you hand and foot girl," Mrs. Wyatt turned to Serena and huffed, she was not as easily won over.

  "Wouldn't think of it, ma'am. Since I have to decide between the two, you may scrub my feet tomorrow," Serena smiled saucily.

  "You done good boy," Mrs. Wyatt cackled. "This one is going to keep you on your toes."

  "I shall certainly try," Serena smiled.

  "Gotta tell you missy, you got yourself one handsomely put together man... seen him buck naked myself a time or two. Don't you worry none, I kept him on the right and proper. No man I work for has ever gotten into these drawers of mine," Evelyn Wyatt confided to her with pride.

  "Good night Mrs. Wyatt," Serena laughed as Alec banged his head against the wall behind him and grumbled under his breath.

  Serena hadn't known what to expect when they had first entered Alec's bedroom. There were two oil lamps lit on either side of the massive bed. She cringed at the expense. Part of her wanted to run over and put them out, but she remembered that this was not her parent's household. Alec could probably afford the cost.

  She stood completely still as he placed her bag on the foot of the bed. Walking over to her, Alec pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately until she relaxed against him.

  "Let's go to bed. We can sort out everything in the morning."

  "Alec, are you sorry? Sorry that you married me?" Serena asked quietly. She needed to know if he regretted the way the night had turned out.

  "Not in the least. Now, what's done is done. We were friends before this, and we will work it out." Alec kissed her gently and helped her undress until she was bare before him in the lamplight.

  He picked her up and placed her on the bed. Alec stood over her for a moment feasting his eyes upon her. Running one finger from between her breasts down to the tiny indention of her belly button, Alec inhaled deeply. Her skin was silky smooth and he wanted to explore her all night long. He could still taste her on his mouth and he was hungry for more.

  "Alec?" Serena asked unsure.

  "Turn on your belly," he ordered her roughly. He was pleased to see her immediately comply with his command. She trusted him that was a start.

  Slipping the belt from his trousers, he placed it at the foot of their bed. Unbuttoning his shirt, he pulled it off and threw it across the room to where her clothing lay abandoned. He left his pants on, though they were too tight on a certain part of his anatomy that was currently swollen and hard.

  Kneeling on all fours with her body between his legs, he leaned down and kissed the pearls of her spine. The adorable dimples that had the honor of resting at the base of her spine, cried out for attention. He graced them with a brush of his lips as well. Working his way back up to her neck he allowed his chest to slide over her lightly. Serena moaned. If she liked what he was doing now... she was going to love what came next.

  Sitting up on his knees, he began to massage her shoulders working his way slowly down to her lower back. His palms filled themselves with the round mounds of her perfect buttocks and he squeezed slightly. Serena arched into him.

  "Stay still," he whispered against her ear. Goosebumps rose upon her arms and he knew she was responding to him. Running a hand beneath her to cup her breast, he slid two fingers into the wetness that he encountered between her legs.

  "Alec," Serena panted and pushed against him. Serena grabbed fistfuls of the bedding and fought the urge to rise to her knees. She felt tender and achy and at the same time she wanted more.

  "Shhh. This is for you. Relax," he scraped his teeth over her shoulder blade in a gentle bite as he withdrew his fingers a bit and pushed them back inside. The palm that held her plump breast squeezed a bit harder and Serena cried out with pleasure. The feel of his hot breath against her back as he played with her body was too much to bear and Serena came quickly. Her body shuddered as the spasms of her orgasm overtook her.

  "I love you!" She cried out before she could stop herself.

  "Sugar," he sighed gently against her ear, "you are pure temptation."

  Alec helped her gather her wits and get under the covers. He held her in his arms until she fell into a deep slumber. He could actually get used to this. Marriage didn't seem like such a bad thing after all....

  "The best way to kill a snake is to cut if off at the head."


  Alec had felt quite content with himself as he walked toward the bank two weeks later. This morning he had left his wife sleeping soundly in their bed. He had worn the poor thing out with his lovemaking last night. He had been pretty enthusiastic with her, and had pleasured her many times before he had allowed her to sleep. Tonight he planned to take her to dinner at the hotel and maybe he would even rent a room from Josiah for the night. He had some wicked ideas in mind that would make Serena cry out so loudly, that it was best they not be under his roof when he did them. Mrs. Wyatt already shot him knowing eyes every time he so much as yawned in the mornings.

  Alec was in a cheerful mood as he pushed open the door and entered the bank. Even the summons that he had received from Thomas Bixby this morning, though it had left him with a sour taste in his mouth, could not ruin is good mood.

  Nodding to the clerk at the counter Alec passed him and knocked upon the closed door.

  "Enter," Thomas called out from within.

  Opening the door, Alec crossed over to stand before the banker's desk. He was in a hurry today, and hoped that this would not take long. He had to get over to Harlan's store and order the surprise he had in store for his wife. If Alec did not get there soon, Harlan would be too drunk to help him.

  "Ah. The newlywed has managed to pull himself from the loving arms of his wife after all. Congratulations are in order I suppose," Thomas chuckled dryly.

  "Is this why you called me here?" Alec asked impatiently. He did not like the portly man's tone.

  "Alec, please take a seat," Thomas indicated the empty chair across from him. "I've called you here because something has come to light. It is something that may affect the entire town."

  "What? What is happening?" Alec sat concerned that something may be affecting his town.

  Thomas reached into his desk and produced a slim book and pushed it across the top of the desk toward Alec. "Open it."

  Alec peered through the book, though he knew the contents by heart.

  "What is your point Josiah? You know that I have been supplementing the town's account with money from my inheritance."

  "Yes, I know that...but do the people know? How do you think they will feel once they find out? Will they be thankful, or will they think that you've been skimming money and are now finding a way to repay it?"

  "What are you saying Thomas? You know the truth," Alec rose from his seat furiously and leaned across the desk. "You know I did not steal money from the account. It had been empty even before I became mayor."

  "I want something from you. If you provide it, I will keep this second set of numbers secret. If not... well, say goodbye to your position in this town as well as the reputation of that new little wife of yours. Trust me, I can make it very difficult for your lovely bride."

  "What is it you want?" Alec inquired frostily.

  "Find a way to get me a seat on the city council. You let me make a few decisions regarding town business, and I keep your secret." Thomas offered.

  "You are insane if you think I will let you dictate to me how this town is run." Alec thundered.

  "Well, while you think on it, why don't you think about how that little wife of yours will feel when her parents lose their dress shop, how about their home? I bet she hasn't told you how close they are to living in the streets?"

  "You leave my in-laws out of this..." Alec said in threat laced tone.

  "I will guarantee to forgiv
e their loans, if you make this happen quickly." Thomas chuckled as Alec grabbed up the account book and stomped toward the door. "Don't worry son, I have another copy tucked safely away... you let me know when you are ready to make a deal."

  "You can go to hell. I will figure out a way to prove my innocence, and don't worry about starting procedures of foreclosure on the Sinclair's. I will get the money wired from my bank account in Plymouth."

  "You can't fight me. I will find a way to break you, Wentworth." Thomas snapped angrily.

  "You go right ahead and try..."

  "Mrs. Wyatt said you were looking for me," Serena poked her head into the room and regarded her husband. Alec had been closeted in his office all afternoon, and it was nearing supper time. He sat slumped behind his massive desk. A brooding expression marred his handsome features as he stared off into space.

  Alec's head shot up and he instantly smiled. "Serena, come in honey," he motioned for her to come to him.

  "Is something the matter?" Serena asked as she shut the door quietly behind her and walked over to where he sat.

  "I know that I promised to take you to the hotel tonight, but I have quite a bit of work to do," Alec explained as he pulled Serena down into his lap. "I promise that I will make it up to you."

  "It's okay. We can have a quiet supper in here. I can help you work if you'd like. I'm really good with numbers," Serena offered with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "Sweetheart there is nothing you can do to help me with this. However there is one thing you can do for me...," Alec whispered little bits of naughtiness in her ear as one hand inched its way under her skirt. She blushed furiously at the vivid picture his words painted for her.

  "Let's get you a bit more comfortable shall we?" Alec winked as he began unbuttoning the top of her dress. Parting the material, he was surprised to find that she had gone without a chemise. "Beautiful," Alec whispered against her skin before placing a kiss upon the tips of each of her peaked breasts.

  "Alec," Serena protested weakly before his mouth covered hers in a slow, deep kiss.

  Sliding his palm up over her knee, and toward her inner thigh, his fingers sought the slit in her drawers. Within minutes Alec had her panting with pleasure as he rubbed against her feminine core.

  "The door isn't locked," Serena gasped as one finger slid deep inside of her. His thumb flicked over the sensitive pearl and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  "Relax, no one will come in without knocking," he promised her, as he teased and played with her body. When he withdrew from her minutes later, she nearly pouted.

  Shifting her a bit to the side, Alec unbuttoned his trousers and his hard cock sprang free. Grasping her hand in his, he guided her palm into closing around his swollen member and stroking him firmly.

  "Faaa.." he hissed. The feel of her hand on him was mind blowing. Alec knew that he would not be able to last long against such sweet torture, so he pulled her hand from him.

  "Up," Alec patted her rump and ordered her to stand facing him.

  Lifting the hem of her dress up to her waist, Alec unlaced the tie of her drawers and watched as they slid to the ground at her feet. Taking her hands in his, he guided them to the desktop behind her. Alec left her clutching the edge of the desk, while he leaned down and pressed an open mouthed kiss on the valley between her splayed legs.

  "Mmm," she moaned.

  He abruptly stood and towered over her. Placing another kiss upon her lips, Alec bent and wrapped his hands around the tops of her thighs and lifted her until her bottom sat upon the work surface. Stepping between her parted thighs, he leaned her back against the desk and came on top of her.

  "I've wanted to do this for such a long time," he mumbled, his tongue flicked over her bottom lip.

  "It's only been a few hours since we've made love..." she laughed, as she wrapped her legs tightly about his waist.

  "No, I've wanted to take you on this desk. Ever since that foolish night you snuck in here and demanded that I beat you at cards, I've wanted to see you like this," Alec said, running one finger lazily around one pointed nipple.

  "I demanded no such thing. I still think you cheated."

  "Lady, where I come from, we'd shoot a man for less than that insult," Alec said in a mock growl as he rubbed his cock against her slick entrance.

  "What about a woman? What would you do to a lady who affronted you?" Serena asked him huskily.

  "I would do this," without warning, he swiftly entered her. Burying himself to the hilt inside of her, he groaned loudly with pleasure.

  "Alec!" Serena cried out.

  "Don't worry love, next time I will let you win..."

  "A happy wife, a happy life."


  The first two months of marriage had been an adjustment for Serena to say the least. The first week or two had flown by, as they had been descended upon by well-wishers and gossips. Most visitors had wanted to know the real reasons for such a hasty marriage. Serena had to deal with petty jealousies from a few of the women that had hoped to be Alec's bride, but she had been happy to do so. She'd had a positive feeling about her new life. Trudy Bixby had even come to the shop and seemed quite sincere as she congratulated Serena on her marriage. Things were finally becoming real to her.

  Serena had spent the majority of the hours in her day at her parent's shop. She did not want to fall behind in her work, just because she was now a married lady. She still felt a deep responsibility toward taking care of her parents, and she knew her mother could not handle the work herself. She wanted everything to be perfect for when they finally returned, as she wasn't sure if she would continue to work at the shop after the New Year. Some days Alec had met her at the store and he had found creative ways to make love to her in the tiny backroom, so her long days sewing were not so bad.

  In the evenings she spent her time in between quiet conversation with her mother in law, and trying to avoid eating anything Mrs. Wyatt prepared. Serena had come to enjoy the evenings when the three ladies of the house would settle around a pot of tea, and discuss their lives. She had come to develop a great respect for both Mrs. Wyatt and Bethany. Both ladies had lived through so much tragedy but they had remained strong and survived.

  Alec spent most of his nights working in his study and evading his family. When she would try suggesting that he include her in his life, he would start to make love to her. That was his way of dealing with her demands. Often he would come to bed long after she was asleep and wake her by making love to her. When she would awake the next morning, he would be gone. That was, if he even came to bed at all. Some mornings she had found him slumped over the desk in his office. He was working vigilantly on something that he would not discuss with her, and she felt pushed aside.

  Serena's parents had stayed in Austin longer than they had originally planned. Her mother had sent a telegram to both Alec and Mathias, asking them to look after their daughter while they were away. Little did they know that Alec had been looking after Serena in more ways than they had counted on. Everyone involved had decided to let the couple break the happy news themselves in person.

  George and Charlotte had finally arrived home on the newlyweds' two month anniversary, and to no surprise to Serena, her mother was elated. Her father had sat beaming up at them from an invalid chair that they had returned with from Austin. The contraption was an odd one, but Serena was happy that he looked a bit healthier.

  "Married! My baby girl is married?" Charlotte had cried out happily, and enveloped the couple in a fierce hug. "Why couldn't you wait for your papa and me to return? Why the rush?"

  "It was my fault Mrs. Sinclair," Alec feeling his wife stiffen at his side, ran a comforting hand down her back before he continued. "Once I realized the bride I wanted was right in front of me, I could not bear to wait. I did not want another to win her heart, so I rushed the wedding." Serena was surprised at how smoothly he had lied to her mother. She was glad that he had not admitted to her
mother, that it was through the end of Mathias's shotgun that he had come to that conclusion.

  "I would have loved to have been there. Couldn't you have just betrothed yourselves until we could get back?" Charlotte had complained.

  "Leave them be Charlotte, they are married now. You can look forward to planning Matt's wedding instead," George patted his wife on the back in effort to comfort her.

  "Like that boy is ever going to get married and give me grandchildren!" Charlotte grumbled. "Well, at least the two of you will give me beautiful grandbabies to dote on." Charlotte brightened at the thought of little ones.

  "How was your trip? George, would you like some help up the stairs?" Alec had asked to cover the awkward silence that descended upon the room.

  "Mama, why don't I help you unpack?" Serena suggested. Anything to divert her mother from the uncomfortable topic of her marriage.

  On their way back home from her parents' house that night, the couple had their first fight as husband and wife. It had been over the most unlikely subject.

  "What do you mean you don't want children?" Serena gasped as Alec swung the front door to their home open and gestured for her to precede him inside.

  "I don't want them. I think we could be happy without them. I mean, Melody is going to be having a baby. You could help her if you have a hankering to change a dirty crying baby." Alec shrugged as she shot him a look of horror.

  "I want children! You can't just announce something like that," Serena snapped at him aghast.

  Mrs. Wyatt who had come to see what all the ruckus was about, took one look at the pair and made herself scarce.

  "We have plenty of time to figure things out. There is no rush to fill a cradle now is there?" Alec asked trying to placate her.

  "I cannot believe you are so nonchalant about this." Serena groused on her way past him up the stairs. There was no way he was sleeping with her tonight. Not especially since he had ruined the surprise she had for him. He had ruined everything! Tears clogged her throat, but she kept them at bay.


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