Book Read Free

Desperate Wish

Page 8

by Sioux Dallas

  “After I got over my nervousness, I realized that your family is very loving and was making me feel part of the group. I really did love it, and had a most wonderful time. I know now where you get your, er, persuasive friendliness.”

  She arched her eyebrows and looked flirtatiously at him from the corner of her eye.

  “Are you saying, in a nice way, that I’m dictatorial?” Daniel spoke with a straight face but with twinkling eyes.

  “Well. There are times your autocracy shows loud and clear.” She spoke with a twinkle in her eye and a straight face.

  He gave a relieved laugh. “Okay. Amanda, what are we doing tomorrow, after church that is?”

  “I plan on roller skating in the afternoon in the park and having a picnic on the grass by the lake. Would you like to join me?”

  “A herd of elephants couldn’t keep me away,” Daniel said thankfully as he leaned over to kiss her.

  “Oh, please. Not elephants. They make such a stinking mess.”

  Chapter Eight

  Daniel looked at the beautiful stained-glass windows in the sanctuary and the polished pews with dark blue padding on each one. I love this church. Is it because Amanda goes here or is it because I just love attending church and like this one?

  He sat up straight and listened carefully as the pastor read the Bible passages and gave the opening prayer. The sermon was from the book of James on controlling your own emotions and attitudes. I needed to hear this he thought.

  Daniel smiled at the thought of putting a bridle on his tongue. The congregation rustled and Daniel realized that Amanda had stood and come forward to sing. It was obvious that everyone was eager to hear her. He melted with love and enjoyment as she sang His Eye Is On The Sparrow. The congregation applauded with great feeling and Daniel sat swelling with pride. He wanted to stand and shout, “That’s my girl,” but he controlled himself with a great deal of effort.

  After the service Daniel kept a silly smile pasted on as innumerable people came to tell Amanda how much the words of the song meant to them and how lovely her voice was. He was amused when most of them reached to shake his hand and introduce themselves. It dawned on him that they were not accustomed to seeing Amanda with an escort, and it made him feel even better. He shook hands with the pastor and thanked him for an apropos sermon.

  “We’re delighted to have you Mr. Cortland, and hope you’ll join us again.”

  “Mr. Cortland is my father. Please call me Daniel. I may want to discuss something very personal with you soon.”

  “I shall be glad to listen and be of whatever service you need. I’ll look forward to getting better acquainted.”

  The blue sky, sunshine, and birds singing in the trees made the day delightful in spite of a chilly wind. Swans glided gracefully on the water and people were enjoying the canoes.

  As they cleaned up after their picnic, Amanda sat down on the blanket and sighed with pleasure. “What a gorgeous day. By the way, your dad has made arrangements to take a refresher course so he can apply for a license and pilot his own plane.”

  “He talked to you?” Daniel asked surprised. “I know he flew some years ago when he was in the navy, but he hasn’t mentioned it, except to you when we were at the house. Well, well. Good for him. Maybe he and Mom can get away from business and enjoy life a little now that their brood is able to care for themselves. They sure deserve some time to themselves.”

  “I forgot to tell you that Trevor called me about help with basketball. Mom took the phone and told me that Melissa’s mother is doing well now, but it has been touch and go. The baby wasn’t positioned correctly and was trying to show up early. Dr. Morton ordered her to bed until time for the birth. Mom says it’s time now, and she’ll let me know how things go. In the meantime Trevor is going crazy because the folks still have Melissa and she dogs his every move.”

  “I hope and pray that everything will go well for mother and babe. Why would they call you?” It suddenly dawned on her that he was not at home to talk to them.

  “That’s the big surprise I was saving to show you. I found an apartment in Galveston and have applied to the Galveston Sentinel for a job as a photojournalist. Dad has decided that I should have a chance to do what I would like, but Mom is - being a mom. She is upset because her first chick is leaving the nest.” Daniel smiled, but Amanda could see the indecision in his eyes. “Of course the drawback might be that there will be times I’ll have to travel.”

  “I know how close you and your family are and know it was difficult for you to make the break. I’m glad you were able to find an apartment,” Amanda said.

  “The best part is that it’s only two miles from your folks at the corner of Stewart Rd. and Tulane St.”

  “That’s great! I’m looking forward to seeing your new home. Do you need help decorating? That’s something I love to do.”

  “I expect you to see it and maybe even live in it; unless you want a house first thing.”

  “No way will I live with any man until I’m married to him.” Amanda stated firmly.

  “No. No. I didn’t mean live together now. I mean after we’re married,” he said putting his forehead against hers and hugging her. “I respect you far too much to ask you to live with me without marriage. I love you and would never do anything purposefully that would demean you. I fervently hope you will have the same plans for our future that I do.”

  “Daniel, I am getting closer to loving you, too, and it scares me. Don’t you think we’re moving ahead too fast?”

  “Amanda, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you on the beach, sassy mouth and all,” he grinned. “My parents have been afraid that I’m rushing, that is until they met you. I promise I won’t mention marriage again for awhile, but I wish with all my heart that you’d think about it.”

  “I’ll think about it, but you know my parents need me. They have been so good and great to me, and I won’t go my own way until they’re in better shape - physically and financially.”

  “I’m well aware of that, and I hope you know that I’m ready and willing to help you any way that I’m needed.”

  “Thank you, Daniel, but I must do as much as I can on my own. You surely understand that in your situation about working in the family business or on your own. Now let’s go by the hangar. I want to check on some records.”

  A half hour later they pulled onto the pad outside the hangar. Amanda went into the building.

  She screamed. “Daniel! Come quickly!”

  Heart thumping, Daniel ran into the building. He sucked in a shocked breath at what he saw.

  Mike was lying just inside the door, unconscious, with a bloody gash behind one ear. With a deep, caring groan, Daniel dropped to his knees beside Mike.

  “Oh, dear God. Amanda is he -”

  “He’s barely alive, Daniel. I don’t know the extent of his injuries. Call for help while I get cold water to wash that cut.”

  “I’ll call, but maybe you’d better leave him for the paramedics to check. I’m sure the police won’t want anything touched or disturbed. They’ll need to see him as he is. All we can do is call for help and pray.”

  Daniel ran to make the call asking for the police and an ambulance. When he returned Mike began to stir and moan. He dropped down beside Mike again and patted his shoulder.

  “Mike, it’s Daniel. Help is on the way. Lie still. You have a head wound and we don’t know how serious it is or what other injuries you might have.”

  Daniel realized that Mike couldn’t respond and probably wasn’t aware of what had happened to him. He seemed to be just half conscious.

  A police car pulled up with an ambulance behind it. Two police officers jumped out of the car and ran in. “I’m Sgt. Ben Cook. This is Patrolman Dave Sweat. What happened? Has anything been touched or moved? I need to get pictures before you move him,” Sgt. Cook barked at the paramedics. He motioned for the patrolman to take pictures.

  A young woman paramedic spoke with authority. “Officer
, this man is injured and it is imperative that we examine him immediately.” She knelt by Mike and the young man with her began to check him.

  “I can’t be positive until we have X-rays, but it appears that the head injury is the only damage, but head injuries are not to be taken lightly. There could be more than shows on the surface,” the paramedic informed them.

  “Don’t clean that until I get a picture,” the officer squatted down to get a close-up of the wound.

  “Okay. You got your picture,” the young woman almost shouted. “Now let us do our job.”

  The young man paramedic took charge and motioned for the young woman to hand him the gauze and medicine to clean the wound. They quickly covered the open wound with gauze and gently got Mike on a gurney and in the ambulance. They sped away with sirens screaming.

  “I need a statement from you two,” Sgt. Cook said. He stood facing Daniel who told him first what he had seen. Amanda then told him why they had come into the hangar on a Sunday and how she had found Mike.

  “I don’t know what he was doing here. It’s a rare occasion that we work on Sunday. None of us were expected to be in today.” Amanda scowled as she thought of Mike’s injury.

  “That’s all we can give you. We just got here and found him on the floor, unconscious, and in the shape you saw him.” Daniel continued, “We’ll just have to wait for Mike to gain consciousness and tell us what he can. It’s possible he was struck down before he could see or hear anyone.”

  “What is the injured party’s name, address and phone number?” Sgt. Cook sounded angry.

  There had been too many so-called accidents for anything to be taken lightly. This was all happening in his jurisdiction and it disgusted him that someone was being so diabolical.

  Amanda stepped forward. “His name is Michael Jefferson Stallard, better known as Mike. He lives at 3849 W. Dansby here in Galveston. His phone is 555-3267. He works for me, or rather for my father, and he’s the best mechanic in the state. He has worked for us for at least twenty years and is a dear family friend. As Daniel told you, we just got here and found him.”

  “And what are you two doing here?”

  “We have been out for the afternoon and I needed to come by and check some paperwork, otherwise there wouldn’t have been anyone here to find Mike. The officers thanked them and left to go to the hospital. Amanda and Daniel locked up and hurried to the hospital. They were both worried about Mike and angry that he’d been attacked.

  Amanda drew in a shaky breath. “Is this another incident of sabotage, or an isolated happening?” She looked at Daniel with moist eyes.

  “I can’t even begin to guess. Don’t go that route until we have more information.” He reached over and took her hand. “You can drive yourself bananas and make yourself sick if you try to guess what and why. Mike needs us now and we need to tend to your flying service. I can’t help you with the flying because, even though I can fly, I’m not licensed to operate such a business, but I can be at the hangar and keep an eye on things.”

  As they ran into the emergency room, they found Sgt. Cook in the waiting room. He came to meet them. “Your friend is in radiology. The doctor couldn’t, or wouldn’t tell me anything until he sees the film and examines his patient. He’ll talk to us as soon as he can.”

  Amanda thanked Sgt. Cook and pulled Daniel over to a row of chairs to sit. She was trembling, and looked so pale, Daniel was worried about her. He pulled her head on his shoulder and began to rub the back of her neck and shoulders.

  About forty long minutes later a doctor came to where Amanda and Daniel sat. Sgt. Cook quickly joined them. “I’m Dr. Shortt. I’ve examined Mr. Stallard and found that he has a concussion, but no other serious injury except the head wound, although he does have some abrasions. He is nauseous, which is natural, and slightly disoriented, which is also natural with this type of injury. We’ll observe him overnight, but I can’t allow him to be questioned before tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. I can tell you more about his condition tomorrow morning. Miss Wescott, we have your number, and we’ll call you about ten tomorrow and inform you of his condition. Are you all right? You look as if you need a night with us.”

  “I’ll be fine, thank you, Dr. Shortt. Mike, Mr. Stallard, is not only our employee, but a very dear friend as well. It has been a shock to find him hurt. I’ll go home and call as you suggested. Just one more thing, my father has had a heart attack, and we haven’t told him of all the trouble we’ve had at the hangar. If anyone calls me, make sure they know to call me and don’t talk to anyone else. Please.”

  “Why don’t you call me, and I’ll get the information to Miss Wescott. That way we won’t upset her parents. We can tell them all of the news when we have more information and won’t upset them needlessly,” Daniel suggested.

  “I understand. With Miss Wescott’s permission, I’ll be glad to do that.” He took a pad out of his pocket and copied Daniel’s name and phone number. “I’ll see that this gets on the records. Mr. Stallard is hurting, but I don’t anticipate any serious problems. Get a good night’s rest and try not to worry,” he said to Amanda.

  The doctor looked puzzled. “What do you mean, troubles at the hangar? What other troubles have you had?”

  Amanda bit her lower lip and looked helplessly at Daniel. “Oh, the usual business troubles that many have with their own type of business. Nothing for you to be concerned about, but thank you. Just take good care of my friend.”

  Daniel shook hands with the doctor and thanked him. They left with Sgt. Cook still walking at the doctor’s heels and trying to talk.

  Daniel drove Amanda home. “Okay, darling. Here you are. I hate like the dickens to leave you, but we don’t want to make your dad suspicious. Call me for any reason. You have my new number. I’ll pick you up tomorrow if you’ll let me know what time you want to leave.”

  “Daniel, you’re a true angel. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Thank you seems so little to say for all you’ve done, but I certainly do appreciate you.”

  He hugged her, and tenderly brushed his lips across her lips. Amanda sighed and dropped her head on his shoulder. Daniel kissed her temple and reluctantly released her to go in the house.

  The next morning Amanda called Daniel to say that the doctor had felt it was still too early to question Mike. “The police called and it was fortunate that I caught the call. They want to come out to the hangar this afternoon and check more. They asked that I not open the hangar to the public until they finished with what they need to do.”

  “We can go along with that. Why don’t I go out for about an hour and help Trevor and then I’ll pick you up for lunch? I want to be at the hangar with you when the police do their thing. What are you going to tell your father? He’ll think it’s strange that you aren’t at work.”

  “I’ll drive to the hangar and wait for you there.”

  “No! Sorry. I don’t want you there alone. Isn’t there a friend you can visit?”

  “Yes. I can go to Sulyn’s. I can talk to her and she’ll respect my wishes. I’ll leave my car parked in the bank lot and you can meet me there. I’ll contact you.”

  “If that’s what you want I’m yours for whatever you need.”

  “You’re too good to be true. How did I ever deserve to meet you?”

  “Back up, lady. I’m the lucky one. We’ll talk about that later. Bye. You know I love you.” Daniel apologized to Trevor for not being able to spend more time with him and promised to continue to help him. He had to spend some time with his mother and sisters. He then went to his apartment, showered, changed clothes and went to get Amanda.

  The police brought a mechanic with them who went over the written report on the damage to the plane. They read the other papers on Mike’s report of stolen tools and equipment then went over to stand by the one good plane.

  “Miss Wescott, it looks as if someone was in the process of doing something to this plane. It’s possible that your man came in during the
attempt of a crime and got hit for his troubles.”

  “Is someone trying to kill us or just put me out of business? Or both?” Amanda was shaken.

  Officer Derek Brandon was trying to give his observations with as little upset to Amanda as possible. “Ma’am, we don’t know for sure what the perpetrator was thinking or intended on doing. All we know is the damage to the first plane that went down and how close you came to injury. We know of your employee’s injury and his reports of stolen properties, malicious damage. We know someone is trying to be troublesome. The attack on your man was very serious.”

  Brandon held up a large plastic bag holding a heavy metal wrench. “I found this here with hair and blood on it. As heavy as it is, it could have killed him. He was probably hit a glancing blow instead of hard on. Hopefully there’s prints on it.”

  “Thank God it didn’t kill him. I would never have gotten over it. I bet Mike thought of something to check up on or maybe just got bored and decided to come in and work some.” Amanda shook her head and trembled.

  The police finished taking pictures and making notes for their report. It was after five before they left. Giving Amanda permission to open the hangar the next day, they left.

  Chapter Nine

  “Did you have students scheduled for today?” Daniel asked.

  “I did and I had a delivery, but I contacted everyone and explained the situation. They were all very understanding and willing to reschedule.”

  “Please leave now and go home to rest.”

  “I can’t do that. Dad would wonder why I’m home so early. No, I’ll stay here and catch up on book work and make some phone calls. Stay with me if you wish or -”

  “If I wish! Of course I’m staying with you. No way am I allowing you to be here alone until the police solve these disturbances and catch whoever is responsible.”

  “Allowing me? Have you forgotten that this is my business, and I need to keep occupied to keep from thinking and worrying,” she said sarcastically and then felt ashamed. She was relieved when the phone rang.


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