Desperate Wish

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Desperate Wish Page 14

by Sioux Dallas

“Good girl,” Shane patted her shoulder. “Now smile. Here comes Mike.”

  At the end of the day Amanda drove Daniel home to Sugar Land. He was worried about her driving back alone and called Shane asking him to drive out to meet Amanda and keep an eye on her. It was then Shane told him that an unmarked car and plainclothes men would be keeping an eye on Amanda until further notice. “But don’t tell her. She’ll throw a fit, she gets bent out of shape at the idea that she can’t be Superwoman and take care of all of this on her own.” Daniel grinned and promised to keep it to himself. He was relieved that Amanda wouldn’t be in harm’s way as he had been.

  Daniel asked one of the ranch hands to be his chauffeur. He was uneasy about Amanda driving around so much and he didn’t want to take a patrolman away from duty just to shadow Amanda. The hired hand would drive him to the hangar each day and pick him up at six each evening.

  Chapter Fifteen

  On the first Tuesday of April, Amanda went into the office to work on tax papers. “Mike, I’m sure I placed this month’s financial sheet on the desk last night before I left, but it’s not there now. Did you happen to see it?”

  “No, Mandy. I did see you lay some papers there before you locked the door, but I don’t know what was on them. What could have happened to them? Shane left when we did and Daniel left a few minutes before we did.”

  “I hope I find them soon because I need them for my quarterly IRS statement. Maybe a draft was created when I shut the door and they blew off behind the desk.” She walked behind the desk to look on the floor. “Mike!”

  He came running into the office. “What’s wrong?” He went quickly to her and looked in the direction she was staring with horror, “The safe’s open. How did that happen?”

  Mike knelt to look into the metal safe. “The money’s gone and so are the books. Call the police, Amanda. Someone has helped themselves. Let’s leave the office and don’t touch anything else. The police might get lucky and find some prints.”

  Shane ran in to see what the excitement was about. “Mike’s right. Don’t touch anything but the phone and call the police immediately.” He frowned and slightly shook his head at her when she looked expectantly at him. It was hot in the hangar but they didn’t have to wait long. Officers Lane Burrell and Brad Stover came in answer to the call. Daniel came rushing in right behind them. His arm in a sling he rushed over to hug Amanda with one arm and assure himself that she was all right. The two officers looked at Shane but gave no sign of recognition.

  “I’ll need your fingerprints so that yours can be eliminated when we match them with those of criminals that are on file.” Officer Stover took Amanda’s, Mike’s and Shane’s fingerprints while Officer Burrell determined how the office and safe were entered.

  “You might as well take my prints, also,” Daniel informed them. “I’ve been here quite a bit and you’ll find my prints all over the place.”

  After he took Daniel’s prints, Officer Stover went over the hangar picking up prints where he thought they might be important.

  “I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find that the person or persons who did this wore gloves.”

  Officer Burrell spoke as he walked slowly out of the office looking around with a practiced eye. “Does anyone else work here?”

  “My nephew helps part-time. He’s at school now, but he should be home by two o’clock,” Mike stated.

  “Let me have his address and I’ll go take his prints when he’s home.”

  “I’ll call my sister and tell her why you’re coming or she’ll worry needlessly. My nephew hasn’t always been a model child, and if you show up when she’s not expecting you, she’ll think he’s in trouble. She’s had severe medical problems and I don’t want to add to them.”

  “Sure, that’s okay.”

  As Mike went to make the call, Sgt. Ben Cook came into the hangar. “Hello, everyone. I’m sorry that we keep meeting like this. I know two officers were here to take your report and pick up prints, but I would like to be included in the investigation. It fries me that this unknown is getting so sure of himself that he’d break in here and risk getting caught. I want to be in on the final effort and be able to look him in the eye and tell him what I think of him.”

  Daniel stepped forward. “Frankly, Sgt., we’re relieved to have as many of you officers as possible working on this. I’m so afraid they’ll try to harm Amanda again.”

  “I heard of your tangle with someone. I know we agree that it’s all tied in. Someone either wanted you out of the way or to make Miss Wescott think she is a jinx to everyone. It sounds as if someone is trying to frighten or force her to give up and sell.”

  “Yes, and I want to look him in the eye, too. I’m counting my blessings that he didn’t leave me crippled or brain damaged. Just for your information, I’m sticking closer to Amanda than ever.” Mike said with gritted teeth. Shane thought to himself that he would sure hate to be the one on the wrong side with Mike.

  “I don’t blame you. Well, I’ll go peruse the reports about today’s findings and look over all of the reports. There may be a link that will pop out that I’ve missed before, although I don’t think that’s possible. Never neglect the smallest detail. I hope to sit down with a nice quiet visit with you folks sometime and enjoy a get-together. So long.” The officers left.

  “Shoot. They left enough black dust for me to clean up,” Mike grumbled.

  “I’ll help,” Daniel offered. With one hand he filled a bucket with hot, sudsy water and went back to the office. Shane had found several cleaning cloths. The three men refused to let Amanda help them. “We don’t want those lily white hands spoiled with this dirt,” Shane teased. Amanda snorted at them and picked up the scattered papers. Later the four of them sat in the office discussing the break-in and all the past problems.

  “It’s obvious that someone’s trying to ruin your business, honey, and they don’t appear to care if they hurt, or kill, any of us in the meantime.” Daniel spoke through angry, tight jaws. “The police can’t be everywhere, but I can do a lot on my own. I wanted to tell you folks that I got the temporary job on the newspaper, but I won’t report for work for two weeks. That gives me some solid days to put my brain to work and to contact people who might help us.”

  “Who will you contact?” Shane asked quickly. “You don’t want to interfere with police business.

  “I respect what they’re doing, but I can’t just sit and twiddle my thumbs.”

  After much meditation, Daniel called Frasier. “Buddy, don’t ask a lot of questions. There’s too much to explain. I’m calling to see if you can get off work for a few days and come for a visit. I sure do need you desperately.”

  “Dad won’t object to me coming. Can you give me a hint? Are you all right?” Frasier was horrified as Daniel briefly told him of his being forced off the road and then shot. “You can’t keep me away now. Dad will want me to come, too. I’ll call you as soon as I make plane reservations. Do you want me to rent a car at the airport, or will someone meet us?”

  “I’ll have one of our men drive and I’ll meet you. I’m relieved already that you’ll be here to let me bounce my ideas off you.”

  Frasier called the next morning to say he would arrive at 3:20 that afternoon. Daniel had one man drive him and another follow in a second car. He knew Frasier could drive his car and they’d have more time to talk without others overhearing. The second car could take both ranch workers back to the ranch.

  “Boy, this sound like parts of a movie; a horror movie at that.” Frasier drove thoughtfully. “Why don’t we pull in at this restaurant and tell me detail for detail.” Frasier turned in and parked in front of The Rustic Inn.

  Frasier ordered a ham sandwich and Daniel ordered a B L T. The food sat while Daniel told from the beginning all that had happened. Frasier asked so many questions that Daniel finally held up his hand in surrender. “Whoa! There’s no hiding that you’re an attorney. I feel as if I’m on the witness stand.”

; Frasier sat back and relaxed. “Sorry. It’s the best way I know to obtain enough information to act upon it. In telling me, you might think of something that you overlooked.”

  “I know. It’s just that we’ve lived with this and are sick of it. All of us want immediate action, but common sense tells us that crimes are not settled instantly; sometimes for years or not at all. It’s so frustrating and I’m so afraid for Amanda.”

  “Amanda and I will have to have a long talk - private talk - while I advise her how to handle you.” At Daniel’s frown and blown breath, Frasier raised both hands.

  “Just kidding. I’m going to talk to each of you, separately and privately, and ask the same questions; then I’ll talk to all of you together. We’ll get to the bottom of this even if I have to call on Dad and the FBI.”

  “Don’t forget Shane is working undercover. When you meet him, you can’t let on that he’s anything other than a helper for Mike.”

  “Sure. I think that’s a great idea. He’s trained to observe and protect.”

  They drove on to Cortland Ranch and had a late dinner with the family. Daniel asked Lance to join Frasier and him for a discussion on all that had occurred.

  The next morning, at the hangar, Amanda was surprised to see Frasier and thrilled to talk to one of Daniel’s close friends. Daniel took pride in introducing his “brother” to Shane and Mike. After a short conversation, Shane nodded his head in approval to Daniel.

  Frasier cautioned all of them. “Please don’t talk to anyone about this except the people involved. And for goodness sakes, don’t try to be Lone Ranger and do something on your own. If any of you are suspicious about any person, come tell the rest of us and let’s plan together. Don’t forget what happened to Daniel and he wasn’t trying to do anything except tend to private business. Besides, you don’t want to land in jail because, with all good intentions, you’re the one who broke the law.”

  “Excellent advice,” Shane said.

  “What do you have in mind to do, Daniel?” Amanda asked.

  Daniel pulled her to his side and hugged her with his one good arm. “Try not to let it worry you. I have a plan of my own, but I don’t want any of you, except Frasier, to know what I’m doing. That way you won’t accidentally let it slip to the wrong person.”

  “Well, if you get in trouble, Frasier can always defend you. On second thought, if you do get in trouble, you’re smart enough to defend yourself,” Amanda told him with pride.

  “Oh no, he can’t defend himself,” Frasier hurriedly spoke. “There’s an old saying that if a person represents themselves in court, they have a fool for a lawyer and a jackass for a client. And he sure can’t defend himself physically just yet.”

  Mike had said very little. Daniel caught on that Mike was feeling a little jealous that others were taking care of Amanda and not allowing him to be the only one.

  Mike and Amanda went into the office to try to finish putting a financial report together.

  Shane stepped quietly to where Frasier and Daniel were standing. “I know what you’re thinking, Shane. I’ll have to tell you what my plans are, but I couldn’t talk in front of Mike.” Frasier explained as he put a hand on Shane’s shoulder.

  “What a relief,” Shane smiled. “I could visualize you lying in some dark alley and none of us knowing where you were.”

  Mike came stomping out obviously agitated. “What do you mean not talk because we might say something in front of the wrong person? Do you think the perp is someone we know or someone that is close? Sorry. I wasn’t eavesdropping; I couldn’t help but hear some of what was said.”

  “We don’t know. It’s just smart to play it safe. I’m going to play out a plan I have. Please don’t say anything about this conversation to anyone; not even Jimmy or your sister. If neither of you know what I’m planning, there’ll be no chance of the wrong person finding out and covering up or hiding out. We want to catch whoever this is,” Daniel pleaded.

  “I trust you, Daniel. Promise me you won’t put yourself in danger.” Mike looked worried. “Yes. I want the same promise,” Amanda said coming up behind them.

  “I promise,” he chuckled as he bent to kiss her. Mike coughed and turned around. Daniel, Shane and Frasier grinned at each other. Amanda drew back red-faced and flustered.

  Shane crossed his arms across his chest “Which one will be your best man, Mike or Frasier?”

  “What?!” Amanda spluttered as Daniel threw his head back and laughed loudly. The men looked amused but dared not let her hear them laugh as she stalked into the office and slammed the door keeping them out.

  The next two days were extra busy for Amanda trying to put together a financial report and transpose notes from her calendar to the new books. She and Daniel were too busy to do much but get her papers ready for the IRS quarterly report. Thankfully she had a lot of notes and receipts. The police Chief had also included a letter of explanation to the IRS.

  Shane, Frasier, Lance and Corbin had many discussions, but none of them could think of anything that hadn’t already been discussed.

  “Amanda, I’m sure the Chief will be glad to write a letter to the IRS explaining your problem to them and asking for an extension to give you time to put your report together,” Shane told her.

  “Oh, he already has, but, in the meantime, I’ll keep gathering my notes. It’s important to me to know that I have a back-up and can make an emergency report. You can rest assured from now on I’ll keep duplicate records.”

  “Okay, honey. I’ll help all I can. Do you have students that need your attention?” Daniel asked. “Maybe Frasier would be willing to go up for you. He’s a licensed pilot.”

  “That would be sweet of him, but I’m free for a couple of days. All of the students I had have finished their course, but others are waiting to start. Besides, Frasier would have to be licensed locally to work here.”

  Work went on as usual for the remainder of the day. Weeks went by so slowly that all of them were surprised when plans were made for the fourth of July.

  “Celebrations will go off with a bang over the fourth and it worries me,” Daniel said to Frasier. Frasier had gone home and returned the first of July.

  “I don’t blame you for being cautious. It would be a great time to pull a stunt and any witness would think it was only part of the noise and celebrations.”

  “Yes, that’s what bothers me.”

  “Daniel, remember what your Grandfather used to say?”

  “What are you referring to? He always had a comment or a ‘wise saying’ for many things.”

  “He would say, ‘don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.’”

  “Wow! If we haven’t had trouble, I don’t know what it is. I’m not looking for it. Trouble has just rushed out of the shadows and attacked us.”

  “True, but you don’t need to stir it up. Your Grandfather also said, ‘If you let a cow pile alone, it’ll dry up and you’ll forget it’s there, but if you stir it up, it’ll stink all over again.’”

  “You’re just full of cute sayings today, aren’t you? Are you taking this seriously at all?”

  “Of course I am, Danny boy, but don’t let it get you so far down that you’re buried beneath it.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  July fourth dawned bright and clear. Crowds had gathered early on the street for the parade. Various groups had booths set up to sell food, beverages, ice cream, handmade crafts and funnel cakes. A stage was set up for beautiful baby contests, dancers and group demonstrations. A group of bagpipers were playing while a few young girls and two boys danced a Scottish Reel. Three policemen and their K-9 dogs demonstrated the type of training they did for the dogs.

  “Frasier, for some reason, I’m not comfortable about all of us being in that crowd. Amanda could be in serious danger and it’d be too late for us to prepare for it.”

  “Hello. I thought I’d never see the day.”

  “What are you talking about?” Daniel demanded.

>   “You’ve got it bad, man. I don’t blame you. Amanda is one great lady, and I do mean a lady. Are her parents going to be with us? I know your folks will be here.”

  “They’re coming up here to my apartment. That front sliding glass window looks over the street and my little balcony is tiny, but serviceable. They can watch in comfort. Dad and Mom can sit on the balcony with Amanda’s parents. Of course the twins and the little rascal will be down on the street.”

  “Don’t be so hard on Trevor. Have you forgotten all that we got into when we were his age?

  Our parents were sure we would be dead or in prison before we became adults.” Frasier laughed.

  “I haven’t forgotten anything, but we didn’t get by with near as much as Trev does.”

  “Your dad is just as quick to correct him as he was us. We have done okay and Trevor will, too.”

  “I hear the elevator. I bet that’s the folks.” Daniel hurried to open the door.

  “Hi, big guy.” A young woman hugged Daniel and kissed him before he could duck. “Sulyn! What a nice surprise. I didn’t know you were coming with the folks. Come on in. I want you to meet a good friend of mine. In fact, he’s like a brother to me.” Daniel introduced Sulyn to Frasier and was amused to see how quickly they became acquainted.

  “Hello, my darling,” Daniel hugged Amanda and kissed her. “Oh, yuck. I’m not staying here. See you folks later.” Trevor turned and ran out.

  “Wait on your sisters, son. I want to see everyone back here no later than five. That will give you time to watch the parade and make the rounds of all the excitement.” Lance spoke firmly to Trevor.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Come on girls. Let’s hurry. I want to get a funnel cake.” Trevor stood back to allow his sister to exit ahead of him and then quickly shut the door.

  “They’ll all come back with stomach aches and feeling miserable.” Myra laughed. “But that’s part of the fun of enjoying the fourth.”

  “I’m having supper catered. We can see the fireworks from here later tonight,” Daniel informed the family group.


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