Desperate Wish

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Desperate Wish Page 15

by Sioux Dallas

  “I love your apartment,” Felicity said. “Do you mind if I look around?”

  “Not in the least. Can you manage or would you like for me to push your chair?”

  “I can manage. Thanks anyway.” She started off with Myra to view the apartment. They were back in a few minutes.

  “This is a marvelous apartment, but I can’t understand why you would want one this size when you live alone,” Felicity remarked.

  Daniel smiled and put his arm around Amanda. “I’m hoping to convince a certain angel to share it with me.” When he heard a gasp from someone, he hurriedly explained. “I have asked Amanda to marry me, but she feels we haven’t known each other long enough. She’s driving me crazy.” He didn’t miss the expression of worry and - yes - selfishness on Felicity’s face.

  Frasier laughed. “I thought he was too hard to please, but it’s plain to see that his earth angel has taken over his heart.” Amanda blushed and turned her face on to Daniel’s shoulder.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetie. The truth stands. I have told everyone how much I love you and that I hope to marry you.”

  Sulyn caught everyone’s attention. “I hear a siren. The parade has started. Let’s get where we can see.”

  Daniel had placed four chairs on his miniscule balcony for the parents. Others stood around and looked over the parents’ heads. Daniel smiled and touched Amanda to get her attention. Frasier and Sulyn were standing side by side talking and paying no attention to activities around them. Daniel whispered to Amanda, “It looks as if cupid has made another hit.”

  At five Daniel served the crisp salad with shrimp vinaigrette, lasagna and garlic bread. He asked a blessing after asking everyone to hold hands. Amanda and her dad looked at each other when Felicity gave an obvious deep sigh and reluctantly held hands. The fireworks were spectacular after dark. By ten everyone had left and Daniel and Frasier talked.

  “Daniel, I can’t stay longer, although I’d love to stay and see the mystery clear through to the end. You say there’s been no offer to buy or anything that would make you suspicious of anyone.”

  “That’s right. Whoever the criminal is, he’s being careful to wear gloves or stay where he can’t be identified. I hope I’m around when the case is solved. I’d love to get my hands on the person or persons that would cause such heartache and loss of money to the Wescotts. Mike’s a great guy, too. I’m sorry he was injured, but so thankful that his injuries weren’t worse. There is one student whose father asked Amanda to teach her how to run a flying business, but he’s a judge and I don’t suspect he’d have anything to do with the Wescott troubles.”

  “Hmm. Never can tell. Stay alert. I like Mike, too. I like all of them. Good buddy, I hope you and Amanda make permanent arrangements. She’s worth a billion and I feel you’d be good for each other.”

  “Thanks, Frasier. She’s worth more than that, and I haven’t given up trying to get a firm commitment from her. An old beau that she was serious about in college is around and she has gone to dinner and a movie with him. I hope they don’t decide to renew their romance.”

  “Well, wishing won’t make anything happen the way you want. Just have faith. If God intends for you and Amanda to be a family, it’ll come about. We need to get to bed. My plane leaves at 6:45 tomorrow morning. I’ll get Dad’s feedback on all that’s happened and see if he has any suggestions. Keep me informed. I’ll sure be here like a shot if you need me. I’m still put out with you for not letting me know when you were shot. I couldn’t have done much except drive you around and help, but I would have liked to be with you and know for myself that you were okay.”

  “I know. I was hurt and so angry that I didn’t think rationally. I’m not invincible and need to remember that. Someone either thinks I’m getting too close or feels that I’m keeping Amanda too safe to suit him. I’ll let you know everything as soon as I know.”

  Two days later, Daniel awakened earlier than usual. I miss Frasier already. I might as well dress and go out to the hangar early. Maybe Shane will come in and we can talk before the others get there. He stretched and exercised his shoulder and grunted with satisfaction when he found he could move with little soreness. How glad he was to be rid of the sling.

  He stopped at a restaurant for scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes. It was seven when he drove on. As he turned onto the grounds surrounding the hangar, Daniel had to swerve quickly to keep from being hit head on by a black van barreling out. As they passed, one of the windows on the van was lowered just enough for Daniel to hear, “Back off, lover boy or you’ll be sorry.”

  Daniel grabbed his CB and called the police. “I couldn’t see anyone in the van and don’t remember seeing it before. It’s just a common black van. There was mud on the license plate. I’m going on in to see what might have happened at the hangar.” He listened for a moment. “Yes, I’ll be careful. Good. If they leave now, they won’t be far behind me.” He shut off his CB and jumped out of his car. He reached back for his CB and called Shane informing him of the incident “The police asked me to wait on them to arrive before I try to enter the building.”

  Daniel impatiently waited although it wasn’t more than five minutes until the police arrived.

  Shane was less than a minute behind them.

  “Sgt. Cook, I’m relieved to see you.” Daniel looked at the other patrolman who had come along. “I appreciate all of you gentlemen, however, Sgt. Cook has been here when we had problems before and I feel he knows what we’ve been through.”

  “Is Miss Wescott nearby?” Sgt. Cook asked.

  “No. I don’t want to tell her yet. Let’s go in and see what’s gone on.”

  “Sarge,” the patrolman called, “the building’s locked and I don’t see any signs of entry.”

  “Why didn’t you use the hidden key and get in, Daniel,” a policeman suggested.

  “Please don’t,” Sgt. Cook said. “If someone is watching, maybe with binoculars, we don’t want them to know where a key is hidden. Don’t you have another key on you?”

  “I do.” Shane walked to the door to open it. A patrolman rolled the heavy door back.

  Shane and Daniel were the first inside. Daniel gasped in anger.

  “Good grief,” Shane exclaimed. “Someone sure has been busy.”

  They all went in cautiously to view all colors of paint thrown over everything, a back window broken with glass on the floor showed how they entered. Everything that could be turned over was lying on the floor. Again the police took pictures and made notes for a report.

  “I think you should call Miss Wescott,” Sgt. Cook said. “Shane, please stay here and I’ll go get Amanda.”

  Daniel raced out and drove as fast as he dared to the Wescott house. Needless to say, it was very early but Amanda was already preparing to leave for work. They were all disturbed at the news.

  “Did they damage the plane?” Corbin asked.

  “It didn’t look as if they did. There was just a lot of vandalism and annoying messes left. I drove in as a large black van came roaring out. Someone yelled at me to back off or I’d be sorry.”

  “Could you give the police a description?” Felicity asked.

  “Sorry. No. It was just an ordinary black van and I wasn’t able to see the occupants. Do you want to go with me now, Amanda?”

  “Of course she does and I’m coming, too,” Corbin declared. He turned to his wife. “Honey, do you mind us both leaving or do you want me to call a neighbor to stay with you?”

  “You, go on. I’ll be fine. It’s broad daylight and I’m near a phone. Amanda, keep an eye on your daddy and try to keep him from getting too upset.”

  “I will, Mom. Don’t worry about us. Daniel and Shane will both be with us and the police are still there. Say a prayer for us, Mom,” she said, hoping that her mother was her old self. There was no answer from Felicity. Amanda and her dad had to go with Daniel and left with heavy hearts and prayers of their own.

  At the hangar, Amanda burst into
tears. “I’m so sorry, but I’ve had about all I can take. Did they get in the office?”

  “We understand,” Shane soothed her. “If it was my business, and I’d been through all you have, I’d probable bawl and hit things, and no, they didn’t get in the office.”

  “What a relief. I’ve had enough trouble getting financial reports together after the other break-in. Amanda tried to smile at him and did calm down a little. Corbin just walked around looking beat and sad.

  “I’ve found a piece of plywood we can place over the broken window until we can buy glass and fix it,” Shane told them.

  Daniel walked to the phone on the wall. “I’m calling for help now. Hey, Dad, I need a piece of glass three by three, weather stripping, about two gallons of paint remover, loads of cloths and as many men as you can spare.” He quickly told Lance what the problem was.

  Hanging up the phone he turned to the group. “Dad and a crew will be here in less than two hours.”

  In about an hour and a half, Lance pulled in and behind him was a pickup truck with four men and the supplies that Daniel ordered. Two of the men started replacing the glass in the window opening. The other two started cleaning. Daniel and Lance grabbed cloths and cleaned with them while Shane, Corbin and Amanda set things up and checked for theft or further damage.

  Lance took Corbin home while the others stayed to work. In just a few hours Amanda was amazed to see a sparkling clean room, a new glass in and everything picked up.

  “Daniel, I’m afraid you’ve done too much work on that poor shoulder. You’re still healing.”

  “Amanda, my love, I know how far to push myself and how much I can do. Let’s talk in your office after I thank the men. You know cowboys don’t like doing cleaning and work that they’ve done today. They’ll work until they drop on the range, but bring them inside and well... ”

  “Ok, let me thank them. I didn’t get a chance to tell your dad how grateful I am for the help. He came like a guardian angel.” She hurried to where the cowboys were standing. “Gentlemen, I’m so thankful for your help. I despaired of the place ever looking the same again. You’ve worked a miracle today.”

  “We’re glad to do whatever we can to help you. Don’t hesitate to call on us at any time.”

  Arturo Rodriguez smiled at her. “After all, you are the boss’ lady.

  “Si. If anyone bothers you, call me and I will make him wish he’s never born.” Juan Cruz patted her shoulder. The other men nodded.

  Amanda giggled, on the border of hysteria. “Thank you all so much. I hope I can do something for you sometime.”

  The men put their materials in the truck and climbed in very tired to head for the ranch.

  Amanda was touched that these men looked angry in her defense and were willing to help without knowing her.

  “Daniel, I don’t know what else to say. You keep coming to my rescue. Talk about laying down your life for someone; you almost did.”

  “Could I do any less for my lady?” he smiled as he hugged her. “Let’s go home and face tomorrow with rested bodies and renewed spirits. Shane, we’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

  Shane said, “I talked to Sgt. Cook and he is going to ask for patrols to drive through here as often as possible for the next few nights. Maybe we can catch someone off guard, or they might never try something like this again. They’ve not done the same thing twice so far. Boy, I’m really getting hot under the collar now. Where was Mike today?” he asked suddenly.

  “I’m glad he wasn’t here,” Amanda spoke. “He had a doctor’s appointment early this afternoon and I told him not to bother coming in at all today since it’s the middle of the month and slow going. A lot of people go on vacations in July.”

  “I’m glad he wasn’t here. It’s too bad your dad had to be worried with this,” Daniel said.

  “Okay, let’s lock up and get out of here.” Shane left and Daniel took Amanda home. Lance had taken Corbin home and as both Amanda and Corbin had come in with Daniel, there was no transportation for her unless she went back with Daniel.

  “I find myself looking around to see who might be following or lurking,” Amanda told them the next morning. “I feel silly, but I can’t seem to help it, and I sometimes feel as if there is a hidden presence in a room with me. Could it be ghosties?” she weakly tried to joke.

  Shane placed an arm around her shoulders. “I’m not surprised that you’re jumpy. When you consider all of the events that have happened, it’s like waiting for the next shoe to drop. You’re exhibiting a normal human response.”

  “You’re the most normal person in this room,” Mike assured her. “Don’t forget how many years I’ve known you. I would recognize any abnormalities in your behavior. There’s nothing wrong with you that catching this stink bug and allowing me five minutes with him in a private room wouldn’t cure.” Mike stalked angrily around looking as if he were chewing on nails.

  “You’re okay, sweetheart. It’s the crazy side of your nature that I first noticed and fell in love with,” Daniel teased.

  Amanda leaped up out of her chair and began to chase Daniel. “I’ll show you how crazy I really am.”

  “You’ve got to be; how else do you explain the fact that you’re willing to put up with me?” Amanda fell into Daniel’s arms. Mike blushed and looked off while Shane whistled and made silly remarks when Daniel kissed Amanda.

  “Oh, I’ll forgive your pathetic remarks if you’ll help me finish this financial report to the IRS. I know they’re happy I got my last report in - even late. They were very understanding. I do need to finish this though and get it in the mail today. At least no later than tomorrow.”

  Mike, Daniel, Shane and Amanda were just wrapping up the day’s work and getting ready to leave when a car pulled up. Mike went to the walk-in door and looked back at the others with a frown on his face. Shane leapt to attention expecting trouble of any kind. Daniel placed himself between Amanda and the door but almost shouted in anger when Vincent walked in.

  “Hey! I caught you folks just in time. I came out to take a very beautiful lady to dinner. I’ve already talked to your folks and they told me where I could find you.”

  “Vincent,” Amanda stammered looking helplessly at Daniel. “I appreciate the offer but I’m not dressed to eat out. Besides I’ve worked all day and am a mess.”

  “She’s very tired, too,” Daniel couldn’t stop himself from saying.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Vincent smiled. “I’m leaving tomorrow and won’t see you for weeks, if then. I’d hoped we could have a last dinner together, but-“

  “Amanda, since it’s Vincent’s last night here, maybe you could spare a short time to have dinner with him,” Daniel reluctantly said.

  Amanda knew that Daniel really didn’t want her to go with Vincent. She realized it was bothering Daniel to even see Vincent near her. “Are you sure you can handle the situation without me?” she asked, smiling to herself. She had no intention of going with Vincent.

  “I’ll struggle along without you if I have to, but it will hurt my soul,” Daniel placed his hand over his heart and put on a fake stage expression.

  “We wouldn’t want to hurt you in any way, Daniel. I’m glad I met you. Take care of Amanda It’s easy to see which way the wind is blowing.” Vincent smiled, waved a hand in the air to all of them and walked out.

  Amanda fell laughing into Daniel’s arms. Mike blushed and looked off while Shane whistled and made his usual silly remarks when Daniel kissed Amanda and called her endearing names.

  “I knew, Daniel Cortland, that you really didn’t want me to go with Vincent. How can I make you understand that he’s just a good friend?”

  “You’ve said it, darling. My head knows but my heart doesn’t. Forgive me for being jealous - - yes, jealous. I’ve tried not to be, but well -” Daniel spread his hands out in space and tried to look innocent as a young boy. He turned as Mike walked to him and motioned for him to step aside so he could speak to him privately.
  “I hope you understand, Daniel. I don’t dislike Vincent, but he’s not the man for our Mandy. I’m sorry if I seemed rude to him by not talking, but I hoped Mandy wouldn’t go with him. You two are meant to be together. I feel it deep in my heart.”

  “Thank you, Mike. You’re a good friend.” They walked back to Amanda and Shane.

  Chapter Seventeen

  An anxious week went by. “I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop,” Amanda said.

  “I know sweetheart, but you’re not alone. The police, all groups, are on their toes. They told me that they’re getting more clues together. I’m eager to wrap this up so that you won’t be in danger or troubled any more. Mike, Shane and I are here for you at all times.”

  “I know you are and I hate to sound ungracious, but I can’t keep from worrying. I’m angry, also because of what it’s doing to my parents.”

  “I do understand and I’d feel the same if my parents were being worried and threatened. Well, speak of the devil.”

  “I beg your pardon,” Lance Cortland grinned as he walked in. “Careful what you call me, son. You may be an adult and live in your own apartment. But I bet I can still turn you over my knee ...”

  Amanda laughed and hugged Lance. “Well, I’m glad to see you. Come on in here, you handsome man you, and tell me some good news. I would welcome something pleasant and light in all of these miserable days we’ve been having.”

  “Oh, dear girl, I can imagine what it’s been like for you. It’s frustrating to have all of this happening and not be able to do anything about it. I would be jumping up and down and screaming by now if I were in your place.”

  They all laughed at the idea of Lance jumping up and down and screaming. The subject turned to Lance flying and places he wanted to take Myra when he took time off from work.

  Amanda jumped up for joy when her parents came in with Myra. They told her they had been out on a shopping trip and wanted to know if she’d go eat dinner with them. “Daniel, Mike, Shane, you three men are included,” Myra told them.


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