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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

Page 11

by Unknown

  The pièce de résistance was on his finger. As he waited, he twisted the skull ring on his hand and grinned at what he had managed to do.

  It wasn’t easy to pull off this kind of outfit in under two hours. It wasn’t like he kept these kinds of clothes in his wardrobe. Only a lunatic would find this appealing. In all his years alive, he never dressed like this…dandy. In all honesty, without some help, he would have definitely been in trouble. Leather and black he got, but this was crazy.

  Sending out a silent thank you to Chloe, he truly believed that Jolie wouldn’t be any the wiser. Now, as long as the woman kept her mouth shut, not mentioning his little cheating indiscretion, the night would go smoothly.

  He couldn’t help it. He desperately wanted to impress Jolie. For centuries, he had been waiting to catch her eye once more, and now it was happening. This was a dream come true, and Jacques wasn’t letting it pass him by.

  It didn’t take long for Jolie to join him downstairs. He felt her approach before he saw her, and it was a damn good thing because he never would have picked her out of a crowd. It was like a completely different person had shown up in her place. Gone was the demure and well-dressed doctor. Instead, there was someone far more…


  The transformation was astounding.

  “Mon Dieu! Is that you?” he asked, taking in her outfit, as she turned in slow seductive circles.

  She was dressed in a black off the shoulder leather dress that had one sleeve which flowed past her wrist. She had on spider web stockings and big black buckle boots which climbed up her glorious legs. Around her neck was a choker that made him swallow just staring at it.

  On Jolie’s hand was a bracelet that was all chains and bondage like. It spiked his blood pressure and made him think of so many wicked things.

  All in all, the outfit was astounding, but the truly spectacular thing was what she had done to her face and hair. Her eyes were outlined in black and highlighted with violent purple and fuchsia eye shadow. Her hair had the same chaotic colors streaking through it as it was all pulled up on top of her head, spiking out in violent barbs. Instead of looking the conservative thirty she tended to portray, she looked barely legal and it sent thrills through his body.

  Sue him, he was male and here was a stunning female.

  Jacques instantly knew that it was bound to be one hell of a night, especially if she was going to be dressed like this.

  Approaching her, he went down on one knee. “I bow to you, Mistress. You have indeed out ‘goth’d’ me. You’ve won this round,” he admitted, as he took her hand to kiss the inside of her wrist in a sign of allegiance.

  If he was going to lose a battle, Jacques didn't mind coming in second to her.

  “You’re crazy! Now stand up!” she demanded, laughing at his gallant bowing. Pulling him to his feet, she found herself pressed against his body.

  “Jolie,” he murmured, enjoying the scent of her hair and perfume. It sang of so many years ago, when they were still back home.

  She refused to let this moment go by without commemorating it. Leaning further into his frame, she used her hand to pull his mouth against hers. Jolie kissed him thoroughly with so much need and passion. When she finally set his mouth and body free, he stared at her dumbstruck.

  “What was that for?” he asked, touching his elegant fingers to his lips. He could still taste her in his mouth, and it turned his insides to molten lava. “Please tell me so that I can do whatever caused your response again and again.”

  “I’m about to put my lipstick on, and I wanted to thank you for dressing up and going with me,” she answered, smiling at him. Oh, that and he looked so incredibly hot that she wanted to devour him in little bites. The pants, the shirt, and the way his throat was bare, in case she wanted a little sip…

  “It’s truly my pleasure,” he replied, watching as she wiggled her way to the mirror in the hall to put on the blood red lipstick.

  As she leaned into the glass, the dress rode high enough that he could see the top part of the thigh-high spider web stockings. In his head, he forced himself to try to think of anything else but her luscious body bent over in front of him.

  Evidently, a long night of torture was in his future.

  “I can hear your thoughts, Jacques,” she warned, turning to smile at him. “Oh! I also have something for you,” she added, as his face went cautiously blank.

  Warily, Jacques watched as she bounced toward him with her breasts bobbing and hips swaying.

  Using her mind, she called for Louisa. When the girl rounded the corner, she stopped to look at the both of them. There was a girly giggle and some squealing.

  “Mistress, if I may say so, you two make a fabulous couple dressed like that,” said the girl, bowing her head.

  As if on cue, she walked the present over to Jacques. “The mistress wanted you to have this as a reminder of your adventure tonight and the many more that are to come.” She held out a beautiful ebony cane with a silver bat decorating the top.

  “I would have gotten it engraved, but there was no time,” said Jolie. “I’ll send it out tomorrow to have it done,” she stated, unsure if he would find it as amusing as she did.

  He just stood there turning the cane in his hands. “Thank you, Jolie,” he said, bowing his head. “I don’t know what to say. I’ll cherish it forever,” he said, loving that she thought to give him something to treasure for centuries to come.

  It touched him as did the humor behind it.

  “Thank you, Louisa,” Jolie said, hugging her donor. If it weren’t for her, she wouldn’t have pulled it off. There was no doubt that she was lucky to have the family that she did. “I owe you one,” she added, winking.

  Louisa grinned wickedly. Even if Balzac would pitch a fit, she hoped that Jolie took this moment to seize some happiness for herself.

  She deserved it.

  Reaching for him, Jolie slipped her arm through his. “Are you ready for our date, Jacques?” she asked. It made her heart flutter as he kept running his hand over the cane, as if it was made of the most precious commodity in the world. Apparently, she had done well.

  “Yes, I am, Mistress,” he said, as the family began to appear to see what the commotion was. Once more, he was back to being the dutiful guardian.

  As they walked out of the house together, looking like escapees from a goth club, he couldn’t help but find the humor in it. They looked absolutely ridiculous, were grinning like fools, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything.


  As they passed by the family, there were stares and whispers. There were rumors going around the house about them, but Jolie didn't care. Instead of letting it bother her, she ignored them and only moved closer to Jacques to prove a point.

  Let them talk.

  She was in charge of the family, and her word was law.

  Balzac stood in the corner scowling at the two of them as they exited the house. The look of sheer disgust was so evident, that others around him couldn’t help but notice.

  “He will be the end of this family. Mark my words.”

  “Oh, Balzac, give them a break. Maybe he’s important to her,” interjected Zola.

  “She’s not permitted to fraternize with her guardian. It’s one thing to reward his service, but that’s it. This budding fondness just isn’t done. What can he possibly offer her?”

  “Maybe he can give her love, Balzac. From where I stand, that’s everything. I think it’s time the mistress learns that lesson on her own.”

  He didn't want to hear it. He stood by what he said. Jacques Degaul was nothing but trouble.

  Something had to be done.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  When they arrived at the car, Jolie tossed him the keys to watch his face light up. “Would you like to drive?” she offered, as he snagged the keys from the air.

  “Your car? I can drive it? Do you mind?”

  “I can’t with these clunky shoes. If I have an accident and damage i
t, I’ll then have to explain to the police why a respected doctor is dressed like some out of control teenager,” she replied.

  Suddenly, a look crossed his face and was hidden again.

  “What are you thinking, Jacques?”

  “Can’t you tell?” he asked, helping her into the passenger seat, before getting behind the wheel.

  “I could search for the answer, but you could just tell me,” she said, putting her hand on his cheek.

  He was so out of his element with her. Jolie was throwing him off balance and breaking all the rules. Yet, he dared to believe that fate was smiling down on him. “I was thinking that I’m very happy, but I wish that I could kiss you to thank you for the gift,” he said, lowering his head. He knew that even suggesting that was improper, and yet he couldn’t stop himself. He was acting more like she was his mate, and it was coming close to crossing a line.

  No, it was already inappropriate, and he knew better.

  “So, then kiss me. If you don’t mind the lipstick, I don’t either,” she replied, watching the fear ebb away as pure unadulterated happiness fill him. The joy shined in his beautiful eyes. “I can’t imagine that I’ll ever mind your lips touching mine, Jacques.”

  It was all the invitation that he needed.

  He leaned forward and his hand found the back of her neck. Without thinking, and instead going on instinct, Jacques pulled her toward him roughly.

  It was very unlike him as he kissed her like he was starving. When his fangs descended into his mouth, slicing her lip, he moaned. The kiss was now tinged with her blood, and it was calling to both of them.

  As he ignored the warning from his brain, Jacques pulled her even closer, until she tumbled into his body. There wasn’t much room in the front of her sports car, but now it was filled with two frenetic vampyres, bordering on something bigger than both of them combined.

  It was almost too much for her to handle. Like his, Jolie’s fangs broke free, cutting his mouth. Immediately, the kiss became a mingle of both of them, as the scent of lust and blood filled the car.

  Something came over her, and she climbed across the center console, trying to get even closer to him. When she found the compartment space too confining, between his body and the steering wheel, Jolie took matters into her own hands. When she couldn’t get the leverage she liked, she hit the seat release. It fell back, allowing her to lie on his body.

  The moan from him was punctuated with her little breathy gasps as he fought to find his way back from the intense pleasure. It wasn’t easy to not drag her back into the house and have his way with her, especially since she was practically wrapped around his body.

  If this was any indicator, tonight was going to be out of control.

  As hands wandered, she continued to kiss him as roughly as he had kissed her. The taste of him was so addictive, that she didn't believe she would be able to stop.

  “Jolie, please,” he begged, as she buried her hands in his black hair. His control was so very close to snapping. “I can’t,” he hissed.

  It forced her to remember what they had to do for the night, giving her the strength to pull her mouth from his. “Jacques,” she whispered, her lips a breath from his.

  She heard him swallow.

  “Are you okay?” Jolie asked, sitting up to stare down into his face. The tips of his fangs peeked from behind his crimson stained lips.

  Quickly, his tongue darted out, tasting her one more time.

  “I will be if you get off me. It’s hard to not think about sex when you’re perched on me like this,” he admitted.

  After she practically assaulted him in the front seat of her car, it was the least she could do.

  As Jolie climbed back over into her seat, it was hard not to focus on the blood and lipstick smeared across her white skin just below her lips. When he leaned toward her again, he took the chance and licked it from her chin.

  “Yours or mine?” she asked, laughing.

  “The blood is mine, but the lipstick is yours. Although, I seem to be wearing just as much of it as you,” he said, breathing out heavily before leaning his head back against the headrest.

  “That was…” she began, not sure how to describe it.

  Jacques didn't have words either as his body and erection throbbed violently with need. It was something that only Jolie seemed able to quench.


  “Hmmm?” he muttered, trying to regain his control. He opened his eyes, and they had bled back to their original green.

  “We’ll finish this later, won’t we?”

  He smiled, exposing his still visible fangs in a devilish grin. “If you’ll allow it. I know that I’m more than willing to make myself available,” he replied.

  “I’ll definitely allow it,” she replied, reaching into the glove box for some tissues. When she turned to him and wiped at his mouth, to remove the lipstick that had smeared across his lips, her heart thumped in her chest. It seemed so very… mate-like.

  When he took the tissue from her fingers and returned the favor, she stared into his eyes. “Thank you for tonight.”

  He wasn’t quite sure what she was grateful for. If anything, he was given a gift. Unfortunately, he knew that it would be short lived. What he was feeling for her couldn’t be reciprocated, and he knew it.

  They couldn’t be together, no matter how hard he wished for it.

  “I’ll never forget this night for as long as I live,” she murmured, cupping his cheek with her palm.

  Unable to speak, he turned his face to lay a kiss there. It was his hope that when this all ended, she would remember that moment. Even as he wanted to tell her what lived in his heart, and had for hundreds of years, he knew it had no place in their lives.

  He was her guardian and nothing more.

  After tonight, he needed to let the dream go, and with it would vanish his reason to live.

  Without her, he would be an unstoppable monster.

  As they parked the car a few blocks from the club, they prepared to enter a very odd but fascinating world. Walking toward the main door, they could see the line of goth kids waiting outside to be invited in.

  Walking to the front of the line, there were shouts and complaints, but the humans were silenced immediately by the bouncers.

  They knew one of their kind was trying to gain entrance, and that gave them priority.

  Jolie was surprised it was that easy. Here, she honestly believed that she and Jacques were going to have to use their gifts.

  It was a pleasant surprise.

  Until they got inside.

  The noise inside the club was unbearably loud, and it smelled of nothing more than blood and sex. Jolie felt her fangs immediately lengthen and heard the hiss from Jacques at the same time. Why anyone would want to come here was beyond her. It was akin to staring in a window at candy and not being able to have any. The sex and blood only wanted to make them feed. It wasn’t surprising that the killer was using this place as a hunting ground. Only the strongest could pass up the temptation.

  Glancing up to make sure that he was alright, Jolie was unable to see Jacques’s usually serene eyes. They were hidden behind coffin shaped glasses. Jolie could tell he was struggling with his surroundings. Reaching for his mind, she whispered silently into his head.

  “Guard your thoughts, Jacques.”

  “I am, but I don’t like this. I feel off balance. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know how long we can stay in here. I think we should find our information and get home.”

  “I agree. We must hurry then, oui?”


  Suddenly, coming there seemed like a really bad idea. Jolie’s little inner warning voice was screaming for them to leave.

  Yet, she chose to silence it. As the two walked arm in arm through the club, Jolie was attempting to find the scent that she had picked up on the last victim. Inside, it was almost impossible to distinguish anything other than the overlay of sex and lust.
r />   She couldn’t do it.

  Maybe that was the point for pouring it on so much. With this much distraction and lingering scent, any true vampyre would be out of their element and confused.

  It appeared that the trip there was going to be useless.

  As she was about to lean into her guardian’s body and whisper in his ear, Jacques’s arm slipped away from hers.

  Panic filled her as the throngs of club kids divided them, pulling him away. Jolie noticed that he was watching her, but she couldn’t hear him in her mind any more.

  They were cut off.

  Finally, she could see him lift his hand and mouth her name.

  Jolie was just about to move back toward him, when someone grabbed her arm and spun her. She was faced with a very large man standing in front of her. Pressed to her heart was a silver dagger.

  “You’ve been summoned to our master,” he said, holding out a hand. “If you come, then your companion will not be harmed. If you don’t comply, he will die immediately.”

  What choice did she have?

  So much for the premise of sneaking into the establishment and blending in with their surroundings. Apparently, the ruse was up.

  Jolie wouldn’t risk Jacques, so she opted to let the large vampyre lead her away.

  “If you harm him, I’ll find you and gut you where you stand,” she promised, following him down a quiet hallway.

  “You have no worries, Mistress. As long as you come with me, you will see him again. In fact, he is being entertained by a plethora of women.”

  That angered her to no end. The possessiveness rose up, filling her with so much rage. If there were females all over her Jacques, hell wouldn’t be able to save whoever dragged her away.

  Reaching once more for him, Jolie couldn’t find the connection. It was as if someone was restricting one of them. It was most likely her guardian who was being blocked. She was one of the elders in the city and few could contain her.

  Someone was going to pay.

  The large vampyre led Jolie to the last door and motioned for her to enter. Giving her a push, the vampyre closed the door behind her.


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