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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

Page 15

by Unknown

I’ll love you forever, Jolie.

  His heart skipped a beat as he studied the words. There was a little piece of him that relaxed and opened up for the possibility of that actually being true.

  She loved him!

  His heart soared as he dropped the cane on his bed and pulled on his pants. Jacques knew that he needed to tell her how he felt now, too. He needed to do it before they left for the council. Rushing down the hall to her room, he pushed the door open and found Louisa lying there.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, noticing that the woman looked a little pale.

  “Nothing at all. The mistress fed, and she took a little too much blood.”

  “Blood?” His heart hit the floor and that sick feeling overcame him. Jolie only fed from him when she needed blood, unless they were both going to be in danger.

  What had he done?

  “Where is she?” he asked, searching for her in the house. When he didn't find her inside, he prepared to scan the property.

  “She just left a few minutes ago.”

  “Left?” That made him even sicker to his stomach. “I’m supposed to be going with her, so how could she leave?”

  “She went alone and took the Interceptor.”

  “The bike?”

  Oh, it was worse than he thought. That was her, ‘I’m in a pissed off mood’ vehicle. Jolie only took the bike when she wanted to prove a point and drive recklessly.


  He had screwed this up royally. There was only one option. Jacques had to catch her. He was nearly to the door when he heard the bike’s engine roar to life. Using his preternatural speed to get down to her, he arrived too late.

  All that he could do was watch the long black ponytail, and back side of her tightly leather clad body, as she tore out of the driveway and away from him.

  He was too late.

  His heart turned to stone and sunk.

  Jacques knew that he had no choice but to hurry up and get dressed. His duty was to protect her, but he needed to also tell her the truth.

  It was time he confessed it all, and he prayed that he didn't miss his one chance.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Detective Brogan sat across the street from the doctor’s house, lying in wait. He didn’t buy that they weren’t home and he was hell bent on finding out what the hell was going on.

  Initially, he hoped to see if Jacques left the house to go anywhere. Something about the man rubbed him the wrong way, and he was going to get to the heart of the matter.

  One way or another.

  He was sitting in his car when he saw the good doctor roll a sleek red motorcycle out of her garage. That in itself was surprising, but to add to it, she was dressed in tight black leather and boots that went clear up to her thighs.

  Holy shit!

  He’d never seen anything hotter in all his life. Instantly, his body and gut reacted by tightening. As she straddled the bike, slipping into her black leather racing jacket and gloves, he swore he couldn’t breathe.

  This was the doctor?

  Dressed like that?

  Flynn tried to resume control from the horny pubescent teen who currently inhabited his body. His heart skipped for a moment when Jolie paused to look directly at the area where he had parked his car.

  It was like she knew he was there.

  Then, she looked away, only to toss the two feet of black hair over her shoulder as she started the engine. Before he knew it, the doctor was tearing out of the driveway and hitting the blacktop like a bat out of hell.

  Man, she was a surprise.

  He never figured the prim, French Doctor Harcourte for a racing bike enthusiast.

  Or a leather one.

  Brogan shook his head, trying to get the pictures of her in the sleek clothing out of his mind. It wasn’t easy, and he deserved a medal. As his cop eyes picked up movement, he focused on the second bike rolling out of the garage. This one was silver and just as wild looking. Brogan watched as Jacques straddled the bike and pulled on the same helmet as Jolie. Then, he started the engine and gunned it out of the driveway on the doctor’s tail.


  Did the lovebirds have a fight?

  Did she find out about the hot little number who he was cozying up to last night?

  Brogan grinned wickedly as he turned the key in the ignition and headed after them.

  Sitting outside their house had been a very insightful thing, and if anything, he liked to be thorough.

  It was time to root beneath the surface and dig up some dirt.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Jacques was slowly catching up to Jolie. She was going almost eighty on the highway, obviously using her senses to scan for police. By going over ninety, he was almost right next to her. As soon as he finally got beside her, she hit the clutch and speed off.

  Yeah, she was pissed.

  Reaching for her mind, he tried to get her to speak to him. “Jolie.”

  No answer.

  “Please don’t ignore me,” he pleaded, glancing down at his speedometer. They were pushing ninety-five. Fortunately if they crashed they wouldn’t die, but road rash was a bitch even for them. They had both been there and done that.

  “Jolie, I need to talk to you.”

  “What do you want, Jacques?”

  “Why did you leave without me?”

  “I needed to be alone and burn off some rage.”

  Shit, she was beyond angry with him.

  What had he done?

  Why couldn’t he have stopped her from leaving his room and changed the way this was working out?

  “I can see that. I can also see that you fed well before you left.”

  “I did.”

  “Why didn’t you take my blood?”

  “I think I’ve lost my taste for it.” It made her sick saying that, but she wasn’t going to make more of a fool of herself. There could be nothing between them. He was just her guardian, and she was crazy to believe that there could ever be more. In fact, her heart hurt so much that she would have to find a new one. She couldn’t be near him and not love him.

  “I see.” An ache filled his stomach.

  There was more uncomfortable silence that never had been there between them before.

  “I went to your room looking for you.”

  She didn't reply.

  “I wanted to tell you something, but you were pulling out of the driveway to get as far from me as possible.”

  “Was I?”

  “Damnation Jolie! Stop it! I need to talk to you.”

  “It looks like I’m a captive audience, at least until we hit the council site. Looks like you have me trapped for the next three minutes. When we get back tonight, Jacques, I think I should find a new guardian.”

  “Jolie!” His heart was ripped from his chest, and Jacques became ill at the thought of her sending him away. “Jolie Mon Dieu! You can’t mean that. We’ve been together for over six centuries! I have always been your guardian. Surely, that means something.”

  It meant everything, and that was the problem. “I think it’s the only way, Jacques.” Jolie knew she couldn’t look at him every day and not mourn what she had lost. She would always be in love with him. Maybe sending him away made her a coward, but so be it.

  Jacques knew that he had one chance left to explain to her.

  “Jolie, I woke up and I didn’t expect you to be there,” he began, only being cut off. Apparently, she didn't want to hear it.

  “Thank you for pointing out the obvious. Don’t worry Jacques, you won’t find me in your bed ever again.”

  “No, wait…” Before he could finish, she cut off his line into her mind and dropped the clutch. He watched her zoom off, and if she weren’t immortal, he would have thought that she was trying to harm herself.

  “Shit,” he muttered, following her lead. Jacques knew that he needed to talk to her before she walked into council.

  After, he was sure it would be too late.

  Jacques kept up with Jolie
all the way to the entrance of the council’s meeting grounds. He pulled in as she was pulling off her helmet and taking off the black leather jacket.

  She barely looked at him.

  “Wait here. I don’t need you near me right now, Jacques. You’re a distraction,” Jolie said, getting off her bike. “I’ll be back soon.” Her intent was to treat him like nothing more than a guardian.

  Enough was enough. As she began walking away from him, he took matters into his own hands.

  This had gone far enough.

  “Stop,” he yelled. Jolie froze her in her tracks.

  She didn't know how any of this was possible. As far as she knew, Jacques wasn’t capable of that kind of power, only she was as primus.

  “We need to talk. Now!”

  “Release me, Jacques! I don’t know how you’ve done this, but I’m not amused,” she stated, glaring at him. Delicately, he ran his finger over her cheek and when she turned her head, he turned it back. “Not until we talk.”

  She was getting angry.

  “There’s nothing to discuss. I’m primus and you’re my guardian, for now anyway. Now, release me!” she ordered, trying not to let those words break her heart. She stared into his eyes and refused to show emotion.

  If anything, she was good at holding it all in.

  One might call her an expert.

  “Please. I need to talk to you.” He paused, leaning in to lay a kiss on her lips. When she didn't return it, he continued, “I didn’t want you to leave this morning. I was shocked that you were in my bed. I could never be disappointed by that. I was simply amazed that I was alive and you were there.”

  She struggled to get free, and the energy surged around her. “I believe that we covered all this, Jacques. Why should I care what you have to say now?”

  Again, he stroked her skin and allowed her to see into his heart. It was likely the only way that he was going to get her to love him again.

  “Please…” He looked tortured.

  It was breaking her heart. Jolie wanted to sob and throw herself on him.

  She just stared into his face, showing him nothing.

  “Mistress…I don’t deserve to ever say this out loud but,” he began before dropping to his knees and continuing, “je t'aime.”

  Jacques released his hold on her and continued to look at the ground. “I love you, Jolie. I have for six centuries. If you’re going to leave, then I understand. I don’t deserve you anyway. I’m just your lowly guardian.”

  She wanted to tell him to go to hell, but her heart was unlocking and the anger was receding. Once her body was free, she really needed to know. “Do you mean that, Jacques?” she asked. Her heart was pounding in her chest so hard that she thought it would explode.

  “Yes, Mistress. I shouldn’t be allowed to even hope that you could feel the same for me. You’re my everything and have been for all these years.” He continued to look at the ground. “You’re all that I aspire to have in my existence. I treasure you, Jolie. Please don’t send me away.”

  She dropped to her knees in front of him. “Jacques.”

  He waited to make sure she wanted to be touched before he dared make a move. When she leaned into him, he went for it.

  “Jolie,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms. That instant contact made all the hurt dissipate.

  “Jacques, I love you too. I need you so much,” she purred, leaving kisses all over his face. Immediately, her body filled with nothing but pure joy and love.

  “I know that I don’t deserve to be near you, but when I am, I can finally live. I feel like I never have before.” Once more, he dropped his head and averted his eyes.

  “Look at me, Jacques,” she ordered, waiting for him to slowly raise his gaze. She leaned in to brush her lips across his. “I’m not as pure and kind as you believe, but we’ll work this out later. I promise,” she reassured, getting to her feet and holding out her hand. “Are you joining me?”

  “You told me to remain here.”

  “I changed my mind. I need you beside me.”

  She whispered into his mind. “Jacques, I trust no one but you to have my back. We must now face everyone in there, and one of them is harboring a killer.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Jacques, je t'aime. We must be strong in front of council. Let me worry about everything. Look fearsome.”

  “Mistress, I am fearsome.”

  Jolie scanned the long lean length of him in all black. Yes, he certainly was. Her Jacques was tall, dark and lethal.

  “Come, mon amour. We must present a strong front.”

  She put her hand out for him, and he took it.

  “We are going to walk in together,” she stated, linking her fingers through his. “We are one.”

  His heart soared at the chance that this was possible. Being part of Jolie was his fondest dream. In all honesty, he never saw this day coming.

  They walked through the woods to the meeting space. It was dark until they broke through the greenery and into the opening. Once arriving, they were illuminated with white candles that smelled like incense.

  As soon as they entered the clearing, heads bowed in acknowledgement as other society leaders rose in greeting. It wasn’t the only thing that rose. There were a few eyebrows that were lifted too.

  Jolie took her customary seat in the council circle. She glanced over to her old friend Genevieve, and they exchanged smiles.

  Well, at least there were two people she could trust there.

  The few guardians in attendance took their places behind their Masters and Mistresses. All watched as Vladimir, the eldest of vampyres in the city stood to begin.

  “Thank you all for coming tonight,” he said. “We come together because we are once again in crisis. It seems that someone is killing women and draining them of their blood. We are in dire danger of being drawn out again and offered up to the hunters. Whoever is perpetrating these crimes needs to be stopped.”

  One of the youngest society heads stood. “Master Vlad, how do we know it’s one of us? It could be the humans pretending to be of our kind yet again.”

  Jolie stood to answer that question, “Mistress Mordia, I have been contracted to assist the police in finding the killer. As of now, they don’t believe anything other than the killer is human. I’m leading them as far off the trail as I can, but trust me when I say we must end it soon. The detective in charge is a very smart man, not to mention that he is dedicated to finding justice. He isn’t going to quit.”

  Another member stood. “Mistress Jolie, how can you be sure that we are to blame?”

  “Mistress Lydia, I was at the last crime scene. I have the scents of the killers. There are two females and one male vampyre. I’ve tracked them to club ‘Sanguivore’.”

  This outraged Master Sergei and true to form, he stood and verbally prepared to attack. “This is retribution I say!” shouted Sergei. “Your society has it in for mine, Jolie. The killer isn’t from my club. I run an honest establishment.”

  “I don’t believe that Mistress Jolie has said that you run a dishonest one. She only said she has tracked the scent to your place.” Master Vlad pointed at Jolie. “Please explain.”

  “Thank you, Master Vlad. If you look at the map, which shows where the bodies have been located after the kill, they all surround the club in close proximity. I believe the police will be figuring this little bit of information out shortly, if they don’t already know.”

  “It’s a vampyre club, Mistress Jolie. A killer would likely mimic a vampyric killing.” Sergei waved his hands in a grand gesture to make Jolie seem ridiculous in her reasoning. Jolie heard Jacques growl low in his throat in warning.

  The man was grandstanding and pushing his luck.

  “Really, Master Sergei? My only issue with that theory is how can a human be causing these murders? There isn’t a drop of blood on the scene. The bodies have not bled out or been set up to look like it was one of our kind. We can drink a human dry, they can�
�t,” she replied, staring him in the face.

  He had paled visibly.

  “Humans can’t pull any of this off. Only a vampyre can avoid leaving DNA, fingerprints, and blood. If it looks like a vampyre, and smells like a vampyre,” she paused, waiting for Master Vlad to finish.

  “It is a vampyre.”

  “All of this is very interesting,” said Genevieve. “I tend to agree with Mistress Jolie.” She nodded at her friend and winked.

  Jolie continued, “Now, let’s add in that the victims are losing five liters of blood? That’s more than enough to feed two or three vampires.”

  Master Darius stood. “What can we do to stop this? It’s too much like Paris and the hunters for my liking.”

  Vlad knew what must be done. “We need to begin patrolling the club.”

  “Never!” shouted Sergei. “Again, I say that is nothing more than retribution. I can’t have my club patrolled. It’s an honest establishment where donors and vampyres come together to mingle.”

  “Master Sergei, you may have no choice. If they’re indeed killing out of your business and risking our people, we’ll have to check it out. We need to not draw the hunters here. I myself don’t wish to lose my home and move yet again,” said Mistress Genevieve.

  “You speak in her favor because you’re friends,” he accused, pointing at Jolie. “She has a vendetta against my society. She still believes that I led the hunters to her in Paris and enjoyed it as they burned down her ancestral home.”

  “Sergei, I hold no grudge. I let that go a long time ago. Maybe you should release your feelings of guilt. I’m here to protect our kind. I don’t want to find my family staked and beheaded. I’ll see the perpetrator taken care of, and I’ll lead the cops as far away from the killers myself. To save our people, I’ll play bait.”

  Sergei surged to his feet. “What gives you the right to declare yourself avenger?” All noise hushed around the table. It was, in a way, a challenge.

  “I’m third in line to lead this council, I’ve been asked to assist the police. I’m the only one who stands between them finding out the truth of our kind. If you feel that you can do better, Sergei, feel free to leave your snacks at the club and begin trying to protect our people, instead of selling them all your bullshit rhetoric.”


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