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Harcourte Vampyre Society 01 Dangerous Revelations

Page 19

by Unknown

  He forced himself to shut that visual down.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Detective. I’m not offering to let Jolie share this with you. I can simply share what I’m feeling. I can put it into your mind, and you can live the experience through me. Think of it as all the pleasure, none of the commitment.”

  He looked at the two wrapped in each other’s arms, and mulled the idea around in his head before he made up his mind. “Okay, as long as it doesn’t hurt.”

  Jacques masculine laugh sent shivers down Jolie’s spine, causing her to tremble in his arms. “Trust me, it doesn’t hurt. Pain isn’t even close to what you’ll feel. Ready, Detective?” he asked. “When you wish to begin, simply touch us.”

  Jolie prepared to bite back down into Jacques’s neck. When she could feel the tentative touch of the detective’s hand on her shoulder, she offered him reassurance. Placing her hand over his, she patted it.

  “I’m ready.”

  Suddenly, he realized that he wasn’t. The second she bit down into Jacques’s throat, his body was flooded first with heat, and then with lust. The want he was feeling was maddening. It was like delicate hands were caressing his body and touching every sensitive part of his flesh.

  Holy shit!

  He couldn’t concentrate.

  He tried to remain in control, but he needed to close his eyes and try to not think about Jolie running her fingers over his flesh wantonly. This was lust, intensified beyond anything that he had ever felt in his life.

  Teenage hormones didn’t even come close to the want that was building in him. He was going to need an ice cold shower when this was done.

  The way this felt, it was the most erotic thing that he had ever experienced in his life. It was like having really hot sex with a beautiful woman.


  God, he struggled to focus. As if on cue, he was slowly starting to drift away from the warmth and comfort. Desperately, he tried to fight to regain the feeling again. When he opened his eyes, he was still standing in front of them, and they were just breaking apart. He watched as Jolie pulled her teeth from Jacques’s flesh, and he swore he could feel it on his own body. Reaching for his own neck, Flynn wistfully found nothing there.

  “Wow. That felt incredible.”

  “It’s more intense between mates, but it is still pleasurable for donors, especially if you’re the opposite sex,” said Jacques.

  He kissed Jolie and could taste himself on her lips. His teeth slashed into his mouth as he fought to remain calm on the outside, even when he was wild inside. The fact that Jolie was teasing him by rubbing her body against his throbbing erection, wasn’t helping at all.

  “Are there many of you?”

  Jolie slid off Jacques’s lap, making sure to torment and inflame his body. Then, she walked toward their guest, and he instinctively stepped back from her. “Detective, may I show you something?”

  That alarmed him. “What exactly?”

  “I can go into your mind and give you our memories.”

  He paused, mulling it over. “Okay. I guess that I’m good with that.”

  “I’ll show you everything that you wish to know in picture form. It’ll cut down on the conversation that we’re having and the questions you’re asking. You’ll just know the answers and understand us better.”

  Jolie reached for him, and once more he stepped away. “I’ll need to touch you, Detective, but I promise that I won’t hurt you.”

  He looked wary, but finally he conceded.

  “Detective, look into my eyes,” she said softly, as she put her hands on Detective Brogan’s face. His did as she asked, and Jolie began filling his mind with everything that she had experienced and seen in her eight centuries.

  While she showed him most, there were still some secrets that she kept locked away, even from Jacques.

  Jolie watched his eyes dilate and flicker as memory after memory found a place in his mind. When he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, she knew he understood.

  “That’s all, Detective.”

  When Jolie removed her hand from his skin, and he opened his eyes, Flynn stumbled toward her. Jacques was there so fast that he was able to catch the man and lower him to the settee, until he could regain his balance.

  “Shit, that’s quite the ride that you have there,” he said, shaking his head.

  They both laughed, understanding his feelings.

  “I still have a question that you didn’t answer.”

  “Oui?” asked Jolie, wondering what she had omitted.

  “How can you both be up? It’s not dusk.”

  Jacques answered, “It is not easy, but with extra feedings, we can live in the light, but we must take preventative measures.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “We need to wear sunglasses and sun block,” Jolie added. It touched her that she hadn’t been wrong about the man before them. Already, she could see the hostility softening as he came to grips with what he was faced with.

  There was no doubt. He would be an ally.

  “So, it really is a vampyre killing these women. How am I going to explain this to my chief?”

  “You’re not going to speak of this to anyone. I’ll take care of it. It’s my job to protect my kind, and I’ll have to do it my way. I’ll hunt the killer and dispose of them. Unfortunately, the case will go unclosed, but it’ll be solved for all intent and purposes.”

  “The families need justice,” replied Brogan.

  “Detective, if anyone was to find out the truth about us, the hunters would pay us a visit. Then, you will quite possibly find my decapitated head on a stake in the yard. How will you explain that to your chief? I’m sorry but I can’t let that happen. Now, you can understand the situation we’re in, or I’ll be forced to wipe your memories on this entire matter. It is up to you. Just telling you about us puts us all in jeopardy, and that includes you. The hunters will kill you to tie up loose ends.”

  “If I agree to keep this entire business to myself, will you let me help you?”

  “Just you, not your partner,” she added immediately.

  “How will I keep my partner out of this? He’s with me all day.”

  “It is quite simple, Detective, during the day the information I give you will be designed to lead you away from the true killer. Let him freely have that. It should buy us the time we need to handle this. You’ll be kept fully aware of the situation that we’re dealing with. The only stipulation is that I must kill them in the end. It is the only way.”

  “No courts? No judges?”

  “I’m high enough ranking that I can deal with the perpetrators on my own. It’s our way, Detective. Do we have a deal?”

  “Damn it! I have no choice. What guarantee do I have?”

  Jacques stepped forward. “We did not have to tell you any of this. This is the ultimate sign of trust.”

  “I can give you an oath, if you like,” Jolie offered. “But it would entail you offering up some of your blood to me,” she smiled sweetly, knowing he wouldn’t do it.

  A few moments went by, and he began pacing again. He was being asked to keep his partner in the cold and trust two creatures who had lived for hundreds of years. It was all to catch a killer who they had every intention of killing in the end.

  He had no choice.

  Brogan wasn’t happy with the idea of betraying his partner.

  “Detective, first off, we are not creatures. It’s insulting for you to refer to us as such, and second of all, the reason you were told was that you’re a man of honor. I could tell when I first met you. If you weren’t, we would have found a way to work around you in the end.”

  “So, you both can read my mind?” he seemed shocked.

  “Only the primus or one hell of a strong vampyre can do it with a complete stranger. Since mating, Jacques has gained some of my abilities to share. He can also pick up your thoughts if he tries.”

  He sighed. “Fine, it’s a deal. Where do we go from here?”

sp; “We were hoping that you would say that. Tomorrow morning, I’ll meet you at your office, and we’ll set the false trail for your police chief and your partner. Then, tomorrow night, we head back out to ‘The Sanguivore’. I have a feeling that we’ll need to be a little aggressive.” Jolie’s eyes traversed his large body. “You can’t dress like that, Detective. Think goth.”

  “No way! I’m not dressing like a freak.”

  “Then, you won’t be able to get into the club. You’re more than welcome to wait outside for Jacques and myself in the car. In fact, you can keep the engine running. We’ll tell you all about it when we’re done,” she stated, knowing he would rather die than be left behind.

  “Hell no! I’m not sitting there waiting for you. Surveillance isn’t my thing.”

  “You seemed really good at it last night outside our house. Did you find out anything interesting? Or when you followed me home the first day we met?” she asked, curious to hear his answer.

  Two could play at that game. “Yeah, I learned something fascinating.”

  They both waited.

  “Your ass looks far better in leather than his does,” Brogan said, grinning.

  Jolie was amused.

  Jacques wasn’t.

  “You also need to slow down on those two wheeled death machines,” he added, jerking a thumb at Jacques. “You know, this is all too wild to believe. Are you sure this isn’t a dream?”

  Jolie walked to him and grabbed him by his shirt. When he froze in fear, she opted to give him something to think about. Pulling his lips to hers, she thoroughly kissed him.

  It took him a second to figure out what was going on, but as soon as he did, he kissed her back. For a second, he was lost in it all.

  Her tongue glided across his like she knew him intimately. As her hands slid up his shoulders, finding the back of his neck, he could barely think straight. All he wanted was to devour her whole. This was the hottest kiss he’d ever felt in all of his life. Flynn almost wanted to let her control it, and everything else in his life. That was until he felt the light prick of fangs.

  It broke the spell.

  When she pulled away, he was all glassy eyed and incredibly aroused. When he watched her tongue dart across her lower lip, he wanted to die from all the pleasure coursing through his body.

  “Okay, that clears that up. This is definitely not a dream. If it were, I wouldn’t have stopped. ”

  Jolie laughed as Jacques crossed his arms in a hostile gesture.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. If you need me, call me,” he added, heading for the door while whistling a cheerful tune. Despite his good mood, there was one thing he still had to do.

  Head home and take a really cold shower.

  It was all because Jolie Harcourte tasted better than she looked.

  Jolie waited until he was gone before she turned to face her mate. His face was calm, but his body was tense and she could tell he was disturbed by her display with the detective. Crossing to him, Jolie placed her arms around him, so that she could completely reassure him. “Don’t worry, mon amour. You’re the one I love.”

  “If you didn't mate with me, would you have chosen him?” he asked, his stomach knotting tightly. It wasn’t like she needed to say the words. He could feel the energy the minute they kissed.

  “Chosen him for what? Sex?” The idea made her flush.


  “Jacques, I don’t know. How can I answer a question like that?”

  “I feel the attraction between you, and it scares me,” he said, putting his chin on the top of her head. She was his everything, and Jacques couldn’t bear to lose her. “I don’t want a day without you.”

  “I won’t lie to you, my love. When I first met him, I was drawn to him and still am. I felt his presence during the daylight hours, and we know how unusual that is. I can’t say what would have happened with Flynn, but I can say that you and I are meant to be together. I feel the same about you.”

  “Maybe he was meant to be your human mate,” Jacques admitted, but it made him incredibly angry thinking about what the detective could give her that he was unable to provide.

  “Jacques, je t'aime,” she whispered, as she sent waves of peaceful energy into him. Yet, he still felt tense. It wasn’t like she could blame him. She suspected everything he was already thinking. “I have an idea. Let’s go out tonight.”


  “I must sleep so I can go to work in the morning, but I’ve plenty of time to spend with you before I must retire.” Jolie nuzzled his bare chest and could feel the ripple of energy. It was a sure sign that he was aroused.

  “I’ll be retiring when you do,” he confirmed, and then began rubbing his hands up and down her back.

  “There’s no need, Jacques. I don’t want you to suffer and make you restructure your sleep habits to fit mine.” Jolie ran her nails down his back and reveled in his shudder.

  “You’re my mate, and we’ll live that way. I’m not going to wake to you dying and die as you wake. I want to be near you if you call for me,” he replied, trying to focus on her words.

  It wasn’t easy.

  Jacques was well aware that there was nothing beneath her dress, and his body reacted to that knowledge. “In fact, I think there’s something I need to share with you in our quarters.”

  “What is it, mon amour?” she asked smiling, as she pressed her breasts into his back.

  He felt the overpowering need grow. “Jolie, teasing me is a very dangerous thing.”

  She laughed and didn't seem alarmed at his warning. “I’m such a bad mate, what ever will you do with me?” she asked, as she bit him on the shoulder.

  A growl escaped his mouth before he turned to pick her up, so she was straddling his waist. Jacques’s hands slid up her thighs to her bottom. “No panties either?” he asked, as his body hardened at her touch.

  “Oh my! Did I forget those this afternoon too?” she asked, licking the side of his throat. While he was distracted by her wiggling, she bit down hard.

  Jacques dropped to his knees, still holding her as she was wrapped around him. “Jolie!” he groaned.

  Instead of stopping, she pulled out her fangs and found another spot to taste him.

  He threw his head back and moaned her name even more as she teasingly removed her teeth. Without giving him a moment to get his bearings, her hands went to the two halves of his open shirt, and she pulled roughly, causing it to rip in half down his back. Her nails sliced into his chest, and he shook beneath her touch.

  Jolie was excited by his hard body pressed invitingly against hers. She licked her way down his torso, stopping just before his nipples. She lapped at them like a big hungry cat, finally being fed. Jolie waited until Jacques immediately relaxed at her ministrations, and when his guard was down, she bit him again, caging his nipple between her fangs.

  He hissed, roughly grabbing her hair, no longer able to be gentle. As she worked him with her very eager mouth, he bucked beneath her. There was a moment of relief when she had finally had enough of that torture.

  “You’re killing me, Jolie,” he whispered.

  Sliding her teeth out of his flesh, she continued lower to his groin. As she unzipped his dress pants and slid them down his hips, Jolie made sure to stroke every inch of newly uncovered flesh.

  “You’re being wicked, Jolie,” he warned, only to have her intensify her efforts. When she stroked him with a little more force, it caused his body to bow.

  Again, she lowered herself down, until she was sitting between his thighs. Jolie started to tease him unmercifully with her hot, eager mouth until he was begging for relief.

  “Stop the game, Jolie. I’m losing control,” he warned, knowing once that last thread snapped, it would be a free-for-all.

  Ignoring his words, she saw his pulse beating in his groin, and it called to her on some primitive level. It was asking for her attention, and she was more than willing to comply. Quickly, she drove her fangs deep into the ach
ing pulse.

  He wasn’t prepared at all for her to bite down on that sensitive point of his body. It had never occurred to him that she would find that particular erogenous zone and use it to pleasure him. Jacques bucked, yelling her name. He was so close to losing it.

  “Please,” he whispered, hoping she would have mercy.

  Offering no reprieve, she went right back to his erection and began focusing on it. It tore a gasp from his lips as she continued the torture. When he stopped moving, Jolie glanced up his body.

  He didn't look right. In fact, he looked like a crazed animal in heat. His eyes were glowing and a low growl was emanating from deep within his chest. The sound gave her goose bumps.

  “Jacques, are you okay?” she asked. Letting go of him, Jolie intended to slowly back away. Unfortunately, he was too quick for her and caught her like she was prey.

  “Going somewhere?” Jacques asked, in a voice she didn’t recognize.

  The man she knew for centuries was slipping away.

  She stared down at his wrist, shackling her ankle. Instead of being scared, she was incredibly aroused.

  “It’s my turn,” he growled, pulling her toward him roughly.

  He continued sliding her across the rug and began tearing her dress to pieces to get at her naked flesh. When she was finally bare, he pinned her body to the floor.

  “Jacques, please. Fill me. I need you in me,” she begged, but was ignored.

  He was so far gone, that her words fell on deaf ears. All that he wanted was to have the prize. Staring down at her, his eyes bled black and his fangs descended into his mouth. If anything, his mate was in for an interesting time.

  Jolie should know better. Teasing a predator was a bad idea. Now, someone had to pay for it. Jacques was still a man beneath it all, and he had to watch his woman kiss the detective.

  It drove him insane.

  It pushed him into the madness.

  It made him go crazy.

  Licking up her body, he nipped at the tender flesh of her breasts. He enjoyed his fill, licking and teasing them until she was wild with need.


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