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The Marriage Debt

Page 11

by Daphne Clair

  ‘You didn’t think of inviting her here?’

  ‘To stay? We don’t have room.’

  ‘We would if you moved back in with me.’

  ‘Do you really think your ex-lover would want to stay with us?’

  ‘My what?’

  Shannon stirred sugar into her cup. ‘You told me you and she had “a thing going” when you were at university. And you’ve been seeing her regularly for the last couple of years.’

  Devin said patiently, ‘That “thing” at university was years ago and didn’t come to anything. Occasionally we spend a few hours together, catching up and talking over old times. She’s homesick and sometimes likes to be with a fellow Kiwi.’

  ‘I still don’t imagine she’d want to stay here.’ Compromising, Shannon suggested, ‘If she’s not too jet-lagged, she might like to have dinner with us after she arrives.’

  ‘That would be a nice gesture,’ Devin agreed.

  ‘She won’t want a limo when she flies in, will she?’ Someone would have to pick her up.

  ‘I told her I’d collect her.’

  Shannon looked up. ‘You’re not too busy?’

  ‘I thought it would help you out.’

  ‘I’m sure she’d appreciate that, if you’d like to do it.’

  Several times Devin dropped in for a couple of hours and watched the filming. The cast and crew began to take his presence for granted, and were happy to regale him with the technical details of their jobs.

  The day Rose was due to arrive shooting was up to schedule, and when they had completed the last footage for the day Shannon thought it might save time if they blocked out the next morning’s scene involving Rose and Craig. Besides, she was a little nervous of working with an established star and wanted Rose to have confidence in her as a director.

  Shannon’s first assistant stood in for Rose, going through the scene, but it didn’t seem to be working. Eventually Shannon went over to show her what she wanted.

  Rose’s character was upset and angry, pacing about the room while arguing with her fiancé, until he took her in his arms and kissed her. Their positions relative to the camera were crucial, so that just before the kiss their expressions would be caught on film.

  Standing with Craig’s arm about her waist and her hands on his shoulders, Shannon curved her back and turned her head slightly.

  ‘That’s it,’ the DOP said, his eyes fixed on the monitor. ‘Craig, just move your head a bit to the left. That’s what we want. Brilliant.’ Craig, his face inches from hers, grinned down at Shannon. ‘Got it,’ he said, and bent her further over his arm in a dramatic move that unbalanced her and she had to clutch at him, as he dropped a cheeky kiss on her mouth.

  He hauled her upright amid a few teasing whoops and whistles, and she looked over his shoulder and saw Devin, an arctic expression on his face, in the doorway.

  Craig released her, and as Devin moved forward into the room she realised he wasn’t alone. There was no mistaking Rose Grady’s almost ethereal beauty, made more so by faint shadows beneath her large, hauntingly blue eyes after her long trip.

  She barely reached Devin’s shoulder, which was close behind her. He had a protective hand on her waist.

  Some actresses in real life were ordinary, almost plain, only blooming under the camera lens which by some strange symbiosis loved them. Rose didn’t need the camera to prove she was as delicately seductive as her name.

  Shannon hurried across the floor. ‘Rose! Hello, I’m Shannon Cleary. I didn’t expect you on set today.’

  ‘She insisted,’ Devin explained as Rose took Shannon’s outstretched hand and gave her the smile that had melted a million male hearts. ‘We haven’t even been to her hotel yet.’

  ‘I wanted to meet you and see the set,’ Rose told Shannon. ‘It will help me get straight into the character tomorrow.’

  ‘I was just standing in for you,’ Shannon said.

  Craig sauntered up behind her. She introduced them and watched him fall under the woman’s spell. Other crew members crowded around and Rose charmed them all, saying how much she looked forward to working again in her homeland.

  Then Devin bent his head close to her and said, ‘I’ll take you to your hotel, and later Shannon and I would like you to join us for dinner if you’re up to it.’

  ‘Oh, that’s nice of you,’ Rose answered, ‘but I need an early night. Why don’t you have dinner with me at the hotel? We could talk a little,’ she added to Shannon. ‘Maybe Craig too?’ She smiled at him again. ‘I should get to know my leading man.’

  ‘You don’t have to do that,’ Shannon assured her, ‘if you’d rather just eat alone and go to bed.’

  ‘Oh, no! Please come, all of you. I’ll look forward to it.’

  ‘All right, thank you.’ Shannon wasn’t dressed for dinner at the Hilton; she’d have to go home and change first. ‘We’ll be along later.’

  ‘Meet you in the bar, then,’ Rose said gaily. ‘About seven?’

  Devin didn’t come back to change, and Shannon showered quickly, washed and dried her hair, put on a silky bronze shift, a transparent, floaty gold wrap, and some makeup, and took a taxi to the hotel.

  When she walked into the bar Rose and Devin were seated side by side on a deeply upholstered leather banquette drinking sparkling wine from glass flutes. Rose had her head tilted to one side, listening avidly to Devin. She was wearing a pale pink dress with a short skirt that showed off her wonderful legs. Her narrow, elegant feet were clad in matching pink sandals. Even if her face hadn’t been so well-known she would have drawn every eye in the crowded bar.

  Devin turned his head and broke off what he was saying, rising as Shannon approached. He reached out a hand and drew her to him, brushing a kiss across her cheek. ‘Hello, darling. What can I get you to drink?’

  She asked for gin and tonic and sat down in one of the two chairs facing the banquette. ‘I didn’t ask how your trip was,’ she said to Rose, summoning a smile.

  ‘Oh, long and tiring, but Devin’s looked after me wonderfully since I landed.’ She followed his progress across the room with her eyes. ‘You’re a lucky woman.’

  Shannon had no idea what to say to that. How much did Rose know about Devin’s marriage and the break-up? She smiled again, stiffly. ‘So are you, although I know talent has as much to do with your success as luck.’

  Rose gave a little laugh. ‘I did have good luck, being in the right place at the right time, but I worked hard to get to that place.’

  ‘I know.’ Had she sounded bitchy? Shannon hoped not. ‘You’re a brilliant actress. And I’m really grateful that you agreed to be in A Matter of Honour.’

  ‘I loved the script,’ Rose said eagerly. ‘And Devin is very persuasive.’

  ‘He can be…persuasive,’ Shannon agreed.

  ‘Besides,’ Rose flashed her bewitching smile, ‘he made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Oh, here comes Craig.’ She waved and beckoned him over.

  A waiter came by and Craig ordered himself a beer, then sat by Rose. Returning with drinks, Devin had no choice but to take the seat beside Shannon, and when they went into dinner they ended up in the same formation at the table.

  Rose wanted to know how far they’d got with the filming, and was keen to discuss her part. Devin said little, and by the time they were having coffee he was leaning back, his chair pushed slightly away from the table as he watched and listened.

  When Rose had to stifle a yawn he said, ‘We’d better leave you to get some sleep.’

  As they made a move to leave Rose said, ‘What time do you want me, Shannon?’

  ‘Is eight too early? I’ll send someone to pick you up.’

  ‘I’ll do that,’ Devin said swiftly.

  Rose leaned over to touch his arm. ‘Thank you, Dev.’ She turned to Shannon. ‘Eight o’clock, then.’

  In the morning Rose turned up looking like the flower she’d been named for, fresh and dewy and beautiful. Even more so after wardrobe and makeup had trans
formed her into a demure Victorian maiden. But there was a hold-up when she found she was tripping over her gown, and returned to wardrobe to have the problem fixed.

  Everyone relaxed while they waited, reading newspapers, chatting, and drinking coffee. Devin strolled over to where Shannon was poring over the scene list on her clipboard.

  ‘Did you have breakfast?’ he asked her.

  ‘I had coffee.’

  ‘I’ll get you something to eat.’

  Before she could protest he’d gone, to return minutes later with a couple of buttered muffins on a plate.

  ‘You need a minder,’ he said.

  ‘I’m fine.’ She took one of the muffins and bit into it. ‘But thanks.’

  Craig came over to ask her, ‘Are we going with the way we blocked the scene last night?’

  ‘Yes,’ she told him. ‘We’ll have to take Rose through it.’

  ‘Fine by me.’ Craig grinned. ‘I reckon it’ll take a few rehearsals of that kiss.’

  ‘Rose is very professional,’ she reminded him cruelly, hiding a smile. ‘She’ll probably get it right first time.’

  Craig shook his head sorrowfully. ‘Oh, dang. I was looking forward to this.’

  ‘You still get to kiss Rose Grady.’

  ‘Yeah, so I do.’ He brightened. ‘And here she is again.’ Rose had appeared in the doorway, and he went to lead her on to the set.

  Devin murmured, ‘Your friend Craig seems rather smitten with Rose.’

  Shannon answered distractedly, signalling to her assistant director to call the cast to their places. ‘Aren’t all the men? He’s supposed to be in love with her, after all.’

  She watched the two principals take their positions. The first assistant called for silence. The DOP joined Shannon at the monitor, and Devin retreated to lean against a wall.

  From the moment they started to rehearse, the chemistry between Rose and Craig was palpable, much to Shannon’s relief. Sometimes actors had to work hard at feigning attraction but this wasn’t going to be a problem, and their instant rapport would add authenticity and tension to their screen relationship.

  When the assistant director called ‘Cut!’ after the first take of the kiss Craig reluctantly released Rose and drawled, ‘Aw, spoilsport.’

  The crew laughed, and Rose joined in. The assistant director looked at Shannon and she said, ‘We’ll have one more take.’

  Craig winked at her. ‘Thanks, doll.’

  Next time she looked up Devin had disappeared. She wasn’t sure when he had left, but supposed he’d gone to his office.


  THE day’s shooting encountered few hitches, and when she sent off the rolls of film for processing Shannon was satisfied with progress.

  Devin appeared again to drive Rose back to her hotel, but it was several hours before Shannon joined him at the apartment after viewing the previous day’s rushes.

  He poured her a drink that she gratefully accepted. ‘Thanks for looking after Rose,’ she said.

  ‘Not a problem.’ He seemed restless, handing her drink to her, prowling to the window, taking a cursory glance at the view, then getting himself a whisky and hesitating before coming back to sit opposite her. ‘How is she doing?’ he asked at last.

  Shannon licked the liqueur from her lips. ‘Great. I can’t thank you enough.’ Remembering, she added, looking at him questioningly, ‘She said you made an offer she couldn’t refuse.’

  ‘I told you she wanted to come home for a while.’

  ‘That’s not all though, is it? What did you offer her?’

  ‘That’s confidential. Between her and me.’

  ‘You’re paying her over budget, aren’t you?’

  ‘I’m protecting my investment.’

  She saw she would get no more from him. ‘Well…thank you again. She’ll certainly add something special to the film.’

  ‘And that’s all that matters to you, isn’t it? Personal considerations don’t come into it.’

  Cautiously, she queried, ‘What personal considerations?’

  ‘For instance,’ he said, ‘jealousy.’

  Shannon flushed; she couldn’t help it. Of course she was jealous, had been ever since Devin mentioned his relationship with Rose Grady. No matter that he’d said any romantic involvement was all in the past, had scarcely even existed. No matter that her feelings were irrational.

  He’d said Shannon would be the only woman in his life as long as she stayed with him. And she believed he meant it when he said he wanted to give their marriage a chance. Devin had always been a man of his word.

  But that was before she’d seen Rose in the flesh. The star’s breathtaking beauty, the ethereal glow that seemed to surround her, was enough to make any other woman feel insecure, even if she was certain of her man. And Shannon wasn’t.

  How could a normal male help falling at least a little under the spell of such an exquisite creature? If he’d been attracted to her in his university days, surely he must find her stunning now. She even had a personality that matched her face.

  Devin stood up, so suddenly that Shannon started. He stayed looking down at her, then tossed off his drink and went to get another. ‘So you’re not entirely immune,’ he said.

  Watching his back warily, she said, ‘Immune?’

  Turning, he lifted his glass and drank again. ‘It shows you’re human after all.’

  ‘You know I’m human! And so are you,’ she added involuntarily. Under his usually controlled exterior, Shannon knew Devin was a very sensual man, not cut out for the celibacy she’d forced on him.

  ‘Yes, I am,’ he agreed calmly, but his eyes held a warning glitter. ‘So don’t push me too far, Shannon.’

  A tremor of fear laced with jealousy ran through her, and she felt her body tense. But her mind shied away. She didn’t want to think about this. ‘I’m tired. It’s been a busy day.’

  ‘Scared?’ he jeered as she bent and put her glass on a side table.

  ‘Should I be?’ She looked straight at him, her head tilted defiantly.

  He gave a harsh bark of a laugh. ‘Maybe. I never thought I’d be tempted to use force on a woman.’

  Her eyes widened momentarily, her heart giving a thud of fear before it steadied. She knew him well enough to be ninety-nine percent certain he would never carry out the implied threat. Even admitting the temptation was a breach of his rigid code of conduct.

  The one percent of doubt must have shown in her face.

  ‘Oh, don’t worry,’ he said. ‘I still have some self-control left, I hope—as I proved last time I came close to letting my baser nature get the better of me. But this situation can’t last.’

  He must feel caught between a rock and a hard place—his wife refused to sleep with him, yet he’d sworn himself to a barren fidelity. And now there was Rose, with her air of innocent sensuality. Shannon recalled how he’d quietly, abruptly disappeared while they were filming the kiss.

  She should tell him she wouldn’t hold him to his word, only she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Guiltily she knew she was being unfair, a bitch in the manger, but the thought of him making love to someone else was physically painful, squeezing at her heart. ‘You set out the conditions,’ she reminded him.

  ‘I made my bed and now I can lie on it?’ He laughed again, without humour. ‘It’s exactly what I’d like to do, but not alone.’

  Shannon wanted to defuse the prickly atmosphere, tempted to give in and offer to share his bed after all, but his mood wasn’t loving or conciliatory. It didn’t seem the right moment. ‘I’ll see you in the morning,’ she said, turning toward the passageway and proceeding to her bedroom without looking back.

  Rose was easy to work with and generous with her co-star. She never tried to steal scenes from him or anyone else, and wasn’t temperamental. It was impossible to dislike her.

  She agreed to come to dinner at the weekend and when Shannon told Devin she’d asked Craig along he raised his brows but said nothing. The
two of them arrived together on Saturday evening and put on what Shannon could only think of as a performance.

  Sparking off each other, they were charming and funny and entertaining.

  Devin was an urbane host, keeping the wine flowing as Shannon served the meal, and content to let their guests do most of the talking. Shannon noticed him regarding Rose with a smile curving his mouth, and warmth in his eyes, while she acted out an amusing on-set incident from her Hollywood experience, using her graceful hands expressively, her sapphire-blue eyes alight with laughter.

  Devin laughed too, at the end of the story, and Shannon forced herself to join in. Her hands were curled in her lap, the nails digging into her palms. It was a long time since she had heard Devin truly laugh, she realised bleakly. Laughter had once been a part of their life together. Now it was rare, and too often laced with bitterness.

  Looking away, Shannon found Craig’s curious gaze on her face, and gave him a forced smile. She stood up and began clattering dishes together. ‘I’ll get the dessert,’ she said brightly. ‘Back in a couple of minutes.’

  In the kitchen she rinsed the dishes and stacked them quickly in the dishwasher, closed it and stood for a moment clutching the edge of the counter, her head bowed. Then jumped as Craig’s voice said, ‘Are you okay?’

  Turning, she pinned a smile into place. ‘Fine,’ she lied.

  He had two serving dishes of leftovers in his hands. ‘Where do you want these?’

  ‘In the fridge if there’s room.’ She opened it and took out mousse and cheesecake, putting them on the counter.

  ‘You sure?’ Craig queried.

  ‘There’s space now.’ She picked up a cake slice to cut the desserts into segments for serving.

  He placed the dishes on the shelves and closed the door. ‘I mean, are you sure you’re okay? Come on,’ he coaxed, ‘tell Uncle Craig all about it.’

  Touched, she shook her head. He might seem all froth and bubble on the surface, but underneath Craig had a sensitive, intuitive streak that made him a good actor, able to empathise with other people’s feelings. ‘Nothing to tell,’ she said. ‘I’m a bit tired, maybe.’


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