The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1)

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The Frequency: Fulfill all Your Wishes by Manifesting With Vibrations (Use the Law of Attraction and Amazing Manifestation Strategies to Attract the Life You Want Book 1) Page 6

by Linda West

  Friends know this as one of your inherent powers as divine beings - you may enter any perspective you choose! This is the essence of free will - CHOICE.

  You measure your world through PERSPECTIVE.

  If you are feeling unhappy, choose another perspective. Change is instantaneously created, the moment you realize you are co-creating your life with God.

  Don’t be the frightened mouse when you can be the Eagle. Fly above the situation and choose your perspectives with love.

  Chapter 23:

  The Triangle

  There are universal symbols on your planet which you access everyday. We have discussed the importance of the circle, that all is one, and how it represents the unified essence of God.

  We have explored the relevance of the divine cross, where spirit is crossed in matter.

  The triangle is also very important. The triangle represents the marriage between the mind, body, and spirit. This union of all three aspects of self creates the sacred triangle of your matter form.

  The triangle has long been a religious symbol. The sacred trinity:

  Mother, Father and the Holy Child.

  Mind, body, spirit.

  In astrology this would correlate with the sun, the moon and the rising star, representing your spirit. When you incarnate on the planet, your body is made up of sixth dimensional geometry using the triangle.

  In the third dimension you have learned the ability to lose your grasp on the center space frequency and divert into lower matter vibrations of creation. In the third dimension your mind, spirit, body - triangle connection is being strengthened. Like great warriors you are being honed to remember your center.

  “To see how far one can go into darkness and still find the light.”

  White Eagle.

  The illusion on Earth is the disconnection of the triangle from the circle. For when you are born, (depending on circumstances, ancestral legacies, and your own innate agenda as spirit), very often a disconnection of the triangle occurs. When the triangle is disconnected, the circle is lost. Without the circle one feels disconnected from their divine source.

  The lesson on Earth is to CONNECT the sides of your symbolic Earthly triangle, so that you may once again access the circle.

  The circle represents the garden, and the reconnection with your own immortality while on Earth. To be God-like while still in human form...

  Is this not the quest of all great mythic heroes?

  The only way to reconnect your triangle is with love. With a loss of love, your connection is severed.

  In order to learn the lessons of matter in the third dimension, the soul circle, which is a perfect aspect of God, descends into the world of matter and then it splits into SPIRIT, which keeps your soul spirit connection, and the MIND, which measures your spirit’s experience on Earth with a perspective.

  The mind and spirit are joined by the connection between them. This occurs through the birth of a BODY. Your God-self, or SOUL, has an experience in matter, which is measured by the mind. Your body is the vehicle for this experience.

  With the sacred geometry of the triangle you are able to realign yourself at the primal level. You are reconstructing yourself and creating yourself with God. You are molding yourself to hold more love and power.

  Balance must be attended to with great discipline. The trial here is to reside in the center of the triangle. With all the charades and illusions, it is a tough training course.

  In your third dimensional life you will be bounced off the sides of your triangle, away from your center core. This center core is your connection to your higher self, which is still with God.

  The lesson is to find the way back to your heart and source. It takes faith to recover your center, and move back to the frequency of love. A discipline of mind, body, and spirit will help hold a clean geometry. This helps the soul bounce back to the center, by allowing only high vibrational energies into the triangle.

  Don’t deviate from your center when you meet fear. When you find yourself full of fear and doubt or it just plain hurts... rest assured you are stuck in the middle of a bounce!

  Somewhere in your triangle geometry you were not strong enough to send the disruptive energy back to the center, so you are stuck on the edge. The way back to the center is to find the love.

  For instance, you desire a new job, but suddenly your mind starts saying negative things, reminding you that it’s too hard to find a job, or the one you want is too good for you, or you’ll never be hired, etc.

  This is an opportunity to grab those low vibrational thoughts and redirect them back to your true core center, where your divine self lives. You’ll remember you deserve a new job, a creative, fantastic, lucrative job. And you can get it! You are so much more magical than you know!

  Desire is God’s voice in your ear... What you desire is always there for you, or you wouldn’t have the desire in the first place! God does not seek to frustrate his children with impossible wishes. A wish is an urge for your spirit to SOAR out of the norm and to find a way to manifest your dream into reality. Your whole being goes after things, which it loves and desires.

  A dream is a drive to fulfill love. When you dream, you push yourself into accomplishing that dream... you reach, you try, and you access unused parts of yourself. You become empowered through your love for something, enough to push past obstacles and grow.

  This is how love evolves the species.

  Chapter 24:


  In other planes your thoughts are made manifest instantly. The density of this planet allows for manifestation depending on frequency.

  Love holds the frequency you wish to connect with, and draws it to you. The tighter you hold the vibration to you, without interference from things such as doubt, worry, or fear, the faster it materializes.

  You must hold the faith in your connection to God and the ability to manifest what you love. Remember, if you love it, it manifests already. If it’s not appearing in your life, you have a block that is stopping you from loving yourself enough to have it. Or, you are lacking FAITH.

  Trust, faith and love go hand in hand in the manifestation of desires on this planet. Manifestation is one of the realms in which the triangle can be helpful. If something you truly love is not manifesting in your life, ask which part of your triangle is resisting your wish - and why?

  Even when we truly pray for something to manifest in our lives, we may be blocking its birth. This is where we need to heal. So dear ones, wish for that which fills you with desire and brings you joy. Know that if you love this thing you long for, God longs to give it to you.

  You must receive your wish when it is granted. How often have you wished for money or help, and then turned it down when it was offered?

  You pray to God to help you with your debt, but find reasons why you can not accept a loan from your family, your friends etc. This is an outward example of blocking manifestation.

  Exploring the triangle will help you uncover the internal blocks. Keep your triangle healthy in high frequency. Don’t feel guilty over your slip-ups. Pay attention to how many low vibrational things you allow into your life daily.

  Like Cinderella, gradually clean out the hearth. Refuse to be overtaken by despair and work. Do not struggle with your tasks. Simply and zenly, do. Focus each day on dispelling your low vibrational habits and choosing more loving frequencies.

  Chapter 25:

  Locating the Blocks

  Access the wisdom of the triangle to locate your blocks. Explore the bad patterns and habits. Blocks are messengers of information held within your core. They uncover where you block yourself from love.

  Listen without denial. Simply breathe into a calm centered place and pose the question. Welcome the answer and know, it may not be the kind of answer you expect, nor be delivered in a way you consider valid. Open to the multi-dimensional view of your world. It is not a linear universe, it is a circle.

  Symbols tell worlds.

sp; Logic does not always apply.

  Spirit messages are whispered, rarely screamed.

  Visions come in those split moments when you lose grasp on your reality and dream wide-awake...

  The lesson of the triangle is to help you recover the bliss of the circle. Simplify your basic elements to find where your blocks are stored. You can then release the blocks and recover more love.

  Chapter 26:

  The Mind ~ Father Aspect

  The divine male represents your relationship with The Divine Father, through you, in this world. Your Father-God gives you your patterns of the MIND.

  How do you view your relationship with the yang, assertive side of your life? Perhaps, you may recognize patterns in your life that echo that of your Earth father? If some of these patterns are not bringing you joy, you can change them. Never forget, you also resonate with your Holy Father.

  It is very important to tend to the balance of your mind activity. Your thoughts today, create your world tomorrow. Negative thinking can destroy your life.

  Thoughts are perspectives. It is through your perspective that you view your life and make CHOICES. If you are creating low frequency thoughts, they will produce low frequency events in your life.

  Tend to your thoughts. They are creating things in your life, with or without your consent!

  Remember the highest frequency is love. The moment you choose love, over the negative thoughts, over the worries, the doubts, and the fear... You choose God. You choose faith and you lift your own frequency to the level of miracles.

  You have the choice to choose love and to battle all the things that are blocked from the love inside of you. This is your mission. God wants you to live the most divine life you can create. But, you must co-create with God.

  (Here comes that choice thing again)...

  Choose loving thoughts over critical thoughts.

  Get out of the ruts in your thinking, and get into a new groove.

  Choose something better for your life.

  Choose to create the kingdom of Heaven on Earth while you’re here. Choose love.

  Chapter 27:

  The Spirit ~ Mother Aspect

  Your mother passed on your patterning of the spirit, and The Mother-God. The divine female represents your eternal connection to The Source, where your spirit never detaches from your God-self core.

  In this center you are always in harmony, and immortal.

  How do you view your relationship with the ying/receptive side of your life? Your mother relates to the spirit aspect of the triangle. How do you feel about the mother in your life? Not only your human mother, but also your planetary mother and the Universal Mother, which is the nurturing, accepting and unconditional love of the Mother-God?

  Sometimes it is your spirit, which is unhappy. You have to love your spirit and listen to the yearnings of your soul. Dreams are not fanciful fritterings. Dreams are callings to you from your God-self. Don’t dismiss them.

  You can lose your spirit and kill its reason to live, if you deny yourself joy, passion and love. Spirit urges you out of your regular routine and into spontaneous creation, causing you to fill with light. Spirit instigates change, however, and change brings fear.

  Don’t let the fear monster hold you back from creating something new...

  Spirit leads well, and the changes your spirit leads you to will bring more love, happiness and joy into your life. This is spirit’s purpose for being here. To bring all the bliss of the divine realms into the incredible Earth experience.

  How could you deny your spirit’s calling? You may not journey back here to Earth again.

  It’s like going on a vacation. Maybe you have a chance to try parasailing while on a trip to Hawaii? You get excited, and you go get in line with your friends... But, as you move through the line, you start “thinking”, as opposed to just following your spirit, “Maybe I’ll get hurt? Maybe I won’t have enough money? Maybe, maybe, maybe.”

  Until, you have rationalized your way out of what your spirit, wanted you to do. So, you get out of line and watch your friends glide across the sky like birds parasailing… You sit on the sidelines, then the vacation is over and you go home. You don’t get a chance to do it again. That experience has passed you by.

  You will regret it.

  Regrets are so sad. They are the wishes your spirit had that you never gave to yourself. Only you can please your spirit with the choices you make. YOU.

  Sometimes the things your spirit urges you toward are frightening and different. It could upset the life you have in the present moment. Expect that!

  Spirit keeps you vibrating with the magic of God! The same thrill you have when you fall in love rushes through you when you give in to your spirit’s calling.

  Having spirit, means having courage, having enthusiasm, having great life force. Without your spirit you are the walking dead, just like a robot. Keep your spirit happy. When your spirit is happy, you are happy.

  Let love run rampant through your life and lift you into the paradise you’ve always been searching for.

  Remember, paradise is a frequency too!

  Chapter 28:

  The Body ~ Child of the Soul

  Your body is the reflection of how you balance the polarities in your life. The relationships you cultivate with your polar aspects of self, represented by your parents – will illustrate the state of the body.

  Some of you may find that your body lowers your core frequency. Look at what your body is saying. Learn yourself. What are you trying to teach yourself through the body?

  Do not discount the simple things - this leads to bigger signs, accidents or health problems.

  Nurture your body with exercise, touch and affection. You must care for your body, the temple of God through which divine work will be done.

  Do not feed your body lifeless food, chemical drinks and propaganda on TV. Begin today to set your life in order.

  Listen to the sacred messages of the body. Remember your body is at the base of your mind/spirit and it is a reflection of the marriage of the two. How you deal with this polarity will be reflected in your body. Pay attention.

  The union of polarities can only be accomplished by the connection of the male and female aspects of self. Love is the glue of this connection. Lack of love separates.


  Your parents were your role models for the polarity of universal divinity. Together the patterning of mind and spirit created your body. You are a composition of the divine dualities expressed through a vehicle in this dimension.

  We are each the children of The Divine Father/Mother. Ying and Yang. The One of movement and measure.

  You must find a way to come to terms with this family patterning and love it. Love the father and all the aspects of the male and yang energy, which live in you. Love the mother, which is the aspect of female and ying energy, which resides with you.

  Uncover the obvious glitches in your program by studying the programs your parents have taught you! We understand that so much of the pain on your planet is related to this core disconnection from one, or both of your foundational teachers, your parents.

  Please be aware that your parents were meant to teach you the dynamics of their own male and female polarity. Some times your parents were wonderful role models and sometimes they were not...

  Your parents helped you to construct the triangle within you, and thus your structure for your adult life. You decide if the structure needs re-tuning.

  Find your lessons in this and correct them. Bring love and compassion into the situation.

  Remember, when you resolve conflicts within your own family circle, you are healing all male/female dualities and bringing them into wholeness. This will affect all of your relationships.

  Knowledge and wisdom are noble things, but they won’t change your patterns. You may understand where the problem is, or how the habit started, but the only way you can free yourself, is with love. Love breaks the lower vibrational pattern

  “Take a dive in the river of love

  And float into the embrace

  Of your every dream come true.”


  More love for yourself, always precedes the ability to love others more. Start talking to yourself like a best friend. Really walk around the house and compliment yourself on all your special qualities. Do it, dig deep into all the tiniest details of your own glory. Being your own best friend makes you a happy, happy person.

  Let you love you. This is your life. It’s happening right now. This is not a dress rehearsal.

  Every day choose the best for yourself.

  If you recognize low frequency events or relationships in your life, remember why they were sent. They are in your life because you called for their help. At some level, in your triangle you were resonating with that vibration. You wanted it lifted and restored to divine perfection.

  As your pattern is rising in vibration, reflecting more and more light, lower structures are being released. Teachers of the low frequencies will merge with you to help you heal. The goal is getting back to your true essence of wholeness, which is your natural state.

  Love connects you back to the circle. Love all the elements of your triangle, mind, body and spirit.

  Love is the only thing that really matters.

  To bring love, is to bring God.

  And everything else,

  Is just everything else.

  Chapter 29:

  Meditation for Healing

  Your Triangle

  Sit and be comfortable with your eyes closed. Take six deep breaths, slowly and deeply. Now allow yourself to gently, go back...

  Imagine yourself as a child again sitting on the floor with your parents playing with a toy house. Only this time, you are awake in your childhood. You have all the wisdom and knowledge of your adult self.

  Your parents and you each represent a side of your triangle. See clearly where you have disconnected from them. See where the bad patterns began, and know you will stop them.


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