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Her Rebound Men

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  She’s not had a man at all, asshole.

  But he wasn’t even going to give them the satisfaction.

  “Do you want to be my little fuck toy, Abby? You want me to take you, make you mine? Show you how good it is to have a nice, fat cock sliding into your pussy?”

  She let out a gasp, and he saw the heat flood her cheeks. She blushed so easily. It was cute.

  “Then you better hope the guy you pick knows what he’s doing. I want out of this marriage, and you’re going to help me accomplish that.”

  Chapter Two

  The following morning Abby still couldn’t believe what had happened last night. After James told her that she was going to help him get out of this marriage, he’d also ordered her to bed as if he was her father.

  Fifteen years aside, he wasn’t old enough to be her parent.

  She went to the bathroom, did her business, washing her hands and brushing her teeth using a brand-new toothbrush. She tried not to stare at her reflection. She probably looked like a nightmare. This was not how she imagined the morning after.

  Leaving her bedroom, she made her way down toward the kitchen, trying to find someone who could help her. As she entered a room that looked like a dining room, she paused as she caught sight of a man with lots of papers in his hand. The man was good-looking, someone who made women take a second and even third look. He was young, maybe James’s age, but she wasn’t sure. He didn’t look angry or mean. The moment he saw her, he gave a nod almost as if to himself.

  “Ah, Miss Bryant.”

  She wasn’t about to correct him that technically her name was now Mrs. Darcy. It wasn’t like she wanted the name in the first place.

  Forcing a smile to her lips, she waited. “Where’s James?” Saying his name felt wrong somehow. She didn’t understand it, didn’t want to think about it, but it was there all the same.

  “He’s out at work for the time being. He has told me to inform you that you’re not allowed to leave the grounds. Your security means a great deal to him. He’s taken your phone but will provide you alternative means of communication. You’re free to roam the grounds but not to leave the premises. Your breakfast is in the kitchen. Enjoy.”

  She didn’t get the chance to ask him any more questions as he was gone.

  Going in the direction that he pointed, she nibbled her lip, hoping there would be a chance of talking to someone or at least, just leaving. There was no one in the kitchen, but the scent of home cooking filled the air. She couldn’t see any signs of breakfast until she opened the oven and she saw a plate. She grabbed a towel and pulled the plate out, inhaling the delicious smell of pancakes and maple syrup. She loved pancakes. Her favorite was chocolate chip but plain were good too.

  She didn’t go back out there.

  Sitting at the counter, she took a large bite and closed her eyes, moaning in appreciation. She kept her gaze on the door that led out to the garden. He’d told her not to leave.

  Then don’t leave.

  She still believed her parents were capable of keeping her locked up, and running away right now seemed like the worst plan. If what James said last night was to be believed, he wanted out of this marriage. All that told her was her parents had something on him. She stared longingly at the door, wanting nothing more than to go back to her old life, or maybe something better. She’d always idealized the British landscape. The idea of living by the beach, a small cottage where she’d be able to walk into the nearest town. A simple, quaint life. This was the furthest thing from it, but at least she was protected.

  He’d taken her cell phone, so she had the best excuse there was.

  Once she finished her breakfast, she washed her dishes, drying them up and searching the entire kitchen for the right cupboard in which to place them. With that all done, she took one last, lingering look at the door and then headed back through the dining room.

  She’d head outside once she had wandered throughout the large house. Last night she’d thought it was huge, and it was. She found two different dining rooms. The one nearest the kitchen had the longest table, so she imagined that was used for social functions. The other dining room had a smaller, more intimate one.

  “I wonder how many women he’s wooed here.”

  Her husband was nothing more than a stranger. The only information she had on him was that provided to her by the glossy magazines her mother loved so much. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she checked out some of the artwork, not really taking a liking to it.

  Moving on, she found his office from last night and wrinkled her nose. It was way too conservative-looking, and if she had her wish, she wouldn’t see him for a long time. Businessmen went away on long day trips, and she didn’t imagine him lingering all that long for her.

  After the office, she found the entertainment room, game room, then a large blank room, which she had no clue what it was for, before finding a room with so many books it was pretty much a library in itself.

  She didn’t bother going upstairs to check out all the bedrooms, and ran her fingers down each of the spines of books she could reach. Some titles she couldn’t even pronounce and were in such great condition she wondered if they’d even been read.

  There was no title that stood out for her to read or to curl up on that uncomfortable-looking sofa in the corner, so she went to the window and took a look outside. The sun was shining and the garden looked so peaceful and full of warmth, whereas the house seemed so cold, sterile, and not very inviting.

  Seeing no one around, she headed downstairs and walked right out the back door, making sure to close it quietly behind her.

  She wasn’t sneaking away or hiding. She was just exploring the grounds. Nothing wrong with that.

  So many flowers greeted her along with a beautifully mowed lawn. Statues covered the garden, and she guessed at night they would be aglow showing the full scale and beauty of the house.

  Abby noticed a path and rather than veer off it, she followed it, taking her time as she passed each display of flowers.

  The beauty captured her attention, and she wanted nothing more than to dive in and stay in the moment. There was nothing wrong with just taking time, enjoying every part, loving life.

  She didn’t know how much time had passed before she stumbled onto another building. This one was set away from the house and she saw the door was open. She stepped through the threshold and couldn’t help but smile as she saw the large pool.

  She paused the instant she caught sight of the butler or James’s PA. She didn’t know what to call him, and he’d not given her a name.

  He was on his cell phone, and she hesitated.

  Just as she was about to leave, he turned toward her.

  He didn’t stop talking, and she bit her lip waiting.

  “Yes, I’ll have everything under control.”

  He ended the call and stared at her.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude.” She went to take a step back.

  “You’re not intruding, Abby. This home now belongs to you. I was just putting some clothing back. This is the pool room, as you can see. It’s fully heated in the winter, and in the summer as you can imagine, it’s a refreshing place to be. James, I mean, Mr. Darcy loves it.”

  “Oh, well, I’ll go.”

  “You can swim if you’d like. There’s a bikini or a bathing suit in one of the drawers in case you’d like to. I will leave you to it.”

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  He’d made to step past her, and she didn’t want him to leave until she knew his name.

  “My name?”

  “Yes, the name you were giving by parents?”

  He smiled. His green eyes were so mesmerizing she couldn’t look away, not that she wanted to. This man, with his messy blond hair and perfect looks, didn’t look like a butler or a PA. He looked like a centerfold in one of those magazines that her mother liked to read and she found herself always flipping through.

  “The name’s Drake.”r />
  “Just Drake?” she asked.

  “Just Drake. Enjoy your swim, Abby.” He winked at her, and she watched as he passed her.

  His presence certainly gave her a moment to pause.

  Biting her lip, she waited, wondering what the hell to do with these feelings that were building inside her.

  She’d never felt attraction before.

  Shaking her head, she made her way toward the pool. The water sure looked inviting. It had been a long time since she’d taken a swim.

  Seeing no other reason as to why not, she found a bathing suit in the drawer that would fit her. Checking around, she quickly stripped out of her clothes and put the suit on, smiling as it seemed to fit her perfectly.

  No one else was around.

  She didn’t have to play the perfect daughter or the wife of a millionaire.

  With a smile on her face, she ran to the edge and jumped in, letting out a large whoop before hitting the water.

  Letting herself fall a little then breaking the water, she gasped and laughed and pushed her hair out of her face.

  She felt alive for the first time since she learned she was going to be married.

  Her fingers were even bare of the rings that had once been there, and she took a deep breath.

  If he wanted out of this marriage, then she’d help him.

  She wasn’t the enemy here, but she needed to know what her parents had on him that would make him marry her.

  James Darcy didn’t strike her as the kind of man that would allow anyone to tell him what to do or blackmail him.

  Whatever they had, he wanted them to keep secret.

  She swam a few lengths, and tried to think of what it could be.

  Her mind kept coming up blank.


  “Where is she?” James asked, storming into the house.

  “She’s taking a swim, and she has a name.”

  “She’s basking in splendor and you think I need to learn her name?” James asked, glaring at his friend.

  “I take it you had a bad day at the office.”

  He glared at Drake. “All I’ve heard all fucking day is why I’m not on my honeymoon.”

  Drake rolled his eyes. “In case you didn’t know, James, all married couples take a couple of weeks where they bask in married bliss.”

  “I’m not in married bliss. You know that.”

  “And I’m the only one besides little Abby, her parents, and yourself who knows the truth. Let’s not pretend the entire world understands what happened yesterday.”

  “Little Abby?”

  “She’s sweet.”

  “She’s a money-grabbing bitch.”

  “Really?” Drake burst out laughing. “I find that so funny.”


  “Because the girl I saw is far from being a money-grabbing bitch.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” James asked. He went straight to his office, and he didn’t want to think about the feminine scent that clung to the air. When he’d been dancing with Abby yesterday at his wedding, she’d smelled of the sweetest vanilla. Sharp, sweet, and heavenly.

  Nope. He wasn’t going there.

  Knocking back the shot of whiskey he poured for himself, he did another and swallowed it in one gulp.

  “Wow, married less than twenty-four hours and she has already turned you into an alcoholic. That has to be a record. She doesn’t seem that bad.”

  “You don’t know her.”

  “All day today, she’s been exploring, and the only time I saw her look happy was in the garden. She’s in the pool house right now if you’d like to go and see her.”

  “Why would I go and see her?”

  “She’s your wife,” Drake said.

  He snorted. “The first opportunity, she’s gone.”

  Drake chuckled. “You still think your plan is going to work?”

  He’d told Drake his plan about getting her to cheat on him. “Yes.”

  “That girl is a virgin.”

  “I don’t care. I want out of this marriage and the sooner the better.”

  “Don’t you think you’re acting a little rashly?” Drake asked.

  “What would you have me do?” He glared at his friend.

  “Go and talk to her. Get to know her. She doesn’t know the truth.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Then go and make it clear to her, James. Stop being an ass. She’s sweet. You know this. Every piece of information you got on her, she’s not hungry for your money or after your blood or sperm. Her parents are, and they will do anything to get it. Don’t treat her like you would them.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You think because you’ve seen her for two minutes you know what you’re talking about?”

  “I do know what I’m talking about. Stop being an ass and try to see that she’s all alone and that her parents probably even forced her hand. They forced yours. Why not their daughter’s?”

  Drake left the office then, and James watched him go.

  The last thing he wanted to do was to talk to Abby. This wasn’t about being stubborn either. He just didn’t want to be near her or have anything to do with her.

  Running fingers through his hair, he gritted his teeth and made his way toward the pool house.

  He wanted to avoid any conversation with Abby. Everything he’d gotten about her on file he didn’t trust or believe. She seemed like a nice young woman, a hard-working, caring, sweet person, and he didn’t have time in his life to deal with someone like that.

  To get rid of her family, he needed to hate her.

  Entering the pool house, he paused as she was singing to herself. She floated on her back, eyes closed, her voice filling the air. It was so soft and sweet. He didn’t recognize the tune. Taking a seat in the corner, he watched her.

  Her body was on full display with the bathing suit molding to every single curve. His mouth watered for a taste of her. He wondered, not for the first time, what it would be like to have her underneath him, to spread her open, to lick her pussy, to find out what made her ache and yearn for more.

  It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman.

  Would it really be so hard to use her?

  To show her everything that her little virgin body had been missing?

  He didn’t have to keep her around.

  She was young.

  Their marriage wasn’t real.

  Her parents had forced this on the two of them.

  If what Drake said was true, she wasn’t like her parents, and maybe he could work with that. They could work together to figure a way out of this situation.

  She moved, standing up in the water, eyes still closed as she ran her hands through her hair.

  The way she stood, with her tits thrust out, brought his cock to life. He wanted her, no doubt about that. He wasn’t some teenage boy that hadn’t gotten his dick wet. He was experienced in the fine art of fucking.

  “Now that is a tempting sight,” he said. Before he’d even finished, she let out a scream and her hands went up to cover her body.

  Her gaze landed on him. “You scared me.”

  “I can see that.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I live here.”

  “No, I mean, what time is it?”

  “A little after five.” He’d left work early, and he wasn’t about to think of the reason why that had happened.

  “Wow, really. I had no idea.”

  “You like my pool?”

  She licked her lips, and he wondered what it would feel like to have them wrapped around his cock, her head tilted back as he fucked her face. Would she be a sweet little cock sucker or struggle?

  She’s a virgin.

  You’d have to train her.

  Her virginity a few moments ago had worried him, and now he was seeing a great number of possibilities.

  “Erm, Drake, he said I can use it. He wasn’t lying, was he?”

  He chuckled.
“No. You listen to Drake. Whatever he says, goes.”


  He moved toward the edge of the pool. “Have you had a good morning?”

  “I think so. I explored your home. It’s nice.”

  “Just nice?”

  “Yes. Your garden is beautiful though.”

  “I pay a gardener to keep it that way.”

  “Oh, right.”

  Silence filled the space, and she kept looking toward the door.

  “I better go,” she said.

  He moved toward the stairs as she climbed out. Unless she got back into the pool, there was nowhere else for her to go.

  “What have I done wrong?” she asked.

  He found it so encouraging that her first thought was that she’d done something wrong rather than see him as an asshole, which he was being. A complete and total asshole, but that was okay.

  “How about a kiss?”

  “A kiss?”

  “Your husband is home. Don’t you want to kiss me?”

  “You don’t like me,” she said.


  “Why should I kiss someone who can’t stand me?”

  “You’d be surprised what a lot of people can do with men or women they don’t like.” There she went again licking her lips, teasing him. Did she even realize what she was doing? Driving him crazy?

  Making him want her.

  He’d never known lust like this, but it wouldn’t stop.

  He wanted her.

  Then take her.

  “Kiss me and I’ll let you pass.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “You’ll be waiting until you do.”

  “Do you always get what you want?” she asked.

  “Always. There’s no doubt.”

  She gritted her teeth. Her hand went to his chest, holding herself for support, and she placed a peck on his cheek. “There, I kissed you. Can I go past now?”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her still as he slammed his lips down on hers, silencing all protest from her as he kissed her hard. He didn’t stop either, wanting to completely drown in her.

  She moaned. At first, she tried to push him away, but he wouldn’t let up.

  He traced his tongue across her lips until finally, she caved, letting out a gasp that allowed him access to her mouth.


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