Her Rebound Men

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Her Rebound Men Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She loved watching him, the way his tongue lapped her up, sucking her clit into his mouth, using his teeth, driving her arousal higher.

  She was so close, but it was all on James. Only when he was ready for her to come did he let her go over that sweet edge of bliss.


  “You look happy with yourself,” Drake said as James came out of the bathroom.

  Drake was in his private quarters.

  This wasn’t the room he intended to share with Abby. Thinking about her, he couldn’t help but smile.

  “It has been a good day.”

  “It has?”


  “Well, I hate to put a damper on things, but I can’t find any information.”

  Before James employed him to handle all of his affairs he’d been a PI. It was how they’d met and they’d hit it off from there, years ago.

  Rubbing at his temples, he looked at Drake.

  “You still think there is more to her than this?” James asked.

  “Yes. Have you asked her?”

  “Of course I have. She won’t say anything to me.”

  “Do you blame her?” Drake asked. “You’ve avoided her for the most part and then convinced her you want to end your relationship and now you’ve changed your tune again.”

  “I haven’t changed my tune,” James said. “The end game is divorce. To get to that, I’ve got to get close to her. Her parents want me to knock her up the first chance I get.” James had been rather shocked by the revelation, not by her parents’ demands but by Abby’s admission.

  She’s not that bad.

  He couldn’t do this.

  There’s no way he could have a single doubt as to what he wanted.

  Staying married to her wasn’t an option for him.

  Drake moved up to his side. “What are you thinking?” He often asked him this.

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Have you ever thought that you might like her?” Drake asked.

  He turned toward Drake and shook his head. “Don’t. We’re constantly on repeat right now.” He moved toward Drake, buttoning up his jacket. “Let me be clear. Number one, I don’t want to in any way stay married to a Bryant. Regardless of Abby’s true nature, I don’t want to be near her parents in any way, and I will never hurt you or allow them to hurt you. We clear? Two, depending on what we find out will determine how we deal with her. If she’s with her parents and is a gold-digging whore, then she’ll be dealt with swiftly. If she’s not, then so long as we end this marriage, I will compensate her accordingly. Three, I’m not leaving you. You’re not leaving me. I’m not changing who I am. I love you, Drake.”

  “Let me guess, four, you’re going to fuck Abby, make her fall for you, and then bring me into the equation and while you give me permission to fuck your wife, you’re going to use that as leverage against her parents and bring out the whole sordid truth?”

  “Exactly. They will have nothing. I will ruin them one way or another. It’s just a matter of time. Are you on board?” James asked. He pulled on a pair of jeans.

  It was still hot so he didn’t bother with a shirt.

  Drake shook his head. “What are you going to do if we fall in love with her?”

  James laughed, turning back to look at Drake. “Seriously, you think that is a possibility?”

  “Why not? What if she’s not a gold-digging whore? She warned you today.”

  “It could just be her attempt to throw off the scent,” James said.

  “And if it’s not? If she’s as sweet as her virgin pussy, what then?”

  James stared at Drake. He didn’t have an answer. He’d not thought that far ahead, not yet.

  “I can’t keep Abby waiting,” James said.

  Drake laughed. “You’re using her as an excuse. This is new. Enjoy your new wife. I know I’m going to be in my bedroom, working my dick thinking about the two of you together.”

  “You like that, huh? You like the thought of me touching my wife’s pussy?” James pressed Drake up against the wall. They’d talked about having a wife of their own. A woman between them to share. The perfect little threesome.

  Any woman that they were with would have to deal with the two of them. It wouldn’t just be sharing; there would also be one-on-one. James had noticed the way Abby watched Drake at breakfast.

  Could it be possible?

  No, she’s not the one.

  We could use this time to see how it worked.

  Shaking those thoughts from his mind, he ran his hand down Drake’s body, cupping his cock. He was hard already.

  “Is this for me or for Abby?”

  “What do you think?” Drake asked.

  “This is the thought of me fucking Abby tonight. You want to watch?”

  Drake grunted as James pushed his hand down the shorts Drake was wearing. Wrapping his fingers around the length, he stared into Drake’s eyes as he worked his cock. “Yes. She’d look so beautiful bouncing on your cock. I know you’d make it good for her. You can’t deny that her first time is turning you on.”

  “I never said it wasn’t.” James rubbed more of the pre-cum into and down Drake’s length, getting him all worked up. “You want to watch when I do? See my cock sliding in and out of her. Would you want me to wear a condom?”

  Drake groaned. “You’re going to have to. Damn, I’d have loved to have seen your cock so hard and slick with her cum.”

  “When it’s all three of us, will you lick it off?”

  “Yes, fuck yes.”

  “You want me to come inside her. Fill her with my cum so you can lick her out,” James said.

  He was going to have to get himself under control. His cock was hardening at the thought even as he worked on Drake.

  To anyone looking in, he was being cruel, but he wasn’t. This was their thing.


  By the time they were alone the next time, they’d be tearing each other’s clothes off to get to the other. He couldn’t think of anything better than fucking him right now.


  Sweet, beautiful Abby.

  “You want to come?” James asked.


  “I’m afraid you can’t.” He pulled his hand away, ceasing his ministrations.

  Drake growled. “You can’t be serious.”

  “Hell, yeah. Think about me, Drake. You know you want to.”

  Leaving the bedroom, he heard Drake’s curse but didn’t stop to finish what he started. Whistling to himself, he made his way downstairs. He went toward the kitchen but saw no sign of Abby.

  He checked the dining room, his office, the entertainment room, and finally found her curled up in the library, her head in a book.

  She’d actually found something to read.

  Over the years he’d purchased a lot of books. He’d not read many of them. Drake was more the reader than he was.

  Entering the room, James cleared his throat, and she slammed the book closed, standing up.

  He saw the panic in her eyes, and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like that she felt scared when he appeared.

  You haven’t exactly been nice to her.

  “I hope it’s okay for me to read?”

  “Of course.” He stepped into the room. “I wish I had more time to read. I love sitting down with a good book.”

  The pleasure he got now was drinking a nice glass of wine and listening to Drake read.

  “Oh, is that because of work?”

  “Yes. It does take up a lot more of my time.”

  “I guess running a million-dollar industry takes a lot of hard work.”

  He chuckled. “It’s a multi-million-dollar company, but yes, it does.”

  “I’m really sorry,” she said.

  This wasn’t what he was expecting. “What for?”

  “I … I wasn’t part of whatever my family did to you. I mean that. I know they blackmailed you into marrying me. I don’t know what they’ve got on you, but I’
m really sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “I know, but you’re married to me. A woman you don’t want. Like you said at our wedding. I’m not supposed to be here. I don’t belong here, and you’re right. I didn’t want to be involved in this marriage. I don’t want to make you miserable either.”

  He’d treated her like shit, and now she was the one apologizing.

  “I was wondering if in time you’d come to see me as a friend.”

  “A friend?”

  “Yes. I know we’ve only just met, but I’m a nice person. At least I think I am. Dogs like me.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at that. “They do?”

  “Yes. I used to volunteer at the local rescue center before all of this. I was a natural, or at least they told me I was. They probably just wanted me to come back again, but I loved being there. It was a lot of fun.”

  “You love dogs?”

  “And cats, bunnies as well.” She held the book in her hands, looking really sweet, cute, and nervous. “So, can we call a truce? I’ll do whatever you say to make your life easier. I’ll make amends any way you think I should. I can try and help you if you’d like.”

  “You’d go against your parents?” he asked.

  “I’m not here because I want to be either.”

  He couldn’t help but wince at that.

  “But yes, I’d help you,” she said, finishing off her statement.

  “You know how to kick a guy in the gut.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m only being honest.” She held the book tight to her chest with one hand. She stepped closer to him, holding her hand out. “Truce?”

  He stared at the hand, not wanting to shake it.

  James was overcome with an overwhelming sense of desire to pull her into his arms and kiss her.

  Instead, he took the handshake.

  It was a start.

  Chapter Six

  One week later

  After shaking hands, something changed in the air. Abby didn’t know what it was or even why, only there was a difference between her and James. They’d sat down together on the sofa. He’d poured them both a glass of wine and as she read the book she’d been reading, he’d stroked her feet.

  It had felt … nice.

  For the past week, she’d been spending time with him. They spent a lot of time in the gardens. He explained what features he enjoyed and why he decided on certain flowers. He took great pride in his garden.

  He’d also taken her on a personal tour of the house, and he’d given her dates of items of furniture he’d purchased, also on some of the artwork. It was all fascinating, and she was really happy that she’d decided to go with a truce.

  Marriage was hard no matter what.

  At least she could try to make it easier for the both of them.

  Running the brush through her hair, she smiled at her reflection. James was nice. When he wasn’t being so mean and trying to hurt her, she loved the way he put her at ease and the touches he made to her. Every now and then he’d hold her hips, or stroke her side. Her favorite time was in the entertainment room or the library. He’d sit with her feet across his lap, stroking her legs. The touch always felt intimate, sexual, needy.

  She felt that desire curling in her stomach.

  A need filling her up, flooding her body.

  He’d not touched her pussy or her breasts since that day at the pool. They’d spent time at the pool as well.

  They were friends.

  Not lovers.

  Running fingers through her hair, she stared down at the bathing suit she wore. It was a one-piece. She’d tried the bikini she caught sight of, but that wouldn’t do.

  She had to feel confident, and showing that much flesh scared her.

  Satisfied with how she looked, she left her room. She didn’t share a room with James. He’d not pushed the issue since she apologized about her parents.

  Speaking of her parents, she’d not heard from them, and James had told her he’d taken care of it. The instant he said that, she’d felt relief. Her mother would consider her a failure if she knew they’d not consummated their marriage.

  Her precious virginity was still intact.

  Not for the first time she wished she’d slept with anyone prior to James, but then, she’d be near him and all it would take was a brush of his arm for her to know she didn’t want anyone else.

  Smiling to herself, she left the house, and went straight to the pool. The doors were already open and James was in the pool.

  She caught sight of Drake sitting at the edge of the pool as well.

  He rarely left the house, always cooked for them, and she saw how close the two men were. They were clearly best friends as well as colleagues, or at least, James being the boss.

  “Ah, there she is. Don’t you think my wife is beautiful, Drake?” James asked.

  Heat flooded her cheeks as she glanced over at the man who’d not moved on her arrival. The past week she’d noticed he tended to leave whenever she arrived. This time, he stayed perfectly still.

  “Yes. She’s so beautiful, and what makes it even more so, she doesn’t even think so.”

  “Is that right, Abby? You don’t think you’re beautiful?” James asked.

  “I—” What did she say? She didn’t think she was that beautiful at all.

  “Ah, I see I need to be better. Come on, wife of mine. Come to me and I’ll show you how beautiful you are,” James said.

  Drake chuckled. “Ignore him. He’s having a good day. You’re beautiful, Abby. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

  She was having a hard time not noticing how sexy he was.

  The swimming pants he wore didn’t exactly help her either. His body was a specimen of male perfection.

  Turning her back to him, she climbed into the pool, aware of their gazes possibly being on her ass.

  Just as she was about to let go, arms circled her. James spun her around so that she was staring at him.

  “Ah, there she is.” He tilted her head back, dropping a kiss to her lips. “I’ve missed you.”

  There went that fluttering in the pit of her stomach.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You saw me at breakfast.”

  “It has been too long since then.” His hands roamed down to cup her ass. “Perfection. I love your ass.”

  This was the first time since their truce that he’d touched her with a sexual note. Staring into his eyes, she saw the arousal shining right at her.

  It was arousal, right?

  He pulled her in close, and at the feel of his cock she closed her eyes, letting out a moan.

  “Is your pussy wet for me right now?”

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked.

  She had no control over this. Her body was not her own. He controlled every single part of her.

  “Haven’t you felt that I want you, Abby?”

  “We’re friends.”

  “And we’re married. We can have both. Don’t you think about me fucking you? When you lie awake at night after a day with me, do you wonder what it would be like to have me visit you? To show you how good it would be to become mine.” His fingers moved beneath the fabric of her costume, teasing around the edge. He moved forward and cupped her pussy. A single finger sliding through her slit, shocking her as he touched her clit.

  She looked back where Drake was, but there was no sign of him.

  “Talk to me, Abby.”

  “I—I, what do you want me to say?”

  “Speak the truth. Do you think of me?”

  She paused. The truth was on the tip of her tongue, but she held herself back.

  “I know I think of you, all the time.”

  “You do?” She opened her eyes to stare at him wondering if he spoke the truth or if it was all just bunch of lies.

  “Yes. I want to bring you back to my room, to spread you out on my bed. Your hair cascading over my pillow as I spread your legs. Your pussy is always wet for me. Li
ke it is now. You’re so wet. You want my cock, don’t you, Abby? I’ll make it so good for you.”

  How could he know what she’d been thinking?


  That she’d lain awake all night, desperate for him to be inside her?

  It couldn’t be possible, but as he teased her clit, she couldn’t deny it.

  She wanted him.

  “Yes, I want you, James.” She opened her eyes.

  “You do?”


  “Then how about tonight, you leave your door open and I’ll come and get you.”

  “You want to be with me?” she asked.

  “I can’t think of anything else.” He rubbed his cock against her. “You feel that. Feel how hard I am for you.”

  “You’re so big.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll fit. I’ll bring you to orgasm until you can’t think straight. When I’m inside you, I’ll make it the best experience of your life.” He stroked her cheek, and just a little, she fell for him.

  She didn’t like the man he’d been on her wedding night or the day after.

  The man she’d seen the past week, the one who walked with her, shared his life, laughed, and took care, she knew without a doubt that she could come to love him.

  When he tilted her head back and his lips brushed against hers, her body came to life. His hand left her pussy, and she whimpered.

  “Tonight, Abby. I’ll be all yours tonight.”

  She held his head, keeping him in place so that she could kiss him back. She loved the feel of his lips on hers.

  When his fingers sank into her hair, to her, it was perfect. She loved it when he was just a little rough. She didn’t need to be treated like glass.

  She was ready for whatever James threw her way.

  In fact, she was excited about it.


  That night James made his way across the landing. He’d not gotten to her door yet, but he saw it was partially open. This was what he’d told her to do to let him know that she wanted him to be there.

  If she’d not been ready for him, he’d have left, given her the space she needed.

  He didn’t want to be a monster.

  The week they’d shared, he had his guilt at the way he treated her.

  He’d not been fair to her at all. Drake had found evidence that she wasn’t like her parents, that she’d been honest with him. She had a job for one, and as soon as she could, she tried to get away from them. She’d apologized to him when she really didn’t have to.


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