Her Rebound Men

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Her Rebound Men Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  The time they’d spent together, there was no way there was a mean bone in her body. She didn’t value wealth the way her parents did. Nor did she try to bargain with him. She’d not asked for money or the credit card that was in her name.

  Yet, when he checked up on her parents, they were spending the money he gave them as an allowance as if it was going out of style. They had no respect, and they expected him to keep on paying for them. They held that damn video and those pictures over his head to keep him in line. The one call he’d taken from Abby’s mother and he couldn’t believe it. She wanted to know if Abby was being a good girl, if she was doing all that she said. As he listened to her, he’d felt sick to her stomach.

  “I told her that you have certain appetites.”

  “She’ll do whatever you want. You’ve just got to ask her.”

  “If you have any trouble, leave it to me. I’ll make sure you get what you paid for.”

  He’d thought about his conversation with Abby’s mother, and then he thought about her; about Abby, his wife.

  She’d told him she’d been forced.

  The woman he’d seen this week, there had to be a threat of some kind to make her marry him.

  She’s not who you thought she was.

  Drake was in agreement as well.

  Abby wasn’t a money-grabbing bitch, but what did he do now? Either way, he wanted out of this marriage.

  Then turn around.

  Go back to your room.

  Take care of your own hard-on.

  He kept on walking because as much as he didn’t want to be married to Abby, he couldn’t deny his attraction to her.

  It was why he’d been so pissed off at his wedding.

  He’d wanted to hate her. Then divorcing her would have been so easy.

  But not only did he find her sexy as hell, he thought about fucking her constantly, and he saw the way Drake watched her. They both wanted her.

  He wasn’t jealous of his man’s need for Abby.

  They both wanted Abby, to bring her pleasure, to hear her cries as they filled the room. He’d heard her come before with his tongue, and soon, he’d be balls deep inside her as he came.

  Stepping up to her door, he watched her. She lay on the bed on her stomach with her knees back and her legs in the air as she read a book. Her hair was bound on her head, and she wore a pair of boy shorts and vest top.

  She looked so young.

  He saw her gaze every now and then drifting to the door. He was standing in a spot where she couldn’t see him.

  He waited a couple of minutes while she read some more. She twirled a curl around her finger as she read. She looked tempting, like a seductress, and she didn’t even know it.

  When her gaze landed on the floor for a third time, he stepped into the light so that she could see.

  Her eyes widened.

  “Waiting for me?”

  “James.” She climbed off the bed, the book left behind. Her hands clasped together as she stared at him. “You came.”

  “You didn’t think I would?”

  “I thought you might have changed your mind. I don’t know how this works.”

  He stared around the spare bedroom. Already there showed signs of her. He saw the pile of books by the side of her bed. Drake had given a catalog just the other day and asked her to order things.

  She had, and he noticed the purple lampshade that had replaced the one that he’d put in all of the spare bedrooms. She pushed some hair off her face. She’d taken down some of the artwork, and draped some fabric across other picture frames. There was more color here than in any room of the house.

  “Do you want to come with me tonight?” he asked.

  “You’re wanting my permission?”

  “You need to understand, Abby. Coming to my room, there is no turning back.”

  She licked her lips. “There’s not?”

  “No. Coming to my room tonight, we will fuck. I’ll be so deep inside you, you can’t think straight.” He stepped into the room.

  Closing the distance between them, he stood right in front of her and cupped her cheek. He tilted her head so she was looking at him. Running his thumb across her bottom lip, he stared into her eyes.

  He could do this for the rest of his life.

  That’s what scared him.

  His feelings when it came to Abby were not part of the plan.

  Far from it, in fact. He didn’t want to fall for her, to want her. She was a means to an end.

  Then turn around and let her go.

  He couldn’t bring himself to do that either. He had to have her, a taste at least.

  As he dropped his head, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips, her fingers sank into his hair, holding him close. She kissed him back harder, and as he banded a hand around her waist, he knew he couldn’t let her go.

  “Take me back to your room, James. I want this. I want you.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice.

  Lifting her to her feet, he carried her out of her room. She wrapped her legs around his waist, letting out a giggle. “You want this as well?”

  He paused outside of his room, taken aback a little by her question.

  “You doubt it?”

  “I don’t know what to think. What to feel? I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be scared. I’d never hurt you.”

  He stepped into his bedroom, leaving the door open. Drake knew what was happening tonight.

  The two people in his life wanted each other. He knew that, saw it, and one day, he was going to have everything his heart desired.

  Both Drake and Abby at his side.

  It would be perfect.

  She could complete us.

  Pushing those thoughts away, he put her down to the floor. Cupping her face, he took possession of her mouth. Her hands ran up his chest and down, her fingers teasing the band of his pants. He wore a pair of sweatpants.

  Nothing else.

  He pulled her shirt up and over her head.

  This wasn’t the first time he’d seen her naked, but they were in his bedroom and he wanted her.

  Her tits were nice, big, and plump. Cupping one of the delicious mounds in his hands, he kneaded the flesh. Her head bowed back as he took one nipple into his mouth while he teased the other with his fingers.

  His name filled the room as she cried out.

  He pinched her beaded nipple, trailing his tongue between the valley of her tits to lap at the other one while he played with the one he’d just had in his mouth.

  Cupping her tits together, he tongued the hard, red points, and her moans of pleasure were music to his ears.

  She tugged at his sweatpants, and he released her tits to drop his pants to the floor. Stepping out of them, he kicked them to the side.

  Taking hold of her hand, he wrapped it around his cock, working up and down the length to show her what he liked.

  “You don’t have to be gentle with me. I can take it.”

  “It doesn’t hurt?” she asked as she squeezed his length.

  “No, it feels so good.”

  Her hand was tight as she ran it up and down his length. He was already so aroused that pre-cum coated the entire head of his dick. Soon, he’d have her on her knees taking his cock. Taking both his and Drake’s length. He’d wait though.

  They would go at her pace.

  He wasn’t in a rush.

  Not anymore.

  Be careful. You’re starting to sound like you care.

  He couldn’t take much more of her touch and batted her hand away. He stepped close to her, and she took one back until the backs of her legs hit the bed. She dropped down, and he used her momentum to grab her shorts and remove them from her body.

  She wasn’t wearing any panties, and now she was naked.

  Completely at his mercy.

  “Open them for me. Let me see my pussy.”

  She spread her legs, and he saw how wet she was.

  “You like it when I talk dirty to you?

  She nodded her head.

  He groaned as he cupped her pussy. Sliding a finger between her slit, he teased her bud. He wouldn’t penetrate her. Her virginity would be taken by his cock.

  What was more, he wouldn’t be using a condom either. When he claimed Abby as his own, it would be flesh to flesh.

  No latex between them.

  Nothing to keep them apart.

  Regardless of the risk of pregnancy, he was going to have her at least this once.

  Chapter Seven

  Abby stared up at her husband, feeling this overwhelming desire consume her as he teased her clit. He used two fingers, stroking her, making her moan as he got her so close to orgasm but didn’t let her go over the edge.

  “Lie back,” he said.

  He moved her up the bed so that she lay against the pillows.

  “Keep your legs open. I want to see how wet you get.”

  His wicked words were turning her on.

  He didn’t follow her up, and she watched as his face came level with her pussy.

  “You know I couldn’t go another day without having a taste of you.”

  She watched him slide his tongue along her slit, and she gasped. He swirled his tongue against her clit, and need consumed her unlike anything else. His shoulders were in the way of her closing her thighs, and he held the lips of her sex open. She was completely at his mercy for him to do whatever he wanted to her. She didn’t want to fight him, and as he teased through her slit, she cried his name.

  She wanted to come so badly, to feel him driving his cock deep within her. She didn’t want him to stop, hated for him to.

  He didn’t stop though.

  James kept on teasing her clit, licking at her nub before sucking it inside his mouth. She closed her eyes, arching up to his touch.

  “So fucking perfect. Such a nice, juicy cunt, and it’s all mine. No other man has known this pussy.”

  In the back of her mind she thought about Drake.


  She’d never been with him, but the only other man she’d felt arousal for was him.


  The man that kept appearing around the house when she felt lonely, his sweet smile touching her heart.

  Pushing him from her mind, she focused on James, on his tongue, on the feelings he kept inspiring within her.

  She was falling for him, and she had to protect herself. He wasn’t the kind of man a woman fell for, or at least not her, but she was. His sweetness shone through, smashing their previously bad memories.

  “Come for me, Abby. Let me hear you scream it.”

  He teased her clit, and the pleasure built, her orgasm taking her by surprise as it suddenly struck her hard. She couldn’t think as she cried out his name. Arching up off the bed, she quivered beneath his touch, feeling her cream leak to her ass.

  “So beautiful,” he said, pressing a kiss to her pussy before moving so that he was settled between her thighs and his lips were close to hers.

  His mouth was slick, covered in her arousal.

  “You taste so good,” he said. “I could lick your pussy forever.”

  When he kissed her, she didn’t push him away. She was ready for this.

  Kissing him back, she felt his cock between her thighs, the head of his shaft sliding between her slit, bumping her clit.

  She moaned his name, needing him.

  “This is going to hurt. You know that?” he asked.

  She nodded her head.

  His cock was poised at her entrance. He didn’t fill her. He held perfectly still, watching her.

  She was ready. She wanted to belong to him, to be his in every way that counted.

  Not because her mother had told her to or ordered it.

  Not because of the threat of being put away hung over her head.

  She wanted this because of James.

  He slammed to the hilt within her.

  The pain was instant, shocking her in place as he tore through the thin skin of her virginity, claiming her for himself.

  She covered her mouth, trying to stop the cry that broke from her lips. He wouldn’t let her, taking her hand away. He wrapped his arms around her, his lips covering her mouth.

  As she whimpered, he kissed the pain away.

  “I know, baby. I know.”

  She didn’t know what he knew, but she knew it hurt.

  Tears filled her eyes, and he became a blurry image.

  The pain had shocked her.

  “I … I didn’t think it would hurt that much,” she said.

  He’d stopped kissing her, and now he stroked her head. “I know. I’ve got you. I’ll make it all better. I promise.”

  “I’m a big baby.”

  He chuckled. “You’re not a baby. What you just gave me…” He stopped. She stared at him, waiting to see what he’d say. Would he ridicule her? Mock her? “It was beautiful, Abby. I will never forget this moment.”

  “You won’t?”

  “No. I want to make it magical for you.”

  “It hurts.”

  “The pain should ease.”

  “It should?”


  She nodded her head. “Okay. Yes.” She’d read plenty of books. The pain didn’t last long.

  James didn’t move. He held perfectly still, and she breathed a sigh of relief. There was only so much pain she could take.

  Slowly, seconds later, maybe even a minute, the pain had lessened, and her curious mind got the better of her. She needed to know what it would be like, to feel him pull out of her and thrust back in.

  Staring into his eyes, she saw he was waiting for her.

  The air was thick around them.

  Pulling her pelvis back, she heard him hiss.

  She stopped.

  When he didn’t tell her to stop or to keep going, she took a chance, and rocked back onto his cock.

  He groaned at the same time she moaned.

  The pain wasn’t there. It was weird. She felt full and yet needy. She wanted him to start moving, to thrust inside her.

  “You’re ready for me to fuck you?” he asked.

  “I … yes. Please, James.”

  He pulled out of her, taking his time, so achingly slowly it made her whimper.

  When he thrust back inside her, he did that slowly as well, driving her crazy.

  “I feel you, baby. You want me to fuck you, don’t you? To make it so good.”

  “Please, James.” She wasn’t above begging.

  Something was building inside her, and as he pulled out only to slam back in, it made her ache for more.

  “Yes, like that. Please don’t stop. Please.”

  “I love the sound of your begging, Abby. You’ll always beg for me. I promise you. You’ll want for nothing. I’ll give you everything.”

  He grabbed her hands, placing them beside her head, holding her down.

  “Watch me fuck you, Abby. See how you take my dick.”

  Glancing down between them, she couldn’t help the moan that spilled from her lips. His cock was slick with her own arousal, and seeing him thrust within her drove her higher.

  Arching her pelvis up, she needed that friction, fighting for more.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  James picked up the tempo. He wasn’t going slowly anymore. He started to drive inside her, pounding away.

  The sound of their pants, as well as the slamming of the headboard against the wall, filled the air.

  Nothing else mattered in that moment.

  She only wanted James, to feel that peak once again.

  “You’re so close,” he said. One of his hands released her, and she felt it between her thighs, teasing her.

  The moment he touched her clit, she hurtled toward another orgasm. He threw her over the edge, and as she did, he took her harder, rougher, if that was even possible. She felt him so deep inside her, hitting to the point of almost pain, but it was so good. She didn’t want it to end.

  “Oh, fuck, that
feels so good. You’ve got the nicest pussy I’ve ever been in. So damn good.” He slammed inside her one final time, and she felt the kick of his cock along with the pulse of his release as he filled her.

  His orgasm seemed to go on forever, and it set off another mini-orgasm within her.

  So good.

  So right.

  She belonged to him. It was clear to her now.


  James stared down into Abby’s sleeping face. She looked so peaceful. Stroking some of her hair back, he allowed himself the pleasure of just watching her.

  She was stunning, no doubt about it.

  He’d also worn her out.

  After taking her virginity, he’d carried her to the bathroom and washed the last traces of her blood from her flesh. By the time he got back to the bedroom, Drake had already dealt with the sheets.

  They were long gone.

  James had brought her back to bed and made love to her. This time, he’d been slow, allowing her body to become accustomed to the new pleasure he’d given her.

  “You’re something else entirely, sweet Abby.”

  Climbing out of bed, he made his way down to the kitchen. He expected to see Drake there, but he was nowhere to be found.


  “I’m in here.”

  James walked into the laundry room, and there Drake was.

  He held a sheet in his hand. “The stain won’t come out.”

  “Get rid of the sheets then,” James said.

  “What was it like?” Drake asked.

  “You were there. You saw.”

  “I heard the pain she was in as well.”

  “And how did that make you feel?” James asked.

  This was the first time a woman had been close to them. Not only had she been in his bed, but Abby didn’t even know that he was in a relationship with Drake.

  “I wanted to make you stop. I wanted to help her.”

  “I hated myself,” James said, speaking up after a few seconds’ pause.

  “You did?”

  “Yes. Hearing her cry out in pain. I didn’t want to hurt her. I never want to hurt her.”

  “You’ve got feelings for her?”

  “Don’t be stupid. Abby’s a means to an end. It doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.”


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