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Her Rebound Men

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Staring into her eyes, he cupped her face. “I want this. Tell me you don’t.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “At any time you want to stop, we’ll stop.”

  “You will?” she asked.


  “This is for your pleasure as well, Abby. What you want as well,” Drake said.

  James felt him run his hand down her body, the bathing suit gliding down as he slipped a hand between her thighs.

  “She’s so wet,” Drake said.

  “Feel how tight her pussy is.”

  “You’ve not fucked her enough,” Drake said. He released a hiss. “You’re so tight, baby. You need to be fucked a lot more to be used to a nice, thick cock inside you.”

  “Yes, please, yes.”

  “Who would you like, baby? Me or Drake?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I think it’s time we took this out of the pool,” James said.

  They all made their way out of the pool. James took her hand and led her right toward their bedroom where they’d woken up this morning. The moment they entered, he felt her tense.

  “I’m not sure about this,” she said.

  Drake was naked. His hand was on his cock, which he stopped playing with the moment she spoke.

  James moved up behind her.

  “What are you not sure about?”

  “This is cheating.”

  “No, it’s not cheating. I love to watch, Abby. I want to see you with Drake. I’m not going to divorce you. It’s going to be me, you, and Drake. Together, right here. He’ll touch you to give me pleasure.”

  Abby turned toward him, giving Drake her back. “You’re sure?”

  “Tell me you don’t want him.”

  “This isn’t about want, James. People can desire others, but I made a vow to you. One that even if I didn’t want it, I do take seriously.”

  “I’ll never come between you and James. You want me to leave, I’ll go.” Drake moved up behind her, his hands on her hips.

  James captured her face in his palm, stroking her lips. “I want this, and you can pretend you don’t, but I’ve seen the way you look at him. You desire him as well. I’m not judging you. Our marriage started out weird, but we can make of it what we want. I want this, and I can see you do as well.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “So, let us both have this together. Give in, Abby. Your parents are not here to take it from you. They’ll never take another thing from you again.” He’d make damn sure of it.

  Abby whimpered, and then she turned. He watched as she gripped the back of Drake’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

  James’s cock went so fucking hard. It was such a beautiful sight. Drake’s hand stayed on her hips, and James moved forward, cupping her pussy. He stroked her clit before teasing down to play with her cunt. “So wet, baby. You love his mouth on you.”

  He took her hand with his free one and wrapped it around Drake’s cock.

  His man moaned, and the sound filled his senses. He didn’t let Abby go. With his hand wrapped around hers, he began to show her how to drive Drake crazy. “That’s it. You make him work for it. Run your thumb across the tip. Stroke that pre-cum all around the head, and then down. When you suck on his cock, use your teeth a little here around the head. It’ll make him melt.”

  “Have you ever sucked a cock, Abby?” Drake asked.


  “Do you want to now?” James whispered the question against her ear feeling her shake.


  “Get on your knees.” She didn’t falter at his instruction. She went to her knees between them. Wrapping her hair around his fist, he held onto Drake’s cock. “Put your lips around the head. Use your tongue, lick over the head and then suck him down into your throat.”

  Drake cursed, his hand clenching as Abby followed his instructions. She used her teeth at exactly the right time, and he saw Drake losing his mind.

  There would be payback, but for now, James was the one in charge.

  Chapter Nine

  Abby couldn’t believe she had another man’s cock in her mouth. Staring up at Drake, she couldn’t deny the arousal she had. She loved being around him. When James wasn’t there, Drake had put her at ease. That first day, he’d not given her the time of day, but since then, he’d been so sweet.

  She’d caught him looking at her, his gaze running down her body, making her feel on display for him. She’d tried to ignore the feelings.

  Her marriage to James may have been a farce, but she intended to remain faithful. When he suggested she would cheat on him, it sickened her to think about it. Marriage was a sacred vow between a man and woman. She had no interest in breaking those vows.

  She’s opened up a part of her soul to James, and now, he was sharing this with her.

  It felt right.

  James tugged on her hair, bending her head back so she had no choice but to look at him. “Do you like having his cock in your mouth?”


  “How is she?” James asked.

  “So good. Inexperienced, but that in itself is a turn-on. I want her lips back on my cock.”

  James eased up on her hair, and she went back to working Drake’s cock. She loved how James tugged on her hair. It seemed to send an answering pulse between her thighs. It wasn’t hard either. The pain from his touch was sexy.

  “You need to stop. I’m going to come, and I’m not ready to stop just yet.”

  She didn’t want to stop, but as James tugged her head off him, she licked her lips the moment she released him.

  “Would you have swallowed his cum?” James asked.

  She was on fire, but she nodded.

  “Even if it had filled your mouth? You’ve never tasted cum before.”

  “To make him happy, yes, I’d have done it,” she said.

  She saw her answer made him happy.

  “I think she needs a reward,” James said. “Would you like to taste her sweet cunt?”


  Drake went to his knees, and before she knew where she was, he was beneath her, his mouth between her thighs.

  James moved from behind her. Drake’s cock was near her mouth, but she didn’t touch him again. She watched her husband as he took a seat on the edge of the bed.

  Drake licked her clit, moving down to plunder her pussy. She couldn’t believe he was licking her or even that James had suggested it.

  “You like that?” he asked.

  “You came inside me.” She managed to pant out, and it ended on a scream as he stroked her flesh.

  “So I did. I wonder if he’ll still be able to taste me. To taste the two of us together.”

  She couldn’t hold in her moan as Drake fucked her pussy with his tongue. He held her pussy lips open as he worked up and down her slit, stroking over her clit then down to her hole and back up again.

  James worked his cock, and she watched as he did.

  Give up.

  Stop worrying.

  He wants this.

  You want this.

  Take this while you can.

  “Do you want my cock, baby?” he asked.


  He got up from the bed. “Open those lips.”

  She opened her mouth, staring up into his eyes, and he pressed his cock inside. She closed her lips around him, moaning as he hit the back of her throat. He didn’t make her gag as he pulled out only to slide back inside. Forward and back. Her saliva covered his cock, reminding her of another promise he gave to her. The one where he was going to take her tits.

  Would Drake be there with them?

  Did he watch all the time or just this once?

  Did they ever touch themselves?

  All these questions swirled around her head, as well as the thought of Drake and James together, rubbing each other, taking each other.

  She felt and heard Drake moan as he continued to lap at her pussy. His tongue plundered her hole before sliding up to tease her clit
. It was like he didn’t have a clue which he wanted to do more, suck or fuck her.

  Abby loved his tongue, and as James wrapped her hair around his fist once again, she followed his commands as he made her suck his cock exactly how he liked it: going deep, and then sucking on the head before taking more of him into her mouth.

  If this was what he wanted to keep secret, she could understand why he’d done what her parents had requested. This was private. What they did together behind closed doors with a willing female was between them.

  Her parents had taken something beautiful and tried to make it ugly. She’d show them both that she wasn’t like either of her parents. That she believed in what they were doing. She’d gladly be between them, loving them both, showing each of them what she felt.

  Drake focused on her clit, and as he started to flick the bud back and forth, the pleasure started to intensify. She whimpered as he kept on working her. It was all too much, and as he pushed her toward orgasm, she screamed his name with James’s cock in her mouth.

  “You’re right, James, she’s so fucking pretty when she screams,” Drake said, standing up behind her. He kissed her neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, one hand cupping her tit, the other her stomach.

  “Do you want to feel how good her pussy is?” James asked.

  Staring up at James, she was shocked by what he was offering his friend.

  “We share, Abby. There’s no shame in wanting him. I’ve seen the way you look at him, and you’re not going to get any judgments here. I like to watch.”

  “If you want me, Abby, I’d love to feel how wet and tight you are. You’ve been watching me, and I’ve been watching you.” Drake whispered the words against her ear at the same time he stroked her body. “Those suits you wear at the pool drive me nuts. All I want to do is peel it off you, taste you, touch you, fuck you. Take everything you offer, and show you how hard you make me.”

  “Show her now.” James pulled out of her mouth and stepped away. “On the bed.”

  James took control, patting the mattress, and within a matter of seconds she was on the bed, flat on her back.

  “Wait, wait, you need a condom.” She held her hand up.

  Drake reached into the drawer beside the bed and found a condom. They must have done all their sharing here for him to know where to look.

  She stared up at him, her legs spread.

  Did this make her a slut?

  She wanted him, and he wasn’t her husband.

  Her pussy was so wet, and she’d brought herself off plenty of times thinking about him. Imagining him sliding inside her, taking her, fucking her, controlling her.

  It would be so good.

  She knew that.

  Abby had no idea how both of these men had remained single, but she wasn’t about to judge.

  They were both perfect men as far as she was concerned, and the fact they wanted her—she couldn’t believe it.

  With the condom rolled on, Drake stepped between her thighs. James wasn’t going anywhere.

  Drake was first, sliding his cock into her pussy. He was just as big as James but not as wide.

  “You like him in deep?” James asked, his lips so close to hers.


  “Good. I like to see that. His cock spreading your pussy lips wide. You taking his cock. If he didn’t have the condom on, I’d love to see him fill your cunt. When you get on the pill again, we’re going to have to enjoy that.”

  She gasped as Drake touched her clit.

  With his cock filling her, it was a whole new sensation.

  “Open your mouth,” James said.

  She looked between them as she opened her lips and James slid his length deep inside her. They were both staring at her. She was the center of attention, and she lapped it up. This was all a new experience for her as they drove her toward orgasm.

  Drake stroked her clit as he fucked her and James took her mouth. He never went past her gag reflex, giving her time to become accustomed to the sheer size of him. Both men were not small in any department.

  They surrounded her, and James cupped her cheek as he drove his cock within her.

  When she came, he didn’t pull out this time as she moaned, her pleasure clearly driving his higher as she saw his teeth grit.

  “I can’t control it. I need to come,” Drake said.

  “Then do it. Fill her. Come for me, Drake.”

  Hands on her hips, Drake drove into her five more thrusts until she felt his cock jerk and erupt within her. The pleasure went on and on, but she took it, loving that he came.

  “Are you ready for this?” James asked.

  She nodded her head, mumbling a yes, so that he’d hear. He grunted her name and then she felt his cock as it jerked. She had no choice but to swallow his cum as it filled her mouth. Wave upon wave of it, she swallowed down until he was spent.

  They didn’t leave her after their fuck-fest.

  Both men lay on either side of her. Their arms banded around her, touching her, soothing her, calming her.

  She knew she could get used to this.


  One week later

  Everything had fallen into place so easily. Abby wanting Drake. Drake wanting Abby, James wanting both of them. If he still wanted the original plan to go ahead, all would be well. Only, he didn’t wish to blackmail Abby anymore.

  Not after their time together, and seeing her true nature and the fact he’d gone to where she’d lived before the wedding and the people who’d been around her, had nothing but good things to say about her. She was a well-loved young woman.



  But nice, friendly, always willing to help.

  The picture they painted was one he knew her to be.

  Even when he saw her at home, she was never on the internet, never spending money. She was always content with what she had.

  Only, she didn’t deserve to spend the entirety of their marriage locked up in his mansion, even though the past week had been a haven of pleasure for all three of them.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Drake said, bringing in the mail.

  He’d decided to work at home again today. He’d left a few days ago to finally put his fears to bed about Abby. Drake was already aware of what he’d discovered. His best friend hadn’t been surprised in the least. Like Drake said, all you had to do was be around Abby to know she was a wonderful person. James couldn’t deny it. The more time he spent with Abby, the harder it was to hate her or to even feel anything other than a need to protect. He’d known what a viper her mother was. Both of her parents were hungry for money, for wealth, and were willing to do whatever it took to achieve it. Someone like Abby would have been a victim to them long ago. How she’d been able to get away and be sweet was a mystery, but then when he’d asked her, Abby had smiled and told him simply, “I was useless to them.” He had still yet to learn what had made Abby so upset that she’d cut herself when she was younger. Even still, to be told that you were useless; he wanted to hurt both her parents.

  “I’ve been thinking about getting away. The three of us.”

  “Where do you want to go?” Drake asked.

  “You, me, and Abby, to the beach house.”


  “I just do,” James said. The past week, they had all shared the same bed, bringing each other more and more pleasure.

  He loved watching his woman and his man together. Seeing Drake sliding deep inside Abby turned him on, but not only that, it all felt … right.


  “The plan?” Drake said.

  “We’re not going through with it. I told you that.”

  “Are you going to stay married to her?” Drake asked.

  He stared at the man he’d fallen in love with so long ago. “Are you jealous?”

  “No. I’m not jealous. Abby … she’s unlike anyone I’ve ever known. She’s sexy as hell, sweet, and I don’t want to hurt her. I don’t want you to hurt her.
All I want to do when we’re with her is take care of her.”

  “That’s how I feel.”

  “We’re going to have to tell her the truth one day.”

  “Right now, she doesn’t need to know.”

  “You think we can continue on like we are without her knowing we’re lovers? How I love to feel your cock in my mouth or ass? Your hands all over my body?” Drake asked.

  “When she’s ready, we’ll tell her. What do you think? Do you think she’d love to go to the beach?” He was nervous.


  How did that happen?

  How could he be nervous about this?

  He wanted to take her to the beach, not have lots of babies.

  The babies would come.

  He was losing his mind. No doubt about that.

  “I think she’d love it.”

  “Where is she?” James asked.

  “In the kitchen. It would seem she had a need for baking muffins. Do you want to see?”

  James got to his feet in answer and followed Drake through to the back of the house where Abby was indeed making muffins. There had to be at least forty on the counter already.

  He picked one up, taking a bite. Chocolate chip and cinnamon. His favorite. Did she even know they were his favorite?

  “I hope you don’t mind me baking. I’ve been missing my home, and I always baked for all the neighbors when I had an urge,” she said.

  She looked so cute. Flour covered her cheek, and it looked like she had some in her hair as well.

  “What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine.”

  He meant that about Drake as well.

  Abby’s smile filled him with warmth. “Thank you. What do you think?”

  She poured some chocolate chips into the batter she was working on before grabbing a large-looking ice cream scoop to put the batter into the cupcake cases waiting for her.

  “They’re delicious.”

  “James has something he wants to suggest,” Drake said.

  Drake moved behind Abby, his hands wrapping around her waist, kissing her neck. At first, she’d been a little unnerved by Drake’s touch, but when she saw that James didn’t mind Drake touching her, she’d relaxed.

  “I’ve been thinking about us going on our honeymoon,” he said.

  “You have? I thought we were on it?” She glanced back at Drake then at him.


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