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Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs

Page 60

by Gerry Bartlett

Page 60


  “Very sensible. ” I hid a smile. I knew how these Highlanders felt about their livestock and their women.

  This time it was Jerry who dropped a kiss on my lips. “Now I’ve got to find a bed, or I’ll hit the floor. Are you sure you’re all right, Gloriana?”

  “Fine. I’m going to stay here and enjoy the day. ” I smiled and watched him stop to hit Rafe’s foot, then head down the hall.

  Rafe stood and stretched. “He had a pretty good dose of daylight. Think this will really stop the feud?”

  “Looks promising. Uh-oh. ” I realized I was sinking fast myself. “I thought I had more time, but now I think I may have run out. ” I yawned. “I’ve got to hit the sheets as well. ”

  “This way. ” Rafe led me down the hall to what looked like the master bedroom.

  “Thanks, Rafe. ” I yawned and stumbled after him.

  “Watch your step. ” He smiled and took my arm when I bumped into the door.

  “I’m swearing off those supplements. Too much weird stuff happens. Daylight was cool, though. ” I patted his cheek. “Thanks, pal. ” I smiled back at him, feeling some of that weirdness right then. Like maybe I wanted to kiss him. His human form was so totally hot, and I was more than a little miffed at Jerry for keeping such a huge secret from me for, oh, centuries. Nope, couldn’t do that. Rafe was a pal. Besides, he’d think I was crazy.

  “All part of the job, Glory. Now you’d better take off that beautiful dress. Don’t want to wrinkle it. ” He steered me to a spot next to the empty bed.

  “Where’s Jerry?” I tried to reach my zipper but couldn’t manage it.

  “Down the hall, in another bedroom. Stretched out, still in his kilt. This bed is bigger. You’ll be more comfortable here. ” He gently turned me around and unzipped my dress. “Wait till I leave the room before you drop that. Lay it over a chair. ”

  I yawned again and smiled, holding the dress to my breasts. “Always taking care of me. Don’t know what I’d do without you. ”

  “You did look amazing tonight, my lady. ” He touched my cheek, then sketched an old-fashioned bow. “Perfect. ” He turned on his heel and walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind him.

  I put my hand on my cheek. Nice. Should’ve at least given him a hug. Oh, well. I let go of the dress, then realized I didn’t have on anything underneath but a thong. I staggered to a chair, dragging the dress over it before I fell on the bed. I was out.

  I woke to a most delicious feeling. Hands on my body, knowing hands that got it just right. Umm. I lifted my hips and then I was naked. Skin against skin. Rough against smooth. I explored a firm back and walked my fingers up through silky hair until I angled his head where I wanted it. I opened my mouth and kissed him, seeking his tongue and his taste. My eyes snapped open.

  “Ray, where did you come from?”

  “Surprise. ” Ray grinned and ran his hands over my bare bum.


  “Is dead to the world in a bed down the hall. ”

  I sat up, my heart in my throat. “You didn’t—”

  “Stake your lover in his sleep?” Ray grimaced. “Damn, why didn’t I think of that?” He pulled me back under him. “But, no, he’s safe and sound. I doubt Rafe would have let me at him anyway. ” He leaned down and drew his fangs along my throat.

  “You’re right. But we can’t—” I realized my legs were wrapped around Ray’s hips, sending a totally different message.

  “Sure we can. ” He nibbled my lower lip and pulled my breasts against his chest. “Mmm. This has been too long coming. I need you so bad. ”

  “I can feel that. ” Obviously Ray had taken one look and decided to strip so he could join the party. He felt amazing against me and tempting beyond belief. What was stopping me? A man who hadn’t trusted me enough to share his past with me?

  Ray kissed me, his thoughts wide-open. He’d reached his limit as far as watching me with Jerry was concerned. If I rejected him this time . . . And part of me ached to finally let go and have him love me like he wanted to.

  But he was going to stay in L. A. I knew it. And I was leaving. I had no choice. My real life was in Austin. This rock-star fantasy was just that. I’d known when it started that it couldn’t last. A one-night stand would just make our parting harder. It was already going to just about kill me.

  He rolled me on top of him and gazed up at me. “Let me look at you. God, you’re beautiful. No more of that diet shit. I want to just fall into these breasts and forget breathing. ” He proceeded to bury his face between them, then kiss his way from one nipple to the other with the enthusiasm of a true believer. He explored every inch until I shivered and moaned and clutched his hair.

  I tried to think. Tried to push him away and start a rational discussion of all the reasons why this wasn’t going to happen. Then he slid me up and began to lick a path down my stomach. Oh, this was a bad idea. I grabbed the iron headboard when I meant to push him away. How had that happened? I couldn’t let him . . . But he was strong and he had a goal and knew clever ways to get there. Oh, yeah. Touchdown. Or score. Or home run. Whatever. I gasped and bucked, so far gone I had to bite my lip to keep from keening and slamming my head into the wall behind the bed.

  “Say my name,” he whispered, his breath warm against my thigh.

  “Ray. ” I barely managed it. “Ray, don’t. ”

  “Yes. Don’t chicken out on me now, Glory. It would kill me. ”

  I forced my eyes open and glimpsed the heavy drapes across the room. There, just at the edge, I could see a trace of light. The one thing that, for Ray, might rank above mind-blowing sex at this point. It was reason enough to shove him aside, leap off the bed and hopefully not infuriate him or break his heart. And mine.

  “Ray, look! We’re awake and it’s still daylight outside. ” I stood next to the window.

  “I know. Don’t you love it? Ian’s a friggin’ genius for sure. ” He dragged his eyes from my naked body to the drapes where I pointed at that sliver of light.

  I grabbed a pillow and held it in front of me. “Tell me how you managed to get here. In daylight. ”

  “I took a double dose of Ian’s drug at his place. Then I watched the beach through his tinted windows all day. It was totally cool, Glory. ” Ray lay back, all glorious naked male.

  Why was I talking when I could be doing? No, I had a list of reasons why that was a bad idea. I struggled to trot them out again. Ray grinned, doing a little mind reading. Then he climbed out of the bed.

  “I did the same thing. Watched the beach with Jerry. ” I put out my hand to keep Ray from getting too close. “But how’d you get here?”

  “I called Fred and had the limo pick me up. Tinted windows. Ian has a covered carport at his front door. So does this house. Sun’s rays never hit me, and here I am. ” He moved in and tried to steal my pillow. “With my woman. ”

  “But how did you find me?”

  Ray grinned when I did a vamp leap across the bed and out of reach. “I’m in tight with Chip now, and who else is a vampire going to go to for a safe house? My new buddy was happy to help out when I told him you’d practically been abducted by the Campbells. ” He shook his head. “The Council isn’t too happy about a feud on their turf. Blade didn’t mention it to Chip when he rented this place. I told my boss I’d make sure the Campbells cleared out. ” Ray snatched at my pillow, but I dodged him.

  “No problem. This was just temporary. When Jerry wakes up—” I gasped when Ray leaped and landed behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “Gotcha. ” He nuzzled my neck, his desire hot, hard and very apparent against my backside.

  “Ray. ” I snagged my thong with my toe and dragged it to me. “We can’t—”

  “Sure we can. ” Ray snatched the thong and tossed it at the door. “Not thinking of getting dressed, are you?”

  “Come on, Ray. ”
I dropped the pillow and turned in his arms. “We’ve got a sunset coming. You have any idea how rare that is for me? I don’t want to miss it. Do you?”

  He pushed me down to the bed and fell on top of me.

  “Glory, Glory, Glory. Making love to you would be way better than any sunset, any sunrise. Stick with me, and I’ll buy you a thousand sunsets. ” Ray licked the vein throbbing in my neck and I shivered.

  Every inch of Ray pressed against me, and I knew he meant what he said. Which made this so much harder to do. But Jerry was down the hall. And now I understood him. Knew why . . . Then I felt a vibration. No, a hum. Ray had closed his eyes and held me close, his mouth against my throat where the blood pumped slowly to my heart. He rocked us gently to a beat only he could hear. It was a lovely tune, one I’d never heard before. He even sang a few words, his breath soft and sighing against my skin, and my eyes filled with tears. One dripped down my cheek and landed on his forehead.

  “Not the reaction I was going for. ” He looked up and smiled sadly. “See how you inspire me?” He braced himself on both elbows and gazed down at me.

  I felt his strength and saw his tenderness. God, I hated to deny him or myself. But I couldn’t do this. He saw my answer and shook his head.

  “Shit. This is going to be one of those ‘crying in your beer’ love songs, isn’t it?”

  “Afraid so, Ray. ” I pulled his head down and kissed his lips. “Let’s go see that sunset. ”

  “You sure? No sunset color will ever compare to the way your cheeks go pink when you’re turned on, baby. ” He brushed his thumb along my cheekbone. “Or the way your eyes sparkle when you’re happy. Like you were last night wearing that red dress and looking like a goddess. ”

  “Ray. ” I swallowed. I wished . . . I finally shook my head.

  He smiled sadly and eased off of me, then held out his hand. “Guess there’s a sunset for us to see, then. Come on. ” He pulled me to the door.

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