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A Dopeman & His Shawty

Page 3

by Tina J

  “Yo! Kenji.” I heard Jai say just as I was about to put my hands around her neck.


  “Leave Robin.”

  “I’m not going nowhere.” She kept popping shit.

  WHAP! She reached over and slapped the crap outta me.

  “YO ROBIN!! You gotta chill.” Jai pushed me away and she kept coming.

  “I’m cool.” I lifted my hands up, moved around him and hock spit in her face. It’s the only thing I could do to keep my hands off.

  “If you ever put your hands on me again, I’ll have both of them cut off.” She backed away with a petrified look on her face.

  Robin has a slight hand problem like most women and I usually ignore it. Today, she took it to a whole other level and I had to let her know. My mother don’t even hit me. I hopped in my car and sped off. It’s no telling what I would’ve done had I stayed.


  “Yo, go the fuck home Robin.” I picked her shoes up and put them on the hood of the car.

  “How could he just say it’s over? We had seven years and...” She slid down the side of the wall.

  “Whether you see it the same as him or not, you cheated.”

  “But he was down in Jamaica and it was a woman.”

  “Regardless of the gender, you slept with the woman behind his back. Y’all gave each other pleasure, kissed and all that. Cheating is cheating.” She stood.

  “Can you make him talk to me?” I busted out laughing. Not only couldn’t I stand this bitch, she really thought I’d get in the middle.

  Robin is a beautiful woman and for years, I thought my boy would marry her. She was the apple of his eye, his queen, his everything and no matter what, nothing could get in between the love they shared. Women tried to sleep with him, but he never allowed it to happen in fear Robin would leave him. That’s how much he was in love with her.

  When he told me she cheated, I thought he was a playing because supposedly Robin was head over heels in love with him too. Evidently, the feelings weren’t mutual. They couldn’t have been if having sex with another person wasn’t a problem. Once bodily fluids are exchanged, kissing occurs and so forth with another person, it’s cheating. Now she sitting outside my business venting as if my boy is wrong. Let alone the fact we can’t stand one another, she’s tryna get me of all people to make him take her back.

  It’s no secret Kenji is the biggest Dopeman on these streets. Well, it’s a secret to some but not me and that’s how he wants it. The less people who know your business, the better.

  I mean his father had the game on lock too, but my boy is doing it even bigger, with even higher expectations. He’s opening a hotel/ casino and who knows what else.

  He gives back to the community all the time; attends all the games we sponsor here and outta town and the kids worship the ground he walks on. I’ve only seen celebrities receive the type of treatment he gets.

  To be honest, I admire him and how hard he goes. I’ve always had a good work ethic but seeing him put in work makes me go harder, which is why I’m opening two other centers within the next few months.

  What people don’t know is even tho they see Kenji, they have no idea he’s the one supplying the streets. His father too was like a ghost and it’s how my boy wanted it as well. The workers didn’t even know who he was because he only had one person working directly under him besides Reg and Bran, and that individual is a cousin, who works for the feds. Crazy right.

  Anyway, everyone sees him as a businessman and nothing else. Kenji is quiet and laid back and never wanted people to feel as if he’s unapproachable. Granted, he may not say much because as he says, he’s always observing people, but he definitely makes himself available when necessary. Back to this bitch.

  When Kenji and I met, he wanted to assist with the community center, and I had no problem with it. I let him know my money paid for everything and I had the last say. He agreed and the two of us became tight as hell. Robin automatically assumed Kenji’s money paid for it.

  Yes, he purchased the kids uniforms, sneakers for the basketball team and sponsored a lotta things but as far as getting the community center started and so forth, that’s all me. I’m sure if I asked for money, he wouldn’t have hesitated to give it.

  “I can’t make Kenji do shit. You know as well as I, if he says it’s finished, then it’s finished.” I shrugged and started walking back to my building. This crazy bitch ran over and jumped in front of me.

  “Please Jai.” She begged.

  “Sorry. Can’t help you.” I went in, locked the side door and went back to my office. Not even two minutes later, Robin stepped in, put the lock on my door and started stripping.

  “Bitch, are you crazy?” I went to get up and she hopped in my lap.

  “I’ve always wanted to fuck you.” This bitch is really bugging.

  “Yo, you gotta go.” Her chest was against mine and her arms were wrapped tight around my neck.

  “Mmm. Jai. Let me feel it.” She grinded on top of me and stuck her tongue in my mouth. I bit that shit hard as hell and threw her on the ground.

  “If you ever come around me again, I’ll make sure my girl beats the fuck outta you.” I opened the door and drug her out by the hair naked and all.

  Thankfully, it was early so no one was here. I pushed her out the door, threw all her stuff and locked it. The hell is wrong with her? I lifted the phone to call Kenji but a call from a business associate came in. I’ll let him know later.


  “Excuse me.” I said to some chick in front of me at the soul food spot called Zanzibar. I had a taste for southern and since my girl didn’t cook tonight, I ordered to go.

  “Oh. I’m sorry.” The woman stepped to the side and continued staring down at her phone. I couldn’t help but notice the detective badge hanging around her neck or the way her hips and thighs looked in her jeans. Shit, I may be in a relationship, but a nigga can look.

  “It’s all good. Yo, James. My order ready?” I shouted and took my wallet out.

  “Give me a few. I’m by myself tonight and a little backed up.”

  “A’ight.” I backed away from the counter and took a seat on one of the stools by the window.

  “Excuse me. Are you from around here?” The same woman asked.


  “Thank goodness. Each person I asked so far either told me no, or to go effff myself because I’m a cop.” I started laughing.

  “Why did they say that?” She gave me a duh look.

  “Anyway, I just transferred here so I’m not really familiar with the area yet. I heard about this community center and wanted to check it out. Do you mind?” She pointed to the chair next to me.

  “Not at all. What center?” When she said mine, I smiled.

  “What? Is it that bad?”

  “Nah. It’s my center.” I stared at this woman and she’s definitely pretty with her brown skin, long hair, perfect manicure and picture-perfect smile. I had no business even giving this woman a second look, knowing my chick at home.

  “Really? What are the odds?”

  “Why you wanna know about it?” She pulled a flyer out her purse.

  “Well, it says your center offers kickboxing classes and a pool. The gyms I looked at around this area don’t have a pool and only offer yoga and cycling.” I had to grin because a lot of women came to the center for the same reasons.

  My spot held two indoor pools; one for adults and the other for kids. I have an outside one as well. I offered kickboxing, Ji Jitsu, self-defense and yoga classes as well. The gym has two huge basketball courts, with another area holding exercise equipment. I had two of those because a lotta women didn’t wanna work out in front of men. They could if they wanted but it was an option.

  Besides the pool outside there was a small track area and a tennis court. My center held a lot, which is why Robin’s dirty ass assumed I needed help building it. Little did she know my money was inherited
and mixed in with the little hustling I did. No one gave me shit.

  “Before I tell you where my spot is, I’m gonna need to know your name. A lotta cops come in but I’ve never seen one as beautiful as you.” She blushed and put her head down.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not tryna rap to you because my girl would kick my ass.” She lifted her head.

  “But you are beautiful and as a black man, we should always let our women know.” I winked.

  “Jai! Your food ready.” James yelled behind me. I stood.



  “My name is Sade and your chick is a lucky woman.”

  “I keep telling her the same thing.” Both of us started laughing. I grabbed my food and told her exactly where the center was located.

  “Enjoy your dinner.” Sade said on my way out. I turned and the way her ass sat in her pants, almost made me grab myself.

  “You too.” I stepped out and told myself when she comes to the gym, to stay away.

  I drove to my house and smiled staring at my girl’s car. The two of us been together for three years and I loved her with everything I had. Some of my family members adored her an others couldn’t stand her; yet, I still couldn’t wait to make her my wife.

  In my eyes she’s perfect and no one could tell me different. I grabbed the bag and walked around the car and to my steps.

  “What you doing home so early?” This guy who lived two houses down asked me. He usually has on a suit and tie but today he’s dressed down and look like he was running.

  “Needed to spend some time with my girl.” His face turned up. I’m at the center a lot and she’s always working, When I get the time to take off, I try and give her all my attention.

  “Is there a problem?” I asked because we cool and all but not enough for him to question me about my work hours.

  “Not at all.” He walked past slow and stared at me with an attitude. I shook it off and walked in my crib.

  “GINA!” I shouted and closed the door. She didn’t answer so I put the food down and went upstairs to check on her. I opened the bathroom door and she was in the shower. I took my clothes off and stepped in behind her.

  “Hey baby.” She turned around and instantly got on her knees. As she swallowed me, I stared down at her. It wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for this woman.

  “Cum for me daddy.” She juggled my balls and all my stressed spilled in her mouth.

  “Let me eat.”

  “I’m good baby.” She grabbed the soap and started washing both of us up.

  “You ok?” I lifted her face and the smile appeared to be fake.

  “I’m fine. Just had a bad day at work.”

  “Let me help you relax.” I pulled her closer and for some reason she pushed me away; again.

  “What’s really good Gina.” I rinsed the soap off, grabbed my towel and left her inside the shower. I heard the water turn off and seconds later she was behind me.

  “We haven’t had sex in three months.”

  “Jai, I’ve been stressed at work and I’ve given you head.” She was a manager at some accounting firm. I’m sure it gets hectic but damn.

  “Tha fuck is head Gina when I can’t return the favor or feel inside? Am I missing something?” I grabbed my boxers and started to get dressed.

  “Is our relationship only about sex?” Was she serious?

  “How can it be when we’re not having any?” I stormed down the steps and picked up my food to eat. All I wanted to do is come home, make love to my girl and relax. Clearly the shit ain’t happening. Oh well, at least I got Netflix. I’ve been meaning to watch mad shit anyway.


  “What took you so long to get here?” My man Kerron asked as he sat in the kitchen looking like the devil himself.

  “I had to wait for the food and you know I’m not familiar with this area.” I placed the bags on the table.

  “Why the fuck not? You’ve been back for a while now.” He’s right.

  Five years ago, my sister Nyana and I emancipated ourselves. I was seventeen at the time and only had a year to go but went ahead and did it, so Tashi wouldn’t get in trouble.

  The Simpsons had a fit because they gave us our birth certificates and social security cards to get a job. When they found out about us being emancipated, they had to pay back all the money the state gave them. It was funny because it took a year before the state noticed, and it all added up.

  Anyway, I dropped outta high school, studied for and took my GED and left. I could’ve stayed with Tashi, but my fast ass didn’t want to. I wanted to be on my own and experience life as an adult.

  Unfortunately, I was homeless at first because no one would rent me a room due to my age, so I worked at McDonalds during the day and became a stripper at night. I never indulged in sex with anyone and surprisingly it wasn’t a requirement. Plus, I left Ohio and went to Indiana, so no one knew who I was and my grown ass didn’t look sixteen. I ended up making a ton of money and quit McDonald’s.

  Long story short, once I turned eighteen, the police academy accepted me, and I’ve been in law enforcement ever since. I did so well at my job when the option to apply for detective came up, I went for it.

  I recently became a detective and my man had a problem with it. No idea why when he put my name down as well to be a candidate. It’s like he didn’t want me making near as much money as him and I wasn’t. I mean his salary is fifty thousand more than mine, so I don’t see the problem.

  “It’s been awhile Kerron and it’s not that serious.” I put the food down and attempted to walk out the kitchen. My hair was damn near pulled outta my scalp as he gripped it. It wouldn’t be the first time and I’m sure it’s not going to be the last.

  And before anyone says I’m stupid for staying, trust me I’ve tried to leave. However, the threats he made against Tashi and Nyana made me stay.

  At first, I didn’t believe he’d do anything until he showed me photos of them out, when they were sleeping etc... I was horrified when Nyana told me someone cut her breaks and caused her to lose control of the car. Nyana is nothing like me so I know she didn’t have enemies.

  In any case, I went to internal affairs and even Kerron’s boss to be transferred to another state. It would get me away from him and they all told me it’s a phase and he’s a good man. There’s no way he could be doing the things I’m accusing him of.

  If you haven’t figured it out, I’m a woman who’s dealing with domestic violence but as a cop, he’s protected by the blue wall of silence. It means cops don’t report cops so even though I’ve tried to escape; I can’t. He won’t let me and I don’t wanna put Nyana or Tashi in harm’s way. I’ve contacted a lawyer and even filed a restraining order against him and all of it was swept under the rug. Loyalty is big within police departments and no matter how much fucked up shit a cop did, they kept their mouths shut.

  When they transferred me back home I was ecstatic. I rushed to my house to pack my things and couldn’t wait to tell my sister. Kerron came to my apartment the same day with his own good news, which was him being transferred to the same place. Evidently, the captain in the area was indicted for perjury, bribery and a whole lot of other shit.

  I was devastated to know his peers placed him back with me knowing the things I accused him of. But here we are, in another area, going through the same thing.

  “You better not be fucking no one else.” He bit down on my shoulder very hard and wouldn’t stop until I screamed. He lived to see me in pain or tortured by him so I’d keep my reactions away as much as I could but then he’d do something worse.

  “Please stop Kerron.” He let go and pushed me so hard, I fell into the wall. I glanced down at my shoulder and noticed some of the skin lifted. Is he a fucking cannibal?

  “Get your stupid ass up, come feed me and then we fucking.” As bad as I wanted to say no, I had to do what he said.

  I walked over, opened his tray, grabbed the fork and began to feed him
. As I did, he began unbuttoning my jeans. All I could do is cry as he lifted my leg and smelled my pussy. When I tell you he’s crazy, he is beyond that.

  “What’s that smell?”

  “What smell?” I put more greens on the fork to feed him.

  “It smells sweaty.” He said chewing his food.

  “Kerron, I’ve been at work since five this morning. I’m going to be sweaty.” He nodded and stood.

  I didn’t smell like fish or anything but I’m sure the soap smell wore off. Shit? It’s the middle of May and hot as hell. I know he sweats too so why the hell is he bugging?

  I wanted to say something but trickles of blood was dripping down my arm and I was trying my best not to let it go in his food.

  “Well since you can’t wash before letting me smell, I’m gonna fuck you silly, make you go to bed and then, go to work without washing. See if you like being sweaty at work.”


  “Nah fuck that. My woman is supposed to make sure she’s good beforehand.”

  “I tried to but you pulled my hair.” His eyes now had slits in them.

  “You’re blaming me for the way you smell?”

  “No. It’s…”

  BAM! He punched me in the stomach, pulled his jeans down and forced his dick in my mouth.

  “I want it nasty and sloppy Sade.” I wanted to bite it off but not being sure if he’d kill me, I gave him what he asked for.

  “Damn Monique.”

  “Monique?” I questioned an put my head up. He forced it back down.

  “That’s my new secretary. She sexy as fuck Sade and I want her, but she knows about you. Since I can’t have her, I’m visioning her to be the one giving me head. Mmm damn. Monique you doing the damn thing.” He pumped harder in my mouth and came down my throat.

  “Yea Monique. Let me fuck you from behind.” His eyes were closed which let me know he’s still visioning this woman.

  He bent me over, got his dick hard again and fucked me off and on all night calling me by this other woman’s name. By the time we finished, my eyes were blood shot red from crying.

  He passed out and I hurried in the bathroom to shower. At least I’ll take one now, so it won’t be as bad in the morning. Unfortunately, when I stepped out, he was standing there with an extension cord in his hand.


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