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The Long Dark Four-Way of the Soul

Page 14

by Alden Odessa

  “It’s okay, we’re not going to hurt you,” I said to her.

  “Who are you?” she asked, terrified and out of breath from the screaming.

  “Just passing by and we heard you call for help.”

  She said nothing at first, just cried. Then: “Can you help me?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Who are you?”

  She paused for a moment as if searching for an answer. “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean? Do you have a name?”

  “Casey,” she said. “My name is Casey.”

  “Okay, Casey, where are you from? How did you get here?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I stared at her and then I looked back at April. April nodded, she knew why I was looking at her and I knew exactly what her nod meant. Casey’s story is the same as hers.

  I looked back at Casey; I looked her over. She was remarkably clean. She didn’t look like April had when I first met her. She was also a little older than April was. She looked almost forty years old though it was difficult to tell in this darkness. Either way, she wasn’t a teenager.

  Had I found it? Was this where near NPCs spawned. Could this be an asset and why had the game lead me here if I wasn’t supposed to use this girl in some capacity.

  Why did I keep picking up wounded kittens to take care of! I already had my limit of people in my harem that was not making me money. Girls who I had to find a role for and this looked like it was going to be another one. What possible need did I have for this woman? I really couldn’t make out her features, but I was just guessing she would not be a big earner for me.

  At the end of the day, however, I was going to need a large “staff” so to speak if I would run the town. So I extended my hand to her.

  “Do you want to come with us?”


  “I have a room, and a bath and a warm place to stay. You’ll be safe with us.”

  She looked at my hand, then to April and Kyle. I looked at April who was looking directly at Casey, and she nodded her head once again. This time letting Casey know she should come with us.

  Casey reached out and took my hand.

  Another wounded kitten that I was taking home.


  Good, Old-fashioned Bait and Switch

  On my way back to The Side Light I did a quick mental headcount of everything and everyone.

  First, back at The Side Light, which was still our primary base of operations, I had Courtney, Stephanie, Bridget and Emily all available for work. I had Augustus and Beatrice available for cleaning and upkeep and whatever else I could think for them to do. Betty was there, running the show and acting as the Madame. Bogo was there for protection.

  I was bringing back with me Kyle, Allie and April and now Casey.

  Back at The Show-Tel, I had Katie and Ricky. I also now, apparently, owned The Show-Tel. Which was a terrible place to own. It looked like it only had three functioning rooms and also didn’t have running water. It seemed to have electricity though, so that was good. If I could figure out how to get running water to it, I could use it, provided I could get it cleaned up. The problem was that I was running out of time and money. I guess I had all the time, but I had more people than I could house and feed. If I would use The Show-Tel, I had to get it functioning.

  The Side Light served my purposes much better, but I was running out of the ability to afford it.

  When we came out of The Gallows, I welcomed the light. Even though it was perpetual night in Canny Valley, and even darker in The Lower Bottoms, it was noticeably brighter once you got out of The Gallows. The Landing and also South Light were significantly better lit than any other part of The Lower Bottoms. None of it as bright as The Upper Bottoms and not anywhere near as glitzy and fast moving as my original spawning point by The Reference.

  As we crossed into The Landing, I could already see the small sign for The Side Light, and I could see movement. I had hoped it was a large amount of paying customers, but as I got closer, I realized that it was only my own harem, milling around. I needed to get back to the print shop to pick up my cards so that people knew I was here.

  I also had to go where the clients were, which was South Light, I have a feeling that is not something I would be doing today. For now, I already had something set up, which was a party at a card game tonight. I had to make sure I didn’t miss it.

  I still had no way of telling time and no one here ever made any form of reference to the time other than day and night. No one ever said anything like seven o’clock. I only had my own gage by looking at the sky. Which was harder down here, but I was guessing it was moving into early evening. So I needed to get the girls ready for the party and figure out what four girls were going.

  Which reminded me, I would still have to audition Katie and Allie. How the hell was it that I wasn’t looking forward to this? Granted, they looked like shit, Allie actually has a bullet hole in her, and both of them looked like they had a few years of dirt and grime on them but I knew soon they would at least look better. Still, I had gotten to the point of looking at having sex with hookers as a burden. Isn’t this why I’m here? The reason I signed up?

  I really feel like I had been the victim of a good old-fashioned bait and switch. Like I paid for a party but didn’t get to enjoy it.

  I had made Kyle take off his shirt and give it to Casey, so she didn’t have to walk back to the motel naked. She was scared but not yet as afraid as April had been that first night. Or at least I didn’t see the look of terror in her eyes. As we walked, things became increasingly apparent the more I spoke to her.

  First of all, I could see that she was older, now that we were in a slightly brighter light. I had not been too far off on my earlier assessment. She was pushing forty but not unattractive. I felt like I could make a pretty good estimate of her looks just because she was clean. Almost like she had just spawned.

  I did also feel correct that she was a fresh spawning, and April had been as well. They had the exact same story.

  Neither of them remembers anything other than their name before waking up by the dumpster. Naked and alone. The only difference is that we had found Casey moments after spawning. She was confused and scared, but nothing like April, who had been alone for much longer in The Gallows.

  April had been there long enough to stop thinking about the mystery of her origin and instead got to the fear of her situation. Casey was still just trying to figure out who she was.

  Casey didn’t know how long she had been there, how she got there, of why she was there. All similar to April. I, of course, could not discuss any of my theories on it. I couldn’t tell them that they were video game characters. They existed for one reason, and one reason only and that was to serve the game, but still, I could not pinpoint what purpose they had. From a programming perspective, it made no sense to spawn an NPC that had no purpose, or at least no knowledge of their purpose.

  When I had thought of this earlier in relation to April, I thought she had been a glitch. Some sort of error by the program. It seemed unlikely that the game would make the same exact error twice.

  Also, if it was the same exact error, wouldn’t they look the same?

  My need for answers was starting to fill the part of my brain I had been needing to reserve for finding money and beating the game. The more time I spent over-analyzing the situation and the pawns in my own game here, the less time I was spending winning the game and getting the fuck out of this place.

  Reality set back in as I got to The Side Light. There had been little business.

  In the few hours that I was gone Courtney had managed to give two ten-dollar blow jobs, and Stephanie managed to get ten bucks out of a guy to watch him come on her tits. She didn’t have to have sex with him; he didn’t even want her to touch him, he just wanted her to watch, topless, as he jerked off on her tits.

  This was the clientele I was dealing with down here!

  This wasn’t even going to cov
er rent. My party tonight would cover the price of the doctor, but that still left me with food and some new clothes. The girls didn’t have too many changes of outfits, and the new girls had nothing.

  I got back to room number three, and it felt oddly like home. The girls were still out working the corner, and I had Bogo stay with them, but I needed Betty. I trusted the girls could negotiate their own wages for the time being. I had to brief Betty on all that had happened.

  I like how Betty just takes everything in stride as if that’s just the way that things happened. I left her and came back with two new men, three new girls, and a whole new motel. “Meh,” was pretty much the only response I got for her. She was used to this; I was not.

  She was going to orientate the two new girls in room four, get them bathed and ready to go. I told her I was going to take a nap in room three.

  “Do you need me to blow you?” she asked.

  “No, I’m going to have sex with Emily and Stephanie.”

  “Oh, very good,” she said without a hint of jealousy.

  “At some point tonight or tomorrow I will have to audition Katie and Allie after you get them cleaned up.”

  “When will Katie be here?”

  “I sent Kyle back over to The Show-Tel to get her and bring her back. I want all the girls here tonight, but I want Kyle and Ricky to keep tabs on The Show-Tel. I also want Augustus and Beatrice over there to clean the joint.”

  “Sounds good,” she said.

  “Also, I am gonna bring the girls in. I want them to rest for tonight. I don’t know who all I’m taking yet, but anyone not at the card game should be here, working.”

  “I assume you are going to the card game?”

  “Yes, I will take Bogo with me, but I will leave one of the new guys for protection. We’re going to have to split up a lot from here on out.”


  April, who had been sitting next to Casey, came up and asked if she could join Emily, Stephanie and I and I figured why not? The more the merrier. I knew I also needed April as my biggest supporter right now because I would need to break in Casey. April needed to let her know what was going down with all this and how it would unfold.

  Managing a harem was a lot of work, not all of it bad, that’s for sure. I was pretty amazed at how nonchalant I was about all of it too. I’m still not sure how long I have been here; Canny Valley time. I think it was a few days, so that means that in my own mind I was only a few days removed from having boring sex with my wife. Now I am just casually planning how I will have sex with five separate women in the next 12 hours.

  Like, that’s my job.

  Oh, and I have not to get killed by Balderson’s men, Bruce, or a doctor that knows my secret. I also have to find money for rent, food, and clothing.

  But I’m going to focus on the “having sex with multiple women” aspect. Since that is what I paid money to do.

  Katie would be there soon, I told Betty to get everyone ready, and there would be a group meeting in two hours in room five.

  Then I went to find Emily and Stephanie.


  What I Paid to Do

  I took another quick shower and came out to see that the three of them had already gotten started. Stephanie was laying on the bed, and Emily was between her thighs licking her pussy. April was sitting on Stephanie’s face, while Stephanie gripped her tight ass, kneading it while eating her out.

  Emily was bent with her ass up in the air, practically begging me to get up in there. I was toweling off the rest of my body, but my dick didn’t want me to wait. Personally, I wanted to enjoy the scene.

  April was leaning back and had her hands in Emily’s blond hair, clutching it and pushing her face deep in between Stephanie’s legs. She was groaning with pleasure and Emily, showing that she was having a good time was swaying her butt in the air, grabbing one of Stephanie’s breasts with her right hand.

  It was good to see April getting into the swing of things.

  Before I knew what I was doing, I noticed that I had started stroking myself. I looked at my dick, and it was ready to go. I was merely stroking it because it felt good, not because I needed to get myself hard. Why let my hand do what Emily’s pussy could?

  Without further ado, I climbed onto the bed behind Emily. I grabbed her ass to let her know I was there. She didn’t acknowledge me other than she stopped moving her ass and got ready for me to enter her. I got right up to the back of her and rubbed my fingers on her pussy; she was ready for me. She was dripping wet. I rubbed the tip of my dick on her pussy and then slid it in. Not gently, but with a strong thrust.

  Emily stopped licking Stephanie’s pussy for a second to let out a moan of pleasure, and I pulled back and then thrust in again forcefully before gliding into a regular motion.

  I grabbed both cheeks of Emily’s ass and rammed it into her; she let out small squeals of delight as I did so. She was too into the feeling of my dick; she was doing less and less licking of Stephanie’s pussy. April then moved as if she just noticed that I got there. She looked at me and seemed embarrassed. There was the April that I knew!

  Stephanie turned herself around but remained under Emily. She got her into a sixty-nine, but instead of licking Emily’s pussy she sucked on my balls.

  Stephanie took her hand and cupped my scrotum and pulled on it, sucking on each nut one at a time. She moved her mouth to Emily’s pussy but continued to hold on to my balls. She stuck out her tongue so she could taste my shaft as it went in and out of Emily’s pussy.

  I pulled out my dick and gave her what she wanted. With one hand on Emily’s creamy white ass, I took my other hand and grabbed my shaft. Bending it down to meet Stephanie’s mouth. I took my dick and rubbed it across Stephanie’s face and put the tip of my dick into her mouth and watched her lick Emily’s juices off the head.

  Stephanie took her hand and pulled my cock to her mouth. Stroking it as she sucked on the head. She took it out and looked at me.

  “Fuck me, Buster,” Stephanie said.

  I tapped Emily on the ass, and she knew what I meant. She got off of Stephanie, and then Stephanie turned around, so she was lying on her back with her pussy facing me. I stuck in my dick and slid it all the way in. I felt no need to be gentle with Stephanie; she had already proven that she could take my cock. I put my dick in with authority.

  I continued thrusting it inside her, and I looked at Emily, who was casually squeezing her own nipple and rubbing her clit. I motioned for her to straddle Stephanie and she did. She leaned over and threw herself on top of Steph, doing it gently. She leaned in and kissed her and started playing with her tits with both hands.

  In response, Stephanie reached up and cupped Emily’s supple breasts and squeezed them gently. I took my dick out of Steph and slid it into Emily. I gave Emily a few pumps and then moved my cock back to Stephanie. I did this over and over, letting each one of them get a few strokes each time.

  I looked up at April, who seemed like she didn’t know what to do. I don’t understand why she seemed to tense up around me, but she did. I motioned my head for her to get closer to us, her naked body scooted closer, and I kissed her. It was strange. With all the fucking that I had been doing, there had been little kissing.

  Foreplay just wasn’t a thing here.

  I stopped kissing her and told her to get on all fours. I put a few more pumps in Emily and then Stephanie and then turned my attention to April. I was getting close to coming, and I knew that I wanted to get there with April’s tight insides.

  Although she wasn’t the best at sex, I still enjoyed the fact that my dick was the only one that she knew. It felt like I was the first cock to ever be inside of her which is highly likely if my spawning theory was correct.

  I had been gentle so far with April, but this time I grabbed hold of her ass and pulled her to me. I took my dick and rubbed the head of it against her clit until I found the opening and didn’t hesitate. I didn’t ease it in as I had before. I gave it all to
her. I rammed it in, and she let out a gasp of shock, and I held my dick all the way inside her, balls deep and just pressed forward. Her tight pussy clenched around my cock, and I grabbed on to the back of her head, by her hair and then pulled back slightly before ramming it forward even harder. I was bottoming her out, and I loved it. For the first time, I wasn’t worried about her comfort or pleasure. If she was going to be in my harem, she needed to know sometimes I would give it to her like this.

  I had never let go like this since I had been here. The closest I had ever come was with Ronette, and even then, the amazement of what was happening to me cause me to hold back a little. I was trepidatious. Now... Now I was full on Buster Rockknocker, and I was using my harem for what it was worth. I was getting into it, getting into character. No more Mr. Nice Guy, I would get mine right now. My only thoughts were about myself, not the girls, not the stats, not the money, not getting back home. I was fucking three women and dammit I would enjoy it.

  I looked at the other two girls right behind me as I continued to pump my cock into April, who was trying to keep up with me, but honestly, she just wasn’t used to be being this aggressive.

  I reached over and grabbed Emily’s ass; she was still sixty-nining Stephanie. I squeezed it tight and then gave it a hard slap, and she screamed, but not a scream of pain, a scream of pleasure. I looked at the red mark my had left on her ass cheek, and even that turned me on more.

  Something about this was going to make me come harder than I ever had, not only in the game but ever.

  I had to decide which one of these ladies I was going to fill.

  “Which one of you wants my come?” I asked through heavy breathes.

  “I want it,” cried Stephanie.

  “No, I want it,” Emily said as she bit Stephanie’s lip.

  “No, I do.”

  “No, me!”

  They did this back and forth, giggling as they did it, playfully arguing over who I was going to come into. Their playful attitude actually made me hotter, and I was almost to the point of no return.


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