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Tempted: Reckless MC Opey Texas Chapter

Page 9

by KB Winters

“Gunnar, I’m close,” I warned.

  “I know. Not yet,” he demanded and wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking and nibbling until my orgasm was beyond the stopping point. “Now,” he growled and sucked hard, while his fingers pumped into me harder and deeper, until my orgasm nearly drowned him.

  “Oh, fuck!” The words came out a long, low cry as pleasure shot through my body, making it quiver until it tightened almost painfully. “Fuck. Shit. Oh, God!”

  I was vaguely aware of his laughter but my body was too damn satisfied to care, especially when his cool tongue hit my hot, sensitive clit. “Such a sweet little pussy.”

  “Have another serving if you want,” I told him as shivers wracked my body every time his breath fanned my wetness. “Or you could give me what we both want.” Gunnar stood at my words and undressed like a teenager on prom night, giving me a long moment to take in the beauty that was his body. His skin wasn’t smooth and perfect, it was scarred with knife wounds, gunshots and tattoos. The story of his life written in his flesh.

  “Yeah, what is it that I want?”

  Silly man. Like I didn’t know. “I have an idea.” Because it was just what I wanted, and I would get it how I needed it, hard and dirty. Rolling over, I pushed up on all fours, giving him a tantalizing view of my ass and my dripping wet pussy. “Looks a little like this?”

  Gunnar growled and rubbed two fingers down my pussy, groaning at how wet I still was. Or was again, who could tell at the moment? “Just like that.”

  “Don’t make me wait.” I wasn’t in the mood for games or teasing. My body was so aroused, I could barely form words, choosing instead to wiggle my ass in front of him.

  The sound of his growl filled with nothing but male appreciation sent another rocket of desire through my body. Then the feel of his tongue circling my asshole nearly had my legs and arms giving out. Gunnar smacked my ass and before I could protest his cock was invading my space, stretching me out deliciously from this angle. “Oh fuck.”

  His cock was hard as steel and his grip would leave bruises in the morning but this was one hell of a send-off and I planned to fully enjoy it. “That’s the idea, big guy. Fuck me. Hard.”

  After that, the only sound in the room was slick skin smacking against slick skin as he rammed me from behind, hard and deep. His cock felt even longer and thicker from this angle and my back arched on its own so I could take those final two inches. “Shit!”

  I smiled because I knew exactly how he felt. It was incredible, too fucking good and all I could do was dig my hands and knees into the mattress and brace myself. The onslaught of his strokes was almost overwhelming in their speed and frequency, the intensity of how he used his body to bring us both pleasure. “Gunnar, yes! Oh fuck yes!”

  His name fell from my lips like a prayer, and it seemed to push him more. Gunnar’s hips moved with lightning speed, the force of his body dislodging a second orgasm I didn’t expect so soon after the first. Two of my fingers made their way between my legs, rubbing my clit with a wild abandon while Gunnar fucked me from behind, one slick finger sliding between my ass cheeks and right into that bundle of nerves. “Fuck you’re tight everywhere.”

  Pride warred with desire but then something happened. It was all too much, the feel of his finger in my ass, his cock stretching and pounding into me, my fingers on my clit. It was too much and my extremities quivered as pleasure worked its way to the surface. “Gunnar,” I warned. “Gunnar!”

  “Let go,” he roared as his own cock grew even harder inside of me until I was completely full. Of him. Seconds later I was flat on my face, body shaking violently as my orgasm tore through me. But Gunnar was no joke, still holding my hips, he fucked me hard and fast until every drop of orgasm seeped from his body—and mine. “Holy fucking shit.”

  A smile spread at his words because what else was there to say after sex that powerful and intense? “Yeah, that.”

  His body collapsed on top of mine for just a second before he pulled me close and curled himself around my back. “You’re still not leaving.”

  “We both know I have to. Don’t make this harder than it has to be, all right?” It was a sad truth, but even that incredible orgasm couldn’t distract me from the fact that this fuck was nothing more than a drawn out goodbye.


  “That fucker took my car, can you believe it?” I stood outside the main house in a field far enough away from the house that no one could hear me.

  Vivi groaned on the other end of the call. “Where in the hell do you think you’re gonna go girl? Be reasonable.”

  “I am, Vivi. You think I want to be on the run with no clue where I’m gonna sleep from one night to the next? Well I don’t, okay? But he’s got a kid here, Vivi. The most adorable little girl in the whole world and she deserves a good life without the shit we’ve had to deal with. Right?” Why in the hell did I have to keep explaining myself to people?

  “Clearly, you’re on Gunnar’s side about this so I don’t know why I even called.”

  She let out a disbelieving snort and even though I couldn’t see the smartass, I knew she was rolling her eyes at me. “You called because you needed someone to talk some damn sense into your head. You need to stay where you are and let us keep doing what we’re doing.”

  “Which is what, exactly?” I hadn’t heard from her in more than a week, another reason I needed to get going.

  “No one can find Bob again. Jag has reached out to some of his contacts back east and even Stitch reached out to some of his buddies who now do private contracting work.” She sighed again, her frustration with this situation evident in that one little puff of air. “We need to find, Bob, but that’s not all.”

  I didn’t like that tone. “No way Vivi. Don’t even fucking think it.”

  “You know it’s the only way.”

  “Find another way. There is no way in hell I’m letting you see that fucking video, the bane of my goddamn existence and the reason people are trying to kill me. No. Fucking. Way.” I would do just about anything for her, my sister from another mister, but I wouldn’t put her life in danger. Not for this.

  “You’re getting sentimental in your old age if you’re worried about me. We both know I’m the tough one anyway.”

  “Bullshit,” I gasped. “You’re the one who freaked out after we hacked that DEA stash house and tried to become Canadian.”

  “Hey,” she laughed and the sound was sweet and familiar down the line. “We could’ve had free healthcare all this time if you had only listened to me.”

  “I was in, but you didn’t want to go get the money. How were we gonna live?” That place had millions of dirty dollars in it and Vivi had chickened out at the last minute. “You didn’t want to do that and I understood and stayed, so we could stay together.”

  She groaned. “That’s dirty as hell and you know it.”

  “I do.” There was no point pretending to be apologetic when we both knew I wasn’t sorry at all.

  “Good. Then you won’t get mad when I tell you that I’m knocked up and I’m pulling out the big guns. I can’t worry about you out there running for your life from God only knows who, and grow this genius baby at the same time.”

  “A baby? Fuuuuck.” Whenever we got our hands on pot or booze as kids, Vivi and I would try to imagine this part of our lives. “You’re doing it, Vivi. Becoming a normy.”

  She snorted. “Hell, I hope not. My baby daddy is a biker and a hacker, that’s not all that normal. Is it? Tell me it’s not normal, Peaches.”

  “Aww, you’re nervous. That’s adorable. And totally fucking normal.” At that little squeak of outrage, I laughed like I hadn’t laughed in a long damn time. This chick was my family. My center. “You went even better than becoming a normy. You went and fell in love with a weirdo just like you. Can you imagine what your kid’s gonna be like?”

  “Ugh, this baby is turning me into a pussy.” She sniffled and continued to curse her hormones while I laughed my ass off. “You real
ly think this is a good thing?”

  “I really do. Your baby will be wicked smart and able to kick some ass. Not to mention all those badass uncles lurking around.” That was the nice thing about being in Mayhem, there was plenty of man candy to ogle. But they were in the middle of a war and grumpy as fuck so they were purely eye candy whereas the men on Hardtail Ranch were people.

  I hated when that happened.

  “Yeah that’s true.” Her tone was wistful, and I knew she was still struggling with her emotions. Neither of us were too big on showing emotions, particularly any that might show even a hint of vulnerability. Even now. “Please stay there Peaches. I want you here when this baby comes out of me, just in case.”

  Damn. Goddamn motherfucker! I stared around at Hardtail Ranch drenched in moonlight, and I sighed. This place wasn’t so bad but staying here left me feeling antsy and anxious. “I really hate that I fuckin’ love you right now Vivi.”

  She laughed. “I know and I’m okay with that. I’m not sure I can do this without you, Peaches. Seriously.”

  “Fine, I’ll stay. But don’t say I didn’t warn all of you when the shit goes bad.” Everyone would blame me, of course, and only then would I get to walk away.

  “If it goes bad,” she said firmly. “Maybe it won’t. No one knows you’re there, and they won’t find out from any of us.”

  I wanted to believe that, more than anything in this world, but the pragmatic part of me wouldn’t shut up. “Unless they somehow figure out that one of the Reckless Bastards recently left and moved to the middle of nowhere. Otherwise, you’re right, totally safe.”

  “Damn, life on the run has turned you into a cynic.”

  That tore a bitter laugh from me. “Being a cynic is why I’m still alive.”

  “That and Gunnar. Let him protect you or I’ll name this kid Chip or Trevor, maybe Chad.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. Jag will name him something like binary or CSS.”

  “I miss your crazy ass.”

  “Ditto, kiddo.” It had taken me years to get used to Vivi’s easy words of love and until I did, I would say those words to her.

  She laughed. “Next time we talk you better be calling me from a new phone.” The call ended abruptly, and I quickly removed the SIM card and dismantled the phone as best I could. Tomorrow I would melt it down and toss it in the scrap heap behind the barn.

  For now, I needed to think. And sleep. But mostly think about what Vivi said. She was having a baby and wanted me reachable, but that meant putting all of the people here in danger.

  I didn’t like it, but for now, I would stay put.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “What do you guys think?” This was the surprise I’d been working on ever since word came down from Cross about setting up a new Reckless Bastards chapter in Texas. It was a gift of sorts for all of us, for the future we would have as a family. As brothers.

  Slayer strolled into The Barn Door first, his hair hanging free because the man enjoyed looking like he just rolled out from between a woman’s thighs.

  “This place is a wet fucking dream, Gunnar.” He looked around as he entered, taking his time walking up the left side of the large table with the leather studded center, letting his fingers graze over the finish. Eventually it would have the chapter name emblazoned on it. When the time was right. “This shit is tight, man.”

  “At the risk of agreeing with this big fucker, this is dope, Gunnar.” Cruz, with his hands shoved in his pockets, looked around with a satisfied smile. Cruz played shit close to the vest, which I respected in a brother in arms.

  “All we need is a naked woman draped over this table with her mouth wide open.” Slayer grabbed his junk and howled.

  “Better be Holden’s cock going in her mouth,” Wheeler smiled and punched Holden on the arm as they entered together. “Since his cock ‘was the first time I ever enjoyed choking on it’.” His voice was pitched high like a woman’s, making everyone laugh.

  “Can I help it if Kiki is a freak?” Holden’s shit-eating grin said he loved having a woman show up and brag about his monster cock. What man wouldn’t? “She choked herself on it, I simply enjoyed what she offered.”

  Wheeler clapped him on the back with a loud barking laugh. The two had become fast friends, easily working the ranch together without any problems. “Can’t say I blame you at all, man.” He turned to me and silently asked if he could take a seat. “It seems like we all wanna do this thing Gunnar, what do we have to do?”

  A slow smile spread across my face and it was a feeling I was starting to get used to again. I hadn’t spent much time laughing and smiling over the past few years because it took all my energy just to look after Maisie and keep things normal while we were at war. Constant fucking war.

  “That will come in time.” This place and these men were starting to feel like home. Not the old home I was used to with men I’d known for more of my life than I hadn’t, but a new home. A new family. “Everybody take a seat and we can talk about the opening and the future.”

  “Sounds like a science fiction porno,” Cruz snickered.

  I ignored him and the little snickers that came from around the table. “Saint is the manager of The Barn Door so most things will go through him, including hiring. He’s more than up for the job but don’t give him any unnecessary shit.” I kept my gaze on Saint so he knew I meant what I said.

  “So pretty boy’s in charge. I can deal with that.” Slayer managed to pull a smile from the nervous man.

  “Ford is on security. You met him earlier in the week. He’s a little too green to join us down here right now, but soon. In the meantime, he’s in charge of security.” He might be a great prospect someday, but we needed to do everything in the right order. “The rest of you are on overall security for the opening tonight. That means keep an eye on the staff, like bartenders and waitresses. Make sure everything is consensual. We don’t need any fucking trouble.” Especially tonight.

  Slayer raised his hand and I arched a brow at him. “Can we partake?”

  “Fair question. Have fun.” I didn’t expect them to be saints, not with so much fucking and so much kink going on around them. “But, if it gets to be too much, there will be a lot of people, sex, kink, drinks, etcetera, then tell Saint and go get some fresh air. Right away. And I’m sure it doesn’t need to be said, but not when you’re on the clock.”

  “Got it.” Holden gave a short nod when my gaze landed on him and every man followed suit.

  “Good. Now one final thing. Anything that happens in the club, stays in the fucking club. Not the MC and not the house. None of it. Got it?”

  There was a long, pregnant pause before they all agreed and we filed out of the room. Giving the club one final walk through, I made my way back to the main house to have lunch with Maisie. Since I wouldn’t be around for dinner, I promised her we’d eat lunch together.

  The noise coming from the kitchen was much louder than usual, so I wasn’t too surprised when I found Maisie and Peaches singing while they pranced around the kitchen. “Where’s Martha?”

  Both bodies stopped and turned to face me. “She was having trouble breathing, and I managed to convince Ditzy and Dum-Dum to take her to the doctor. Maze and I are taking care of each other and lunch, aren’t we chica?”

  I narrowed my eyes. Last think I wanted was to have something wrong with the woman who made everything work around here and was like a second mother to all of us. “She going to be okay?”

  “I think so. She said it was the heat and she just needed a nap, but I insisted she get checked out.”

  “You keep me informed,” I said and turned to my little sister. Maisie’s dark pigtails flopped all around as she lifted her arms for me to pick her up. “We made food. You hungry, Gunny?”

  “I’m starved, honey.”

  “Good because we made chili and I got to shave the carrots. I got to mix the cornbread with my hands and lick the brownie spoon.” She smacked her
hands over her mouth and sent a wide-eyed stare at Peaches. “Oops.”

  “That’s okay, you can’t keep a secret. We’re having brownies, and I let Maisie lick the spoon. Problem?” Clearly she expected there to be a problem so I frowned, to give her what she wanted.

  “Yeah there’s a problem.” I turned to Maisie who looked worried. “You didn’t save me any of that spoon?”

  “Nope. It was yummy too!” I tickled her until her whole body shook with laughter.

  “It smells great in here. You cooked all this?”

  Peaches nodded but she never turned to look at me and I was grateful, because the sight of her in a blue jean skirt with the little fringe at the hem was doing things it shouldn’t to my body. It wasn’t just those legs that I knew every inch of, it was the checkered shirt she wore and the way she’d tamed her curls into braids that poked out from the cowboy hat she wore proudly. I wondered if I could get her to ride me while she wore that hat and then my mind was there, watching her writhe under me and over me, in nothing but that hat. “Eyes up here, cowboy.”

  Dammit, she was standing less than a foot in front of me, mouthwatering tits right there. “I was making my way up, sweetheart.”

  Heat flared in her eyes but she shook it off with a shake of her head. “See something you like?”

  Fuck yeah I did. “Maybe.”

  “Doesn’t Peaches look pretty? Like a real cowgirl!” With those curves she looked more like a fantasy, but it wasn’t smart to disagree with little girls.

  “She does,” I agreed and set Maisie in the chair to my right while Peaches went back to the stove. “Do you ride, Peaches?”

  She turned and put the food on the table as her lips twitched with humor. “On occasion, but only when the mood strikes.”

  Damn, I hoped the mood struck her soon because I was starving for her. It was supposed to be a one and done but fuck me if my body didn’t crave hers. I wanted to fuck that tight pussy again, taste her sweet juices and watch the way she gave everything up in the name of passion. It was a total mind fuck, being with her, but like a fool I couldn’t wait for another. “Does the mood strike often?”


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