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The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel Book 1)

Page 14

by Ivy Asher

For a minute I thought Ryker was apologizing for getting me wet, and it takes me a second to process what he said. He starts to heal the bite and relief from the pain floods me.

  “Yeah, distractions during a fight are never a good thing. Try to remember that for next time,” I tease.

  “There, won’t be--”

  “Don’t even finish that sentence, Bastien. I promise you’re not going to like what happens if you do.”


  “No, I’m serious. You get no say in what I do. You haven’t earned that privilege, and let’s get one thing straight right now. There will always be a next time because it’s part of who I am. I was made for this, and if you can’t handle that, then fuck off.”

  Bastien and I glare at each other both of us breathing heavy with anger. Ryker cups my cheeks and forces my eyes from Bastien’s stormy gaze, to his warm expression.

  “We get it. It took us by surprise to see you out there and none of us like seeing you hurt. Which is why some of us are saying some dumb shit right now, but I promise you we get it. You get hurt all you want, and I swear I’ll always be here to heal it.”

  His thumbs stroke both of my cheeks. His earnest gaze reaches into me and forces me to see him, and what he could mean to me if I let it happen. I lean into his palm ever so slightly and close my eyes. I don’t let myself stay there for long, and I definitely don’t allow myself to hope that I will ever be able to keep this. But I take a couple of seconds and let myself to get lost in this fleeting moment.

  “Alright, let’s rinse off as much blood as we can, and get a move on.”

  Valen hands me his wet t-shirt, and I use it to wipe myself down as much as possible, while I count his abs and try not to stare at his hard nipples. When I’m done Sabin and Valen load up in an old Bronco, and the rest of us pile into Ryker’s SUV. Ryker starts the car and “All My Life” by the Foo Fighters blasts through the speakers, scaring the shit out of everyone.

  He scrambles to get the volume down and turns to me in the back seat. I scrunch my nose sheepishly.

  “Sorry, I was kind of jamming when I pulled in here. You have really good music,” I offer, as consolation for the ruptured eardrums I just gave everyone.

  He shakes his head, and a smile grows across his full lips. “I love music.”

  “He’s an incredible guitar player,” Bastien informs me. “And Knox can sing the panties off anyone.”

  Ryker and Knox chuckle.

  “We’ll have to go camping, or do a bonfire night, then you guys can show Vinna what you can do,” Bastien decides.

  “I’ll be sure to bring extra panties,” I tease.

  Bastien turns around in the passenger seat and gives me a big smile. “Does that mean you are you going to stop avoiding us now?”

  The easy happiness I was feeling blinks out, and I sigh.“No.”

  Bastien’s smile dims, and I hate that he looks sad. I feel like I just kicked a puppy, but I can’t get sucked back into this...thing that happens when I’m around them.

  “I’m just here to learn about magic. I shouldn’t be focusing on anything beyond that. The paladin aren’t teaching me shit, and reading only goes so far. When I’m with you guys, it’s easy to forget that my life right now is a drama-filled suckfest.

  “I don’t want to add fighting with Sabin, and you guys fighting each other, to my suckfest. I’d love to say we can just keep it friendly, but if I’m being honest with myself, that’s not going to work for me either. So, avoiding you is the best plan I can come up with right now.”

  Bastien watches me for a minute and then silently turns to face the front of the car. I stare at the back of his head and his milk-chocolate wavy brown hair, for way longer than is healthy. The silence in the car feels wrong. I want to take everything I just said and shove it back in my mouth, but it wouldn’t change our reality. Everything about this sucks, but that’s the story of my life these days.


  I close the door of the Jeep and lock it with the fob. It looks more baby tank than I pictured, but I’m in love all the same. Neil showing up at the door was the best possible surprise, and it looks like my carjacking days are over. I dropped Neil back at his office, and now I’m taking full advantage of my freedom, and getting to know this town on my terms.

  I steer clear of the bars and instead, step into the quiet bookstore. I grab a tote that’s hanging at the end of a shelf and start adding books to it. A girl walks quickly around the corner and lets out a surprised yelp when she sees me, the books she was carrying going flying.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here," she tells me as she starts to pick up the books from the floor.

  I bend down to help. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ve been quietly stocking up.”

  I point to my bulging tote and smile. She smiles back and stands up. She’s taller than me and slimmer--lean where I’m more muscular. She has shoulder length magenta hair that’s cut bluntly and curled and tousled to perfection.

  The color seriously compliments the pink undertones of her fair complexion and her heart-shaped face. She smiles back, her eyes the color of milk chocolate, the smoky eye makeup she’s rocking accentuating them in all the best ways. Her nose is delicate, and the septum ring she has makes everything about her look even edgier.

  “Are you finding everything okay?” she asks me politely.

  “Actually, I was wondering if you had any books about caster basics, like a Casters for Dummies, maybe," I ask sheepishly hoping my question doesn’t offend her.

  I let out a relieved breath when she giggles and tells me to follow her. She starts pulling books from shelves and leads me to a small table next to some comfy looking chairs.

  There’s no Casters for Dummies, but there are books explaining Caster history, magic basics, and what to expect before your awakening.

  “You have a little brother or sister going through the quickening?” She asks me.

  “No, these are for me. I just recently moved here, and I’m trying to catch up on what I need to know," I admit, chagrined.

  “Holy shit, you’re Lachlan Aylin’s niece, aren’t you?” She takes a step back and studies me more intently. “I thought it was just a rumor," she tells me and points to the runes on my arms and hands. She inspects them more thoroughly, and I shift on my feet awkwardly.

  “Yes, to the niece question, and nope, not a rumor," I answer and run a hand over the runes on my arm.

  “They’re beautiful," she tells me, and I relax a little.

  “I’m Vinna," I introduce myself, extending my hand.

  She looks at my extended palm and then back up to my face shock evident in her eyes.

  “I should probably tell you I’m a shifter," she offers hesitantly.


  I can’t help but wonder if this has to do with my fight a couple nights ago. Do shifters hate me now or something? She looks at me quizzically and then shakes my still outstretched hand.

  “I’m Mave," she finally offers.

  We sink into the two comfy chairs and start asking each other questions. I tell her about how I ended up here, and she tells me about her pack and what life is like growing up in this town. I learn that casters aren’t always on good terms with shifters which explains her hesitation when I first introduced myself.

  “So, what’s it like living with the Fierro twins?” Mave leans back in the chair and fans herself with her hand. She raises her eyebrows suggestively, and I laugh and then fan myself too.

  “Good to know I’m not the only one drooling over that whole coven," I admit.

  “Ah, you have coven lust already? I was just talking about the twins, but I like where this is headed.”

  I laugh and then groan as I cover my face with my hands. Coven lust, yeah that about sums it up.

  “Vin, you’re the hottest ticket that’s walked through the wards of this town. All that…” she motions to my face and body. “Wrapped up in a cloak of mystery. Well, let’s just say t
hings are about to get really interesting around here," Mave declares, and smiles a glint of mischievousness in her eyes.

  “Is that a good or a bad thing?” I ask unsure.

  “Probably both," she chuckles.

  We talk for a bit longer, as Mave tells me about all the caster boys that she thinks are worth paying attention to and catches me up on some local gossip. I have no idea about any of the people she’s talking about, but it’s fun to listen to her animated assessments.

  I get lost in the easy back and forth of our story exchange, and I feel lighter than I have in days. Eventually, I check out and we exchange phone numbers, promising to do something soon. I walk out feeling excited about the new books and the new friend I made. As I make my way to the Jeep, I spot the sisters walking my way.

  “Well, well, well what do we have here?” I tease getting their attention.

  “Vinna love, what are you up to on this lovely afternoon?”

  I point to the bags of books I just purchased. “I’m stocking up and poking around town.”

  “We’re just headed to lunch. Join us," Lila tells me snaking her dainty arm through mine.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to interrupt girl time.”

  “Well you are a girl, so you’d be adding to it not interrupting it," Adelaide reassures me.

  “Have you had Indian food before? That’s where we’re headed.”

  I shake my head and smile. “If you three like it I’m sure it’s amazing.”

  We’re led to a table and handed menus. I don’t get much of a chance to look at it though because people keep stopping by the table to say hi to the sisters.

  “Everyone here seems to know you guys. Do you come here a lot?” I ask, after the manager and several different waiters stop by to greet them and chat for a bit.

  “We come here a lot," Birdy smiles fondly. “We’ve been eating here a couple of times a month for ages, but I also think the presence of a certain mysterious niece at our table is making us far more popular than we normally are.” She winks at me.

  “How does everyone know about me?” I ask, taking a bite of something that was just delivered to the table.

  “Wow, that’s good. What is this?”

  “They’re called pakoras. Try it with this sauce," Lila tells me.

  I proceed to stuff my face shamelessly, but the sisters are aware of my table manners or the lack thereof when it comes to good food, and they just smile at me encouragingly.

  “Gossip travels fast around here. You’re currently the talk of the town," Lila confesses.

  I groan irritably.

  “Don’t worry. It will start to die down when everyone gets used to seeing you around,” Birdie tells me.

  “But speaking of gossip… what’s going on with you and the boys?” Adelaide asks, trying and failing at sounding casual and barely interested.

  I choke on the food in my mouth and start coughing loudly. I gulp water to clear everything away and take in the sisters’ plucky grins.

  “Nothing really, why?” I hedge.

  “Just curious, I thought you guys were getting along, but lately you’re more subdued and seem to be avoiding them. Did something happen?”

  I look at each of their eager faces which are patiently waiting for me to answer. I fidget in my seat for a minute debating if it’s weird to talk to them about what’s going on. I’m out of my depth though, so maybe it’s worth a shot. I take a deep breath and start to explain.

  “We do get along, and I have fun with them. I click with them in a way I’ve never had before.” I take a sip of the mango drink Adelaide told me I had to try. Shit, that’s amazing. I point to the drink and give her a thumbs-up before continuing. “But it’s also intense in a way that freaks me out. I’m attracted and drawn to them, and I don’t know how to be around them without looking at them that way or wanting things I probably shouldn’t.”

  All three of them nod their heads in understanding. I sigh and drown my sorrows in mango deliciousness, and it’s quiet for a minute.

  “Do they not want things to go further?” Lila asks me. “Because that is not the impression I get when I observe you all together, or overhear their conversations," she says with a sweet smile and then gives me a wink. I can’t help but chuckle.

  “Um, I think most of them are good with letting things… progress, but Sabin made some points that have me questioning whether that’s a good idea.” I look at my hands. “Since then I’ve been taking a step back, trying to sort through what I think and feel about everything.”

  “What did he say?” Birdie asks, sounding a little more growly then she did before.

  “I’ve only been a caster for a little while, and he thought things were moving too quickly.”

  “You’ve been a caster your whole life, you’ve just known that’s what it was called for a short time. The fact that you’ve grown up the way that you have, dealing with everything you’ve had to deal with, puts you ahead of kids who grow up in this community, not behind them. I hope you know that Vinna," Lila tells me fiercely.

  “You’re not lacking in anything that matters and makes you an incredible caster worthy of incredible things in your life," Birdie adds.

  I give them a small smile. I never really thought about it that way. I’ve been focusing on all of the ways I’m behind or inadequate. I didn’t really think about how I might be better off because of who I already am and what I’ve been through.

  “He is right about some things though. I’d known some of them for like a day before things started getting…intense. That can’t be normal right? Is this a magic thing, is it normal to feel this way about men you don’t even know?”

  The sisters chuckle and look at each other with knowing smiles.

  “I want to say it’s not a magic thing, but honestly we don’t know much about the magic you have yet, so it’d be unwise to rule it out completely," Lila tells me. “But it sounds more like attraction to me, and when it comes to that, the best advice I can offer is to trust your instincts.”

  The other sisters voice their agreement.

  Adelaide grabs my hand. “It will all work out, love, exactly how it’s supposed to in the end. Trust yourself, trust others with your heart and vulnerability. You’re an exceptional female, don’t be afraid of happiness, fight for what you deserve.”


  “I need an I heart korma t-shirt,” I tell the sisters, as we walk into the house from the garage. “Besides everything you ladies make, it’s my new favorite.”

  They dole out hugs as they head up to their apartment and I walk into the kitchen. I hesitate for a second when I walk in and find the guys gathered around the island dishing up ice cream. Their conversation comes to an abrupt halt, and I give an awkward barely there smile before taking off for my room.

  I unpack the bags of books and find a new home for each of them while I ruminate on the advice the sisters gave me at lunch. I want to be respectful of Sabin and how he feels, but the sisters are right. I’m not listening to my own instincts. I’m not listening to what I feel is right. Maybe it’s selfish of me to decide that what I want trumps everything else, but when I listen to my instincts, I always end up exactly where I need to be. So why am I ignoring them now?

  A knock on my door pulls my head up, and I see one of the twins poke his head in.

  “Bruiser, can I come in?”

  I nod my head at Bastien and give him a small smile. I lean back against the built-in bookshelves, and Bastien plops his large frame on the sofa. The green in his hazel eyes is extra prominent today, and his gorgeous hair is down. It skims just past his collarbone, and his pecs flex enticingly as he sets his hands in his lap.

  “New books?” he asks, in an effort to skate around the awkwardness hanging around us.

  “Yeah just some basics, so I can start figuring out how to use magic and not just read about it,” I tell him and gesture with my thumb behind me.

  “What’s in the box?”

  I look
around and then behind me, searching for the box he’s asking about. When I realize what it is, I pull the cedar rectangle down from the shelf and set it between my legs. I run my hand over the top of the smooth wood, tracing each of the four corners.

  “These are my sister, Laiken’s, ashes. I planned on spreading them somewhere, but so far I haven’t found a place that felt right. So, yeah.”

  “What happened to her?” He asks, his voice laced with empathy.

  “Beth happened to her.” I scoff. “Beth was a user and a con artist. She got away with a lot, but she tried to blackmail this guy, and instead of him giving her what she wanted. He shot her, then he strangled Laiken and shot himself.”

  “Fucking hell. I’m so sorry; that’s horrible.”

  “After Beth kicked me out of the house, she moved. I had no way to find her or Laiken, but once I had enough money from my fights, I hired a private investigator. I tried to get Laiken to come with me, but she wouldn’t. I think Beth told her I had left her behind or something. She was so angry with me, but I should have fought harder for her.”

  “Bruiser, you were just a kid yourself. You can’t blame yourself.”

  “It’s impossible not to, all I have left are thoughts and memories, and this, until I find a place for her.” I gesture at the cedar box and then place it back up on the shelf.

  Bastien stands up and scoops me off the ground like I weigh nothing. He bounces back down on the sofa with me in his lap.

  “I was three when my parents went missing. They were part of the paladin coven that disappeared with your dad. I’ve spent most of my life obsessed with trying to find them, or find out what happened to them. So I understand how easy it is to get lost in the what-ifs. Don’t do that to yourself. Someone took my mom and dad, and someone took your sister, and the blame lies with those people. Don’t take on fault that doesn’t belong to you.”

  He runs his hand down my jaw and stares firmly in my eyes.

  “Okay. I won’t if you won’t,” I tell him, and a small guilt-infused weight lifts off my chest.


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