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Princes and Princesses: Favourite Royal Romances

Page 135

by Barbara Cartland

  His eyes held hers like a magnet.

  She could feel the strange spell that she had experienced when they first met creep over her, so that it was impossible for her to move, almost impossible to breathe.

  She knew he was waiting and after a moment she whispered,

  “Yes – yes!”

  “And you love me?”


  “You are sure about that? You are utterly and completely convinced in your heart and in your soul that you belong to me and I belong to you?”

  There was a light in Ancella’s eyes that had not been there before.

  Now she understood what he was saying!

  She did love him! She did trust him and she knew irrefutably that they belonged to each other.

  All the misery, all the doubt that had been hers during the night, had gone. And, just as she had done in the garden of the Casino, she moved towards him seeking the comfort, the protection and the safety of his arms.

  He held her very close and, while she waited and longed for him to kiss her, he said,

  “You are quite sure, my beautiful darling? The conviction is really there?”

  “I am sure – absolutely – sure!” Ancella said. “How could I have thought anything else – and yet I was – afraid I had – lost you.”

  “You could never lose me!” the Prince said. “As I told you when we were at Eza, we have been together since the beginning of time and we will be together through Eternity.”

  She felt herself quiver because of the depth and sincerity in his voice.

  Then he said,

  “I want you to forget what happened yesterday. It was something you should never have experienced. I deeply regret that you have been hurt and distressed as I know you have. Will you forgive me for any part I may have had in it?”

  “There is – nothing to – forgive!” Ancella murmured and meant it.

  “The Marchioness was in debt,” the Prince said. “She came to my room to ask for my help and, because I had found her attractive until I saw you, I gave her one thousand pounds.”

  He paused before he continued,

  “I have seen the very stupid letter she wrote to the firm that was about to sue her, telling them that the rest of the money she owed would be sent to them when she married, which she intended to do very shortly.”

  His voice had a note of anger in it as he went on,

  “As she enclosed the cheque I had signed, it was obvious that they would draw the conclusion from her letter that I was the man she was to marry – as my mother did.”

  Ancella hid her face against his shoulder.

  “I am – ashamed! But I – did not – understand.”

  “How could you be expected to, my innocent darling?” he asked. “You are so young, so unversed in the intrigues, subterfuge and falsehoods of the social world. That is why I have a plan to suggest to you.”

  There was something in his tone that made Ancella raise her head to look up at him wide-eyed,

  “What is – it?” she asked.

  “Nothing frightening,” he said reassuringly. “It is just that, because I feel that angels are out of place, not only in Monte Carlo but also in St. Petersburg, Paris and London, I want to take you away.”

  He felt Ancella draw in a quick breath of excitement.

  “Not just for a short while, my precious love,” he said, “but for years, perhaps for the rest of our lives.”

  Ancella did not speak and he went on,

  “I own a considerable amount of land in America. In Florida, as it happens, and because I want to do something worthwhile in my life and not just waste time in the pleasure spots of Europe, I want to develop that land and build a house there for myself and for my wife.”

  His arms tightened as he went on,

  “When I saw you in the tavern holding that baby in your arms, I thought that Florida would be a fine place to bring up our children. There are new ideas, new inventions, a new way of life to be found across the Atlantic. Shall we leave the Old World behind, my lovely douchka and seek new horizons together?”

  There was a radiance in Ancella’s face that he had not seen before and it made her even more beautiful.

  “You know it would be like – Heaven to be – anywhere with you!” she said. “Here I am – frightened – because you are so – important and I am so ignorant of your sort of life. I might fail you.”

  “You would never do that,” the Prince assured her.

  “But in America I could work with you – look after you – help you – and love you,” Ancella whispered.

  “That is what I want. That is what I have longed for all the years when I have been trying to find you.”

  He looked down into her eyes.

  “My convictions told me that somewhere in the world there was the woman who was the other part of me. How could I have known, how could I have guessed, that she was – an angel and that I would find her in Hell?”

  Ancella gave a little laugh, then the Prince’s lips were on hers and she felt, as she had the night before, that he was sweeping her up into the sky.

  Once again the sunshine, the sky, the flowers, the sea, everything that was beautiful and wonderful was a part of them.

  Ancella felt the Prince’s kiss grow more demanding and more passionate and she felt as if he awoke a flame within her which seeped its way through her so that not only was her love his but her body, her heart and her soul.

  As he held her closer, she knew that love was not only gentleness and beauty – it was also a tempest, a fire, a whirlwind, so majestic, so overwhelming, that there was no longer in it a place for anything small or petty.

  They were as Gods, no longer just a man and woman but blessed and encompassed by all that was Divine.

  “I love you! I adore you and I worship you!” she heard the Prince say. “You are mine, Ancella, mine as you have always been! This, my beloved sweetheart, is where we start living fully, you and I, because now we are complete.”

  There was a note of triumph in his voice, a kind of exaltation, which made her feel as if it was a clarion call that she could not resist.

  She looked up at him and thought that he was like a Crusader starting out to fight for all that was fine and spiritual and yet at the same time his need for her was very human.

  “I love – you!” she whispered. “And I – believe in you!”

  “That is what I want to hear, my little darling,” he answered. “We must always have faith in each other and faith in our destiny.”

  Ancella felt desperately ashamed that she had ever doubted him.

  “Forgive – me,” she whispered and knew that he understood.

  “There is nothing to forgive,” he answered. “It was you, my lovely one, who inspired me. You, who aroused those aspirations in my mind that could not be crystallised until I met you. Now everything is different. Now, my sweet, we know that, because we are together, we can reach the top of the world and storm Heaven itself, if necessary!”

  As he spoke, Ancella felt as if he lifted her up into the sky again.

  Then his lips were on hers, compelling, demanding, conquering.

  She was his completely and absolutely and, with a conviction that was unmistakable, she knew that whatever the difficulties ahead, their love was Eternal.


  The Barbara Cartland Eternal Collection is the unique opportunity to collect as ebooks all five hundred of the timeless beautiful romantic novels written by the world’s most celebrated and enduring romantic author.

  Named the Eternal Collection because Barbara’s inspiring stories of pure love, just the same as love itself, the books will be published on the internet at the rate of four titles per month until all five hundred are available.

  The Eternal Collection, classic pure romance available worldwide for all time .

  Elizabethan Lover

  The Little Pretender

  A Ghost in Monte Carlo

  A Duel of H

  The Saint and the Sinner

  The Penniless Peer

  The Proud Princess

  The Dare-Devil Duke

  Diona and a Dalmatian

  A Shaft of Sunlight

  Lies for Love

  Love and Lucia

  Love and the Loathsome Leopard

  Beauty or Brains

  The Temptation of Torilla

  The Goddess and the Gaiety Girl

  Fragrant Flower

  Look Listen and Love

  The Duke and the Preacher’s Daughter

  A Kiss for the King

  The Mysterious Maid-servant

  Lucky Logan Finds Love

  The Wings of Ecstacy

  Mission to Monte Carlo

  Revenge of the Heart

  The Unbreakable Spell

  Never Laugh at Love

  Bride to a Brigand

  Lucifer and the Angel

  Journey to a Star

  Solita and the Spies

  The Chieftain Without a Heart

  No Escape from Love

  Dollars for the duke

  Pure and Untouched


  Fire in the Blood

  Love, Lies and Marriage

  The Ghost who Fell in Love

  Hungry for Love

  The Wild Cry of Love

  The Blue-eyed Witch

  The Punishment of a Vixen

  The Secret of the Glen

  Bride to the King

  For All Eternity

  King in Love

  A Marriage made in Heaven

  Who can deny Love?

  Riding to the Moon

  Wish for Love

  Dancing on a Rainbow

  Gypsy Magic

  Love in the Clouds

  Count the Stars

  White Lilac

  Too Precious to Lose

  The Devil Defeated

  An Angel Runs Away

  The Duchess Disappeared

  The Pretty Horse-breakers

  The Prisoner of Love

  Ola and the Sea Wolf

  The Castle made for Love

  A Heart is Stolen

  The Love Pirate

  As Eagles Fly

  The Magic of Love

  Love Leaves at Midnight

  A Witch’s Spell

  Love Comes West

  The Impetuous Duchess

  A Tangled Web

  Love lifts the Curse

  Saved By A Saint

  Love is Dangerous

  The Poor Governess

  The Peril and the Prince

  A Very Unusual Wife

  Say Yes Samantha

  Punished with love

  A Royal Rebuke

  The Husband Hunters

  Signpost To Love

  Love Forbidden

  Gift Of the Gods

  The Outrageous Lady

  The Slaves Of Love

  The Disgraceful Duke

  The Unwanted Wedding

  Lord Ravenscar’s Revenge

  From Hate to Love

  A Very Naughty Angel

  The Innocent Imposter

  A Rebel Princess

  A Wish Comes True


  Passions In The Sand

  Little White Doves of Love

  A Portrait of Love

  The Enchanted Waltz

  Alone and Afraid

  The Call of the Highlands

  The Glittering Lights

  An Angel in Hell

  Only a Dream

  A Nightingale Sang

  Pride and the Poor Princess


  Barbara Cartland, who sadly died in May 2000 at the grand age of ninety eight, remains one of the world’s most famous romantic novelists. With worldwide sales of over one billion, her outstanding 723 books have been translated into thirty six different languages, to be enjoyed by readers of romance globally.

  Writing her first book ‘Jigsaw’ at the age of 21, Barbara became an immediate bestseller. Building upon this initial success, she wrote continuously throughout her life, producing bestsellers for an astonishing 76 years. In addition to Barbara Cartland’s legion of fans in the UK and across Europe, her books have always been immensely popular in the USA. In 1976 she achieved the unprecedented feat of having books at numbers 1 & 2 in the prestigious B. Dalton Bookseller bestsellers list.

  Although she is often referred to as the ‘Queen of Romance’, Barbara Cartland also wrote several historical biographies, six autobiographies and numerous theatrical plays as well as books on life, love, health and cookery. Becoming one of Britain’s most popular media personalities and dressed in her trademark pink, Barbara spoke on radio and television about social and political issues, as well as making many public appearances.

  In 1991 she became a Dame of the Order of the British Empire for her contribution to literature and her work for humanitarian and charitable causes.

  Known for her glamour, style, and vitality Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime. Best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels and loved by millions of readers worldwide, her books remain treasured for their heroic heroes, plucky heroines and traditional values. But above all, it was Barbara Cartland’s overriding belief in the positive power of love to help, heal and improve the quality of life for everyone that made her truly unique.

  An Angel in Hell

  Barbara Cartland

  Barbara Cartland Ebooks Ltd

  This edition © 2014

  Copyright Cartland Promotions 1976

  eBook conversion by M-Y Books


  The Russian or rather the Slavic nation has defied adequate description all down the centuries, although many writers have tried. The magnetism, the luminous spiritual force, is linked with dramatic exaltation and excess. Love to a Russian comes from Drouska – the soul, usually the suffering soul.

  The Russian peasants sang songs of their suffering not of the body, as might be expected, but of their souls. Love and pain are intermingled until it is impossible to separate them.

  Russians are a blend of despair and optimism, grandiose schemes and sheer futility, superb idealism and wild excess. They can become maddened and intoxicated by misery or exalted by love into an ecstasy when they are one with God.

  The greatest change in Czar Alexander II’s reign, after the liberation of the Serfs, was the ‘reduced circumstances’ of the Secret Police.

  Under his predecessor, the tyrannical Czar Nicholas I – “the most alarming Sovereign in Europe” – Universities were put under Police supervision, foreign travel was prohibited, public meetings were banned and soldiers were sent to Siberia for nothing more serious than a button out of place on parade.

  CHAPTER ONE ~ 1878

  Lady Odele Ashford settled comfortably in a private carriage attached to the mainline train and thought with satisfaction that she would soon be reaching the Halt near Charl Castle.

  Exceedingly lovely in her sables and a travelling gown that was very elegant, as she stared out the window she looked exactly like her photographs, which appeared in many shop windows and proclaimed her one of the great beauties of the period.

  She was looking particularly attractive at the moment because she was thinking of what lay ahead of her and that she would see Prince Ivan again and undoubtedly, for a few hours at any rate, alone.

  His letter had been explicit when he had asked her to come to Charl Castle early before the rest of his house party arrived.

  When she thought of his handsome face, his dark passionate eyes and his slim athletic body, Lady Odele fancied that her heart beat more quickly and she was conscious of some new sensations in her mind and body.

  She told herself that it was a long time since she had had a lover so attractive, so eloquent in his lovemaking and above all so rich.

  Even among the very wealthy members of Society who clustered around the Prince of Wales at Marlbor
ough House, the fortune of Prince Ivan was greater, Lady Odele had heard her husband say, than that of all the rest of them put together.

  The fact that he had singled her out of all the numerous beautiful women who pursued him relentlessly made it seem all the more flattering.

  Prince Ivan in inviting her to stay this particular week at Charl Castle had chosen his moment well.

  He would not have been unaware that Edward Ashford, whose only real love was horses, would be racing at Doncaster and, although there was every likelihood of his joining his wife when the Races were over, she would be on her own for at least two days perhaps three.

  What was there about Prince Ivan, Lady Odele asked herself, that made him so irresistible and much more intriguing than all the good-looking Englishmen whom she met night after night at Marlborough House and in all the great houses up and down the country where parties were continually being held for the Prince of Wales?

  She supposed that it was partly his Russian ancestry, even though he was half-English, but Lady Odele considered it was much more than that.

  The Prince was so intelligent that, she was told, even the most distinguished Statesmen bowed to his superior knowledge when it came to Politics.

  He was also listened to with respect on many other subjects when the men sat round the dining room table enjoying their port after the ladies had left the room.

  That he was an outstanding rider and that his judgement of horseflesh kept him winning all the Classic Races, to the envy of her infuriated husband and other members of the Jockey Club, went without saying.

  Besides all that, there was, she decided, something mysterious about him, something that women found intriguing and to which they searched for the key, only to be disappointed.

  But whatever it might be, Lady Odele told herself that she was looking forward with an almost girlish excitement to arriving at Charl.

  The train was slowing down and now she could see the Halt, where there was a notice reading,


  Waiting, as she expected, were the Prince’s servants in their distinctive livery and the Prince’s private secretary in a bowler hat.

  There was a red carpet laid along the platform and Lady Odele knew that outside would be waiting an extremely comfortable carriage drawn by four magnificent horses, which would carry her to The Castle at a speed that would leave most people breathless.


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