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Karen and Brett at 326 Harper's Cove

Page 5

by Deanndra Hall

  “Property values? Unless they’re having sex out on the lawn, they’re not hurting anyone.”

  “That’ll probably be next!” I shout at him. “And I don’t want to have to watch that!”

  “Oh, hell, woman, you’d be the first in line with your binoculars!” he tells me.

  I swear, I’m beginning to wonder if my husband is some kind of pervert too. My nerves are shot. I think I’ll make myself a Bloody Mary. I love tomato juice.



  I can’t help but smile when I hear Daniel say, “Hey, take it easy on her! Remember?”

  “Yeah, the baby you hurt could be mine!” Joe chimes in.

  “Oh, yeah, sorry. Don’t want to hurt the little guy,” David says.

  “It’s okay. He’s just overprotective. Do me good, sweetie. I need a serious fucking. He acts like I’m made of china,” Katie grins. “Just don’t lean right on my belly,” she tells him, rubbing her roundness gently like she was stroking a pet.

  “He’s just as bad,” Angela says, pointing at Juan. Josh is getting ready to drill away into her. He came in and made a big deal of announcing that he’d like to fuck a pregnant woman because they might want a baby someday. Angela’s not quite as far along as Katie, so there’s really no danger unless the two of them get crazy. And it’s been known to happen.

  We’ve gotten started without Carson and Gilea. I don’t know where they are; when I talked to Carson last night, he said they were coming.

  I hear a key in the lock, and Carson unlocks the door and holds it for Gilea, who waves at everyone, kisses Daniel and Belinda on her path to the bathroom, and disappears behind the door. “Too much water?” I ask Carson.

  “Something like that.” He turns and sees Katie, and he smiles and kisses her while David fucks her. When he looks into her eyes, she nods, and he puts his hand on her belly and feels it, then kisses it. When his lips touch it, there’s a moving lump that meets them and he yells out, “Hey! He kicked me! You shouldn’t do that,” he says, pointing at her belly with mock sternness. “I just might be your daddy.”

  He shucks his clothes, then makes a trip across the room and kisses me deeply. “Hey, beautiful!” he grins at me.

  “Hey yourself!” I giggle. Carson and I had an extremely intense session last week, and I’m still glowing from it. He drops to his knees, opens my slit with his fingers, and his tongue finds my swollen nub and starts to circle it slowly. I moan and brace myself with my hands on his shoulders. I’m just starting to fall into it when I hear a shriek and the bathroom door bursts open.

  “LOOK!” Gilea holds up something, and it takes me a minute to figure out what it is.

  It’s a pregnancy test. And it’s positive.

  Carson makes it to her first and sweeps her up in his arms, giving her a long, deep kiss, then looking into her eyes and saying loudly enough so the whole group can hear, “I love you more than anything on earth, do you know that, beautiful?” Then he surprises us when he starts to cry.

  Within seconds there’s a knot of twelve other people crowded around them, kissing them, hugging them, congratulating them. Over the din I hear Joe say, “Damn, I love breastfeeding. It’s gonna be an all-you-can-eat buffet in here!”

  Then I hear Brett say, “Damn is right. This is going to get expensive with seven guys to pass out cigars for three babies!” Somebody laughs.

  I look around and I can’t help but think that we’ve all got the greatest lives in the world. We’re so lucky to have each other. I can’t wait to hold those babies. They’re going to be the happiest kids ever.



  “So how may pregnant friends do you have?” I can’t tell how many of them there are coming and going anymore.

  “Three of them are pregnant now. We’re all really excited. I get to be an auntie!” That’s the most animated I’ve ever seen Karen Reynolds. It’s almost like she’s having a baby herself.

  “That’s really nice! I hope I get to see the babies sometime,” I tell her, and I really mean it.

  “I’m sure you will. I have every intention of babysitting.” She’s practically gushing. I really don’t know what to make of it, all this enthusiasm about other people’s babies. I’m about halfway expecting to get a baby shower invitation―for her.

  They really must all be very good friends.



  “I was thinking … Do we all consider ourselves committed to each other?” Angela has posed this question to the group, and everyone is trying to figure out where this is going.

  There’s a murmur around the room. I think most everybody is surprised that she’d even ask that. My Brett was the first one to answer.

  “I’m committed to every one of you. Every last one,” Brett says. “And I don’t mind anyone knowing.”

  “Me too,” Joe answers. Everyone is nodding. “Belinda?”

  “Absolutely.” She nods too. “If I were to have sex with someone outside this group, I’d feel like I was cheating on all of you. Every one.” Gilea and Katie nod in agreement.

  “I feel the exact same way,” Daniel chimes in. “Is there anyone here who doesn’t feel that way?”

  Everyone who hasn’t spoken is shaking their head. I look around. These are my lovers. I’m married to Brett, but these people? They’re my spouses almost as surely as he is.

  “So here’s my idea. Why don’t we do a big commitment ceremony? You know, like a marriage ceremony? Where we all commit to each other?”

  It’s quiet, and then Carson says, “I’m for it. Absolutely.”

  “Me too,” Daniel adds. “I think that would be great. Could we do it here?” They all look at me.

  “I don’t see why not. Does anyone know someone who might be willing to officiate?” I ask.

  Joe gives us all a wide grin. “I sure do! Belinda, do you still have James’ number?”

  At the mention of his name, Angela, Juan, Brett, and I all have to smile. The thought of James and Marcia coming for a commitment ceremony is past wonderful. The rest don’t know them―it was before their time with us―but the six of us have missed them terribly.

  “I can barely wait!” Angela gushes. “Can we start planning?”

  “Oh, lets!” Holly cries out, then she blushes. “I want to belong with all of you.”

  “Honey, it’s too late.” Joe’s voice is all smooth, warm honey and his smile is bright. “You guys already do.”

  It was decided that all of the ladies are wearing red, and we look stunning, The guys look just as good as we do, all decked out in gray. And we got a surprise: Carson and Gilea had never made it legal, so they want to actually do the deed. Good thing James can legally marry couples in our state. Gilea wants to wear white, and no one has a problem with that!

  When James and Marcia walk in, we all surround them and lavish them with hugs and kisses. They live on the other end of the state now, and that’s a good five and a half hours away, so it’s rare that we get to see them. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I miss them almost too much. And they’re staying the night with us, so Juan, Angela, Joe, and Belinda were asked to stay too. The eight of us have a whole evening together to screw each other’s brains out. I’m so excited!

  James has us all stand in a circle, holding hands. As usual, we stand beside whomever we’re married to, but James says, “No. Each woman should be between two men to whom she’s not legally wed. Carson and Gilea should stand in the middle.” I get it, and I cross the circle and stand between David and Juan. Everyone else shifts around, and the ceremony begins.

  James has written vows for all of us to repeat, and I love it all. We promise to love each other and take care of each other. He has special vows for Carson and Gilea, regular wedding vows, and then includes them in our joint vows. It’s a beautiful ceremony, and I don’t think there’s a dry eye in the group.

  As we’re finishing up, I see something move out of the corner of my eye, somewhere around the
gate. Our privacy fence is tall, but there are gaps in the boards, and I could swear I see someone standing out there looking in. If there is someone out there, well, I know exactly who it is.



  There are cars everywhere; I recognize them from the parties. But there was a couple going in that I’ve never seen before, and he’s all dressed up like a preacher. I just want to see what’s going on.

  So I’ve decided to sneak over there and see if I can get a glimpse of what they’re doing. Those fence boards are far enough apart that I should be able to see in the back yard. That seems to be where they are.

  I can just barely see them. A bunch of the women are wearing red, and one is in white. A wedding? Why would anybody wear red to a wedding? That’s just weird.

  I’m trying to hear, but it’s hard. Something about commitments to each other. But it doesn’t sound like he’s talking about just two people. I’m not sure. There’s something really, really fishy about this “wedding.”

  So the couple in the middle kiss and everyone cheers. How sweet! That lady is really pretty; she’s kind of round and soft, but really pretty. And her dress is pretty too. And then something really weird happens.

  All of the guys get into a circle, with the women on the inside, and each woman goes to a man, kisses him, and then goes to the next. They kiss every man in the circle. And this ain’t no soft little peck, no sir. This is a real tongue-down-the-throat kind of kiss, the kind you do right before you have you-know-what. What the hell are they doing? Then the other couple, the one that the guy looks like a preacher? They get in the circle and everybody kisses them that same way. Oh my god―now the women are kissing each other! What the hell …

  I don’t know what to think. It’s disgusting. I can’t believe I’m seeing this. Are they some kind of perverts or something? Just wait until I tell Russell. He’ll have a fit and want them run out of the neighborhood. We don’t need this kind of thing here. We’re all good, law-abiding, clean, nice people. We don’t need that filth around here. I need a margarita. It’s going to take me all afternoon to calm down after this.



  The reception is heavenly. Every woman in the group made her favorite dessert, and we’re all stuffed. I have two cases of wine that I had shipped in, and I think that’ll be fine. We’ve got three pregnant women in the group and they won’t be drinking, so that means there’ll be plenty for all of us.

  Gilea looks so cute in her wedding dress. She’s not showing yet, but she will be soon.

  Angela and Katie are round as plums. As I watch, every man in the group, at some point, walks up behind a pregnant woman, whispers something in her ear, and wraps his arms around her waist to rub her belly. It’s precious. Makes me wish I were … nah. Three babies is enough for this group.

  When we’ve had our fill of cake, cookies, and punch, and I use the word “punch” liberally, we all start to get really animated. We’re going on a honeymoon! All sixteen of us! Yeah, James and Marcia took the weekend off to go with us, and we’re all really excited. It’s been years since I’ve fucked James, and I still remember how good he is. And I can tell Joe is really excited to see Marcia again.

  When it was just the eight of us, we all loved to watch Joe and Marcia go at it. They were poetry in bed, almost like their sex was choreographed. Those were good times, Juan, Angela, Joe, Belinda, James, Marcia, Brett, and me. It seems like so long ago, and yet they’re standing here and it feels like just yesterday. James laughs loudly when he asks, “So who’s the father of these three?” pointing at the pregnant girls, and all of the men in the room except for him raise their hands.

  I can see right now, it’s going to be hard to wait until we get to the honeymoon. And before I can get back to the living room, James has grabbed me around the waist, pulled me into the laundry room, and pushed my skirt up around my waist. I’m appropriately bare, except for a garter belt and red stockings that match my dress.

  “God, I’ve missed all of you,” James whispers into my neck.

  “We’ve missed you too,” I whisper back. “Got some of that spectacular cock for me? I’ve missed it so much.”

  “Yes ma’am, it’s all yours for the moment. I don’t think anybody’s going to be able to wait until we get to the resort.” We’ve booked a suite at a resort at the beach, and I’m itching to get there, but right now I’m itching for James. “Take a look out there.”

  And he’s right―it’s on. Joe’s got Marcia on the dining room table and everyone is watching and smiling. As he powers into her, I hear him murmur, “Damn, woman, your pussy is as fine as I remember!” Her head’s hanging down over the edge of the table and Carson’s fucking down into her throat like a steam engine. They’d never met before, but they have now.

  “Forget them. Fuck me like you mean it. I’ve missed you.” I gasp as he impales me on that big shaft of his, and realize I’d forgotten how hard and hot he can be. “God, James, I think you’ve gotten better with age!”

  He laughs. “I could say the same for you! I love that you girls know exactly what you want and don’t mind asking for it. It’s a real turn-on. You know, we’ve got to get together more often. I know we’re over five hours apart, but that’s not too far to go for a spectacular lay. And you, my dear, are spectacular.” He slams into my cunt to the point of pain and kisses me long and deep. I feel myself melting into him. James is the reason that all of us are together. He was my first ménage and Marcia was Joe’s. They brought us all in and made us a family.

  “Shit, can’t you guys wait?” I hear Brett say as he comes into the laundry room looking for a tea towel. But he’s grinning as he says it, and when he catches a look at the expression on my face as Joe pumps me, he leans in, kisses me, and shuffles back into the living room. My guy. I love and trust him more than I thought possible, and he feels the same about me.

  I feel my climax rising, a gnawing behind my clit, and I hear James say, “Oh, baby, I’m coming. Ready for me? ‘Cause I’m sure ready for you.”

  Before I can nod, the orgasm takes me, and I’m writhing against him. He keeps stroking into me until it’s subsiding, and I feel his cock lengthen and stiffen even greater, then the warmth and wetness pours into me and drips down my leg. I want to suck him, want to lick his cum off my own leg, want him to fuck my ass until I’m screaming.

  Wow. This is gonna be some honeymoon!



  Those parties are still going on. Some of those women are pregnant, and you’d think they’d quit partying, but noooooo. They’re still over there every week.

  I told Russell what I’d seen through the fence. Know what he said? “Gloria, if I were those people, I’d have you arrested for trespassing and being a peeping tom. Leave them alone. So a pregnant woman got married. I would think you’d be happy about that so they’re not living in sin.” He just doesn’t get it.

  Thank goodness we’ve got some nice neighbors down the street. One day I asked Donna, Donna Millican, two doors down, who those couples were coming to their house. Know what she told me? “We’re religious counselors. We do counseling for young couples who’re having marital problems. You know, the bonds of marriage are blessed. There’s just too much divorce these days, don’t you think, Gloria?”

  “Oh, indeed I do! It’s sad, really.” I shook my head and said, “I’m so glad we’ve got some neighbors of faith who help others in their time of need.”

  “Amen, sister. Now, we’ve got a couple coming in an hour, and I’ve got to get some cookies out for them, some fruit, and some of my granny’s sweet tea. Bless you, honey, and we’ll be praying for you and Russell.”

  “Thank you, dearie! We’ll be praying for you too.” She’s so nice. Her husband, Connor, is such a nice guy, so attractive and clean-shaven. And the Hendersons, Greg and Becca, are pretty nice too. But sometimes I wonder what they’re up to, especially since that sister of hers moved in with them.

you for reading Karen and Brett, I hope you enjoyed their story. Follow along as Gloria does her best to find out what all of the neighbors are up to.

  Becca and Greg at 314 Harper’s Cove (Harper’s Cove Series, Book Two)

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  About the author …

  Deanndra Hall lives in far western Kentucky with her three silly little dogs and her long-suffering husband. When she’s not writing, she’s working out, eating and cooking healthy, and looking for chocolate she’s hidden away and forgotten about. More than anything else, she loves creating multi-dimensional characters who take over her brain and argue amongst themselves at traffic lights; thank goodness for Bluetooth headsets or she probably wouldn’t be walking the streets a free woman.

  On the Web:






  Mailing address:

  P.O. Box 3722,

  Paducah, KY 42002-3722

  Also by Deanndra Hall

  The Love Under Construction Series

  Laying a Foundation with prequel, The Groundbreaking

  Tearing Down Walls

  Renovating a Heart


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