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Guts & Glory: Brick (In the Shadows Security Book 6)

Page 20

by Jeanne St. James

  Abort! Game over!

  She pushed a hand against his chest and stepped back quickly, breaking his hold. “Let me consider it. Give me a day or so?”

  His face was full of disappointment, and maybe a little impatience, but he nodded. “A couple days. If you say yes, I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Suuure. “I have to go. I’ll be back to visit with Barb tomorrow. Hopefully, she’ll be feeling better.”

  His disappointment quickly fled and heat filled his eyes. “I look forward to that.”

  So did she, but for not the same reason he did. However, right now, she needed to get the hell out of there and figure out a solid game plan on how she would work this. How to get what she needed without giving up a part of her soul by dancing with the devil.

  And that’s what he was, now that he confirmed he could “handle” Brick and Barb so the two of them could be together.

  She also needed to decide if she was going to tell Brick.

  Her fear was, if she told him, he’d shut her mission down completely and immediately. But, even though he wouldn’t like it, it might be the only way to finish this job successfully.

  If she had to sacrifice a little to save Barb’s life and to help Brick, so be it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Londyn wiped her sweaty palms down her shorts then lifted her fist to knock lightly.

  The door opened immediately.

  Of course it did.

  She had managed to tell Kramer last night, when she and Brick were hanging out with them after dinner, that she was considering his offer and needed to talk with him about it.

  Luckily, she had communicated that to him without either Brick or Barb—who looked horribly pale and weak—hearing her. Because if Brick had heard, it wouldn’t be Seamus’s feigned fury she’d be dealing with, it would be Brick’s real rage.

  She needed to avoid that at all cost to continue with her plan.

  She had her cell phone tucked in her front pocket and planned on recording Kramer’s confession. If she could get him to spill it.

  She was going to try her damnedest.

  If she didn’t get it today, she’d keep trying until Brick pulled the plug and they packed their bags.

  So, once again, she told Brick she was heading over to check on Barb, even though she knew Barb wasn’t home. Or at least, that’s what Kramer had said. But she couldn’t imagine Barb—with how she looked last night—had the energy to go anywhere by herself.

  The only problem with Barb not being home—if it was true—was no one would hear her scream if Kramer tried anything crazy.

  The man greeted her with a smile that made her stomach churn, but she ignored it and followed him inside. Once again not liking the fact he locked the door behind them.

  She felt like a dead man walking as he trailed her on their way to his office.

  There, he once again closed the door and looked like the cat who ate the canary. Too bad that canary wasn’t poisoned with whatever Kramer was giving Barb.


  She had no facts to back that up, so that was why she was alone with a man she didn’t trust.

  If Brick knew she was going to be alone with him, he never would’ve let her leave the house. In fact, he got anxiety at the thought of her being there at all without him, even if she was with Barb.

  As she opened her mouth to start, Kramer was there, in her space, his fingers digging into her biceps, his mouth curved upward, his dark eyes intense. “It didn’t take you long to decide.”

  “No. Not after what happened last night.”

  His eyes narrowed. “What happened last night?”

  Londyn shook her head. “He got so out of control, I had to lock myself in the bathroom until he calmed down.” She chewed her bottom lip nervously.

  “I’m surprised he allowed that.”

  “He didn’t. Tonight after dinner, I’ll be disciplined for my actions.”

  “Why tonight?”

  “Because he wants me to suffer all day with the wait, with knowing what’s coming.”

  Instead of concern, his face showed a sick sort of excitement. This man was whacked. “How bad will it be?”

  “Bad. Because it’s planned, he’ll do things to me that won’t be detectable. It’s only when he strikes out impulsively that he creates bruises where others can see them. Since we’ve moved to Florida, his temper has gotten worse and his patience a lot shorter. I can’t do anything right no matter how hard I try.” She dropped her head and blinked, hoping it looked like she was fighting back the tears.

  “I can make that all end for you.”

  She managed to push a couple tears out before lifting her face. She whispered, “I need discipline, but not like that.”

  “I can give you the discipline you need.” Excitement shook his voice and she was sure if she looked, he’d be sporting an erection.

  She pushed herself to keep going. “If we do this, I want to be your one and only. I don’t want it to be an affair. You’d have to break up with Barb.”

  The hands on her biceps squeezed tighter. “I can handle Barb.”

  She needed him to say how. Her phone would only record for so long, he had to confess soon.

  She discovered she was right about his erection when he suddenly pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her, brushing his nose against her hair while inhaling deeply.

  Her late breakfast was about to reappear. And not in a pleasant way. She had to fight her shudder of disgust.

  She needed him to keep talking. “He’s so possessive. He’ll never let me go. I’m worried he’ll actually kill me first like he has threatened.”

  “Unless we kill him first.”

  Londyn shoved him away with wide eyes. Her heart was beating so hard in her ears at his answer that she was sure she misunderstood him. “What?” Did she hear him right? Did he actually say what she heard? She needed to be sure.

  “If you want it done, leave it to me.”

  “You mean by killing him? How? Won’t you be arrested?”

  Without even a hesitation, Kramer said, “Not if it’s ruled an accident.”

  Shit. Fuck. Shit!

  She was getting it! It was working. She only hoped her phone was actually picking up the conversation. “Chris, that sounds risky.”

  “It can be if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  Her blood rushed through her veins at what he was revealing. “And you do?”

  She was so close to solid proof. So. Damn. Close.

  He needed to answer her!

  Londyn shook her head. “No, you won’t go through with it.”

  “I will.”

  “How do I know that? This is not only risky for you, it’s risky for me. If you fail and Seamus finds out...” She shuddered.

  “I won’t fail. I’ll make it look like a car accident. Screw with his brake lines or something. I’ll figure it out, do some research. Don’t you worry. If you want this, I’ll make it happen.”

  “What about Barb? How would you get rid of her?”

  “It’s already in the works.”

  Her heart did a flip, but she stayed in character as she tilted her head. “How? The headaches?”

  Something flashed behind his eyes. Maybe surprise. “Is it obvious?”

  Londyn quickly shook her head. “No, but I’ve noticed they’ve been getting worse.”

  “Because I’m doubling the amount.”

  She bit back a scream of mixed horror and excitement, and did her best to ask calmly, “Amount of what?”

  That scream almost turned to one of frustration when he shook his head. “That’s not for you to worry about. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

  “How do I know that you’ll keep your promise? Seamus also promised me that in the beginning. You’re a good guy, Chris, but how do I know you’ll be able to follow-through? Give me some reassurance so I’m not risking everything for you to only fail.”

  Suddenly his eagerne
ss turned to what looked like annoyance. He took two steps toward her and captured her face within his hands. And he wasn’t gentle about it. “I won’t fail.”

  Her bottom lip shook for real when she asked, “How do I know that?”

  “Tell me!” she screamed in her head. “Just say it!”

  “Because I was successful in making my wife’s death look like an accident.”

  All the breath rushed out of her. The look in his eyes was terrifying. Completely, utterly terrifying.

  Zero emotions were behind his words. Nothing. His wife’s biggest mistake, which cost her her life, was loving a man who loved money more than her.




  “That’s between you and me, Gertie. If you tell anyone, Seamus will be the least of your worries. I’m telling you this only so you believe I can do what I’m saying. Do you believe it?”

  Fuck yes! Fuck yes, I believe you’re a psycho murderer!

  She didn’t scream any of that, instead she whispered, “Yes, thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. I won’t tell a soul.” She let out a sigh of relief. “I’m happy that my nightmare will soon be over.” That this whole nightmare would soon be over!

  Her phone beeped a warning in her pocket and she bit back her panic. “He’s texting me. He’s wondering where I’m at. I need to go.”


  “No, Chris, I need to go before Seamus gets suspicious, comes looking for me and finds me here alone with you. We need to act normal for this to work, right?”

  Kramer frowned. “Right. But I was hoping...” His fingertips trailed over the exposed upper curves of her breasts.

  She stepped away and gave him a beaming smile. “This will all be yours soon and if you do what you say you’re going to do, I can be all yours without worry. No Barb. No Seamus. Just me and you.”

  His hand slid down his erection which was pressing against his zipper. “Just give me a few more minutes, Gertie.”

  Fuck no!

  “I just want a taste.”

  Hell no. “He’ll know.”

  Londyn gasped as Kramer shoved her hard against his office door, grabbed a handful of her hair and ripped her head back, arching her neck painfully. “He said you don’t listen because you like to be disciplined. He was right.”

  His unmistakable erection was now pressed into her lower belly. She was starting to fear that his “taste” would end up being more than a kiss.

  “Women like you love to be shown who’s boss, don’t you?” Not a question.

  Her voice shook for real when she said, “I do. I just don’t like when he hurts me.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I’ll only give you what you want.”

  His lips crushed hers and Londyn fought to keep hers closed. Acting was one thing, but she had her limits and pretending to enjoy his kiss was past that limit.

  He forced her mouth open and his slimy tongue swept through hers. A scream bubbled up her throat, but she swallowed it down.

  Stay calm. Stay calm. Stay calm.


  By her not participating in the kiss, he pulled away and stared down into her face. Irritation wrinkled his brow and the corners of his brown eyes. “You don’t seem interested.”

  “I’m just scared. Until Seamus is no longer a threat...” She pressed her hands into his chest, trying to push him away. “Seriously, I need to go. If he catches us, he’ll not only kill me, he’ll kill you, too.”

  Kramer had the nerve to chuckle. It wasn’t a ha-ha chuckle, it was one that sliced through Londyn. “I seriously doubt he’d be able to kill me. He might be in good shape, but I doubt he has the balls to kill a man.”

  Oh, if you only knew.

  “Cowards hit women.”

  One thing they could agree on, but...

  Psychos killed their wives.

  “I won’t be able to relax until it’s done,” she said.

  He reluctantly released her and nodded as he stepped back, freeing her from the door. “Soon. I promise.”

  She reached behind her, feeling for the doorknob. Her fingers wrapped around the cool metal and she turned it. “Okay,” she whispered because she didn’t know what else to say, she only knew she needed to get the hell out of that office, out of that house and away from the man who just promised to kill two more people for his own selfish reasons.

  She rushed from the house and then ran back to theirs, not looking back.

  “You fucking did what?” he roared. His blood was screaming through his veins and he swore his eyes were about to explode from his head.

  And she had the fucking gall to just stand there and shrug, holding her damn phone out in front of her.

  “I got his confession. You said it’s what you needed.”


  She bugged her eyes out at him like he had lost his marbles, when it wasn’t him who had lost them. No fucking way. “Yes.”


  “Yes, Brick.”

  “You got his confession.” He snagged the phone out of her hand and spun away from her. He stomped to the other side of the kitchen and stared at the phone in his fist. He spun back around. “How did you do that, Londyn? What the fuck am I going to hear on this? What did you do?” The last part came out in a growl.

  He felt like a pissed off lion about to rip the head off an antelope that just gored him with his antlers.

  What fucking lengths did she have to go to with Kramer to get him to confess?

  “What. Did. You. Do?” He tried not to snarl each word. He failed.

  “I got what you needed.”

  Well, fucking-A. That simple. She got what he needed. “By doing what?” If she let him touch her...

  “We had him convinced that you were abusing me. I used that.”


  “I just let him believe...”

  Oh no, she needed to finish that.

  “Believe what?” He strode across the kitchen, grabbed her chin and tipped her face up. “I didn’t give you that bruise.”

  “No. It’s makeup.”

  “So, you lied to me when you said you were going over there to visit Barb.” Was she running her own plays without him knowing it?

  “No. I was going over there to check on her. She was again in bed. Kramer saw the bruise yesterday and offered to help me.”

  Yesterday? And she said nothing to him? “Help you do what?”

  “He was going to help save me from you. Just listen to the recording.”

  “You didn’t think I’d have a problem with you doing this on your own? You’re lucky you didn’t get raped.”

  “He... I...”

  His eyes narrowed at her floundering.

  “There was no risk of that. I handled him.”

  Holy fuck. She handled him. Which probably meant he handled her.

  “Listen to the confession, Brick,” she insisted in a hiss. “It’s why we’re living in this house. It’s why we’re Seamus and Gertrude. It’s the whole reason we’re here.”

  Oh, was she getting angry? Well hell, welcome to the fucking club.

  “I know why the fuck we’re here.” It was his job to do, not hers.

  “Brick.” She walked up to him and fisted his shirt. Like she always did. Like he loved. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, taking long inhales. Long. Deep. Inhales.

  She was here now. She was safe. Kramer didn’t hurt her. That was all that mattered.

  But she had put herself at risk.

  And he had no idea she had done it.


  Something could have happened to her and he would’ve been too late. And then how the fuck was he supposed to live with that?

  “Brick. Just listen to it.”

  He dropped the phone onto the counter, grabbed her face and dropped his forehead to hers, closed his eyes and just breathed her in.

  “This is why I didn’t tell you,” she whispered.

>   “No fucking shit. Don’t ever do that again.”

  “I won’t have to. With what I recorded, the job is over.”

  The job is over.

  Because of her. Because she got what he couldn’t.

  Failure might not be an option for him but losing Londyn wasn’t, either.

  She had put herself in a situation that could’ve gone sideways quickly.

  Her fingers trailed up his neck, where his pulse was still pounding, to his jaw. “I’m okay.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then to her lips before turning her around, pulling her back to his chest and leaning back against the counter, his arm wrapped tightly under her breasts to hold her there. He grabbed the phone and handed it to her.

  She fiddled with it and her voice along with Kramer’s filled the air.

  He pressed his face into her hair, breathing in the floral scent of her shampoo as he listened, trying to settle his disappointment, fury and fear at what she did. Of what could’ve happened.

  As soon as the actual confession was over, and the second Kramer demanded “a taste” from Londyn she shut off the recording.

  “No. Play the rest.”

  “You promise not to get angry?”

  “No.” He couldn’t promise because he was once again there. Kramer’s words burned in his gut. I just want a taste.

  “Then I’m not playing it.”

  He snagged the phone from her fingers and pressed play. And with everything he heard, with everything he could imagine that went along with what the man was saying...

  It took Brick everything he had not to run upstairs, grab his Glock, go to Kramer’s and when he opened the front door, plug a hole in the center of his forehead.

  Kramer had touched his woman.

  Worse, he kissed her.

  He fucking kissed her.

  That was undeniable in the recording, so he didn’t even ask her. He’d heard it.

  And while he wanted to smash the phone, he didn’t do that, either.

  He needed to keep his head on straight. He needed to make some phone calls. He needed to make plans.

  They needed to get their shit packed and out the door before he did something he regretted.

  Or didn’t regret, but would pay for in the end if he lost his shit.


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