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Builder Bear (Justice Squad Book 6)

Page 8

by Scarlett Grove

  Chapter 13

  Ruby gasped as Jamison swept her off her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tucked her face into his chest. The smell of his skin and the warmth of his body radiated into her. She looked up into his eyes as he stepped through the door of her bedroom. They kissed passionately, caressing and tasting each other as he laid her gently on the bed. Then he crawled in beside her, his hand sweeping over her curves.

  His tongue flicked between her lips, darting into her mouth as her desire grew from a spark into a raging inferno. She groaned and plunged her tongue deeper into his mouth, gripping the lapels of his shirt. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons, needing to feel him closer. Skin to skin, heart to heart. She finally pulled him out of his shirt, sliding the cotton flannel over his broad shoulders and down his muscled arms. She took in the sight of his chest and ran her hands over the planes of his pecs and abs. He was a beautiful example of a man — inside and out. His fingers slipped under her shirt and slid over her skin, gliding over her stomach and up her side. He grasped her breast in his big, strong hand and squeezed gently. Their tongues danced and darted. She groaned with desire as his thumb slipped under the cup of her bra and flicked her taut nipple.

  She panted as she pushed his shirt the rest of the way off and he pulled off hers. She looked desperately into his eyes as they took each other in. The heat of his gaze magnified her desire. They were in each other's arms, consuming each other and ripping each other's clothes off.

  Within seconds, they were down to their underthings, and she slid her hands over his body, relishing his hard muscled, masculine form. She felt the hardness of his manhood rise against her, and she quivered with the awareness of him. He growled low in his throat and pushed her down on the bed, climbing on top of her, sinking between her legs, and she pressed his hardness to her core. She gasped as she felt him descend onto her and the pressure of his cock pushing on her need.

  "Oh," she groaned. He consumed her mouth and glided over her in the most tantalizing rhythm, eliciting moans and whimpers from her lips.

  He unhooked her bra and slid it away, his eyes growing bright as he took in the sight of her ripeness. She gazed up at him, lips parted as she watched him devour her, worshiping her body in reverence of her femininity. He sucked and stroked and nibbled, while his hardness throbbed against her core. She felt herself growing wet, so close to climax it frightened her.

  He descended her body, raining kisses on her neck, chest, and shoulders. Ruby squeezed her eyes closed. Her mouth opened as she accepted the overpowering eroticism of his attention. She'd never felt so hot, beautiful, and adored. His touch was a balm to her soul; he made her feel alive and wanted. He slid lower, kissing her stomach. His tongue twirled in her belly button, and she gasped and giggled at his playfulness. He inched lower, his tongue sliding over her as he hooked his fingers into her panties and pulled them down.

  He pulled her panties down her legs, kissing and licking her curves as he moved. When she was naked and opened before him, ripe with desire, he kissed her inner thighs, gently and lovingly. His mouth opened and his tongue slid up the crevice between her legs. She let out a shuddering groan and her whole body shook with pleasure. With just one touch. His tongue pressed deeper, parting her lips. He connected with her bud, and she groaned, running her fingers through his hair.

  She writhed under him, unable to contain the rising tide of desire. She tilted her hips to meet his mouth. He growled with pleasure, gripping her hips and increasing the intensity of his kiss, licking and sucking her clit. She was going to come. He licked his fingers, wetting them before he slipped them inside her. He stroked her and sucked her clit. Ruby exploded. She cried out, moaning with shock and surprise. Her pussy clenched around his fingers.

  "Oh God, oh God, oh God. Jamison!"

  He growled again, stroking her pussy with his fingers as he sucked her, not letting her calm down. Her mouth went wide, and she gasped. A second orgasm crested and rose after the first. Ruby had never experienced multiple orgasms in her life, but with the first touch Jamison brought her somewhere no man had ever taken her before. Unable to wait a second more, she reached down to pulled him toward her. He looked up at her with hooded eyes that spoke of a thousand desperate secrets.

  She pulled him toward her. His mouth pressed against hers. She could taste her body on his lips as his cock pressed against her throbbing pussy. She wrapped her arms around his back and her legs around his waist. They kissed frantically, his hardness meeting her softness. She wanted to tell him how good he made her feel, but for a woman whose job it was to express in words the heat and desires of her characters lovemaking, Ruby was completely lost for words.

  "You're so fucking beautiful," he said, tilting his hips so the head of his cock pressed against her opening.

  "I want you, Jamison. I want you to fuck me."

  He growled, slipping inside her as he nipped at her bottom lip. She flung her head back as his mouth slid over her neck and nipped at her earlobe. He plunged inside her, and her body burst with another climax. Having his long, thick cock inside her increased the sense of fullness and the intensity of the pleasure by a thousandfold. He was so big and hard, he filled her completely. It was like his body was made for her. His sharp teeth grazed over her neck and he pumped into her core, speeding like a freight train. He took her higher and higher on waves of pleasure.

  "I need to claim you. I need to make you mine, Ruby Wilson."

  "No," she gasped. "Please, I'm not ready. Just fuck me now. We’ll think about it later.”

  "I'll fuck you, all right," he growled, thrusting harder and faster, with increasing intensity. All she could do was cling to him and hold on for the ride.

  He was like the angel of pleasure and desire, delivering her from the gray discontent of her previous existence. Now that she knew what it really meant to be made love to, she couldn’t believe she’d ever settled for anything less. Jamison growled into her neck and they came together in a burst of light.

  As the waves of their lovemaking slowly subsided into the soft afterglow of contentment, they nestled into each other under the blankets of her new bed, looking up into the ceiling that he had repaired just a few days ago. He kissed her forehead and caressed her shoulder, as she nestled against his chest. She wasn’t really sure what the future held, but she was happy that she had let herself go like this and had made the decision to be with him — if not forever, at least for now.

  Chapter 14

  Jamison woke, tangled in Ruby's arms, her hair splayed over his chest. He let out a deep sigh; it felt like he was in a waking dream. He kissed her shoulder and slowly slipped out of bed. He walked downstairs to the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. He found eggs and bacon and then found a package of pancake mix in the pantry. He started the bacon in a cast-iron pan, whipped up some pancakes, poured them on the griddle, and then started the eggs. He made a pot of fresh ground coffee and poured himself a cup.

  Ruby walked into the kitchen and smiled, taking a deep inhalation of the scent of breakfast. She was sleepy eyed, her hair a mess from lovemaking. He had never seen anyone so beautiful.

  She walked up to him and hugged him around the back as he slid the eggs onto a plate. He turned to her and kissed her.

  "Good morning," he said.

  “It smells wonderful," she said, stepping toward the coffee maker. She poured herself a cup and sat down at the table as he brought over the plates of food. She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling in the morning sunlight.

  "I've never had a man cook for me."

  "Chad never made eggs?"

  "No. He ordered out. Does that count?"

  "If you want it to," he said with a laugh, throwing a slice of bacon into his mouth. “Eggs and bacon aren’t exactly rocket science. And it's easier to cook something up than to wait for takeout in Fate Rock, but that might be different to New York City.”

  "It's not. Usually if I wanted a home-cooked meal, I made it myself. But I don't mind. I
know how to cook. I'm a country girl. I know how to do a lot of things.”

  Jamison smiled from ear to ear, thinking about what a lucky man he was to have such a beautiful, strong, capable woman as his mate. He looked at her as her bathrobe showed the slight curve of her breast. He growled deep in his throat, thinking about putting a baby inside her.

  "What are you plans for today?" he asked, taking a bite of eggs.

  "I'm almost done with my novel. And then I'll send it off to the publisher. It's like my Christmas present to myself.” She chuckled. "What are your plans for today?”

  He was thinking about ripping her clothes off and making love to her all day. But she obviously had other plans.

  "I have some things to take care of in town. Everything here at the house is done. But I’ll make a few checks before I leave for the day.”

  Ruby's face fell slightly when he said he was leaving. He didn't want to leave; he would gladly stay here with her forever if she wanted him to, but as far as he knew, that option wasn't on the table.

  "Maybe I could come back later and make you dinner," he added.

  "That would be amazing. Especially after a long day of writing.”

  "It's a deal."

  After breakfast, Ruby went upstairs to shower, and Jamison walked around, making sure that everything was set. The stove had worked well for breakfast so knew that it was in good order. He checked the roof and the basement, and everything looked good. Ruby came downstairs a while later, dressed in a fluffy blue sweater, leggings, and fuzzy boots, her hair brushed out and hanging in waves around her shoulders. She wore a light dusting of makeup that accentuated her beautiful face. He hugged her, kissing the top of her head, and breathed in her beautiful scent, feeling like the luckiest man alive to have her close. He'd waited so long for her, and she was better than anything he'd ever imagined.

  "Everything looks good here. I'll be back tonight at about six with some steaks," he said.

  "That sounds perfect." She reached up on her tiptoes to kissed him on the cheek. He kissed her back on the lips, holding her close and feeling the heat rise between them. He had to step away and say goodbye before he took her back upstairs and licked her mercilessly for the rest of the day.

  He went into town and took care of some things with his crew. He had another project coming up after the beginning of the year that he'd found in the listings, not far from Ruby's place. It was closer to the freeway and would make a perfect development for high-end homes but was also far enough away from the historic homes in Ruby's neighborhood that it wouldn't ruin the integrity of the rural environment. He'd never really been into historic restoration until he worked on Ruby's house. He’d decided that the next time he found a place like hers, instead of tearing it down and putting up a new development, he would fix it up and sell it to a new owner that would love it as much as Ruby did.

  After he had taken care of his business in town, he went home and showered and changed, then went out to the grocery store to get ingredients for dinner. He got two huge ribeye steaks, potatoes, fresh veggies for a salad, and a fresh baked apple pie for dessert. He grabbed a bottle of champagne to celebrate her finishing her novel.

  When he arrived at Ruby's house, he carried the bags to the porch. When she opened the door, she looked elated.

  "Did you finish?"

  "I did," she said with a grin.

  He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek and pulled out the champagne. “I brought this to celebrate.”

  "That's perfect!"

  They walked into the kitchen together and she opened the champagne while he started dinner. She poured them both a glass and cut the lettuce for the salad while he seared the steaks. When everything was finished, they sat down at the table and enjoyed their meal. She told him about her novel for the first time — it was about a country girl who came home from the city and met the man of her dreams.

  "It sounds familiar," he said, wagging his eyebrows.

  "Ironically, I started this book when I was still engaged to Chad.” She laughed darkly.

  "You knew what you wanted even when you weren't ready to admit it to yourself.”

  “I suppose I did," she said whimsically.

  The night that they’d shared was something he would remember for the rest of his life, but she'd stopped him when he was ready to claim her. The question still hung in the air. He wasn't going to press her; he wanted her to come to him when she was ready and not a minute sooner.

  They took their champagne into the parlor after dinner and Jamison started a fire. They sat together, drinking their champagne and talking about their plans for Christmas.

  “I'm hosting a party at my house. All of my friends will be there, and they’d love if you could come.”

  “I know that my sister will want me to be at her house in the morning, but I would love to come to yours in the evening. Maybe you could come with me.”

  Jamison’s heart leapt. Being invited to a family Christmas party was a big deal.

  There was a knock at the door and Ruby stood to go answer it. Jamison wondered who would be out at her house this late at night.

  "Maybe it's a neighbor," Ruby said, stepping toward the door. On the other side of the door stood his worst nightmare.

  "Chad," she said. “What are you doing here?”

  "I have two tickets back to New York, Ruby. I want you to come with me now. Give us one more chance. I won't ask you again.”

  "I told you, Chad. It's over. I don't want to be with you. I'm moving on.”

  "You can’t be choosing this country bumpkin over me,” he said indignantly, motioning to Jamison.

  "Just leave, Chad.”

  “I’m not going to let you lower yourself like this Ruby,” he said.

  Jamison moved toward the door and Ruby stepped aside to make space for him. He glared at the man bothering his mate.

  “The lady said she's not going with you.”

  "I can forgive this indiscretion, Ruby, but if you don't come with me right now, I’m not sure I’ll be so forgiving later.”

  Something burst in Jamison's brain and he couldn't stand by listening to this asshole one second longer.

  "The lady asked you to leave," he growled.

  "This isn’t any of your business, buddy," he said, poking Jamison in the chest.

  "Just leave, Chad."

  “I was right about you all along, Ruby. You’re just a cheap, small town girl, pretending to have any class. But you never did, and you never will.”

  Jamison's grizzly snapped in his brain and he stepped forward and pushed the man backward.

  "I can't believe you’ve fallen this low, Ruby Wilson," Chad said

  "You won't talk to her like that," Jamison said.

  "I'll talk to her any way I want.”

  "No. You won’t.” Jamison’s inner grizzly erupted from within. All pretense of being a civilized man broke away. He shifted, his clothes tearing from his skin as his body morphed into a towering, angry beast. Chad screamed, shrieking like a small child. He turned and ran toward his rented sports car. Jamison charged after him, snarling and snapping at the weakling as he jumped into his car. Jamison's swiped at the back bumper, tearing it half off. Chad sped away, never to return.

  Jamison turned back to Ruby, She stood in the doorway in total shock. He took a deep breath and shifted back into the form of a man. Naked, sweaty and panting, he walked up the stairs toward her. He could smell her fear mixed with the scent of arousal. He stood before her wordlessly for an instant before she threw her arms around his neck and claimed his mouth. He growled and grabbed her, walking with her into the house. He kicked the door closed behind them. He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her into the parlor. He pressed her back against the wall near the fireplace and devoured her mouth with his kiss. He was so hard and so full of need; need to claim his mate. Need to make her his forever and always. And to protect her from assholes like that for the rest of her life.

He set her down and turned her around, kissing the back of her neck. He gripped her hips and pressed his hardness into the cleft of her ass. His inner bear was still so close to the surface. He needed to claim her more than he needed breath in his lungs.

  "Ruby. I need to make you mine." His sharp teeth slid over the back of her neck. She gasped, quivering in his hands.

  "Yes, Jamison. I want you to claim me. I want to be yours. You're the man I've been waiting for. You.”

  Without another word, he pulled up her skirt and slipped his cock between her legs, feeling her body moist, wet and open. He plunged inside her and she took him completely. Her body squeezed his cock in a moist, warm paradise. He groaned as he sank inside her. He could not hold back anymore. He'd been waiting his whole life for this — he would give her everything she ever wanted. And he wanted her. He needed her to be his, right now and forever.

  His sharp teeth pressed against her back. She came instantly. He held her hips and pressed her against the wall. He thrust in slow, steady waves as he found their rhythm. He felt like a lost man, finally coming home. Ruby's body was his oasis. His port in a storm. Her soul was the light, the star that guided him home.

  His teeth sliced into this sensitive skin on her neck and he bit down hard as they came together in a flash of light. The mating venom pulsed into her veins as her pussy pulsed around his cock. Then the mating bond snapped into full focus. One second he was holding Ruby's gorgeous little body, and the next he was flying in the distant reaches of the vast and uncharted universe. Together they explored the wide expanse, realities twisting and turning around them. In all the chaos, they were there together. One body, one heart, one soul.


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