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Better than Sexy

Page 7

by Carly Phillips

  “You can’t leave, Vivi. We have an ironclad contract. You’re obligated to stay and perform for the duration.”

  His words shocked her and she pivoted, narrowing her gaze. “Why? You don’t like me, you don’t trust me, and I know you want me far away from you and your friends. So why not let me out of my contract?”

  “Because we’ve invested heavily in you and we’ve sold tickets based on your performance. Another entertainer won’t do. Especially since you open Friday night. So go practice, because we may not like it, but you’re our star act. We’ve paid and bought you, Vivi. Suck it up because I have to.”

  “Fuck you, Landon.” She straightened her shoulders and faced him. She wasn’t going to cower in front of any man, including the one her brother had tried to destroy.

  “You may not like me, but you’re right. We do have a contract, and I’m going to bring money and people to this club. And for the record, I’m not Vic. I’m nothing like my brother. So don’t you dare talk to me like I’m something you scraped off your shoe.” Gathering every ounce of self-respect she possessed, she spun around and stormed away.

  Chapter Five

  In the few days leading up to opening night, Landon struggled within himself. He was torn between what he should feel about Vivi and what he actually felt. He ought to be angry at her for keeping her identity a secret, but a part of him understood her reasons. He even appreciated her looking out for him, and yeah, he believed her when she said she hadn’t wanted to cause him any more pain. Because in reality, she could have taken the job easily from the get-go, but she’d turned him down because she’d realized Landon’s connection to her brother. So he trusted that she wasn’t playing him.

  He should be steering clear of her because of her blood relation to Vic, knowing that Levi’s death would always be between them. And yet the more time that passed, the more he realized he was doing it because the guys thought he should. Not because he held a grudge against her.

  Opening night, meanwhile, was coming together perfectly. The place would be packed, excitement in the air. The only thing that concerned him was Vivi’s performance. She was solid in her practice, but the emotional component that usually drew him into her music was missing. It was as if with Vic’s revelation and the change in how he and the guys treated her, she wasn’t the same bubbly performer he’d grown used to seeing.

  Watching her lack of sparkle, he realized she was suffering as much as he was, and if he didn’t do something about it, opening night would be a bust, and he’d have only himself to blame.

  So go practice, because we may not like it, but you’re our star act. We’ve paid and bought you, Vivi. Suck it up because I have to. That had been a dick thing to say, and he’d regretted it the moment it came out of his mouth.

  Seeing her pretty gaze dull had hit him in the gut. Despite his own pain, she was right. She wasn’t her brother. She was a performer with heart, and right now hers was hurting. At the very least, she needed people in her corner tonight, and the club owners who’d hired her freezing her out was not going to make for a successful event.

  So what was he going to do about it?

  * * *

  Vivi bounced around the dressing room behind the stage, Ellie by her side, trying to keep her calm in the face of Owen reminding her of everything riding on this one performance.

  “Remember, it’s the start of something big, Vivienne. You never know who is going to be in the audience watching you. Be the star I know you are.”

  Ellie narrowed her gaze. “You’re making her nervous,” she finally snapped. “Do you see how antsy she is? Go away and let me calm her down.”

  With a frown, Owen walked out, leaving Vivi alone with her best friend.

  “Are you okay?” Ellie asked, her brown eyes focused on Vivi with concern.

  Vivi shook her hands out in front of her. “These past few days have been a challenge. Singing in front of Landon, knowing how much I hurt him… He’s really been cold. Shutting me out.”

  They’d connected from the first time their eyes met, and it pained her to know she’d been the one to break things between them. “It’s hard to perform when you feel the chill in the room.”

  “Come here. Let me give you a hug.” Ellie put her arms around her and squeezed tight. “Now remember, and I’ll deny it if you repeat it, but Owen’s right. You’re a star. Now go out there and show Landon what he’s missing.”

  Vivi stepped back and sighed. “That’s not it, Ellie. Even if he were able to forgive me, I’m not sure I could get over it myself. Knowing what my own brother did to him? To his family? Oh my God. There’s no way we can get past this. I just need to do what Owen said. Impress someone big and wind up with a good gig that takes me far away from Landon Bennett.”

  Ellie frowned. “Let’s not worry about anything except tonight, okay?”

  “Okay. Now would you give me a few minutes alone? Let the guys in the band know I’m almost ready, and let’s make some music.”

  * * *

  Electric energy vibrated in the packed-to-capacity club, and despite everything that had gone down with Vic, Landon and his partners were excited for Vivi’s opening night. Faith accompanied Jason, Scarlett was with Tanner, and Landon sat beside them, but for all purposes, he was alone waiting for the entertainment to begin.

  His foot tapped nervously against the floor, his anticipation for the evening high. He wanted nothing more than for Vivi to succeed, not just for the club but for her own benefit as well.

  “Landon, how are you?” Scarlett asked, leaving Tanner’s side to talk to him. “I heard you had a shock about Vivi. Tanner was upset, too. Is there anything I can do?”

  “I’m fine,” he assured her.

  She clasped his hand. “You know that my brother died and the guys who killed him got off on a technicality.”

  He nodded. It’d been part of what kept her and Tanner apart for a while. Scarlett’s need for justice and the fact that Tanner’s arrest record for assault when he was younger had been expunged. “But Vivi didn’t do anything wrong.”

  A pleased smile lit Scarlett’s face. “Exactly what I reminded Tanner of when he went on a tirade about her the other night.”

  Landon shook his head. These women liked to meddle in the lives of people they cared about, and by virtue of his relationships with the men, Landon had become one of those people. He understood Scarlett was trying to tell him she approved of any relationship he might choose to have with Vivi. Tanner’s opinion was still open to debate, along with Jason’s.

  Landon and his partners hadn’t had a discussion about Vic or Vivi since the day in Landon’s apartment after they’d discovered the truth. They’d had opposite shifts at the club, and truth be told, Landon had avoided his friends, not wanting them to know his feelings about Vivi and the fact she was related to Vic were changing. His hatred of Victor Clark would never go away. He didn’t need to forgive the man to find peace. That notion was for other people, not him. Vic had no remorse, and for that reason, Landon would never forgive him. But Vivi? She was right. She wasn’t her brother.

  Jason and Tanner wouldn’t understand that. They had no emotional connection to Vivi. Landon did. With a groan, he let his thoughts go. He’d deal with his friends when the time was right, but for now they needed to focus on making this night a success.

  At that moment, Vivi’s accompanying band started to play, and the loud talking around him turned into soft murmuring as all eyes turned to the stage. The large wall screen lit up in multicolored flashing lights that caused the crowd to go wild as the drummer built up in volume.

  Suddenly the screen went black.

  The music stopped.

  Unexpected silence descended.

  And before the audience could react, the screen flashed again, this time with colorful starbursts, and Vivi’s voice sounded just as the lights went on above the stage. She stepped out to a loud cheer, wearing a sparkling red and black sequined bodysuit with cleavage-revealing cuto
uts on her chest, a black belt around her waist, and matching knee-high boots. Her makeup was heavier than he’d ever seen it, eyes surrounded by thick black liner and lashes, her lips a siren red.

  At the sight of her, his heart nearly stopped and his cock hardened in his pants. A combination of need and pride centered in his chest. And then the patrons in the club erupted, joining with her cover songs. But he knew she had her own music to share, and that would blow the crowd away even more.

  She’d engaged Landon from the second she stepped on stage, captivated him with her incredible voice, and her body movements had him imagining doing all sorts of dirty, sexy things both to her and with her. Hell, half the guys in this club were probably envisioning the same thing even if they’d walked in with dates.

  Landon shifted in his seat, not so discreetly adjusting his dick because he was fucking uncomfortable. But he couldn’t deny how much he enjoyed her performance. He glanced at his partners and noticed their women wrapped around them but huge smiles on their faces. No doubt they were counting the money they’d bring in when word of mouth took hold about tonight.

  From his seat by the bar, Jason raised his bottle of Pellegrino and grinned. Tanner caught the gesture and did the same, Landon joining them. Club TEN29 was back and they had Vivi to thank.

  The rest of the night went off without a hitch, her songs and acts all perfection. Her varied costume changes drove him insane. Bodysuits that showed off her legs, ones with skintight shorts attached, sparkles, sequins, fishnet stockings, thigh-high boots, high heels, ballet slippers, all designed to make a man drool. To make him drool.

  And the pull toward her wasn’t just sexual. There was a vulnerability buried inside her that allowed her music to shine and her sensuality to burn. He felt those things deep inside him, and as she sat down at the piano, slowing down her final set, the sound of the keys playing called to him.

  Unable to stop himself, he made his way toward the stage, where she played the instrument he loved. As if she sensed his presence, she looked up, her gaze locked with his, and the rest of the room dissolved around them. He made his way to the bench and settled in beside her. Their shoulders rubbed against each other, the warmth of her body penetrating through his jacket, and the vocals she projected reverberated inside him. Even if it was just his imagination, she helped piece together the jagged parts inside him.

  Without words, he watched as her fingers traveled the keyboard, taking the song down an octave, leaving room for him to play along with her. His mouth grew dry and he began to sweat, the thought of playing in public fucking frightening. Music always reminded him of Levi.

  But that could be a good thing, he thought, his fingers touching the keys. He loved his twin. Missed him, yes, but reminders could be cathartic. So he began to play for just the second time in a decade, while her beautiful voice resonated around him.

  She laid her head on his shoulder as she sang the slow, moving song about love and loss. And then she lifted her head, turned, and met his gaze, her smile as brilliant as the applause was deafening. She rose to take a bow and, he knew, step back on the stage for her closing number.

  He sat alone on the bench, stunned by the emotions flowing through him, as if something inside him had been set free by that performance. He owed the flow of emotion and the ultimate acceptance of that part of him he’d lost with Levi’s death to Vivi.

  He desired her. He needed her. His body yearned to feel her beneath him. The rest, the hard parts, the fact that they had an upward climb toward any kind of relationship, he’d have to deal with later. He was willing to fight through the hurdles of his friends and family to get to know her completely.

  He didn’t know what the future held, but he couldn’t hold her brother’s sins against her.

  * * *

  Elation soared through Vivi at the close of her first event at the club. The excitement of a job well done was as much a reason for her heightened emotions as the fact that Landon had sat with her at the piano. Surely he wouldn’t have done it if he still held a grudge. She’d sensed his initial reluctance to play, but he’d joined her and together they’d made magic. She knew he sensed it, too.

  Her desire for him was real, but so was the knowledge that nothing could come of it … for so many reasons. Pushing those negative thoughts aside, she’d taken her bows, performed an encore, and now stood in her dressing room, flowers from her mom on her makeup counter. Her mom and Ellie were chatting on one side of her, and Owen was taking bows and congratulations from people coming backstage, as if he’d been the one to succeed.

  So far none of the club owners had come to see her, Landon included, and she tried not to let her disappointment dampen her spirits about an otherwise fabulous night.

  “I’m so proud of you,” her mother said, pulling her into a hug. “I cannot believe that was my baby girl up on that stage.”

  Vivi grinned. “Thanks.”

  “You and I needed something wonderful this week,” her mom said. “Thank you for providing it. Now if you two don’t mind, I’ll get going.”

  Ellie glanced at her. “Can I share a ride? I’m on your way,” she said.

  “Of course.”

  Vivi hugged them both goodbye. “Thanks for your support. Love you both.”

  “Love you, too.” Her mother waved and Ellie did the same before they headed out.

  “Vivienne, can I talk to you?” Owen waved her over, and she joined him, noticing he was talking to a good-looking man in a pair of black jeans and a sport jacket. His pale blond hair was carefully styled, and his high cheekbones and chiseled features definitely spoke of his Nordic heritage.

  “Vivienne, this is Axel Matsen, a–”

  “Promoter! Oh my God, I know your name.” Axel had put many a pop star on the map. “It’s so nice to meet you.” She shook his hand, and when she began to pull back, he kept her palm against his.

  “Fabulous performance, Vivienne,” he said.

  “Vivi. I go by Vivi Z as my stage name. Owen just has a thing for my full name.” He thought it was elegant and gave her credibility, or some such nonsense.

  He smiled and stepped into her personal space, her hand still in his. “Well, Vivi Z, I have big ideas for you if you and your agent want to hear them.”

  Owen cleared his throat. “I’m sure the offers are going to come flying in,” he said, just as Vivi spoke, too. “I’d be very interested in hearing what you have to say.” She might not like his mannerisms, but she understood how important he was in the business.

  She glanced down at their intertwined hands, uncomfortable with both how close he stood and the fact that he hadn’t let her go. No matter how much she wanted more from singing, she wasn’t going to let any man take advantage of her, and this was just his initial step. With a hard wrench of her wrist, she finally managed to twist her hand away.

  He grinned, his leering gaze on hers. “Good to know. I’ll be in touch with your agent and perhaps we can get together for lunch. You’re going places,” he assured her.

  Her stomach twisted in a mixture of pleasure, excitement, and nerves.

  “She has a contract through the end of the summer,” a familiar voice said from behind her in a firm … and arousing tone. Landon stepped up beside Vivi.

  “Landon Bennett, owner of this club.” He extended his hand, and if she wasn’t mistaken, he and Axel had a pissing contest over their firm handshake before each man released his grip.

  “She’s yours … for now,” Axel said and, without sparing Landon another glance, looked to Owen. “I’ll be in touch,” he said. “Vivi, it was a pleasure.”

  He walked away and Landon immediately glared at Owen. “When she’s with you, she’s your responsibility. I saw her trying to extricate herself from his grip from across the room. If you’re going to let slimy promoters hang on to her hand too long, who’s to say you won’t let them push her for other things?”

  Vivi blinked in shock at his protective accusations because he was right. Owen hadn
’t stepped in to help. Though she’d freed herself from Axel’s grip, she needed to be more aware and not put herself in positions where she was alone with people who made her uncomfortable.

  “If you can’t handle the job of protecting your client, she should find someone who can,” Landon said, stepping into Owen’s space.

  “You’re right,” he said, holding up his hands in surrender. “That was my mistake. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

  “Okay, I can take care of myself, both of you. Landon, I appreciate you looking out for me. Owen, yes, just be more aware. Now can we move on?”

  Owen inclined his head. “I’ll be going. Just a reminder, I’ll be vetting offers throughout the week. Good job, Vivienne.”

  She smiled, and as he walked out, she realized she was alone with Landon, a man she truly desired but didn’t think she had a chance of ever having. But if given the opportunity, she’d make the most of every second they had together, knowing whatever they shared could never last.

  * * *

  Landon had heard that asshole Axel tell Vivi she was going places right after he’d watched him invade her personal space and seen an uncomfortable look cross her face. He hadn’t been able to get across the room fast enough to rip the man’s hand out of hers. And her damned agent needed a kick in the ass to make him pay attention to what was going on around him. The woman was going to end up needing protection from the people around her, he thought, shocked with how deeply he wanted to be the person who was there for her.

  She drew a deep breath and faced him, her expression wary. Obviously she didn’t know what he was thinking when it came to her and he didn’t blame her. He’d been an asshole last time they’d been alone.

  “So … tonight was unexpected,” she said, her face still flushed from her performance.

  “You can say that again.” As if drawn by an invisible cord, he’d approached her … and found himself part of her act. He treated her to a wry grin. “Tonight was a shock but not as much as the first time I played along with you. And I have to admit, it gave me a sense of peace about Levi. Maybe for the first time.”


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