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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

Page 52

by Jen Davis

  I know that people are looking. In fact, if phones weren’t banned in this high school, I had no doubt they would be videotaping it.

  I turn slowly, without any expression on my face. My eyes instantly latch on to Valentin’s. With a grin appearing on my face, I lean against the letters. “Is this all you got?”

  The group of people around him gasp as if I had created an earthquake. But he doesn’t seem to care that much. “Open it, kitten. We left some presents for you.”

  I try to brace myself for the worst as I open the locker…which has a lock on it. I have no idea how he got it open.

  It quickly swings open and long floppy…things come tumbling out. Laughter erupts in the hallway, but I have no idea why. I regard the long wieners with a blank expression. Are they supposed to be hot dogs? Is this a reference to something?

  I turn to Valentin with a confused look. “I…I literally have no idea what these are—”

  The laughter multiplies when I say that and from the dirty smirk on his face, I instantly understand it’s something sexual. Nothing else would be creating this much racket.

  Anger fuels my blood as the smirk on his face grows. He leans against one of the lockers as if watching his plan play out exactly how he wants.

  By this point, I don’t feel any embarrassment, even though twenty people are watching me like I am a freak show. I walk toward him slowly, but he doesn’t move. Instead, his smirk grows even wider. “What’s wrong, kitten? You’ve never seen cocks like—”

  Grabbing the phone out of my pocket I throw it at the wall next to him. It smashes into what seems like a million pieces and all the laughter ceases.

  I scoff. What kind of phone is it anyway? From the damage, it looked like it was made out of glass.

  The smirk wipes off his face, and for that, I feel a tremendous amount of pride. He deserves it.

  But what replaces it is kind of scary. A dark look washes over his face as he looks from me to the phone and back again.

  I shrug. “Just a tip: don’t give strangers your phone then get mad when something happens to it.”

  There’s an inhale from every person in the hall, which irritates me.

  What the heck is with these people? Do they think he is some type of god?

  Without saying a word, he turns around and walks away. I can see the tension in his back. His silence seems to tell everyone something because they all scurry away.

  Soon I’m left with only myself, and probably regret, but I can’t seem to muster it up. I smile. That felt good.

  I hear a feminine voice beside me say, “Dildos…so many dildos. Wow. Can I have one?”

  I spin around and find the girl from yesterday. She’s wearing a crop top with a tutu and ballet shoes. It’s a very odd combination but strangely works on her.

  I choke out a laugh. “I know they’re something sexual but my mind is not comprehending so yes, please feel free to take all of them.”

  There’s about twenty, at least.

  Oh, God.

  She grins, gets down, and collects as many as she can in her arms. Shoving them into her backpack, she starts walking down the hall. After a moment, the hallway echoes with, “Thanks for the dildos, babe!”


  My classes go smoothly without any issues. I notice strange looks from people, but other than that, no one says anything. I have psychology with Tom. He seems to be acting very weird, but then again, I’ve only known him for a day, so I don’t really have any comparative notes.

  When I walk into gym class, I feel the stares even more. I snap at one of the girls staring at me in the locker room. “What do you want?”

  Her friends gasp and one of the girls, a tall brunette with hair that reaches down her waist, steps up. “Who do you think you are?”

  I turn, putting my stuff in my locker. “What?”

  “First you anger Nikolaev and now you want to mess with my best friend?”

  I laugh with no humor, pulling out a towel. “I’m not messing with anyone. I just want all of you to stop staring. It’s quite rude, you know?”

  She steps up, flipping her hair to the side and scowling. “Just keep your fat self to yourself.”

  I almost laugh.

  What kind of reply is that?

  But it’s so bad and I can see that she realizes it as soon as she says it, so I decide to let it go.

  She growls and her face twists angrily. “I almost felt a little bad for you after what you did to Valentin. But honestly, you’re gonna get what’s coming to you, Kitten.”

  I slam the locker shut, holding my swimsuit in my arms. “This kitten has claws, B.” If I can’t say the full “bad” word, then I would have to substitute. “Don’t start shenanigans you’re not going to finish.” I am getting fired up now. What is her problem?

  The short girl from this morning walks to my side, and waves to the girl. “Just go, Cassandra. Leave Kitten alone.”

  “This is none of your business.”

  She winks but it seems dangerous. “Don’t make me do it again, Cassie.”

  I scowl at her, but the girls leave, huffing.

  She shrugs. “I get to call you Kitten, don’t I? I just saved your ass.”

  I start walking to the pool area, scowling. “How?”

  “That’s Valentin’s girlfriend. If you mess with her, then trust me, more shit is coming for you.”

  I groan. “It’s already coming, I’ve heard.”

  The girl shrugs. “Well, more will come. Keep away from her. She’s a snake.” She trots to keep up with me, going to the changing rooms. She’s already in her swimsuit. She must have changed in front of everyone already. “By the way, I’m Mell.”

  I smile awkwardly. “I’m Caterina, but you can call me Kitty. Not,” my brows pull together, “Kitten.”

  Mell laughs and shrugs. “Fine. Whatever.”

  As I close the curtain I hear her say, “Be careful today, Kitty. I can feel something coming.”


  I can feel something coming.

  That was what Mell had said to me at the beginning of gym class.

  And it had come.

  “Who took my clothes?”

  I search frantically in all the lockers, thinking maybe I misplaced them, but nothing. There was nothing.

  All the girls in the locker room turn toward me with shock.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “He took her clothes?”

  “I feel so bad for her.”

  “Look at her. She’s practically shaking.”

  I spin around, searching the locker that I swear I had put my things in. But they’re all gone. Nothing.

  When I turn to face the girls, they all refuse to catch my eyes. I can hear the whispers and the gasps though. I find Mell in the crowd of half-naked girls changing. I mouth to her, “Do you have clothes that I can borrow?”

  She shakes her head, and there’s pity on her face. “I can’t.”

  My heart starts beating fast. What the heck am I going to wear? “Why not?”

  She walks toward me, putting on her crop top. “I’m really sorry, Kitty, but this is his revenge.” She looks sad for me.

  I wrap the towel tighter around myself. I don’t notice the girls leaving. “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t mess with him.”

  She turns to leave and I grab her arm. “Mell! I thought we were friends?”

  She sighs and looks me up and down with a sad smile. “Maybe. But even though I don’t care about much in this world, I kinda like living.” She shrugs and turns to leave.

  The door swings open and I hear a deep voice say, “Everyone, out!”

  The Devil has arrived.

  The remaining girls grab their things and scramble out. Mell, her back turned to me, hesitates for a moment.

  A guy beside Valentin leans against the lockers and raises his brow. He has the same attitude as Valentin, but he looks completely different. Unlike Valentin’s sharp look, tattooed arms, and dark g
aze, he has blond curly hair, a soft, pretty face, and clean skin. “That means you too, princess.”

  I can see the tension in Mell’s back when he calls her princess and fisting her hands, she walks out, giving me a half glance and a sorry look. He watches her walk out with a grin.

  My heart plummets to my stomach as the door swings closed and I’m left alone with Valentin and his devil friend.

  There’s silence in the locker room as Valentin stands in the middle of the room, regarding me with a cold look.

  I force myself to gather all the dignity I have and wrapping the towel tighter around myself, I demand, “Where are my clothes?”

  And more importantly: where is my gun?

  The friend smiles. “You’ll get it back soon, Caterina. If you agree to follow our rules.”

  I muster up a laugh as I cock my head at Valentin. “Who is he?” I nod to the blond guy. “Your backup?”

  Valentin doesn’t say anything.

  I goad him with a smile. “You can’t say anything for yourself, cupcake?”

  The blond kid erupts in laughter, “Oh, God, Val.” He wipes a tear. “You’ve really got your hands full now.” He looks at me with an incredulous look, “Cupcake?” He shakes his head, laughing. “That’s complete and utter gold—”

  “Nate. Get the fuck out.”

  Valentin speaks for the first time, his eyes still trained on me.

  I clap with a laugh. “Oh, my God! You speak!” I lean toward him as if telling him a secret. “I thought you might have gone mute from the last time we spoke.” I wink. “You know, from the way I showed you up in front of all your minions.”

  Nate starts laughing even harder as he walks to the door. “Good luck, brother! I’m here if you need me.” He winks at me as he opens the door. “As a backup, you know?”


  “Fine. Fine.” I hear his laughter get farther and farther away until it disappears.

  I cross my arms and regard Valentin. “So, are you just gonna stare like a pedophile? Or are you going to give me my clothes?”

  And suddenly, in a lightning-fast movement that seems inhuman, Valentin steps up and whips the towel off my body. “No, I think I’m going to look just a little longer.”

  Chapter 5


  I scream the whole place down as the towel falls to the floor. “What the heck is wrong with you?”

  I had just come out of the shower, so I’m not wearing my swimsuit.

  He is going to see my naked body!

  I know I have two choices by this point:

  a) Pick up the towel quickly in which I would be giving Valentin at least a couple seconds of watch time or

  b) Kick him in the balls and distract him.

  I make my choice.

  “Ah, ha!” I run toward him and kick out my leg, catching him right in his balls.

  Valentin doubles over, groaning in pain. “Fuck you. You’re a bitch! Fuck, ugh.”

  I quickly swipe my towel from the floor and wrap it around myself. He lifts up his head so I pull back my arm and swing right at his face. “Don’t call me a bitch!”

  I can feel the hardness of his jaw against my fist and I have to bite my lip so a groan of pain doesn’t escape. The punch might have hurt me more than it hurt him, but at least I had gotten some of my anger out.

  Blood pumps through my body in fear as he slowly rubs his jaw, his dark green eyes burning into me with rage. “You did not just…fucking punch me…”

  I cough, shuffle my feet, and take a step back, fearing that he is going to hit me back. “I did. And I’ll do it again if you—”

  He’s suddenly right in front of me. And I’m cornered against the lockers. “If I do what, Kitten?” His voice is taunting and his face is hard with anger.

  I lick my lips and look behind him for a way out. I’m already feeling suffocated. The memory of That Day is coming back. “I told you not to mess with me.”

  A sneer appears on his face. “Do you really think you’re that powerful, Kitten? Because you caught me when I wasn’t looking?”

  I smile, a little proudly. “In fact, yes. I do. I am powerful.”

  Valentin’s laugh fills the locker room, harsh and taunting. Abruptly, he stops and leans in, his face almost touching mine. Suddenly, his body is so much closer and I feel the heat radiating off of him. I can feel his anger, his surprise, his hatred.

  I think he hates me.

  One hand grips my jaw and I struggle against him before he stills me, pushing my head against the locker. “You think you’re powerful because your father is Giovanni?”

  He snarls, “You think you can come to this school and act like you’re the shit because your father is Giovanni?”

  I gulp and lean back. He is terrifying me. “Can you let me go, Valentin?”

  He ignores me. “Daddy’s little girl, huh?”

  “Valentin…” My heart is thumping against my chest hard enough to break through. I can feel his breath against my cheek. I shut my eyes, hoping he will do whatever revenge plan he has and get it over with.

  “Your daddy loves you, doesn’t he, Kitten?” His grip on my jaw tightens until I wince in pain. “I asked you a fucking question.”

  I nod quickly and he growls. “A yes or fucking no, babe.”

  “Yes! Yes, he loves me. What is your—”

  “And you love him too?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? He’s a great man. He’s good and kind—”

  That’s when another burst of laughter erupts from him. I have started to learn that he seems to laugh when he is most angry. His grip on my jaw is almost bone breaking. I refuse to cry out.

  “You think Giovanni is good?” A rich sound bubbles from his throat, his face lighting up like he’s just heard the best joke ever. If he wasn’t so ugly on the inside, he would be beautiful. “Oh, God. Poor, naive little Kitten.”

  “I’m not,” I try to twist away, “naive.”

  He sighs and loosens his grip on my jaw, caressing my cheek. “Oh, naive little girl.”

  I turn red with anger. “And what are you? The big bad wolf? You’re in the same grade as me!”

  He looks at me like he knows something big that I don’t. And it is angering me. What is he hiding? Why did he laugh when I said those things about Dad? What the heck am I missing?

  “Kitten, you have no idea what kind of world you live in.”

  I roll my eyes. “I know my parents are billionaires. I know we live in a mansion. And we’re photographed everywhere we go. I know I’m not normal. That’s the world I live in.”

  His eyes soften. “You think I know all of these things because I’m a senior? Kitten, most seniors are dumb stoners who smoke weed all day long.” His face hardens, but not at me. “My father…I’m more dangerous than you think.”

  There’s a long silence for a moment that scares me. I have no idea what he means. Who is his father? I am starting to realize that Valentin is not some regular high school teenager.

  I laugh nervously, trying to shift away. “This is getting really uncomfortable. I feel like you’re talking about something important.” I narrow my eyes. “But I can’t really connect the dots. Anyway, that doesn’t matter, you need to stop telling me your life story.” I admit that it’s rude, but very necessary when understanding the situation that he has cornered me in. “And you need to step away, walk out of this locker room, and never talk to me again because I have a—”

  His sneer has returned and all the softness in his eyes are gone. Why do I always make it disappear? And why do I feel so bad even though he’s the monster in this situation?

  “A gun?”

  My mouth drops open, shocked. I jerk away from his grip and he lets his hand fall away, the heat of his anger gone. His body is still close to mine and I still feel short of breath. “How do you know I have a gun?”

  He laughs. “I guess I could have known. You’re his daughter. But I never thought he would let his poor little baby girl hold so
mething so dangerous.”

  I pushed him back roughly. “I am so freaking done with you calling me weak.” I push him again. “I am strong and I bet I can beat your—”

  In what seems like an instant, I am spun around and suddenly trapped in a chokehold. His voice is amused at my ears. “Kitten, never think you can overpower me.”

  I struggle for a good three beats but suddenly still. I realize the situation I am in. I am vulnerable. He has my throat, I am in a towel that is about to fall off, and there is no way for me to turn around and use my legs.

  Mom’s words come to me. I was ten and had come home from a fighting session with Dad. I had been so pumped because he had allowed me to touch one of the guns at the shooting range for the first time. Mom had sat me down after he left the room and told me:

  “I know all these men are showing you how to fight and kick shins, but remember, baby…sometimes words can solve something much quicker and better than your fists.”

  So, instead of fighting more, I try to take a deep breath with what little space for breathing I have. When I calm, his arms loosen slightly. “What do you want, Valentin?”

  His lips touch my ear and I suppress the urge to make a noise or move. I have never been touched by a boy like this and I have no idea what to do. “Kitten, I already told you what I want.” His free arm twists around my waist and he pulls me toward his body, one arm still around my neck. “Three things.”

  I gulped. “What three things?”

  “First up is your virginity.”

  I start choking. His grip loosens completely, and I know that he thinks I am choking because of his arm. “My—my—” I bend over and try to take a deep breath. When I look up, there is a grin on his face. “My…” My face turns beet red and I realize I can’t say the word.

  He nods, edging me on with a smile. “Your…”


  “You can say it, Kitten. Vir…gi…ni…ty.”

  I shake my head and my face twists in disgust. Grabbing my towel closer, I step back from him. “No. Freaking. Way.”

  He laughs and cocks his head. “It’s not your choice, Kitten.”


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