Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 88

by Jen Davis

  “Yes.” Heat flooded her cheeks. “Jasper’s been sending gifts every day. This one arrived this morning.”

  “It’s a Brighton. I love their stuff.” Madison let go so she could greet another newcomer but quickly turned her attention back to the woman at her side. “So what else has he sent?”

  “Well, it started with flowers and chocolates.”

  “I remember those. You were so sure that they were for someone else.”

  “Then it became other things, such as gift cards, but then the jewelry started to arrive. I got the matching earrings.” Lifting her hair, Jackie displayed the Swarovski crystals that glittered on her earlobes. “I probably shouldn’t have accepted them, but…”

  “But what? If he didn’t want you to have them, he wouldn’t have given them to you,” Madison reassured. “Never look a gift horse in the mouth, as they say.”

  “I guess so. I’m just not used to the attention.” It was the truth. No one had ever pursued her before, and she wasn’t sure how to handle the whole situation.

  “Just relax and enjoy it.” This time it was Madison who checked her watch. “It’s time. Let’s get everyone seated.”

  After circling the room, Jackie took a seat at her table. Alone. This didn’t make sense. He’d pursued her for over a week yet didn’t bother to show up for their date. Was this some kind of sick joke? Not to mention, everyone in the room knew he’d received the biggest bid of anyone. Whenever she risked a look to the front door, it was hard not to notice the looks of sympathy thrown her way.

  A waiter showed up at her table and placed their salads on the table, one in front of her and one where Jasper was supposed to be. Tears threatened to fall, but she held them off. A man who didn’t show up for an important event didn’t deserve to be cried over.

  Picking up her fork, she was shocked to see Madison take the seat across from her. “Do you mind if I eat here until we know what happened to Jasp?”

  “Thank you. I don’t think I can handle any more of the frowns and curious looks people keep throwing my way,” Jackie admitted.

  “I’m worried something must have happened. I sent a message to Roman, but it went to voicemail.”

  They ate in silence until Maddy’s phone started to vibrate. “It’s Roman.” A smile always lit up her face whenever he was in the picture. Her face glowed as she answered his call. “I’m good. Everything is going as planned, but where the hell is Jasper?”

  The server came to pick up the empty plates and replaced them with surf and turf. The food was delicious, but Jackie had lost her appetite.

  “No. He’s not here.” Madison shook her head.

  She leaned across the table and whispered, “He’s having the tech guy track his phone.”

  Tech guys? It was still hard to get a handle on everything that went on in Madison’s life. Bodyguards, a tech team, and who knew what else?

  “What? Are you serious? Yes, I will let her know.” The pained expression on her face had Jackie holding her breath. What the hell had happened? “Yes, I’d love for you to come over. I have a feeling Jackie will want to go check on him.” She paused. “Yes, I love you too.” Maddy put the phone away and looked her in the eye. “They tracked his phone, and he’s at the hospital.”

  “What?” The piece of lobster in her mouth almost lodged in her throat. “Was he in an accident?”

  “He’s not listed as a patient, but he’s in the emergency room.” Her phone buzzed again. “Wait. It’s a text from Jasper. It says, ‘I don’t have Jackie’s number. Please tell her how sorry I am. Something came up. I will make it up to her.’ Damn right he will.”

  “What kind of emergency?” Jackie risked a peek around the room again. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and had forgotten about her empty table, now that Madison had joined her.

  “I have no idea, and Roman said it wasn’t family business, or he’d know about it.”

  Jackie let the “family business” comment fly. They didn’t seem to be concerned at all about discussing things around her and were all but welcoming her to the “family.” It was unsettling, to say the least. She’d been complaining not too long ago about feeling bored, but there was a big difference between being bored and being stupid. She’d eagerly accepted putting a foot into this world, but it was important to keep the other one on the safe side.

  “What do you want to do?” Madison sipped her wine.

  “Do? I’m working. I can’t just leave.” She shrugged. “Besides, he didn’t say anything about me checking on him.”

  “That’s true, but I know these guys. They never want to be seen as weak. You’ll hear from him soon, and he did say he would make it up to you.”

  It still burned her chops that he hadn’t shown up, and she still didn’t know why.

  “Are you finished here?” So lost in her thoughts, Jackie jumped when the server asked to clear her plate.

  “Ah, yes. Thank you.” She dabbed at her mouth with the cloth napkin before returning it to her lap.

  A few minutes later, he returned with dessert. Normally, she’d be drooling at the sight of chocolate cake and vanilla gelato, but the excitement of the evening had dimmed.

  While their guests finished, Madison took to the microphone. She thanked everyone for coming and for their generous donations.

  Jackie bit her lip before finishing off her wine. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time, everyone but her. Before, she was hurt and disappointed, but now it had changed to anger. How dare he stand her up with no explanation? Sure, he was supposedly in the emergency room, but what did that mean? Had he been drinking with friends and someone fell off a bar stool? Standing up, she brushed some imaginary crumbs from the skirt of her dress. The phrase “all dressed up and nowhere to go” kept ringing through her brain.

  “Jackie?” Madison rushed up. “I got things under control, if you wanted to go.”

  “What?” Obviously, her boss could tell her head was no longer in the game. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Everyone’s just going to mingle while the workers clean up.” When Jackie hesitated, Madison kept talking. “Look, I feel really bad about the ways things ended up. I wanted this to be a fun night for you.” She shoved a box and a bottle into her hands. “It’s more cake and wine. Go home, relax, and I’ll see you Monday.”

  “Thanks.” Jackie raised the bottle up. “I will.”

  Weaving her way through the crowd that seemed to want to stay and mingle, she finally made it outside. The evening air had cooled, but she was heating up. How dare he lead her on all week, only to drop her like a piece of day-old bread? Jackie unlocked her car and tossed the wine and cake onto the passenger seat.

  If he thought he could get away with leaving her high and dry with no explanation, the guy was in for a surprise. Jackie put the car in gear and headed to Genoa’s only hospital.

  Chapter 11


  Dammit, she’d forgotten her flats at Firenza. The aching in her calves just added to her aggravation as she stomped across the granite floor of the hospital. Now that she was here, it didn’t seem like such a wise notion anymore. The man was here for a reason, and she had nothing to do with it, nothing to do with him. There was no good reason to cause a scene in a place like this, even though his no-show hurt like a bitch.

  Wringing her hands, she started to turn around. This was a bad idea, and she needed to leave before anyone saw her. It was probably the talk of the town already that she’d been stood up at the dinner tonight. But what if he had been hurt? He was at a hospital.


  That man had her upside down and inside out. Still, it was probably best to just leave quietly.

  “Jackie?” Crap. It was Jasper. So much for leaving quietly. “Jackie.”

  “Yeah.” She turned and immediately regretted her anger toward him. There were shadows under his eyes, and even his perfect hair looked off kilter.

  “I can’t believe you’re here.” Before she knew it, he
’d pulled her into an embrace. “You have no idea how much it means to me that you’re here.”

  “Really? Why are you here? What happened?” Jasper pulled back, took her hand, and led her to a nearby couch.

  “My grandfather took a bad fall.” He motioned for her to take a seat and sat down beside her.

  “Your grandfather?” That was the last thing she expected to hear. She had to stop thinking the worst of this man when he’d done nothing to warrant it except for being a ladies’ man. In a way, it was how she was able to keep him at arm’s length, when all she really wanted to do was get closer.

  “Yes. When I got the call, I raced over here, and I’ve been waiting ever since.” He ran his fingers through his thick, shiny hair, ruffling it more, and the effect made him sexier yet. “I can’t believe I never got your number. That’s why I had to contact Maddy. It was a jerk thing to do, but I was worried sick.”

  “It’s all right.” It was the first time she could recall him being truly vulnerable, and it made him even more appealing. “Have you heard anything yet?”

  “No, just that he hit his head on the way down and that they’re doing some tests.” Jasper rested his elbows on his knees.

  It was all she could think of to say. “What’s his name?”

  “Frankie. He raised me after my mother died.” His voice broke. “He’s the only blood relative I have left.”

  Oh dear, here he’d been sick to death with worry and she’d thought the worst. Jackie took his hand in hers, and his dark eyes met hers. “Tell me about him. About your family.”

  “You’re a reporter, so I know you have a good idea who the Caponellis are.”

  “I used to be a reporter,” she corrected, “and I’m talking about your family, not theirs.”

  “Once a reporter, always a reporter. That means you’re curious, and you don’t do anything without knowing what you are getting into.”

  They both watched a nurse go into the ER before speaking again.

  “That may be true, but in this case, I really don’t know what I’m doing.” She took a deep breath. “I took the job at the winery for a change of pace, but I’m really not sure what I’m doing with my life, and I haven’t for a long time.”

  “You know you work for a mob boss’s wife, right?” Jasper leaned back and rested his hands in his lap.

  “As much as I try to deny it, I know. I figured the winery was safe, though.”

  “Wait here.” Jasper got up and walked down the hall. He returned a few minutes later with a cup of coffee in each hand. “I know it’s not from the Java Shop, but it’s warm.”

  “Thank you.” The heated drink hit the spot. He’d added creamer and sugar to hers, just the way she liked it.

  “You asked me about my family. Well, this is between you and me. It’s off the record, as they say.” She nodded. Off the record, meaning it stayed between the two of them and no one else.

  “My father grew up in the mob, as did his father,” Jasper nodded toward the ER, “and his father before him.”

  “So it’s in the blood. Heritage so to speak.” This was the last thing she wanted to hear, but Jackie had known in her heart all along that it was true.

  “Yes. Born in blood, die in blood, as the saying goes.” He took a sip of his coffee and set it on the table. “My dad died when I was pretty young. Shot to death in a turf war.” She reached for his hand, but his engulfed hers first. It was calloused and rough but warm and comforting. Just the thought of that hand trailing along her skin and up her thigh had her shifting in her seat. Now was not the time and place to think along those lines.

  “I’m so sorry.” It must have been tough losing a parent so young. She knew firsthand how it felt when one was older, and it had changed her life forever.

  “Me too. I didn’t really know him that well, but I could tell my mother loved him very much, so he must’ve been good to her.” He squeezed her hand. “She said I look a lot like him.”

  “What happened to her?” Jackie’s heart broke asking the question, but the urge to know more about him got the best of her. “You said your grandfather was the only relative left.”

  “I happened to her.” Jasper let go of her hand, stood up, and walked over to a window.

  “What do you mean?” She followed.

  Indecision marred his face, but he finally spoke. “I was a pretty wild kid. My grandfather, of course, kept me in line as much as he could, but my mother spoiled me.”

  “I’m imagining a younger version of you. The puppy dog eyes. I bet you had the ladies fawning over you, even at that age. How could a mother resist spoiling you?”

  He didn’t deny it. “I didn’t always listen to her when I should’ve, and she died because of it.” Jasper placed his palms on the windowsill.

  “What? No.” She placed a hand on his back. His body warm but rigid.

  “Yes. I was ten, out playing out in the street, kicking a ball around.” He shook his head. “She kept yelling at me to come in and that it was too dangerous to be out there. That I could get hit by a car.”

  “What happened?” Jackie asked softly.

  “She came out to get me.” The muscles in his jaw twitched. “I can still see her, fists on her hips. I was being a smartass and refused to move.” Jackie could feel the tension coming off him in waves. “Out of nowhere, this truck came barreling down the street. My mom yelled at me to move, but I was frozen. She ran out and pushed me out of the way.”

  “Oh, no.” Her eyes closed. One didn’t need to hear the rest to know how the story ended. “She didn’t make it.”

  “No, and the bastard in the truck never stopped.” He turned and wrapped his arms about her. He needed a hug and he would get one.

  “She sounds like an amazing woman, and she obviously loved you very much.”

  “Yes, she was. No woman can ever replace your mother. I think that’s what I’ve been doing all these years. Looking for a love that’s so unconditional that you’d give your life for each other. So far, I haven’t been so lucky.” Jasper cupped her cheek in his palm. “Maybe you’re the one.” The flirty Jasper was back, or was it just his way of pushing sad emotions down below the surface?

  “Maybe.” For the first time since meeting him, she started to believe it. The man had many layers, and the ones she’d seen were winning her over.

  “Jasper?” A blonde rushed her way with Dominic following behind. “What happened? We heard you were here.” Jasper hugged the woman and did the half shake hands, half man-hug with Dom.

  “Grandfather fell. Just waiting to hear.” He pulled Jackie closer. “Do you know my girlfriend, Jackie?”

  Both Stephanie and Dom’s eyes widened.

  “We’re…I’m not—” she tried to start before he interrupted.

  “Well, she isn’t yet, but I keep trying.” He grinned and winked her way. The gesture caused her belly to heat and her heart to melt. This was bad, but it felt too good to argue.

  “We met last fall at the book signing.” Jackie held out her hand. “I worked for the paper then, but now I work with Madison at the winery.”

  “Oh, yes, I’m sorry we never did have that interview.” Stephanie wrapped her arm around Dominic’s waist.

  “Well, I’m no longer with the paper, but I’d still like to hear more about the story. If you ever want to do lunch, just let me know.”

  “I’d like that.” Stephanie’s head turned to Jasper’s, then back to her. “Any friend of Jasper’s is a friend of ours.”

  “Jasper Lencioni?” a doctor called out.

  “Here.” He grabbed Jackie’s hand, and they rushed over to the man.

  “Mr. Lencioni said you were his grandson.” The man’s nametag said, “Doctor Taylor.”

  “Yes, how’s he doing?” Jasper tightened the grip on her hand.

  “He’s awake. Your grandfather has a mild concussion, and we’re keeping him overnight for observation. He’s asking to see you now.”

  “So he’ll be okay?

  “In time, yes. He’s had a bad fall and needs to take things easy for a while, but I expect a full recovery.”

  “That’s great.” Jasper smiled, and Jackie could almost feel the tension leaving his body. “I’d love to see him.”

  “Of course. Nurse Schlosser will show you the way.” He nodded toward the woman in scrubs beside him.

  “Great. Thanks.” Jasper turned, and Dom and Stephanie were right behind them.

  “I’m sorry, but he needs his rest, which means only a short visit and only family.” The man was firm on that.

  “Call us later,” Dom said, and Stephanie gave Jasper a kiss on the cheek before stepping back.

  “Yes, let me know also,” Jackie added.

  “Don’t go.” Jasper took both of her hands in his. “Please stay and come say hi. He’d loved that.”

  “But they said only family and that he needs his rest.” It didn’t seem right to intrude.

  “Please.” It was hard to decide on which Jasper was harder to resist, the flirty, confident one, or the vulnerable, caring one. Either way, she was a goner. Jackie nodded, and the smile he gave her clipped even more of her icy resolve away. There was no way he wasn’t going to break her heart, but it was too late to fight it now.

  They followed the nurse down the hall to his grandfather’s room. The head of the bed was raised a little, and he was drinking some water from a straw.

  “Grampa, you scared the shit out of me.” Jasper took the water bottle from his hand and kissed him on the cheek.

  “It’ll take more than a fall to keep me down.” Despite the head injury, the man seemed tough as nails. His grandfather suddenly noticed her presence, raised an eyebrow, and glanced at his grandson. “And who’s this?”

  “Jackie, meet my grandfather, Francis ‘Frankie’ Lencioni. Frankie, this is Jackie.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” She held out her hand and took it in his.

  “The pleasure’s all mine. She’d a looker, Jasp. I always did like redheads.” He winked and let go of her hand.


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