Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 89

by Jen Davis

  “I can see where Jasper gets his charm,” Jackie teased as she sat in the chair next to the bed.

  “You’re both dressed up.” He waved his hands. “Don’t tell me that my being stupid took you away from a date.”

  Her gaze met Jasper’s. “Well, we did have something, but if you’re doing okay by tomorrow, I plan on making it up to her.”

  “You think so, huh?” It was a given he would, but it didn’t hurt to have him sweat a little. “Maybe that was your only chance, and you blew it,” she said.

  “Well, you did make a bet and lost.”

  “What?” Her mouth dropped open.

  “Don’t you remember? You agreed to go on a second date if I got you to go on the first one.”

  “But we didn’t actually go on a date. You bailed.” She smirked and crossed her arms over the chest.

  “It was an emergency.”

  Frankie’s head went back and forth between the two as if he were at a tennis match. Jackie worried with the injury, he’d get nauseous.

  “Please,” Frankie held up a hand, “don’t make me feel any worse than I already am for ruining your evening.” They both reassured him that he hadn’t.

  “So are we on for tomorrow night?” Jasper glanced down at her with those intoxicating eyes. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You better.” Jackie crossed her legs and swung her foot.

  “Believe me. It’ll be a night you’ll never forget.” He dazzled her with those brown puppy dog eyes again. “I promise.”

  Chapter 12


  Normally, he’d be all up for a job. Sparring with an opponent kept his skills sharp, kept him on his toes, kept him alive. Today, he just wasn’t feeling it. Jasper could feel the bruise rise around his eye. It hurt like a bitch, and it was the last thing he needed when he had a date tonight. Exhaustion had him sluggish. After seeing Jackie home and stopping at his place for a change of clothes, he returned to sleep in a chair by his grandfather’s hospital bed, just in case he needed anything. Frankie was doing fine, but still, he couldn’t help but worry.

  Arlo woke him early with a call and asked to meet him outside the hospital. Roman had been asked to do a favor for the local MC club, the Tribe of Mayhem, which meant they were the ones to get their hands dirty. A rival gang member had broken into their warehouse and stolen a bunch of guns. They’d located the guy, Ray, and it was now up to Arlo and Jasper to get the guns back.

  Some jobs where supposed to be easy, but those seldom were. A dog ruined their surprise attack at the man’s house. That’s where a fist to the face had almost fractured Jasper’s eye socket. For a skinny fucker, Ray was quick on his feet but not fast enough to get away from the two of them. Now he was tied to a folding chair in the middle of a shed.

  Jasper held his palm to his cheek, hoping the coolness of his hand would help with the swelling. Unfortunately, it was hotter than hell, even in the morning, especially in the closed garage, where they’d brought the man to interrogate and work him over. Jasper hadn’t been here since Dominic had to fight to keep Stephanie, and now, they were getting married. How quickly things had changed.

  Roman was on his way, and with a glance out the door, Jasper could see his boss’s SUV blowing up dust along the way. Oscar was with him today, and they were being escorted by several of the Tribe crew.

  “How can one place be so damn cold one part of the year and hotter than hell the rest?” Arlo wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. “Kind of like a certain woman I know,” he added under his breath.

  Jasper chuckled as he walked to Roman’s car. Arlo had it bad for Layla. Jasper didn’t really know her that well, but she was Madison’s half sister and the ultimate mafia princess daughter to a rival family in Chicago. It would take a miracle for those two to get together, but stranger things had happened. Such as the fight to the death that Dominic had won to break the marriage contract Stephanie had been bound to with a Russian mafia family. Dating in the mob was not for the faint of heart.

  Roman stepped into the garage and tucked his sunglasses into his suitcoat pocket. It could be 200 degrees out and the guy would still be decked out in an Armani suit and tie. The man was his idol.

  “Has he said anything?” His boss came to stand beside him.

  “We haven’t asked yet. Figured we’d wait and see what you wanted us to do.” Jasper followed Roman and the club members over to Ray.

  The club’s president, Forge, stood in front of Ray. His face was bright red, but it was most likely not from the heat. They’d have handled this themselves, but because it involved the guns bought from the Caponellis, they wanted Roman’s crew to be there also.

  “Where are they?” Forge narrowed his eyes.

  “Where’s what?” Ray struggled in the chair.

  “We have video tape of you breaking into our building and stealing our guns.”

  This time, Ray looked away. His tough attitude was slipping now that reinforcements had arrived.

  “Where are they?” Forge shook the guy.

  “I don’t know shit,” he spat.

  Forge stepped aside, and Roman motioned Jasper to get to work. Walking over to a work table, he surveyed what was available. Putting on some rubber gloves, he picked up a pair of tools. Some preferred shoving needles under people’s fingernails and stuff like that, but he was old-school. If it worked, why change?

  It was hard to hold back the yawn from lack of sleep as he strolled over to the man in the chair. Sometimes delaying the torture was enough to get the person to spill. He wanted this over quickly so he could take a nap. He had pliers in one hand and a hammer in the other.

  “What the hell are you going to do with that?” Ray squeaked and tried to skid his chair back with his feet, but he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “The hammer is to keep your mouth open.” Jasper slammed the head of the hammer on Ray’s hand. When Ray yelled, he shoved the wood part into the guy’s mouth. “While I pull your teeth out with the pliers. Ready?” Jasper flashed him a smile, while Arlo held the man’s head in place. Moving the hammer to one side, Jasper started with the front teeth. With only one root, they come out easily. Four down and out, he pulled the tool out of Ray’s mouth.

  “You ready to answer the questions now?” Jasper held his hands dripping with blood over the plastic-covered floor. He didn’t want to risk get anything on his clothes while he deposited the teeth in a nearby bucket.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know.” Ray frothed at the mouth.

  “But you do admit to taking them.” Roman stepped closer, but not close enough to dirty his Dolce & Gabbana shoes.

  “Yeah, hell. Whatever, I took them. I was just hoping to find something to steal and make some money.” Jasper moved to the side as the guy spit blood with every “S” he spoke. “When I saw the guns, I knew I could sell them.”

  “You sold them?” Forge growled. “To who?”

  “I can’t tell you. If I do, they’ll kill me.” Ray was covered in sweat and smelled like hell.

  “What do you think we’ll do to you if you don’t tell us?” Roman’s voice echoed in the cavernous building.

  “I can’t.” Ray shook his head, and Jasper shoved the hammer into his mouth again. This time, he took two molars. The guy would have to chew with the one side of his mouth from now on. Actually, the man wouldn’t be eating again. Ever. It was a given that the guy wouldn’t be leaving the place alive.

  When he removed the hammer this time, Jasper dropped it to the floor. “Look, we can do this all day. Once your teeth are all gone, we’ll find something else to remove.”

  Ray’s breathing elevated, and his chin was on his chest. Jasper lifted it up and stared into his glazed over eyes. “Who. Has. The. Guns?”

  Ray mumbled something. “Speak up.” Jasper gave him a slap on the face. This time, Forge stepped closer, and they both heard what he said.

  “Those bastards,” Forge cursed. Ray had sold them to a man with a Russian
accent named Dimitri. “Now, we have the fucking Russian mob here?” He directed the comment toward Roman, who, in turn, filled them in on the woman who had been found along the side of the road. “That’s the last thing I wanted to hear. I don’t mess with the bratva. That’s your deal. But if they have our guns, I want them back. Let me know what else you find out.” Forge shook hands with Roman and nodded to Jasper and Arlo. “Okay, men. Let’s go.” The gang left the building, and their bikes soon roared to life outside.

  “What do we do with this guy?” Arlo had been quiet for most of the time but now seemed eager to get the hell out of there.

  “Kill him, and call Dom.” Roman put his sunglasses back on and walked out the door.

  Nothing felt better than a hot shower after a long night and day. It was dirty work dealing with a dead body, and it pissed him off to no end that the fucker had given him a black eye. Jasper had taken a quick nap after getting home, so he felt refreshed for the first time in twenty-four hours.

  He dressed with care. Blue shirt, navy striped suspenders, and navy dress pants. His tie was accented with white and blue. Everything was all set, and before the night was over, Jackie wouldn’t know what hit her. There was no end to the surprises he’d lined up. The first being a new dress. With the help of Madison, she picked out a matching blue dress for her. Maddy made sure it had arrived at Jackie’s door this morning.

  Most would think he was trying to buy the woman, but that wasn’t the truth. He’d never paid for anything for a woman before. Sure, he’d paid for meals, but this was different. The gifts had meaning behind them. They were meant to show he’d take care of her, cherish her, and always be there to give her anything she needed. Life was different in the mob. There were traditions to uphold, and providing for loved ones was a biggie. Did he love Jackie? It was too early for that, but given time, he knew they’d be perfect together. He’d gone out with enough women to know what he did and didn’t like. Jackie had spunk, smarts, and a sense of humor. She was the whole package and one who would keep him interested for a lifetime.

  She was the good to his evil, the dawn to his night. The cleanness that he needed in his life to wipe away the mud. It didn’t hurt that he thought she was sexy as hell and the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.

  A glance at his watch and Jasper grabbed his suitcoat and walked out the door.


  Her fingers shook as she tried to fasten the new bracelet around her wrist. It was gorgeous and another piece of Brighton jewelry that had arrived today, courtesy of her date for the evening. There would come a day when those gifts stopped coming. All good things came to an end, but for now, she was going to enjoy them while they lasted.

  The bracelet flew out of her hand when the doorbell rang. Dang it. He was here. Jackie felt like a teenager as she picked the jewelry up off the floor and hurried barefooted to the door. Drool almost fell from her mouth when she saw how handsome he looked in his blue outfit that matched hers. His hair was flawless, as always, and his eyes had that flirty twinkle to them. Except one that was swollen and bruised.

  “What happened to your eye?” She waved him inside and shut the door.

  “It’s nothing.” He gave her the once-over with his eyes and let out a wolf whistle. “You look amazing.”

  “Do you like it?” She twirled around in her fitted off-the-shoulder dress. “Madison picked it out. Did you know she gave up being a dress designer to stay here and marry Roman?”

  “Yup. True story and true love.” He motioned to the bracelet in her hand. “Do you need help with that?”

  “Yes, please. I was just putting it on when the bell rang.” He quickly secured the clasp and took her hand in his. The man could probably feel how rapidly her heart beat. It was hard to be cool around Jasper. He oozed confidence and sex appeal like no other. “I love it, but you really need to stop getting me things. I’m already spoiled.”

  “I like spoiling you. It makes me happy to pick out things for you.”

  “I don’t know what you like.” Jackie braced a hand on the back of the couch to slip on her shoes.

  “I like you.” He winked.

  Could this man get any better? He’d rival any book boyfriend she’d ever read about. Reaching for the wrap she’d chosen to keep the chill away, Jasper took it from her hands and draped it over her shoulder.

  “We’d better get going. We don’t want to miss the boat.”

  “Boat?” The chance to get out on the lake was something she’d wanted to do ever since arriving in Genoa.

  “Yes, a dinner cruise.” Jasper held his elbow out, and she tucked her hand into the crease. Whether it was intended or not, this felt like the start of what could end up being the most romantic evening of her life. After walking out of her building, Jasper opened the door to his SUV, and they drove the short distance to the dock.

  The warm sun caressed her shoulders as they walked through the park to the Riviera Pavilion. The Pavilion had been built back in the 1930s and featured a ballroom upstairs. There must have been a party or wedding reception going on, as people in tuxes and long dresses climbed up and down the stairs to the upper level. The floor level featured little gift and food shops. Jasper and Jackie strolled the area and went outside by the docks. All kinds of different boats in the local cruise fleet could be seen. They had eight in total of all sizes from a forty-one-foot cruiser to vintage double-decker steam boats.

  A group of people headed toward the Grand Belle for the sunset cruise, and Jackie followed suit.

  “Where’re you going?” Jasper stood on the dock with his hand in his pocket.

  “Ah, I thought we were going on the dinner cruise.” He must have bought tickets, as it was by reservations only, and they didn’t want to hold up the ship.

  “We are, but you can’t go without this.” The necklace he pulled out of his pocket sparkled in the early evening sun. Even from a distance, the silver chain and crystals sparkled.

  “Jasper. No. Like I said, you’re spoiling me.” And setting too high of a standard for any other man she might date. It wasn’t just the gifts, but the fact that he wanted her to feel special and had taken the time to pick everything out for her.

  “You don’t want?” he teased and put it back in his pocket.

  “Well, I didn’t say that.” It was hard to resist.

  Jasper made her turn around as he placed the necklace around her neck. “I liked the setting when I first saw it. Dianna, the saleslady, told me it was from the infinity collection.” It matched several of the other pieces he’d given her. Jasper stepped in front of her. “In the family, we choose a woman for life. For infinity.”

  “It’s stunning. I love it.” The metal was cool against her skin, but her heart was aflame. She was giddy and almost jumped up and down. That was, until she noticed their boat starting to leave the dock. “Jasper, it’s leaving. We’re missing the cruise.”

  “No, we’re not.” He reached for her arm as she started to wave for them to stop.

  “What do you mean? I thought we were going on a boat.”

  “We are, but we’re not taking that one,” he corrected.

  “But that’s the only one that hosts the dinner cruises.” Her stomach groaned. “We can go somewhere else, but I hate the fact that you’ll be out of the money for the tickets.”

  “Don’t worry. I didn’t pay for that boat.” Jasper took her hand in his and started down the dock. “I paid for this one.” They stopped in front of an enormous vintage vessel. One that was waiting just for them.

  Jackie may not have left land yet, but she’d already been swept away.

  Chapter 13


  Ahead was something out of a fairytale. Jasper had rented a private yacht—one of the vintage boats built back in the late 1880s. A steward stood on the deck in front holding a tray with two glasses of champagne.

  “Jasper.” That’s all she could manage to say as he guided her onto the boat with a hand to her lower
back, and they both took a glass. The boat was big enough to fit fifty or more people, but it was all for them. One table sat in the middle toward the front deck. The shiny gold silverware reflected the light from the candles atop the crisp white tablecloth. “This is too much.”

  “Nothing’s too much for you.” Jasper took her hand and led her to the front of the ship as the crew pushed off from the dock and started their cruise. “You see those flowers on the table?”

  “Purple roses. Yes. They were on the table the other night.”

  “The night I missed our date. I’m really sorry about that.”

  “You’re forgiven. You had a good excuse.” She turned toward the flowers again. “I’ve never seen such beautiful flowers before.”

  “Do you know what they stand for?” Maddy had told her, but she wanted to hear what he had to say.

  “Love at first sight.” Jasper touched the edge of his glass to hers and took a drink. “When I saw you last fall, I thought you were the most intriguing and beautiful woman I’d ever met, and I know a lot of smart and good-looking chicks. Madison, Valentina, Stephanie.”

  It was hard not to giggle, but she did. It was overwhelming. “Well, thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, but I hardly think it was love at first sight, since I turned you down and we hadn’t seen each other since.”

  “That’s true, but all winter long, things have been off for me. It’s like there’s been something missing in my life. Then you came along again, and I knew what it was.”

  “Me?” It was too good to believe, but he nodded yes. “Why me?”

  “Who knows?” He chuckled and glanced toward the water as a wooden-hulled boat passed by. “Do we ever really know what it is about a person that makes us love them or hate them? It’s just a feeling. One that starts as friendship and grows into a relationship. Something that goes on endlessly, just like the swirls of the jewelry I gave you.”

  “I never pegged you as such a romantic, but it just seems too early to be talking about love and forever when we haven’t known each other that long.” It may be too early, but he was again chipping away at her guarded heart with a jackhammer.


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