Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 92

by Jen Davis

  “That reminds me. How did I get here?” Jackie patted the bed she was sitting on.

  “Don’t you remember? I invited you over, and because you couldn’t resist me, you agreed to come. We watched the fights together.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know that part. I meant how did I end up in your bed?” Her finger pressed into the mattress.

  “Easy. You fell asleep, and I carried you up here. I couldn’t let you sleep on the couch.” He took another sip of his drink. “It’s not very comfortable.”

  “I see, and where did you sleep?” Her left eyebrow raised.

  It was his turn to point. “Right there. Like I said, the couch isn’t very comfortable, but I swear on my mother’s grave, except for carrying you here and taking off your shoes, I never laid a hand on you.” He shrugged. “Not that I didn’t want to, but it wouldn’t have been the gentlemanly thing to do.”

  “And, of course, you are gentleman.” She gazed up from the lid of her cup. A little foam touched her lip, and her tongue darted out to lick it off.

  “I’m trying to be, but if you keep looking at me like that, I’m bound to do some very ungentlemanly things to you.”

  Jackie laughed, threw the blanket off, and placed her feet on the floor. “We wouldn’t want that to happen now, would we?”

  “I definitely wouldn’t mind.” He dropped a napkin into his lap to cover up just how much he did.

  “I’d better get going. I’m sure you have things to do today.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Jackie frowned.

  “I was really hoping to spend the day with you.” That brought the glow back to her cheeks.

  “Doing what?” She hesitated.

  “Well, since you’re new to the wine business, I thought I’d take you on a tour of one of the oldest wineries in the state, in the whole country, actually.”

  “I’d like that.” Her shoulder relaxed. “Do I have time to go home and change?”

  “Of course you do.” He reached for her hand, and they both rose at the same time. This time, he couldn’t help pulling her closer. “But if you don’t want me to kiss you, speak up now.”

  Jackie didn’t say a word, and he pulled her into his arms. She just gazed up at him with those big brown eyes that seemed to melt his heart. He lowered his mouth to hers. Her scent was becoming something familiar and something he yearned for, even when she wasn’t around. Her lips were soft and eager, and he couldn’t help delighting in everything she offered. He could drown in her. He was drowning in her. She had to say yes to him or he’d be lost. Drifting aimlessly in search of someone who wasn’t her.

  Her body pushed closer to his. There was no way she wouldn’t be able to feel his desire for her, hard-pressed against her belly. God, he wanted his woman. His tongue explored her mouth, and with a moan, he finally lifted his head. “If we don’t leave now, I don’t think I’ll be able to let you go.” His voice was heady and deep.

  “Then I’d better get going because I need a shower and to change.” Her lips were swollen, and her face was flushed. Good, she was just as affected by the kiss as he was.

  “Do you want me to drive you?” She stepped back, and the room instantly felt colder. He’d never be able to enter this room again without picturing her there.

  “No. I’d better take my car since it’s still parked out front.” She started for the door. “Do you want to pick me up, say, in an hour?”

  “Sure. But wait.” He picked up the flowers he’d bought for her and presented them to her.

  “Thanks again.” She kissed his cheek and took the bouquet. “You really are sweet.”

  “I know.” He winked. “Just don’t tell anybody.”

  A couple of hours later, they drove up the hilly driveway of the Wollersheim Winery. It was still early in the season, but from photos she’d seen, the place would soon be brimming with flowers and beautiful greenery when the weather turned warmer.

  “It’s gorgeous.” Jackie shaded her face from the sun as she took in all the old and new buildings that seemed to fit so well with the surrounding landscape. Walking up to the historic building, a large oak tree had fallen over but was still left where it had landed. They had to duck under the fractured limb to continue on the sidewalk. There was a plaque stating that even though the vintage oak had fallen in a storm, it was still alive. It was too precious to the heritage of the place to let it go, so they left it where it fell to keep it thriving and growing.

  “Grandfather would like that story.” Jasper took her hand in his and led her to the gift shop area. He purchased two tickets for the tour. If the guys could see him now, he’d be getting the razzing of a lifetime. Jasper was never the forceful, in your face kind of guy. He never thought about doing things like this to make a woman happy before, but he’d be equally content doing it forever if it made this woman his. Funny how things changed when one fell in love. He stopped short when the l-word popped into his mind again. Jackie drew his attention to some chairs made from old wine barrels.

  “Maybe Dominic could make something like this.” She rubbed her hand along the smooth surface.

  Lucky chair!

  “His taste runs more toward gun racks or knife holders, but I’m sure he could figure out something.” Jasper laughed, but he could totally see Dom making something like this.

  The tour started in the oldest part of the winery, which was built back in 1858. The top floor of the three-story building used to be a dance hall but was currently used for parties and events, the main floor was an old carriage house, and the bottom was the wine cellar, which held the wine aging in barrels. After a short video, they toured some of the vineyard outside.

  They were both surprised to find out that the original owner Agoston Haraszthy first planted grapes back in the 1840s. He sold the place to his manager and moved to California, where he become known as the father of California wine making. After a very harsh winter in 1899, the place became a farm for many years.

  The Wollersheims purchased the place back in the ’70s and created faster-growing grapes that could survive in a colder climate. They had owned and operated it ever since. Somewhere along the tour, they held hands. It just happened naturally, as if they both reached for each other at the same moment.

  The tour concluded with a tasting, then they trekked over to the next building. No longer satisfied with just holding hands, Jasper looped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Are you having fun?”

  She looked up at him. “I am.” The sun brought out a few freckles on her nose. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “My pleasure.” He enjoyed it just as much as she seemed to.

  “I didn’t know you were a wine person.” They walked up the stairs to the distillery.

  “I’m not, but I am looking forward to visiting this building.” The Wollersheims also made brandy, gin, vermouth, and even absinthe. A sales person later explained that a law left over from the Prohibition era had to be overturned so they could have a distillery and a winery at the same location.

  “I’ll take wine over the others any day, but a Brandy Alexander does sound good.” She eyed the selection of drinks offered.

  “Your wish is my command.” Jasper gave the bartender her order and added a glass of apple brandy for himself. When they were ready, he grabbed both drinks and followed Jackie to a table.

  “I can’t believe you’ve never been here before.” Jasper leaned closer as Jackie sipped her drink.

  “I haven’t done too much since I moved to Genoa. I guess, for some reason, I never thought I would stay. I’m afraid I didn’t strike up many relationships or do too many things.”

  “Really? Why wouldn’t you want to stay?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged her shoulder. “I guess I didn’t know if I’d like small town living.”

  “Is that why you turned me down when I asked you out last fall?” He had to know.

  “Maybe, but I also had heard rumors about Stephanie’s b
ook being true to life and that some of the people surrounding her may have been involved with the mob.”

  “And now what do you think?” Jasper held his breath.

  “I think this is so good.” She nodded toward the drink.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “But it is really, really good.” The woman avoided the question.

  “If I poured that over my body, would you lick me?” He joked but was also considering it.

  Jackie put a napkin to her mouth, fighting back a laugh.

  “Jasper? Is that you?” a voice from behind asked, and they both turned toward it.

  It was Connie. He stood up to greet her.

  “Connie.” Jasper placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’ve been thinking about you. How are you?” He dropped his hand to his side.

  “Wonderful, thanks to you.” The woman looked much better than the last time he’d seen her. The bruises had faded, and there was a lift in her step. Connie glanced at Jackie.

  “Ah, Connie, this is my friend Jackie.” His date stood, greeted, and shook hands with the newcomer before sitting back down.

  “It’s nice to meet you. How do you know Jasper?” For the first time that day, Jasper hesitated. It was a simple question, but was it the reporter in her resurfacing? He shouldn’t have had trust issues, but it was second nature for him to always be on guard.

  “He helped me with a very difficult situation.” Connie hugged him, and his face heated. “I still can’t thank you enough. You saved my life.”

  Jasper brushed it off as best he could. “What are you doing here? Do you want to join us?” He motioned to the table, and she shook her head.

  “No. I can’t stay. I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop in and buy something special to celebrate with.”

  “Is everything going all right with your husband’s estate?” He couldn’t help noticing Jackie’s eyes widening at that question.

  “Yes, yes, couldn’t be better. I should be getting the settlement soon.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Jasper saluted her with his glass. “If there is anything else you need, just let me know.”

  “And the same goes to you also. Thanks again, Jasper.” She briefly laid a hand on his shoulder before turning to Jackie. “It was nice meeting you.”

  They watched as Connie bought a bottle of apple brandy and practically danced out the door.

  “Did I hear you right? Her husband just died?” Her mouth remained opened. “She doesn’t seem too upset about it.”

  “He was a bad man. The worst. And he physically abused her.” Jasper shifted the glass back and forth between his fingers on the table.

  “That’s horrible.” She frowned.

  “At least she’ll get a big check from the life insurance policy to start over.” He took a drink. The gold-colored liquid went down smoothly.

  “How did he die?” Jackie tilted her head, and her lower lip pouted.

  It was now or never. “I killed him,” Jasper replied.

  Chapter 17


  Things went a little south after her “date” confessed to killing someone. Sure, the husband was a bastard. That was obvious from the blissful and appreciative reaction from the non-grieving widow, but still. They’d made small talk the rest of the day, and Jasper appeared a bit shocked by her quietness. That was the only way to describe it. She was numb. This whole situation had gotten out of hand, and there didn’t seem to be a way out of it.

  Jasper was non-apologetic and had explained everything in nauseating detail about what had taken place. Starting with Connie’s bruised face and ending with her husband crushed under a truck. It didn’t seem to faze him in the least as to what he’d done, but when he was raised that way, why would it? Jasper felt he was justified in doing what he had done, and Connie did also. It was a conundrum and something that she’d never expected to hear about.

  Somewhere between the gifts and the Brandy Alexander, she’d developed feelings for the man—deep, I’m-falling-for-the-guy kind of feelings. It wasn’t infatuation, as that was short lived. She could see her being with Jasper for the long haul. And as for lust, that wasn’t what she was experiencing. Not experiencing lust? Well, maybe a little. Actually, a lot, but not just a one-time thing. They could spend lazy Sunday mornings together for the rest of her life, and she’d be happy as could be. She ran her fingers through her hair and plopped her elbows onto her desk. Yes, she was attracted to him, there was no doubt about it, but that didn’t mean it was smart to act on it.

  “Jackie.” The chair in front of her desk was suddenly pulled back, and Madison sat down. “Jackie?”

  “Huh?” Her head throbbed, but it had nothing to do with the drinks she’d had the day before. No, it was because she’d tossed and turned all night thinking about a brown-eyed bad boy with perfect hair who killed husbands who beat their wives.

  “Are you all right? I’ve been calling your name for thirty seconds or more, and you never looked up.”

  Jackie sat back in her chair and took a deep breath. “Sorry. I’m fine. Just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Me too.” She frowned.

  “What’s wrong?” It seemed odd that Madison would be upset about anything. She was the most positive person Jackie had met in a long time.

  “Do you like kids?” That was the last thing she expected her to ask.

  “Ah, I guess so. Doesn’t everyone?”

  “Well, yes. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that, since Valentina had a baby, I’ve been getting a lot of not-so-subtle hints about when Roman and I will start a family.”

  “I can imagine so. When you’re single, everyone asks when you’re going to get married, and when you get married, everyone asks when you’re going to have kids.” It was the circle of life.

  “I know. Right?” There was a smile on Madison’s face, but it appeared that the subject weighed heavily on her mind.

  “Do you not want kids?” Jackie hated to ask, but something was definitely wrong.

  “There has to be an heir for the family. Roman would be crushed if we didn’t. Heck, it might even be cause for divorce.” The question wasn’t answered.

  “What do you want?” Jackie folded her arms across her chest.

  “Honestly?” Madison mirrored her by also crossing her arms in front of her.

  “Yes, that would be a good start.” It was nice to see the tables turned after all the pressure Maddy had placed on her to get out and date.

  “I do want kids, but to tell the truth, I’m scared to death.”

  “Of what?” This seemed to be an odd topic of conversation to be having with her boss, but in the short time they’d worked together, they’d become close, and they definitely had a very non-traditional boss/employee relationship.

  “Everything. What if I do something wrong? The whole pregnancy thing scares the heck out of me, not to mention giving birth.” She shivered. “I faint at a paper cut, and the whole breast feeding, diaper changing…ugh, I don’t even know what they eat.”

  Trying not to laugh, Jackie interrupted her. “I’m pretty sure every new mother feels the same way. It’s a learning experience. The wonderful thing is you have a good friend that just had a baby, and I’m sure she would be more than happy to help you with anything and everything along the way.”

  “I know. I’m just being silly.” Maddy rolled her eyes. “But I just don’t want to disappoint Roman. He demands perfection in everything.”

  “It’s never silly to be worried about the unknown, but from what I’ve seen and heard, Roman adores you.” It was said that she was the only one he would bend his will to.

  “Thanks. I know what I need to do. I just wanted to bounce my thoughts off someone. Everyone has insecurities, and this is mine.” That seemed to put her more at ease. “Now, what were you pondering when I barged in like a crazy person?”

  “It’s nothing.” The last thing she wanted to do was talk about her love life with her boss
, but in a way, wasn’t that what they had just finished discussing? Making babies?

  “Does it involve a tall, dark, and handsome guy named Jasper?” Maddy tucked her foot under the leg on the chair.

  “Unfortunately, yes.” Jackie twirled a pen between her fingers.

  “I though you two were starting to get along?”

  “We are…were.” She tossed the pen on the desk. “I don’t know. I’m so confused, and this whole thing about being committed so early in the relationship is messed up. Who dates like this?”

  “Want to talk about it?” The edges of Madison’s mouth turned up. It was now her turn to be the voice of reason. Hopefully.

  “Yes, I do. Don’t take this the wrong way, but how do you look the other way with what these guys do?”

  Maddy frowned. “I wouldn’t say that I look the other way, as that would make me spineless. When I first met Roman, I wanted nothing to do with him, in much the same way you were, and now are, with Jasper. Right after we met, I was kidnapped by a man whose fiancé I had convinced not to go through with the wedding. He was an abuser, and it was only going to get worse. If Roman and his men hadn’t have saved me, I know I wouldn’t be alive today. He rescued me but ended up shooting that man in the head.” This time, it was Madison who let out a deep breath. “Right in front of me.”

  “Oh my God.” Jackie couldn’t believe it. “How do you overcome seeing something like that? Unsee something like that?”

  “By realizing that, sometimes, those who we think of as bad are who save us from those who are worse.” Madison looked her right in the eyes.

  Jackie let that last comment simmer on the front burner of her brain. Jasper had saved Connie from what sounded like a brutal, early death from her husband. Madison then went on to tell other stories of how Valentina was saved from a serial killer, Stephanie was saved from an arranged marriage with a horrible human trafficker, and it went on and on. “But what about other illegal activities? Aren’t you afraid they might all end up in jail someday?”


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