Dynasty: A Mafia Collection

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Dynasty: A Mafia Collection Page 91

by Jen Davis

  “And a free coffee maker,” he joshed. “It’s a package deal, so to speak.” His heart beat faster. Was she considering it? It was easy to see why most guys married women already in their circle. It made things a lot easier, but sometimes, things that were the hardest to get were the most worthwhile. “I’m really glad Madison asked you to come today.”

  “She didn’t.” Jackie shut the trunk and turned to face him. Even dressed casually, and with little makeup, she was a beauty. Wait? Maddy didn’t ask her to come here?

  “She didn’t?” he pondered. This morning was getting better and better.

  “No. Maddy called and invited me to a brunch today, but when I told her I was thinking about visiting you and your grandfather, she got excited and insisted I bring all this stuff over.” The sunlight brought out the different colors of red in her hair, and he gave in to the urge to tuck a stray strand behind her ear. They’d have the cutest kids, but that was too far in the future to think about now.

  “Well, I will have to send her a thank you.” They started toward the house. It felt right having her here, and it would hurt like hell if she ended up saying no to being his woman. No one liked an ultimatum, but for once in his life, he wasn’t fucking around. Literally and figuratively. Life could be short in the mob. His father was proof of that. If anything ever happened to him, he wanted to make sure Jackie had everything she ever needed. It was crazy to think of her as his already, but he knew in his heart it was right.

  Soon, everyone was in the living room, going through some old photo albums that Frankie had found.

  “Hey, Jasp. Is this you?” Arlo held up a photo of a baby with a lot of dark hair.

  “If it’s a beautiful baby, it must be,” Jasper joked. The others groaned. He was Frankie’s only grandchild. He’d been a chubby kid and an awkward teenager, but his grandfather always made him feel special and as if he were the best kid in the world. Maybe he was just trying to help him overcome the grief and guilt he felt, but that would never go away. His love for his grandfather would never dim.

  “Can I see?” Jackie reached for the photo, and a smile lit up her face. “So cute.”

  “There’s a whole book of pics of the little devil, if you want to see.” Frankie pulled a photo album from a crate and patted a spot next to him on the couch.

  “I would.” She took a seat and crossed her legs.

  “I’m going to get something to eat and head out.” Arlo and Dom both exited as fast as possible to the kitchen, while Jasper eased into the recliner.

  For the next hour, Frankie went through the pages of Jasper’s young life. It touched his heart to learn that there was not just one album but three. What would he have done without this man? What would he have become without this man? Yes, he lived a violent life, but that was a part of their heritage. The legacy of their line. Frankie was one of the lucky ones who had lived to tell the story, but would he?

  Arlo and Dom left as soon as they finished lunch. It was getting late, and Jackie was still here, visiting with his grandfather. He yawned, and it was clear the move had worn the elderly man down.

  “Is there anything else you need us to help you with?” Clearly, Jackie had noticed it also, as she began picking up dishes and throwing them in the trash.

  “You don’t need to do that.” His grandfather took a plate from her hand and put it in himself. “Both of you, shoo. Go have some fun. You’ve spent enough time with this old fart.”

  “Are you sure?” Jasper was tired also.

  “Yes, now go.” He thanked Jackie again and gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Both of you,” Frankie added, while embracing Jasper before ushering them out the door.

  Jackie was quiet as Jasper walked with her to her car.

  “Thanks for being here today.” He stopped in front of her.

  “It was nice. I had fun.”

  “I hate to ask this, but I have a favor to ask.” A favor? When had he ever asked this of a girl?

  “Sure. What is it?” She bounced from one foot to the other. A chill had settled in the air. From the breeze and humidity in the air, it felt like rain.

  “Come to my place tonight.”

  She can’t say no if you don’t ask.


  Chapter 15


  Her headlights flicked off as she parked behind his vehicle in the driveway. Never did she expect to be spending time here tonight. It was still early, so that was why she’d agreed, or at least, that’s what Jackie told herself. He was too tempting, and she was already falling hard and fast. This was the last thing she needed to be doing, but maybe there would be some clue he’d let loose. A snippet into what the Caponellis were doing. Were they really going legit, as Madison wanted them to be?

  A flash of lightning flickered in the distance. A storm was coming. The first one of the season was always exciting and fresh, but it just elevated the nervousness that had already surfaced. There was nothing to fear, he’d promised her after the invitation.

  That’s what every spider tells the fly he invites over to hang in their web.

  It was her weakness for the man that worried her, not that she was in danger.

  Jasper promised to never make her do anything she wasn’t ready for or didn’t wish to do, and so far, he’d kept his word. The problem was, with each day, there were more and more things she was ready and wishing to do—with him and only him.

  Getting out of her car, she looped her purse over her shoulder and walked to where he stood by his car.

  “Looks like rain.” Just then, large drops started to land on the concrete by their feet. “We made it just in time. Come on in.” He unlocked the door and ushered her inside.

  Jasper’s place was nice. Very nice. It was a charming, century-old home that had been refurbished with all the modern upgrades yet kept its old-world character. It was in a great location close to downtown and all the great shops and restaurants. A so-called hipster spot, but he didn’t strike her as such.

  “So why did you want me to come over?” Jackie entered the front door and surveyed his living space. For some reason, the expectation was that it would be either messy or impeccably neat. It was neither. The place was tidy but lived in.

  “You look surprised.” Jasper motioned for her to sit on the couch.

  “About you asking me here or about my opinion of your place?” It felt wonderful to sink into the plush leather sofa as she set her purse on the end table.

  “Both. What do you want to drink?” He opened the door of the stainless-steel refrigerator. It was hard not to look as he bent to grab a beer. The man had an ass that was to die for. “I have beer, wine, some pop, wine coolers, water, OJ, and milk.”

  “You don’t seem like a wine cooler and milk kind of guy.” She crossed her legs.

  “You know what they say. It does a body good.” He rubbed his hand over his chest in mock adoration and flashed her the breathtaking smile. “I bought the wine coolers in case you ever stopped by.”

  His confession kicked her in the gut. The man was truly sweet, and she would not be able to put up much resistance any longer. “I’ll take one of those then.”

  Grabbing a bottle from the fridge, he opened it and handed her a bottle of raspberry lemonade. She took a sip. “My favorite. How did you know?”

  “You look like a,” he reached over to read the label on the bottle, “raspberry lemonade kind of girl,” he joked. “Back to my question. Why did you finally agree to come over, and what do you think of the place?”

  “What can I say? You’re growing on me.” It was true. As much as she fought it, she was tumbling head over heels for the guy, and there was no way that would end well for either one of them. They were from two different worlds. “And I like the place. I have to say, I truly didn’t know what to expect.”

  “Here,” he offered his hand to help her up, “let me give you a tour.”

  She reached for it and stood. “I bet you say this to all th
e girls you bring here. Are you going to show me the bedroom first?” With her hand still in his, it would be so easy to take a step and pull him closer. Jasper was becoming her caramel latte, something she wanted to taste every day but that probably wasn’t healthy for her.

  “You’re the first woman I’ve ever brought here, and no, you don’t get to see the bedroom unless you’re spending the night.” He lifted an eyebrow in the flirty way that caused her belly to warm. “Are you?”

  “Ah, no, but seriously. You’ve never brought a girl home?” He led her to the kitchen.

  “Nope. For right now, this is my home. I would never bring a casual hookup here.” Jasper dropped her hand, only to brush his thumb across her cheek. “You’re not casual, Angel. You’re special.”

  If it were possible for her heart to grow, it increased in size. Her lip quivered and her eyes watered. She’d not gotten much sleep last night, and fatigue was making her emotional. At least, she wanted to blame it on that. It was the man in front of her who had her hormones raging.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” His hand cupped her cheek, and she leaned into it.

  “Nothing. It’s just that,” she gazed up into his beautiful eyes, “no one’s ever called me special except for my parents.”

  “Then you’ve been hanging out with the wrong people.” His thumb caressed her lip before dropping to the side of her throat. There was no way he wouldn’t be able to feel the throbbing of her heartbeat there. Jasper dropped a kiss to her lips as her eyes fluttered shut. It was tender, sweet, and way too short. Again, not what she expected from this man.

  “Let me show you around. I honestly didn’t bring you here to put the moves on.” Now it was her turn to lift an eyebrow in question. “I’m serious. Since you’re going to be my woman, I thought we should get to know each other better.”

  Jackie couldn’t hold in the laugh. “You are crazy. Why do you think I’ll be your woman?”

  “Like you just said, I’m growing on you.” This time, his hand moved to her waist, and she didn’t even think of saying no. “In case you didn’t know, this is the kitchen.”

  “Really? I’d never guess.” She’d only taken a sip of the alcohol, so it must have been that this guy that was making her giddy. “Do you cook?”

  “I’m no chef, but I’ll never starve.”

  “That’s nice to know.”

  He guided her through the few rooms downstairs before leading her back to the living room. The place had an open floor plan, and pretty much everything was in sight. It was also clean and tidy. For some reason, she’d been half expecting knives, guns, and bodies to be littering the area. “There’s a patio off the bedroom upstairs. It’s a nice place to sit outside in the morning and look at the lake.”

  “Just like my place.”

  “Well, almost. Yours is much closer. Have a seat.”

  She returned to the couch, and he sat beside her. Not as near as she’d have liked, but he was being a gentleman and not trying to push. At least physically, anyway. Calling her his woman wasn’t very subtle.

  Jasper picked up the remote. “Anything special you want to watch?”

  “We should have gone to my place. I DVR’d the fights last night. I was going to watch them this evening.”

  “You watch MMA. Okay, now I’m in love with you.” His finger hit a button, and the program she had recorded last night started to play. “I was afraid I’d miss it. We can watch it together, if you like?”

  The last guy she’d gone out with was intimidated by her knowledge of sports and didn’t understand her love of mixed martial arts. With Jasper, she was finding out more and more, and he seemed to accept her for who she was.

  “I’d like that.” Like a move from a corny movie, Jasper tossed the remote on the couch, stretched, and leaned his arm across the back of the couch. Right behind her.

  Jackie shook her head, smiled, and settled into the soft leather. She didn’t mind him getting closer at all. As much as she tried, she’d thrown in the towel and waved the white flag. She couldn’t say no to his advances anymore, even if it was only for a short while. Her life had been too lonely for too long.

  In no time at all, darkness seemed to fall. They took a break from the program to eat pizza that Jasper had had delivered. Talking, drinking, and eating with someone handsome and charming was much more appealing than eating alone in her apartment. Even if it did have a better view.

  They had more things in common than she thought. Onions on pizzas was one of them. A fondness for books, sports, and a dislike for science fiction were just some of the things she discovered they shared. As the evening wore on, they moved closer until there was no space between them at all. Her left side pressed up against his right. The warmth of his body eased her fears and made her feel safer than she’d felt in years.

  Three wine coolers and many hours of TV later, her head drifted back onto his shoulder. That spicy aftershave he wore drew her even more. He felt safe and comforting, like she’d come home for the first time in a long time. So much so that Jackie drifted off to sleep.

  Heat warmed her face, and Jackie lifted her hand to block the bright rays from the sun. Yawning and stretching, she rolled over toward the source of the light. The patio doors had curtains, but just the sheers were in place. Patio doors? She gazed around the room and sat up on the bed. Not her bed!

  Jackie threw off the blanket. She was still in the same clothes, and only her shoes had been removed. There was a dent in the pillow next to hers, but she lay on top of the covers with just a blanket over top. Looking around the room, it dawned on her that she was in Jasper’s bed. It was the only room he hadn’t showed her last night. Because, in his words, that would mean she was staying the night. Well, it was morning, and she was still here.

  It was similar to the rest of the place. Neat, orderly, and lacking in feminine touches. A few workout clothes were draped over a chair, and a pair of barbells sat in a corner. The little bit of the closet she could see boasted many of the nice suits she’d seen him wear. It was probably bursting with more of his high-end designer clothes. There was a copy of a popular bestselling western on the table nearest her. The man didn’t come across as a cowboy kind of guy, but there it sat, on the table next to where she had ended up. Had he given her “his side” of the bed?

  Rising, she slipped on her shoes that lay nearby on the floor and visited the master bathroom. After freshening up, she caught her reflection in the mirror as she washed her hands. Her hair was the usual mess, and her makeup had faded, hopefully not all over his pillowcase. It felt oddly intimate, standing in the same place he most likely shaved every morning. That smoldering aftershave he always wore still lingered in the air. Just imagining him in the shower with water dripping off his naked body caused her cheeks to pinken.

  A door closed below. She jumped, rushed back to the bed, and covered herself again with the blanket. Not that that would protect her from anything, but at least she wouldn’t look like she was snooping. Jackie wasn’t, but having been a reporter, he assumed she was the big snooper in the world. It wasn’t like she’d gone through any of his drawers, and truth be told, that thought never even entered her mind, but it should have. Jasper wasn’t part of any kind of investigation, and she had every intention on keeping it that way.

  Footsteps jogged up the stairs, and the bedroom door opened. Jasper entered, carrying a big bag of what smelled like breakfast and a carry tray of coffee.

  “I’m not much of a cook, and the coffee shop you love isn’t open yet. I got these at the gas station. I love ‘em, so I was hoping you would too.”

  He pushed the book on the table aside and placed the bag there. The smell of sausage, egg, and croissants from Kwik Trip brought her fully awake. Also in the bag was a little bouquet of flowers that she also recognized from her favorite gas station. He handed them to her, and she inhaled the sweet scent.

  “I love everything. Thank you.” It was the truth. He always seemed to know what she liked, wanted,
or needed. This was a good thing but also bad. Every day, she was falling more and more for this man. A made man. The same kind of man that killed her mom and dad.

  Chapter 16


  Jasper studied her from the chair he’d pulled near the bed. The sight of Jackie in his bed was something he never dreamed would happen. Granted, she was on top of the covers and not below him, but baby steps, as they say. Slowly but surely, it appeared she was succumbing to his charms. Never before had he had to work so hard to get a girl, but then things worth having didn’t come easy. She was worth it. He felt it in his gut that this woman was the one.

  Jackie thought they were total opposites, but they were meant to be together. How did he know this? Who knew? Love couldn’t be explained. Love? Well, maybe that was getting a bit too far ahead, but what else made a man get out of bed early on Sunday morning and drive around town trying to find flowers and food?

  “You look beautiful.” Her hair was a mess, her clothes were wrinkled, but she had never looked prettier. It made her even more real, more appealing. More his.

  “Wow, drinking already.” She tried to smooth the unruly red waves with her hands.

  “No. The thing is, girls think guys like them when they’re all dressed up and wearing a ton of makeup.” He reached for her hands to untangle them from her hair. “We like you best when you’re just being you. Now eat.”

  The woman in front of him took the last bite of the sandwich. “These really are good.” Her eyes went wide, and she quickly drew a napkin to her mouth, obviously embarrassed about talking with her mouth full. “And the cappuccino is also. Thank you again.”

  “My pleasure. It meant a lot to my grandfather to have you there.” He took a bite of his and added, “And to me also.” The smile he gave her came straight from the heart. How fun it would be to sit and find humor in simple moments like this. Jasper finished chewing and added, “And it means a lot of me to have you here.” There, he said it. Was it hot in here, or was it just the coffee? He pulled his shirt away from his chest.


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