Untamed: A Rejected Mate Shifter Romance (Rejected Mate Academy Book 1)

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Untamed: A Rejected Mate Shifter Romance (Rejected Mate Academy Book 1) Page 16

by E. M. Moore

  He picks at the grass, spinning a blade between his massive fingers and watching it dance. “I haven’t heard anything since that day.” He gazes up. “I’m going to start telling people I want you out, though.”

  My stomach twists, but I hold my excitement in. Jonah and I still have a long way to go and one huge obstacle in our way. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if something comes out and you’re implicated?”

  “What could come out, Kinsey? That’s why we need proof.”

  He’s been pushing the DNA test, and I agree with him. Asking my Mom and Dad to do that for me, though, is another thing entirely. It’ll hurt them, I’m sure of it. Shifters are proud beings, and my parents have already had to deal with this shit enough. What will having their own daughter asking for proof do to them?

  He reaches out, tugs on my arm, and tugs me into his lap. I dust my hands off behind his back before wrapping my hands around him. He sniffs my neck. “You smell amazing.”

  “It’s the dirt,” I tell him, biting my lip as he kisses a trail over the curve of my throat.

  He chuckles into my ear. “It’s you, Kinsey.” He runs his palm up and down my back. It’s been hard to keep our hands off of each other after we broke that first time. “If I could do it again, I wouldn’t put you in here.”

  We both know it wasn’t just him. It was the Pack Council, too. If they object to a match, they put through the same paperwork, and it doesn’t matter what the fated pairs want. Sure, he did it, and he’s apologized, but he was never the biggest problem. I’ve been holding my thoughts in about all this, but I’m bursting at the seams.

  I pull back. “Can I talk to you about something?” He retreats and nods, so I blow out a breath. “Don’t you think it’s wrong that the Pack Council has so much say in pairings? If it’s fated to be this way, what can they even object to?”

  He swallows. Jonah is very pack oriented, and it’s hard for him to see another way. I’ve been watching him wrestle with this, and I don’t envy him. I’m predisposed not to trust other people, but he’s basically a pack cheerleader, an enforcer. He’ll be the one keeping all of Lunar safe, so to think that something might be rotten internally is a big deal to him. “That’s how it’s always been.”

  “But it hasn’t, though,” I tell him. “You know the history as well as I do. They only started instituting this when the packs started to die off.”

  “And it worked,” Jonah cuts in.

  “Did it? Maybe it was all coincidence. It’s wrong for us to believe that we know better than fate.”

  Jonah’s lips thin. “I’m going to say something, but I want to make it clear first that I don’t think this is about you. Just as there are bad humans, there are bad shifters.”

  I tune him out. I know where he’s going with this. It’s what we were told when we were young. They’re weeding out the bad apples. I stare down at my garden and the little pile of seeds I have. Some of these seeds won’t make it. Some of them might grow only to get an illness and die. But does that mean that they shouldn’t get a chance to live? Not planting them just because they might die seems like messing with fate too much for me.

  He cups my chin and forces my gaze to his again. “I’m sorry, Kinsey. I don’t know what to believe in every case, but I know what to believe in this one. You were made for me. I have zero doubt fate got it right with us.”

  His words make the hair on my neck stand at attention. I’ll be much more appreciative of his endearments as soon as we’re out from under the shade of Greystone Academy because right now, words do little else than make me feel good. I need more. I need the hell out of this academy.

  “I’ll get you out,” he promises.

  I smile at him, holding back. “Just be careful what you say to who, Big Guy.”

  He wraps his fist around my hair and tugs me to him, lifting his hips at the same time so I can feel his erection. “No one is taking you from me.”

  I bite my lip. Turned on is a constant state for us now. Fate keeps moving forward no matter where we are. We’ve been connecting in dreams where we fuck like rabbits. At least, I’m pretty sure it’s not purely in my imagination because if it is, I’m kinky as fuck, and I didn’t know it.

  Voices drift toward us, and I glance up to find Mia and Nathan walking our way. I scramble off Jonah’s lap, and he pouts. “It’s hurtful to them,” I say quickly before my two friends approach. “Hey, guys, come to help me with my garden?”

  Mia laughs. “No, we wanted to make sure you weren’t going to work through dinner again.”

  Jonah’s eyeing Nathan with a hard stare, and I almost crack a smile. “Jonah, this is my friend Nathan. He’s from Daybreak like Mia.”

  Jonah stands to his full height. He’s taller than Nathan by a few inches. Of course he is, he’s taller than most people. “Hello,” he greets, though it sounds more like a death knell than a welcome.

  Nathan glares at me, and I can’t keep a grin off my face. When he turns to Jonah, he hints at a smile. “Good to meet you, man. You’ve got a good wolf there.”

  “I know.”

  I press on Mia’s shoe to get her attention. When she peers down at me, I gesture toward the school and plead with her using my eyes. Understanding dawns right away. She grabs Nathan’s arm. “Come on, we’ll meet Kinsey there. We didn’t know she already had company.”

  “Bye,” I call after them. “See you soon.”

  Jonah turns back at me with menacing, yellow eyes. “I could take him.”

  I have no doubt about that. Jonah’s a beast, and Nathan doesn’t seem like the fighting type. I cock my head. “Hmm.” I pretend to think anyway because I love it when he gets all possessive.

  Jonah leans over and scoops me into his arms. “Choose your words wisely, Little Mate.”

  I love poking the wolf. Secretly, I think he loves it, too. He enjoys treading that fine line. “Maybe you should prove it to me with your stellar skills.”

  His eyes darken. “Maybe I should punish you and not join you in your dream tonight.”

  My stomach drops out, settling into a wildly raging fire between my legs. “Sounds like a punishment for yourself, too.”

  “You have no idea.” He kneads my ass underneath my academy skirt, and I moan. Peering behind him, he grins before walking that way. My legs start to shake in anticipation. Branches catch on our clothing as he squeezes between the trees and finds the stone perimeter wall. He hoists me up until my legs are on his shoulders and I’m leaning against the hard surface. Flipping my skirt out of the way, his mouth meets my panties, and I suck in a breath.

  “Jonah, fuck.”

  A pinch on my pussy sends a wash of heat through me, and one sharp incisor shreds my panties in half, allowing him to take me fully. “Try to be quiet, Little Mate.”

  Mission impossible. I stifle as much as I can as he works me into a frenzy. No matter how hard I try to prolong our tryst, my pussy spasms way too quickly, and he soaks up my juices on his tongue, groaning into me.

  I drop my head against the wall, chest heaving. He carefully unwraps my legs from his neck, and I slide down his body. “I take back everything,” I pant, barely able to stand on two legs.

  He pins me to the wall with his hips, then threads his fingers through my hair. “I can’t wait to feel that intense release around my cock.”

  I shudder. “The anticipation is slowly killing me.”

  “Well, we can’t have that.”

  “I agree.”

  “Soon, Little Mate.” His words make me ache even more.

  He drags me back out to the garden to gather my things and helps me to Greystone Academy so I don’t miss dinner. I stop him at the entrance to the cafeteria, though. “I know. I understand.”

  “It’s just not fair to anyone here.”

  He opens his mouth to answer, but then the air changes. Both Jonah and I feel it—a tensing in our shoulders. We turn to find Jesse Greystone striding down the hall toward us. He smiles at his friend, an
d my back bristles even though Jonah relaxes. “I was beginning to wonder if you were going to make it.”

  Jesse looks sheepish. A few students pass us with round eyes, whispering to each other. A buzz starts over us all. There’s a future alpha in the building, and everyone can taste it. “Sorry. I had to deal with some shit.” He switches his stare to me. “Kinsey.” He gives me a small bow, and I almost lose my shit. Why in the hell would a future alpha be bowing to me? “I’m here to formally introduce myself and apologize.” He holds out his hand. “I’m Jesse Greystone.”

  “I know who you are.”

  He smirks. “Of course but we’re starting fresh. So, now it’s your turn. You are....”

  I take his hand in mine after an encouraging nod from Jonah. “Kinsey Walker. Nice to officially meet you, future alpha.”

  His handshake is strong, but I don’t back down. My skin warms at his touch, and my wolf howls in my head. She’s ready to support him wherever he goes. “I apologize for the other night. I was wrong. I may be an arrogant asshole,” he smirks to his friend, “but I do admit when I’m in the wrong. It was never about hurting you in my eyes. I wanted to make sure you were right for my friend.”

  I straighten my shoulders and let go of him. “Fate knew what she was doing.”

  He nods. “When you return to Lunar, you are welcome in my home anytime. You will not receive the same treatment, I can promise you that.”

  My wolf preens. Like, straight up tail in the air, fancy twirl like she’s wearing a tutu. “I would happily accept an invitation to your house.”

  “Excellent because I have just the occasion.”

  I glare at Jonah as he smiles. He knew about this. Fucker.

  The future alpha chuckles at my reaction, and I make myself appear controlled. “As you know, the full moon is approaching. My family would like to cordially invite you and Jonah to a dinner party.” He brings out an invitation and offers it to me.

  It’s super elegant. A gold embellished stamp seals the back, and my name is written in calligraphy on the front. The dinner is one week from today. Holy shit.

  I steel my shoulders. This will be another test, and I won’t back down from it. A good word from the alpha’s family might just save me.

  “I accept.”


  Ms. Ebon and I sit in one of the many meeting rooms that hosts the mandatory mate mediations to go over progress. It’s from rooms like this that Mia usually emerges like she’d enjoy shiving somebody…or crying. Perhaps both at the same time. The first few meetings with Jonah and I were rocky, but we’re finally getting somewhere now.

  I’m hesitant to tell Ms. Ebon anything without Jonah here, so while we wait for him, I take the time to update her on my self-study. The amount of research she’s done on the subject so she can help guide me is awesome. Ms. Ebon is okay in my book, and at this point, it sounds as if Mia wants to switch advisors. Not that moving to a different pack advisor is allowed, but she’s at her wit’s end with her supposed mate.

  A knock sounds on the door, and Ms. Ebon calls out, “Come in.”

  Jonah enters dressed in a polo shirt and nice jeans. He always dresses up while I’m stuck wearing the academy uniform. Not that he minds in any way, shape, or form. I’m pretty sure he’s already planning on bringing the uniforms to Lunar with us.

  “Mr. Livestrong, thank you for coming.”

  “Ms. Ebon.” He smiles as he approaches the sofa I’m perched on and leans over to place a kiss on my cheek. A rush of warmth settles there along with a tinge of embarrassment. He sits next to me, and sure enough, Ms. Ebon straightens, eyes darting between us. She is absolutely dying over this new development.

  Scribbling something in her file, she starts to ask her first question, but Jonah cuts her off. “Ms. Ebon, I would like to begin the process of removing Kinsey from this facility. Please advise on the paperwork that needs to be filled out.”

  She peers up, locks eyes with him, then shifts her stare to me briefly before moving to him again. “We are talking about accepting Miss Walker, are we not?”

  Jonah squeezes my knee. “We are. I’ve grossly misread Kinsey, and due to her circumstances, the pack never truly tried to get to know her either.”

  She sets her file aside and crosses her legs. “Am I also correct in hearing that Jesse Greystone came to visit Miss Walker?”

  “He did, ma’am,” Jonah informs her. “He wanted to personally deliver an invitation to the alpha’s house.”

  Ms. Ebon smiles fondly at me. “That all sounds very promising....” However, as her words trail off, her lips thin. “The three of us know this isn’t only a mate placement though. In Miss Walker’s case, this is also a Pack Council placement. When you fill out the exit paperwork, you will certainly be allowed to tell your side, which will give Kinsey a great recommendation considering your standing in Lunar, but this is not as easy as signing some papers and having everything forgotten. There are serious claims against Miss Walker’s lineage.”

  Her words get under my skin. She watches me as if I’m going to shift on her like I did the first night, but I’m in no trouble of that anymore. In fact, it’s kind of scaring me how quiet my wolf has been. “I don’t want Jonah involved in any of my lineage problems.”

  “As your mate, it’s my duty to be involved in everything that pertains to you,” Jonah argues.

  I peek over at him. “You’re cute, but no.”

  Ms. Ebon hides a smile at the rumble that escapes Jonah’s chest. “I believe we need to tread carefully moving forward. I can help you fill out the Mate Acceptance Form to give Miss Walker the greatest recommendation, but it will still have to go to the Pack Council to be approved.”

  “How long until they make a decision? Is there anything we can do to help it along?”

  “All good questions,” I remark, speaking up. I’m getting restless just sitting here, listening to them talk. “But let’s slow down for one second.” I lock eyes with Ms. Ebon. “Do you have any insight on the best course to take?”

  “Unfortunately, Mr. Livestrong’s words won’t be enough unless he has some serious sway that I’m not privy to. I wish it were. You two are obviously fated pairs. I saw it from the moment you interacted on Kinsey’s first night. Unfortunately, Lunar is very strict about pairings, putting the pack above all else. Jonah’s form will help but not like real, tangible evidence as to who you really are will.” She lets out a breath. “I’m afraid that’s the only thing that can assist you right now, Kinsey. Although, personally, I’m very happy to see that you’ve come together like this.”

  Ice forms in the pit of my stomach. Jonah’s hand on my leg aids in keeping it at bay but it never completely melts. This has been the thing standing in the way of my life since I was little. It’s always been there, like a thorn in my side. “Jonah, tell Ms. Ebon what you heard at the alpha’s house.”

  His throat works. He glances over at me questioningly, but he’s come to trust me, so he does as I ask. “I overheard Lydia talking about bringing Kinsey’s parents to trial.”

  My advisor’s lips thin. She picks up the file from the table between us and shuffles through the paperwork. “I took the liberty of gathering all the information I could on what happened when Miss Walker was a pup. It never went to a formal hearing. Her parents’ word was enough to put the matter to bed, and of course, the fact that they produced a healthy pup was in their favor as well Kinsey was evaluated all through her school years. Each doctor appointment was forwarded to the Council, and everything was supportive of her shifter abilities.”

  I blink at her. “My medical records were forwarded to the Pack Council?”

  She nods, a frown tugging her lips. “It’s standard practice. If you had shown no signs of having a wolf or any other defects, then that would’ve raised alarms.”

  “Surely the fact that fate paired her up also has to be encouraging evidence of her lineage,” Jonah says, squeezing my knee so hard it starts to throb.

Also in her favor includes that she was paired with you, Jonah. In any of the other packs, this would be evidence enough, but Lunar Pack differs. They need proof.”

  “This is asinine,” I snap, sitting back and crossing my arms. I turn toward Jonah. “Can’t you talk to Jesse?”

  “The alpha’s family could help,” Ms. Ebon states, though the tone of her voice doesn’t sound all that hopeful. “But the Council is above them in this instance. In my opinion, you’re going to need everything you can think of. The alpha’s favor, Jonah’s favor, and real evidence, Kinsey.”

  I shake my head. “This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” Lunar is letting me down again. It’s not enough that I was totally ostracized due to something out of my control, but now it’s happening again when I need everything to fall into place. “Jonah wants to take me back to Lunar. That should be enough.”

  Ms. Ebon leans forward. “I’m so sorry, Kinsey. It’s not.”

  “We could do the DNA test,” Jonah offers.

  “Yeah, sure. Fine. Let’s ridicule my parents further by making them prove I’m theirs. I mean, what other choice does a couple of outsiders have?”

  “Kinsey....” Jonah turns toward me on the couch.

  My eyes fill with unshed tears. I just want to rage at the unfairness of the world.

  Ms. Ebon stands. “Miss Walker, why don’t you go to your room and Mr. Livestrong and myself will conclude the meeting?” I get to my feet and turn toward the door. She stops me with a hand to my arm. “I’m very proud of you.”

  Her words settle around my heart, but they don’t break through the unjustness currently pressing down on me.

  Instead of answering, I make my way out of the meeting area, my footsteps echoing through the empty corridor as I make my way toward the second floor. I walk straight past my own room and knock on Mia’s. She answers a minute later with flushed cheeks. “Um, hey.”


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