Untamed: A Rejected Mate Shifter Romance (Rejected Mate Academy Book 1)

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Untamed: A Rejected Mate Shifter Romance (Rejected Mate Academy Book 1) Page 17

by E. M. Moore

  “Hey,” I grumble, walking in. Nathan is sitting on the floor, the tips of his ears red. I feel bad for even having a problem like this when they’re stuck here. “Got any chocolate?”

  Mia switches to lifesaving mode, pulling a bunch of bags from her closet. She dumps everything into a bowl and beckons me to the bed. “Spill.”

  I tell them everything, even the stuff I’d held back before. They listen and eat, and by the time I’m finished, there’s a mound of empty wrappers in front of each of us.

  “Fuck,” Nathan says, shaking his head.

  Mia echoes his sentiment. We’re all quiet for the longest time before she says, “I know it’s not what you want to do, and you shouldn’t have to either, but you need to get that test, Kinsey. Everything rests on it. No parent wants to see their child in the Rejected Mate Academy—or worse. If they can help at all, I’m sure they will.”

  My heart cracks. I know they would, but that’s not the point. They shouldn’t have to.

  I hold my hand out, and she fills it with another peanut butter and chocolate concoction that melts on my tongue. “I know,” I tell them.

  Nathan stands and sits next to me on the bed. The three of us line up, our backs to the wall. “I know with everything else going on that Jonah accepting you doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it should be. In the grand scheme of things, isn’t that the most important part?”

  I sigh, shame filling me. “I’m sorry.”

  Mia bumps her shoulder with mine. “Don’t be. We’re happy for you, aren’t we, Nathan?”

  “Yeah,” he whispers, though there’s something off with his voice. “You know, I just remembered I have to catch up on some homework. I’ll see you guys later.”

  He stands, leaving with his head down. I frown at his retreating form, and Mia rests her head on my shoulder. “He had a bad meeting with his mate today. It’s not your fault.”

  “Maybe you should stop calling them your mates? Maybe Bitch and Asshole would work better?”

  “You’re not wrong,” she laments. “I’m going to be stuck here forever. And that’s the good path. The alternative is worse.”

  I hug my friend. It’s the only thing I know to do. “I hate everyone today.”

  She chuckles, her shoulders moving up and down against my own. “Me too. This is our hate everyone pity party.”

  We toast with another piece of chocolate before deciding to watch a comedy and forget about everything for a while. As curfew approaches, I stand from her bed and thank her for helping me.

  She gives me a hug. “Any time, Kinsey. I always knew you didn’t deserve to be here. You’re going to make it out, I know it.”

  I squeeze her. “No one deserves to be in here.”

  We let those words sink in, and then I mope back to my room. When I get there, I pull out my cell and find a couple of texts from Jonah asking if I’m okay. I tell him I’m fine, then bring up the group conversation with my parents. I text them that I love them, then sit there with the phone in my hands, my heart catapulting around in my chest. Maybe I don’t want the DNA test because I’m scared of what it will show. Mom and Dad have been acting strangely ever since I got here. My mother freaking out and telling me not to befriend anyone; my father being cryptic. I’m missing something, and that scares the shit out of me.

  Maybe my parents haven’t ended the rumors with a test before because they knew it would make my situation worse.

  The thought curdles my stomach and makes me hate myself at the same time. My mom and dad love each other. That much is abundantly clear. They’re true fated mates.

  I groan. This is ridiculous. All these confusing thoughts are coming up because my pack put them in my head. If I go with what I always believed—in the special connection I feel between my parents—then I know I’m theirs.

  Whether I make it back to Lunar or not, one thing is for sure: I won’t easily become just another member. There are too many non-conforming ideas in my head that go against traditional pack beliefs.

  However, my independence won’t break the bond between Jonah and me. That’s never going anywhere.


  Mrs. Graves decides we need an emergency meeting before the dinner at the alpha’s. Not only does she drill me on every little etiquette bullshit known to man during class, but she comes to my room to help me get ready.

  It feels like it’s my wedding day or some shit. Mia can’t come over because Mrs. Graves thinks she’ll distract me from tonight’s true purpose. My etiquette instructor even sets the tone by putting on classical music and sitting ramrod straight at my desk chair. She’s too prim and proper for this room. Her elegant perfume swirls around the space like we’re in a French parfum parlor instead of Rejected Mate Academy. Even her dresses are too tasteful. I swear she owns dozens of floral prints of all cuts, and she hasn’t worn the same one twice that I’ve noticed.

  “When you’re ready, dear,” she calls out. I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror and gulp down breaths. I don’t even recognize myself. My hair is clipped into a sweeping updo, the hairstyle showing off the curve of my neck and the exquisite dress I’m wearing. It’s a tight, yet sophisticated dark slate color that hugs my body until it ends just above the knee.

  I feel like a model.

  Opening the door, I wait until Mrs. Graves gazes up. “Are you sure this is okay?”

  Her answering grin tells me all I need to know. “Oh yes.” She gets to her feet and circles me. There’s not a ton of space to do that in this room, but she makes it work without falling on her face. “You look amazing. Dinner parties at houses of the alpha are all about showing off how fashionable you are in a classic way. This makes you appear older, more experienced, knowledgeable. According to your file, this is exactly the impression you need to make. We have to get them to see that you’ll be an asset to the pack when you return.”

  My stomach churns. She’s right about that. I have Jonah on my side. Now all I have to do is woo them. Should be easy, right?

  I kind of want to throw up.

  She returns to the bed and starts going through the bag she brought with her. Bringing out a box, she says, “I bought you these cute boots with a tiny heel since we didn’t get the chance to practice walking in heels yet. With the parties you’re getting invited to, I’m going to move that up in the curriculum.”

  After she hands the boots to me, I sit on my bed and put them on. They have cute, decorative zippers up the side that end at the ankle. I stand, and Mrs. Graves tells me to walk around the room. I take a quick turn, and honestly, they’re not bad. I peer at her for approval, and she nods. “Phew,” I tell her. “I was worried.”

  “Never show your nerves, pup. Fake it ‘til you make it.” She moves closer and brushes an imaginary hair up over my head. This hairstyle is clipped so tightly, there’s no way anything is coming out of it. I guarantee I’ll have a headache by the end of the night. I guess it’ll be worth it if I can get the alpha to approve. How the hell I’m supposed to do that, I have no idea. Mrs. Graves’ calm voice halts my spiral. “Kinsey.” I glance up at her, and her unwavering stare helps keeps me grounded. “You can do this. Your strength pours out of you. Lean on your wolf. Look to her for how to act if you get unsettled. Her nature will be the best guide. Remember, pack life is already inside of you. I promise.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her, getting choked up for some ridiculous reason.

  She pats me on the shoulder and squeals when a knock on the door reverberates through the room. She quickly throws the two bags she came here with under the bed before maneuvering in front of me to answer the door. She mouths Ready? and I nod.

  I’d already warned Jonah that my etiquette instructor would most likely be in the room with me when he came to pick me up, so he greets her warmly. “Mrs. Graves.”

  The woman blushes. “Do come in, Mr. Livestrong. I believe I have someone here who’s yours.”

  Her words make his gaze lock to mine. A tension starts deep in my
belly, tensing up my muscles, and for a moment, I forget my teacher is in the room. His possessive eyes yellow before returning to normal when Mrs. Graves tactfully clears her throat.

  She stares at me expectantly, and I realize I’ve already messed up. I give Jonah a slight bow. “Hello,” I greet him in the sweetest voice I can. “You look handsome.”

  My lip quirks as I try not to laugh. He does the same, inclining his head. “Miss Walker, you’re beautiful.”

  Mrs. Graves approves. She beams from ear-to-ear, and is so excited, it looks like she could pee through her Depends.

  Jonah offers me his hand, and I take it while my instructor holds out my purse. “I’ll lock the room up for you, dear.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Graves. I’ll see you next class.”

  She winks when Jonah isn’t looking, and when I turn to face the hall, I have the biggest smile on my face. Out of all my teachers, she’s my favorite.

  Jonah wraps my arm around his, leading me down the hallway. When we get to the stairs, he lets his lips finally slip into a smile. Now that we don’t have an audience, I take him in fully. Jonah is wearing a polished black suit, and suddenly, I freak out about the correct silverware to use even though Mrs. Graves practically drilled it into my head.

  Jonah squeezes my hand. “I’ll be beside you the whole time, Little Mate.”

  “I’m pretty sure you said that last time,” I chide.

  Instead of taking it as the joke I meant it as, his face falls. “Nothing like what happened at the lake will happen here. I can promise you that.”

  More promises.

  We take it easy on the stairs so I don’t kill myself, then walk out the grand front entrance to Jonah’s truck that’s parked in the curved driveway. At least that makes this more normal. I half expected to see a limo waiting for us.

  He helps me into the truck and then starts the engine. Everyone is convinced that this night at the alpha’s house is über-important. I’ve been over every different scenario in my head, telling myself I can’t fail. Jonah reaches over and places his palm on my knee. “Try to relax. We don’t want them smelling blood in the water.”

  “I’m trying,” I tell him. “It’s not as if I’ve ever been to a dinner party before, especially not one at the alpha’s house.”

  “Remember, you are an invited guest like everyone else.” He sneaks his touch up my thigh. “And if you need me to take your mind off—”

  I slap his hand, pressing down on it so his fingers can’t make it any further up my leg. He chuckles, and I moan. “You’re so not right.”

  I’m lost in my own thoughts after that, and I don’t realize we’re pulling up to a house that isn’t the alpha’s until I gaze at a brick façade that’s still beautiful but about half the size of the current leader of Lunar’s house. “Mom and Dad wanted to meet you before you officially met at the party.”

  I gulp, glaring at him. “Does something about me say I like surprises?”

  He picks up my hand and kisses it. “You were going to officially meet them later, and the three of us thought this would make it easier so you didn’t have to do it in front of everyone. Plus, I’ve told them my true feelings, and they’re behind us completely, Kinsey. I wanted you to see it from them. I thought it might help with tonight.”

  “Really?” A tiny ray of hope breaks through my walls.

  He nods. “Really. They’re good people.”

  I take a deep breath as he crosses in front of the truck and opens the door for me. My legs feel like they’re suddenly boneless as he leads me up the brick steps. He knocks twice on the door before opening it. A large, brightly lit entryway looms before us with the most gorgeous chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I only pull my attention away from it when Jonah’s mother comes around the corner, her own heels clicking over the marble tile at our feet.

  She’s wearing an even more posh dress than I am, a silk scarf around her neck and ears dripping with diamonds. Her warm smile reminds me of her son’s, and it helps soothe my nerves. “Kinsey, how nice to finally meet you.”

  I take her offered hand. “Mrs. Livestrong, I’m so glad we could connect. What a lovely home you have.”

  Greet and compliment. Greet and compliment.

  Her smile widens. “It’s Cindy. Johnathan is putting his tie on. Would you like to come to the sitting room for a moment?”

  Jonah leans down and kisses his mom on the cheek. Side by side, she looks so fragile compared to her son. I’m even an inch or two taller than her, and I know Mr. Livestrong is a huge, hulking man like Jonah.

  I walk through a short hallway in awe and am suddenly very wary of when Jonah meets my parents. Mom and Dad made our house up as much as they could, but it’s nothing like this. It’s aged, and though decorated, there’s not the sense of finery that this house has.

  “What a wonderful dress you have on, Kinsey. Where did you get it?”

  My cheeks flame. “Well, to be honest, my etiquette teacher purchased it for me through the school. I’d be happy to ask her and pass it on.”

  Mrs. Livestrong doesn’t miss a beat. “She has a wonderful eye. It’s gorgeous on you.”

  “Thank you. I’ll definitely tell her. I’m sure she’d be delighted to hear that.”

  “I think it’s the girl wearing it,” Jonah says softly.

  His mom stands back, studying the two of us. She stares for a full minute before nodding once as if she’s just made up her mind about something. “I believe you’re correct, Jonah. You two complement one another well. It reminds me of when your dad and I were your age.”

  Jonah chuckles. “You found him infuriating.”

  “Then it really is like us.” As soon as I say it, I want to kick myself, but the laugh that bursts from Jonah’s mom’s painted lips make it all worth it.

  Jonah brushes his shoulder with mine, smiling down at me. A moment later, Johnathan Livestrong enters the room. He bypasses his wife and son and comes straight to me. “Kinsey Walker, welcome to our home.”

  His imposing figure doesn’t scare me half as bad since I’ve been around Jonah. If I hadn’t, I’d be quaking. “Thank you for having me, sir.”

  He shakes my hand, his grip dwarfing mine, just as his son’s does. “Did I hear we were comparing notes on mates?” He grins at Jonah. “I bet you find Kinsey as infuriating as I found your mother.”

  Mrs. Livestrong smacks his chest good-naturedly, and I smirk. “He does. He’s told me many times,” I assure him.

  His deep baritone laugh calms me. This isn’t half bad. If this is indicative of how dinner at the alpha’s house will go, I might just make it out of there alive tonight.

  We make small talk for a few more minutes until Mr. Livestrong announces that he wants to show Jonah a new gadget they got in for their business. Jonah’s mom looks at the both of them as if she wants to scold them, but instead, she leads me to the couch, shaking her head as they walk away. “Never dreamed I’d have a son who would turn out exactly like his father.”

  “Jonah certainly takes after his stature,” I muse, staring down the hallway they disappeared through. He’s already left me alone again. Lucky for him, I don’t believe Mrs. Livestrong is going to go all Mean Girls on me.

  “Kinsey,” Jonah’s mom starts, and when I gaze at her, I detect sympathy in her eyes. Jonah may have inherited his father’s physique, but he got his mom’s mannerisms. “I can tell you, Jonah feels awful about sending you to Greystone Academy. He didn’t imagine he was going to get a mate that night at graduation, and then when it was you....”

  I wait for my instinct to lash out but it never comes. Instead, my wolf nudges me forward. “I understand,” I tell her. “I had to live with the rumors my whole life, so of course I can see things from his perspective. I was hoping I didn’t get paired up.” I smile but it falls flat. “What a horrible thing to wish for, huh?”

  She breathes out through her nose, her face pinching. “Jonah has shared some things with me, and I wanted to tell you I
was quite disgusted with the way you’ve been treated, and I’m ashamed to say that I never saw it.”

  “It was at school,” I tell her. “Mostly other girls, so it’s really not something you would have seen.”

  Her lips thin. We’re already crossing into a territory that Mrs. Graves wouldn’t like. She’d tell me to compliment Jonah’s mom and change the subject, but it feels like this discussion needs to happen.

  “If I come back to Lunar Pack, I promise I won’t let people’s opinions of me keep me from being involved. I have a lot of ideas for what I’d like to do in the future. I want to attend Brixton. I want—”

  She grabs my hand and leans over. “You have to be very careful of Lydia Greystone. Do you understand me?”

  Her fierce eyes take me off guard. She looks at me pointedly, and I nod, the breath whooshing out of me, and a different panic sets in.

  Mrs. Livestrong closes her eyes and gulps in air. When she opens them again, she appears normal. “Yes, Jonah’s told me about your love of flowers.”

  I blink at her. She keeps trying to pull me back into conversation after that, but I’m stiff and uncomfortable now. What the hell is Lydia Greystone’s problem with me? And what exactly does Mrs. Livestrong know?

  When Jonah’s mom hears the men’s footsteps coming down the hallway, she says, “Stick close to Jonah. He won’t let anything happen to you. You’re doing lovely.”

  She stands, and I rise with her until we face the two Livestrong men. I smile for Jonah because that’s what I’m supposed to do, but inwardly, I’m freaking out. Again.


  The brave face I put on in the wake of Jonah’s mom’s warning impresses even me. These etiquette classes are working. Who would have thought?

  The formal introductions when we get to the alpha’s house go by in a breeze of niceties, even when Laura is thrust in my face. She looks like she’s been freshly put in her place and is acting the proper lady as much as I am. An outsider wouldn’t even know what transpired between us.


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