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Untamed: A Rejected Mate Shifter Romance (Rejected Mate Academy Book 1)

Page 23

by E. M. Moore

  “What happened?”

  Her voice is full of so much emotion that I almost collapse. It’s been hours of crying and talking with my parents. Then, Jonah’s mother showed up, and it was more crying and talking. I thought I was rid of every single tear in me, but my eyes heat again.

  I can trust Ms. Ebon, but in order to keep my promise to Lydia Greystone, I can’t tell her the truth. “The paternity test was wrong,” I state, voice cracking a little with the lie.

  She tilts her head to the side. “So I heard. Your parents are free.”

  I nod slowly. “My parents are free, and since there’s no longer any objection to my lineage, I’ll be able to leave with Jonah as soon as the Council meets about my release. You have another satisfactory case.”

  I smile, and she returns it, wiping at her eyes. “Somehow, I believe you’re the one who fixed everything. Well, you and your mate, of course.”

  She has no idea who was all involved. Even as I think about it, I can hardly believe it. Jonah’s parents really rallied behind us. I’m not sure what will happen to the security guy who shot me, but he didn’t know any better. If it weren’t for the fact that we were trying to keep it quiet from everyone, his team would’ve been behind us, too. At least that’s what Johnathan was trying to get through to Jonah so he wouldn’t find the guy and rip his head off.

  A shiver runs up my spine.

  “I’m glad it’s over with,” I tell her, hoping that’s enough to satisfy her.

  She narrows her gaze, nodding. I make a silent wish that she won’t push the issue. I owe Ms. Ebon a lot. Lying to her seems wrong.

  “I’ve never seen Lydia Greystone so furious.”

  I clear my throat. “She was…unhappy,” I tell her, keeping up my vague pretense.

  “You know, it’s odd,” Ms. Ebon says, moving to her desk and tapping my file that’s still sitting on top. “I always knew you were strong. The first day you were here, you were able to disobey a direct order.” She studies me, stare slicing through my outer walls as if she can read straight through to my DNA. “I bet Lydia didn’t like how strong you are.”

  I swallow the thickness in my throat. Ms. Ebon’s absolutely correct. She ordered me to stop shifting right here in this office, and I didn’t. I fret over my lip. She either knows or has an inkling of who I really am. “She really didn’t like it,” I confirm. “I’m glad it’s over with so Jonah and I can move past this.” Before she can question me further, I ask, “Do you know how long it might take to get me out of here?”

  My advisor throws her head back and laughs. The sound is so light compared to her usual severe expressions. “I’ll push for the Council to review the paperwork tomorrow. I’m sure with the correct paternity information and Jonah’s write-up, they will have no qualms about you leaving Greystone.” She gives me a smile. “What will you do?”

  Honestly, I just want to go to Jonah’s house for a good, solid month and acquaint myself with my wolf, my mate, and my new family. We might have to do that while Jonah goes through his territorial state, but then, I don’t know. I guess I can do whatever I want. “I’m not sure, but I love that I actually have a choice.” I approach her desk, letting my fingertips skate along the edge. “What do you really think about Greystone Academy, Ms. Ebon?”

  It’s my advisor’s turn to look as if she’s trying to skirt around the truth. Her brow furrows, and her lips thin. “Miss Walker, I’m in the business of returning mates to each other. It seems barbaric, but when societal norms can’t be dismantled, we all have to do the best we can.”

  My heart clenches. The shifters at Greystone Academy are lucky to have someone like her because every single person here doesn’t deserve it. What happened to free will? What happened to fate? “I wish I could do something about that,” I muse.

  “We all find our role in things,” Ms. Ebon states. “When you’re ready, you’ll find yours.” She nods toward the door. “Now, you better get to your room before your mate destroys it.”

  My mouth drops, and then a slow smile curves my lips as she winks at me. I reach the door and stop with my hand on the knob before turning around. “Thank you, Ms. Ebon. I may think this place is a bunch of bullshit, but you helped bring Jonah and me together, and I’ll never forget that.” Her eyes glass over again, and she nods. I start to leave but remember one more thing. “My friend from Daybreak? Mia? She could really use some help with her mate. He’s a bit of an asshole.”

  She frets over her lip. “I’m aware of her situation. She’s one of our students who’s been here the longest.”

  My heart pangs painfully. “She’s a good person. I hate to leave her. It’s not right that she can’t get out of here because he’s wrapped up in someone else.”

  She glances at me apologetically. “Our society demands—”

  “I know, I know.”

  “Maybe you’ve found your calling after all, Kinsey. Why don’t you use your newfound power to try to make a difference?”

  I rub the back of my neck with my free hand. I’d love to use this Greystone DNA to change things, but unfortunately, I’ve muzzled myself for the foreseeable future. No one will listen to me as Kinsey Walker, and I can’t come out as a relation to the alpha’s bloodline because that will out my mother. “Maybe one day,” I tell her, wishing it could be now, half cursing myself that I entered into that agreement in the first place. But when I close my eyes and see how my parents hugged while we were standing in the house, I know I did the right thing.

  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Ms. Ebon hedges. “Goodbye, Kinsey. I’ll make sure you’re the first to know as soon as you’re able to leave.”

  “Bye, Ms. Ebon.”

  Finally, I tug the heavy door open and slip out into the hallway. My mind is freer than when I first found myself here. I had my misgivings about Ms. Ebon, but she’s actually one of the good ones.

  I take the stone steps up to the Daybreak and Lunar floor two at a time. When I come around the corner, Mia pushes off the wall, staring at me in wonder. “There’s a very naked mate in your room.”

  I laugh at her grimaced expression, walking up to her and throwing my arms around her shoulders, squeezing. At nineteen years old, she was my first friend, and she’s a damn good one, too. “Thank you for being so nice to me.”

  She sighs. “I guess this means you’re leaving, huh? There were a bunch of rumors about why Lydia Greystone showed up at the academy yesterday.”

  I pull away from her, shaking my head. “Shit got scary for a bit.”

  “But you’re okay now? Do you need chocolate?”

  I grin. “I’m okay now. I’ll be leaving as soon as my Pack Council meets and allows me to.”

  She glances toward my door. “And your mate is in your room because?”

  I stifle a laugh. “Because he’s full-blown territorial right now.”

  “So, that’s the reason he snapped at Nathan, then?”

  I gasp. “He didn’t!”

  Mia makes her eyes round and nods. “He did. Jumped right into your room in his wolf form and went ballistic. He shifted and apologized, but I’m pretty sure Nathan has PTSD.”

  My head falls to the side as I regard her. “You guys were waiting for me?”

  “We were worried.”

  I wrap my arms around her again. “Is there a way we can keep in touch when I go? Phone? Visits?”

  She tightens her grip around me, too. “You better keep in touch. Think how bad it would look for you if you lost your first and only friend.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, this is all for show. Nothing else.”

  “Naturally,” she says, pulling way. She stares at the floor. “I’ll let you get back to your mate. You’ll let me know before you leave?”

  “Of course.”

  She takes off, shoulders rigid. I watch her all the way down the hall until she turns into her room. She doesn’t look back once, and I can’t blame her. She’s one of the longest running students here, and I’m sure it does
n’t matter that she likes me, she probably hates me a little right now, too.

  I hate the whole system for what it’s done to her.

  With a deep breath, I open the door. Jonah pulls the sheets over his naked torso as he sits on the edge of the bed. When he sees it’s me, he stands, and the fabric falls to the floor. “I just wanted to make sure it was you.”

  “Yeah, Mia left, and I heard Nathan left before that?” I raise a brow, waiting for his excuse.

  He shrugs. “There was an altercation, but it ended quickly.” His smirking face tells me he’s actually pretty proud of himself for whatever went down.

  I shake my head. “You’re something else.”

  “No, you are something else, Little Mate.” He closes his arms around me and drags me toward him, pressing me against his hard ridges. I’m liking being up close and personal with Jonah’s nakedness whenever I want. I can’t see ever tiring of it.

  I jump, closing my legs around his hips and sliding my arms across his shoulders. Threading my fingers through his hair, I smile. His eyes glaze over as he stares at me with so much love that my heart might actually burst from it. “How much time do you think we have before they let me out?”

  “At least until tomorrow.” He rocks into me, the full length of his erection sliding between my legs.

  “And if I don’t go to class, they can’t kick me out, right?”

  He turns and lowers us to the bed. “You don’t have to go to class here ever again,” he growls.

  My thighs clench at his promise. So far, he’s fulfilled every single one he’s made me. He kept me safe. I’m leaving the Academy. And when we do escape this place, we’ll be going to his cottage in the woods.

  He places his lips on mine, kissing me slowly, taking his time exploring my mouth when I open for him. Fate knew what she was doing when she mated Jonah and me. Right now, she’s probably looking down on us and thinking It’s about fucking time.

  I couldn’t agree more.


  The sun shines on my dirty hands, warming them through my worn gardening gloves. I use the spade to free some posies from the dirt and repot them in white ceramic.

  A shadow falls over me, and I lean backward, peering up at my hulking mate who’s blocking out all my sun. “Hey.”

  He grins down at me. “You need help moving these out front?”

  “Yeah, the posies bloomed, and I know people have been asking for them. Your mom’s going to go nuts.” I smile at the thought of my most enthusiastic client. She single-handedly helped me get my little business off the ground.

  He runs his fingers through my hair and kneels next to me. “She’s so proud of you.”

  Cindy has become like a second mother. With all the rumors squashed, my parents are welcome at parties again, which the Livestrong’s orchestrated. By their acceptance, the other Lunar couples were happy to see them return.

  “Wasn’t Lee’s wife also wanting posies for her front yard? I’ll have to take some to work tomorrow.”

  I stand, brushing my hands on my gardening pants. “We’ll set one aside.” Reaching in, I pick a white pot up and carry it in my arms as Jonah steers the wheelbarrow toward the road. His parents sold us half their property a month ago, and we plan on reinvesting the profits of my roadside stand into building greenhouses off the path that leads to our little cottage.

  I watch Jonah as he steers, his bulky muscles poking out from under his short-sleeved, black shirt that boasts the Livestrong Security logo. “You’ll get dirty,” I warn.

  “When has that ever stopped me?”

  I bump into his shoulder, and he beams at me again, his brown hair reflecting the sun’s strong rays. Despite our rocky start, Jonah is the perfect mate. Bonding to another shifter so completely is everything they’ve ever told me and more. I cringe about all those times I wished I wouldn’t bond with anyone because I can’t imagine never having this in my life. Someone who loves fully and openly, and who accepts me and my flaws like they’re his own. Our love comes as easy as breathing; as easy as the flowers that blossom in the sun.

  I don’t pretend to believe it’s all fate, though. Jonah and I are so wonderfully matched that it can’t possibly be all nature. It took some nurture, too.

  “Dad thinks it’s time that I start at the security business full time.”

  “Yeah?” I grin. Jonah’s been waiting for this. Brixton isn’t his thing. “That’s great.”

  He sets the wheelbarrow down, and we line the flower pots up in the spot I cleared earlier. A car pulls over while we’re working, and I sell a whole flat of petunias before turning to Jonah. He’s sitting on the table, feet dangling over the ground, and watching me with a soft expression.

  I stride toward him and pop up on my toes to brush my lips over his. “I’m so proud of you.”

  He cups my head, deepening the kiss in the way only my possessive mate can. It turns out, he never really got past that territorial phase, but that’s fine by me. In my mind, I feel all his emotions. They ricochet through me, and I send them straight back to him.

  He’s so proud to be able to provide for us. Full-time work at Livestrong Security means full-time pay, and with my growing side business, we’ll be doing just fine. He purrs in the back of his throat. “We’ll be able to get those greenhouses up by next summer.”

  I bite my lip, toes curling in my shoes. Before, I never allowed myself to actually think about what I wanted. I was just trying to avoid people and going Feral. Once I opened myself up, the answer became clear. I haven’t set foot in an academy since I left Greystone. I never even attempted to go to Brixton. It’s not what I want.

  What I want is this right here. My mate. My flowers. And one day, maybe some pups running around. But dear lord, I still have to have a talk with Jonah’s mom about birthing shifters the size of the Livestrong’s breed out of me. That might change my mind.

  Jonah squeezes my hips and yanks me to him. His face is flushed, eyes drilling into me. He must have picked up on my thoughts. “Yes,” he growls, scanning my length. “All of it. The life. The babies. You.” He jumps from the table and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal in mock protest, but in actuality, this might be my favorite thing about Jonah. Molten heat pools in my core, and my thighs shake in anticipation.

  With one strong arm around me, he runs back to the house so we can start working on our happily ever after.

  Want more from the Rejected Mate Academy world?? Pre-Order Book 2 Now

  The books from this world will be a series of interconnected standalones. Each book will focus on a different couple getting their HEA.

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  About the Author

  E. M. Moore is a USA Today Bestselling author of Contemporary and Paranormal Romance. She's drawn to write within the teen and college-aged years where her characters get knocked on their asses, torn inside out, and put back together again by their first loves. Whether it's in a fantastical setting where human guards protect the creatures of the night or a realistic high school backdrop where social cliques rule the halls, the emotions are the same. Dark. Twisty. Angsty. Raw.

  When Erin's not writing, you can find her dreaming up vacations for her family, watching murder mystery shows, or dancing in her kitchen while she pretends to cook.



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