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Wild Wolf Mate: League Of Gallize Shifters (The League Of Gallize Shifters Book 5)

Page 10

by Dianna Love

He had his hands full. She held his gaze as she reached down and teased herself back to meet him where he held ruthless control over his release.

  Adrian’s eyes flashed with surprise, but changed to hungry just as fast. He growled with power. “So hot. So fucking hot!” Then he drove harder into her.

  She clenched, riding him and another long orgasm. He followed her, calling out his pleasure and filling her up. When his body stopped shaking, he dropped to his knees, which pushed one last stroke deep.

  His heart pounded like a wild animal beating to get out.

  Hers raced in pace with his.

  Water continued to drizzle. Now she thanked it for cooling down her simmering body. Winded and spent, she leaned her forehead to his. “What’s it going to be? Dream girl or real woman?”

  Chuckling softly. “You might kill me, but I’ll go willingly. Let me catch my breath and I’ll get us back up those damned stairs.”

  “I can walk.” Maybe if she had a half hour to feel her legs again.

  “Liar.” He stood with her in his arms and kissed her.

  It’s good to be a powerful shifter. She smiled at being called out on that lie.

  When he started back, she asked, “Are you going to walk the whole way inside me?”

  “Yes. You’ll like it.”

  She argued, “Think I’d like it better if I walked, too, caveman.”

  Breaking out a grin for her again, he said, “Not if I do this while we walk.” He lifted her up and down, indicating he’d recovered.

  She sucked in a breath at the unexpected move.

  He could win this argument.

  Chapter 14

  Adrian spooned Jaz and tossed her light cover over both of them. She snuggled into position, almost starting a fire between them again, but her breathing smoothed out as she fell deep asleep.

  He hadn’t been this happily exhausted in a long time. It wasn’t just coming back to share a tub bath and make love all over again.

  With Jaz, what you saw was what you got.

  She recognized how much he wanted her and made her own choice. How old could she be? Twenty two or twenty three? She might be young, but the life she’d lived had matured her early. She knew her mind, said what she wanted to say, then stuck by her decisions.

  This woman felt special.

  Not just unique, but his energy hummed whenever she was near. Her energy and his meshed when they touched.

  Even his wolf had shown signs of sanity while around Jaz’s wolf.

  And wanted Jaz’s wolf as a mate.

  One half of this body couldn’t make that decision unless the other half agreed, right? He had no answer. The Guardian would.

  Adrian thought on all that had happened. He and his wolf had plenty of work left to do for any hope of repairing their bond, but he realized he wanted to fix what had broken between them. He’d start with what he could do for his part.

  It might not make a difference, but he wanted to try for this woman and his wolf.

  He wanted to live.

  Just thinking those words gave him hope.

  After a bit, he drifted to sleep with his last thought being he wouldn’t have another nightmare tonight.

  He ran through the jungle, desperate to save the female journalist. The terrorists hiding out in Burkina Faso would brutalize her. Red howled. His wolf should be out here, not Adrian in human form.

  This was Red’s domain.

  Leonard shouted at him.

  Where was Leonard? Why was he on this mission? The jungle changed to a mountainous terrain with clusters of short trees. His best friend walked past where Adrian had paused to check a scent.

  He turned to tell Leonard to wait. Adrian had taken point today.

  The enemy fired twenty rounds.

  Leonard’s body jerked and twisted.

  Adrian ran for him, yelling and shooting past Leonard. He caught his friend and dragged him behind a rocky outcropping. The mountains blurred and returned to jungle. Leonard’s empty eyes stared at him. In and out of focus, Adrian’s surroundings waved like an ocean of camouflaged fog.

  When Adrian’s gaze cleared, he knelt beside Leonard, who stared up. Bloody lips moved but no words came out, then his eyes rolled up. Red broke out of Adrian’s body. No. He had to help Leonard.

  Adrian? someone called out to him.

  That wasn’t Leonard. Where had Leonard gone? Who called him? He couldn’t answer. Red went blasting through the jungle, attacking a big cat.

  Wake up, Adrian, Jaz begged him.

  Adrian pleaded, Stop, Red! Give me the body. I need to get to Jaz.

  His wolf busted into a clearing where a cage sat with Adrian’s emaciated and half-shifted body. His wolf howled with madness and Adrian screamed with him.

  His vision suddenly went from a black vortex to Jaz’s worried face then black again.

  Power surged through his body.

  What the hell? He fought the power, but it broke past his defenses.

  Was that Jaz’s power. Was she killing him?

  His chest ached and his wolf slammed his insides back and forth. Power surged in his head this time. So much it blinded him.

  Red’s crazed sounds changed to a pitiful whine. His powerful beast had never whined, not even when he took a hot round or got cut.

  Then Adrian got them trapped in a cage and tortured by terrorists.

  Adrian didn’t understand why but the chaos slowed down. His head spun and his body ached all over.

  He called out telepathically to Red, I didn’t mean this. I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry we’re dying, because I trusted Jaz. She has to be the one hitting us with power.

  Red sent back a weak reply. Golden wolf ... good.

  Then the pain ended.

  Blessed silence followed as he spun further into the black pit that had been calling to him for so long. He stayed there, content to soak in the quiet, but he missed his wolf.

  He missed Jaz, too.

  Why had she killed him? He cared for her and thought she cared a little for him.

  “Adrian,” whispered from a distance. “Please, Adrian, hold on. You’ll be okay.”


  Why would she call to him and say he’d be okay if she wanted him dead?

  He slid further into the pit.

  “Come back, Adrian. Come back, Red,” she said in a firm, but pleading, voice.

  He could feel the power in her voice as it got stronger.

  Or was he getting stronger?

  When the hole stopped dragging him down, he began to float up. He couldn’t move his arms to swim, but he kicked his feet and saw a tiny spot of light.

  Was this death?

  Cold covered his eyes. That soothed the heat blazing his skin. Water touched his lips. He could feel a bed beneath him and ... soft fingers on his skin.

  Drawing a shuddering breath, he opened his eyes to find Jaz looking down at him with watery eyes.

  She dropped her head, admitting, “I thought I’d killed you.”

  “You didn’t?”

  Sniffling, she lifted her gaze to him and smiled. “No, you idiot. I was healing you, or trying to before you caught my arm and wouldn’t let go. You were shifting and I didn’t want to turn my wolf loose to stop you.”

  Licking his lips, he gave it a minute while his brains rearranged from being scrambled. He ran a hand over his naked chest. All smooth. He had healed. His wounds had still been raw when he first came to her apartment.

  Even his arm felt fine.

  He hadn’t healed that much from shifting earlier.

  Looking into her wary gaze, he asked, “How long was I in the nightmare?”

  “Twenty minutes. Felt like a lifetime. You started making awful noises, then you began shifting.”

  Had her power healed him that fast? “What did you do?”

  She tensed and pulled back.

  He caught her by the shoulders and lifted up to face her. “I’m not accusing you of anything,
Jaz. You’re one hell of a woman and it feels like you’re just as great a healer. I suck at saying the right thing sometimes these days. What I meant to say was I appreciate whatever you did.”

  “You’re welcome.” She swallowed hard.

  His eyes followed that movement in her slender neck. He had to ignore the crazy need hammering his groin that had come awake, too. What kind of guy couldn’t have a conversation without getting turned on?

  Evidently him when he was this close to this woman.

  “What Adrian? You’re thinking so hard you’re sending out waves of tension. Did I hurt you in some way and you’re not telling me?”

  “No. You pulled me out of a hellish place and kept my wolf calm. I’m fine.” But his dick hurt the longer he tried to keep his hands off her.

  “Lie.” She lifted a delicate eyebrow with that challenge.

  “Not exactly a lie. It’s just that ... “ He couldn’t tell her. What would she think?

  “What, Adrian?” she pushed.

  “I, uhm ... shit fire, woman, I want you again.” He pulled her to him and kissed her, giving in to everything he felt for this incredible female. By the time his brain kicked in to yell at him for not finding out what she wanted to do first, Jaz had her arms around his neck. She was doing a damn good job of kissing back.

  And smiling as she did.

  That was a woman who knew her own mind. Not a timid female, but one who allowed no one to stop her from taking what she wanted. He didn’t think she could get any sexier, but her confidence turned him on like no other female ever had.

  He murmured, “You’re gorgeous and freaking amazing.”

  She pulled away with a flash of anger.

  What had he done now? “Jaz?”

  “You didn’t lie.” She sounded confused.

  “Why should I?”

  She explained, “I’m not at all insecure, but we both know my face is severely flawed. It’s nice to say I look like a warrior, but I don’t have time for makeup or to do any more with my hair than wash it. My body is okay, but I haven’t been pretty since nineteen when someone sliced my face with a titanium blade. It took too long to make it home for the healer to fix so my face scarred.”

  Lifting a wild blonde lock to twist around his finger, he corrected her. “Your face is beautiful. That scar is just part of it, not all of your features. You have a natural beauty many women can’t pull off. Your confidence is off-the-charts attractive and you’re a good person on top of that. Babe, you’re smoking hot. Now, call my words a lie.”

  Her expression shifted with every word he said until her amber eyes lost her wary look and softened. That might be the first time he’d ever seen her face so peaceful.

  If she kept up these little changes, he’d have to find a new word to replace hot.

  Sitting here in bed with her so close reached into his chest and squeezed his heart. After all the misery in the jungle and crazy days in Wyoming with his wolf, Adrian had ended up in this moment with this incredible woman.

  He wasn’t stupid.

  He didn’t need anyone to tell him if he let this pass, let Jaz go, that he’d never have this again.

  Leaning in slowly, he barely kissed her lips. “You are someone who makes me want to fix my problems and save my wolf. You are someone who is healing more than my physical wounds. You are someone special. Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.” He’d wanted to say so much more, that she made his soul sing and drove him to be a better man.

  For her. For his wolf. For himself.

  Too much to say share right now. First he had to clear her name. Then he had to find a way to rebuild the bond with his wolf, which might never happen. But he wanted that.

  Then he could offer her more than a damaged man.

  She kissed him back, softly at first. Then she plunged ahead opening her body to him and, forgiving him without words. He ran his fingers into her loose hair he loved because it wasn’t styled.

  Jaz needed to understand that his idea of perfection had nothing to do with physical flaws and everything to do with being genuine. He loved the feel of her lips. So much better than all those hours he’d spent imagining a kiss.

  She tasted like his favorite dessert. Sweet, spicy, and full of surprise.

  He pulled her across his chest to where he could do a better job of eating up this treat. Holding her close, he sent his tongue past her lips to visit where hers played with his.

  Brushing the oversized shirt off her smooth shoulder, his fingers ran a trail from her neck to her breast. He teased her with bare touches, bringing her nipples to hard buds.

  She grabbed his hand and muttered, “Do a better job if you want this hand back.”

  He grinned against her mouth. “Why? You gonna fire me?”

  Breaking away from the kiss, she narrowed her eyes. “You’re on probation until you convince me to keep you.”

  Another challenge.

  Would she do that every time they came together? Probably. He’d love it and prove to her no one else could hold the position of satisfying Jaz the way he could.

  “I see the devil in your eyes,” she murmured. “Am I in trouble?”

  “Oh, yes.” He amped up teasing her breast.

  Her eyes widened and her words came out tight. “More what I had in mind.”

  Rolling further to his side, he laid her on the bed and repositioned where he could have his mouth on her breasts.

  That freed up his hand to massaged further down and brush the curls and sensitive skin between her legs. He made a pass, then toyed with her.

  She sucked air in through her clenched teeth.

  How could any man wish for more when it came to making love with a woman? Jaz responded so honestly.

  He moved his fingers to massage the inside of her thighs, brushing her heat on their way back up. He kept up touching her anywhere he could, pausing to tease her, then move away again.

  She clutched his shoulders and claws tipped her fingers. Her back arched off the bed. She pleaded with him, “Do it. Just do it.”

  Something inside him couldn’t deny her even now. Moving straight to the core of her heat, he stroked her folds and pushed her without backing off.

  She climaxed hard. He kept up the pressure until she’d given all she had and her arms dropped. His shoulder and back had some claw cuts. He could feel them already healing.

  He moved to the side and lay down next to her, then pulled her into his arms.

  She stretched out along his body. They fit as if a sculpture carved from one piece of stone, then given life. He ran his hand over her soft shoulders, and dropped to play with one of his two favorite nipples.

  Her quick intake of breath sent blood rushing to his groin again.

  All he wanted to do was give this woman pleasure. For hours. And days.

  For ... ever? He couldn’t go there right now. Not with how screwed up he and his wolf still were. Plus, he needed to clear Jaz’s name before anything else.

  He would not allow SCIS to continue hunting Jaz.

  She bent a leg and lifted her knee to gently nudge his soft dick.

  That’s the only encouragement that mindless part needed.

  He couldn’t criticize it much since he needed only to look into her eyes to want her.

  She rolled over on top of him. “You don’t think we’re done, do you?” she asked in a husky voice.

  “Not if you say we aren’t.” He still had a worry. One of his Gallize brothers, Rory, had gotten his mate pregnant when she believed she was sterile. He asked, “Are you sure we don’t need a condom?”

  “Without question. I’ve been a healer a long time and know for sure when I’m in heat or not. We’re fine.”

  “Hot damn, because I’m sure as hell in heat.” He grinned. He would never find another woman like her.

  She bent down and bit one of his nipples.

  A sizzle of energy spiked through him. He growled, appreciating her aggressive side, but wanting her mouth ever
ywhere on him. He leaned up to kiss her.

  Right before their lips touched, she said, “Stop.”

  His brain squealed to brake hard and leaned on bent elbows. “What?”

  “Don’t move.” She reached down to stroke his hard length.

  His fingers curled, digging into the sheets and mattress. Muscles in his arms flexed and trembled as he fought for control of his body. Her fingers moved up and down his length, then a finger swiped across the tip.

  She sat with his legs pinned beneath her sweet bottom.

  His brain just might explode if he held back very long.

  She kept stroking him and reached beneath with her other hand to massage his balls. He heaved one quick breath after another. His heart pounded wildly.

  Her finger movement slowed then sped up. Had any shifter died of a heart attack? Squeezing his eyes shut, he changed from clinging to control to focusing on that point of relief.

  She clutched his balls firmly and rolled them as she stroked him fast.

  Then she bit his nipple again.

  He exploded, shouting her name. When she’d milked him dry, he slumped.

  Flopping to his back, he could barely speak. “That ... I’ve never come that hard.” His heart thundered in his chest and his body hadn’t been this spent ever. If the world could stop right here so they could stay together, he’d give up anything asked of him.

  When he finally caught his breath, he rolled over to prop his head with his bent arm and just enjoy this moment. “You have no idea how much it means for you to share a part of yourself with me.”

  “Always nice to know you enjoyed the sex.”

  He glanced over at the uncovered window where daylight had yet to break, but the world had brightened a bit. Giving a little head shake, he wanted her clear on something. “I’m not talking about that. Making love to you tops anything I’ve ever enjoyed with another woman, and even that was a long time back. But being with you is easy. I don’t remember when my life was normal. This feels like what normal should be. Hell, another woman might be sitting here regretting all of this.”

  “No regrets. I’m not a child. I take what I want and give what I want.” She lifted a shoulder in dismissal. “That makes one part of my life simple.”

  But he didn’t accept her nonchalance about sex. It didn’t fit the woman. Not this woman.


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