2. Lighten moments of doubt and depression. Notice the moments that aren’t a part of your higher nature. Reject thoughts that support an inability on your part to match up with intention. Remain faithful to the light is good advice. Recently, a friend and teacher learned of a struggle I was personally going through, and wrote to me: “Remember, Wayne, the sun is shining behind the clouds.” Be faithful to the light that’s always there.
3. Be aware of low energy. Recall that everything, which includes your thoughts, has an energy frequency that can be calibrated to determine whether it will strengthen or weaken you. When you find yourself either thinking in low-energy ways, or immersed in low, weakening energy, resolve to bring a higher vibration to the presence of that debilitating situation.
4. Talk to your ego and let it know that it has no control over you today. In my children’s bedroom here on Maui, I’ve framed the following observation, which they see each morning. While they joke and laugh about it, they get the essential message and share it out loud when anyone (including me) gets upset during the day.
Good morning,
This is God.
I will be handling
All of your
Problems today.
I will not need
Your help, so have
A miraculous day.
5. View obstacles as opportunities to circulate the power of your unbending intent. Unbending means just what it says. I intend to stay connected to my Source and thereby gain the power of my Source. This means being at peace, detaching yourself from the circumstances, and seeing yourself as the observer rather than the victim . . . then turning it all over to your Source and knowing that you’ll receive the guidance and assistance you require.
You’ve just completed a thorough examination of the three major obstacles to connecting to the power of intention, along with suggestions for eliminating them. In the next chapter, I’ll explain how you impact those around you when you raise your energy level to the highest spiritual frequencies and live your days connected to intention. When you’re connected to the power of intention, everywhere you go, and everyone you meet, is affected by you and the energy you radiate. As you become the power of intention, you’ll see your dreams being fulfilled almost magically, and you’ll see yourself creating huge ripples in the energy fields of others by your presence and nothing more.
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. . . . Serve and thou shall be served.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
As you find yourself being more in harmony with the faces of intention, you’re going to discover that you’ll be impacting others in new ways. The nature of this impact is profoundly important in your quest to utilize the power of intention. You’ll begin seeing in others what you’re feeling within yourself. This new way of seeing will enable people in your presence to feel comforted and peaceful, and to indirectly be loving accomplices to your connection to intention.
As you’ll read on the next page, the poet Hafiz states that he wants nothing, even if the person is a “drooling mess” and a potential victim. All he perceives is their divine worth, which is what you’ll see in others as you connect to the power of intention.
The Jeweler
If a naïve and desperate man
Brings a precious stone
To the only jeweler in town,
Wanting to sell it,
The jeweler’s eyes
Will begin to play a game,
Like most eyes in the world when they look at you.
The jeweler’s face will stay calm.
He will not want to reveal the stone’s true value,
But to hold the man captive to fear and greed
While he calculates
The value of the transaction.
But one moment with me, my dear,
Will show you that there is nothing, nothing Hafiz wants from you.
When you sit before a Master like me,
Even if you are a drooling mess,
My eyes sing with Excitement
They see your Divine Worth.
— Hafiz
You Receive What You Desire for Others
As you review the attributes of universal intention and simultaneously vow to be those attributes, you begin to see the significance of what you desire for all others. If you desire peace for others, you’ll receive it. If you want others to feel loved, you’ll be the recipient of love. If you see only beauty and worthiness in others, you’ll have the same returned to you. You’ll only give away what you have in your heart, and attract what you’re giving away. This is a matter of great concern to you. Your impact on others—whether it be strangers, family members, co-workers, or neighbors—is evidence of the strength of your connection to the power of intention. Think of your relationships in terms of holy or unholy.
Holy relationships facilitate the power of intention at a high energy level for everyone involved. Unholy relationships keep the energy at the lower, slower levels for all concerned. You’ll know your own potential for greatness when you start seeing the perfection in all relationships. When you recognize others’ holiness, you’ll treat them as divine expressions of the power of intention, wanting nothing from them. The irony is that they become co-creators manifesting all your desires. Want nothing from them, demand nothing from them, have no expectations for them, and they’ll return this kindness. Demand from them, insist that they please you, judge them as inferior, and see them as servants, and you’ll receive the same. It behooves you to be acutely aware of what you truly want for others, and to know whether you’re in a holy or an unholy relationship with every person you’re involved with.
The holy relationship. One truth that I’ve recognized during the years of my own growth is that it’s impossible to know my perfection if I’m unable to see and honor that same perfection in others. The ability to see yourself as a temporary expression of intention and to see yourself in all of humanity is a characteristic of the holy relationship. It’s the ability to celebrate and honor in all others, the place where we’re all one.
In an unholy relationship, you see yourself as separate from others. It’s the feeling that others are primarily useful to satisfy ego’s urges, and that people are there to help you get what’s missing in your life. In any kind of a relationship, this attitude of separation and potential manipulation creates a barrier between you and the power of intention. The signs of unholy relationships are quite clear: People become defensive, fearful, hostile, standoffish, and don’t wish to be in your company.
As you change your thought patterns to raise your energy vibrations, and reduce the demands of your ego, you’ll begin developing a reverent or holy relationship with others. Then everyone is perceived as complete. When you can celebrate differences in others as interesting or enjoyable, you’re loosening your identity with ego. The holy relationship is a way of matching up with the universal Source of Creation and being peacefully joyful. Any relationship—or even an encounter—from the holy perspective, is a coming together with a beloved self-aspect and discovering a stimulating connection with the power of intention.
Recently, in a supermarket, I asked a frenzied clerk behind the seafood counter if he knew where I could find the smoked salmon. I saw myself as connected to him in spite of the frustration showing through his behavior. A man standing next to me heard my request and saw the clerk’s harried demeanor. The stranger smiled at me and went to another area of the store, returning with a package of nova lox, which he handed me. He delivered to me what I was seeking! A coincidence? I think not. When I feel myself connected to others and radiate the energy of holy relationship, people react with kindness and go out of their way to assist me with my intentions.
In another example of this, I was transferred from one airline to another because
of a mechanical problem that resulted in a cancellation. At my original airline, which is in my hometown, the employees know me and go out of their way to assist me. I’ve practiced holy relationships with everyone at the counter, at baggage check-in, on the plane, and so on. On this particular day, I was sent to the other end of the airport with seven boxes of books and tapes that had to be checked as baggage. As my assistant, Maya, and I trudged up to the counter of the other airline, pushing a cart with luggage and seven heavy boxes, the passenger agent announced that her airline did not permit more than two pieces of luggage to be checked in, and that I would have to leave three of the boxes behind. I could check in two for me and two for Maya. Those are the rules.
Here’s where a holy relationship with a stranger has more potential for assisting you with your intentions than an unholy relationship. Rather than countering the agent with an intention that she was a clerk whose job it was to serve my needs, I chose to join her where we both are one. I let her know that I wasn’t even mildly upset over this rule, and I imagined how she must feel, having to process a large number of people who weren’t scheduled on this flight. I felt connected, and expressed my own feelings of frustration at having this challenge of what to do with these three extra boxes, which my originally scheduled airline had agreed to transport. I invited her to attend a lecture I was giving in town the next month, as my guest. Our entire conversation and the entire interaction was guided by my private intent that this remain a holy relationship.
The energy of this interaction shifted from weak to strong. We bonded, recognized our self in the other, and she checked in all of my boxes with a cheerful smile. I’ve never forgotten what she said to me as she handed me our boarding passes. “When you wheeled up that cart with all those boxes, I was determined that you weren’t going to get them on that plane, and after a few moments of being with you, I would’ve carried them out and put them on the plane myself if I had to. It’s a pleasure to know you. Thank you for your business, and I hope you’ll consider our airline in the future.”
These are two simple examples of what happens when you consciously shift from ego-dominated unholy relationships, to experiencing your connectedness through the power of intention. I urge you to establish a holy relationship with your Source, the world community, your neighbors, acquaintances, family, the animal kingdom, our planet, and yourself. Just as in my examples of the man in the store delivering me the smoked salmon I was looking for, and the airline agent assisting me in realizing my intent, you’ll enjoy the power of intention through holy relationships. It’s all about relationship.
Alone We Can Do Nothing
When you meet anyone, treat the event as a holy encounter. It’s through others that we either find or love our self. For you see, nothing is accomplished without others. A Course in Miracles says this so well:
Alone we can do nothing,
But together our minds fuse into something
Whose power is far beyond
The power of its separate parts.
The kingdom cannot be found alone,
And you who are the kingdom
Cannot find yourself alone.
When you eliminate the concept of separation from your thoughts and your behavior, you begin to feel your connection to everything and everyone. You’ll begin having a sense of belonging, which enables you to scoff at any thought of being separate. This feeling of connectedness originates with and helps you process all of your interactions from the point of view of equality. By recognizing others as co-creators, you match up with your Source and move into a state of grace. If you’re seeing yourself as either inferior or superior, you’ve disconnected from the power of intention. Your desires will be frustrated unless you connect with and support other people.
How you interact with your universal support team is significant. How you view others is a projection of how you view yourself. Consistently seeing others as worthless means that you’re erecting a roadblock for your potential allies. See others as weak, and you’re simultaneously attracting weak energies. Persistently viewing others as dishonest, lazy, sinful, and so on may mean that you need to feel superior. Constantly seeing others critically can be a way of compensating for something you fear. But you don’t even need to understand this psychological mechanism. All you have to do is recognize how you view others. If there’s a pattern of seeing others as failures, you only need to notice the pattern as evidence of what you’re attracting into your life.
It’s so important to see interactions as holy encounters, because this sets in motion an attractor energy pattern. In a holy relationship, you attract the collaboration of higher energies. In an unholy relationship, the attractor pattern exists, too, attracting low energies and more unholy relationships. By bringing higher spiritual energy to everyone you encounter, you dissolve lower energies. When the energies of kindness, love, receptivity, and abundance are present in your relationships, you have brought the elixir of spiritual Creation or the love of the Creator right into the mix. Now those forces begin to work on everyone in your environment. The right people magically appear. The right materials show up. The phone rings and someone gives you the information you’ve been wanting for months. Strangers offer suggestions that make sense to you. As I mentioned earlier, these types of coincidences are like mathematical angles that coincide, or fit together perfectly. Treat others as co-creators and have divine expectations for them. Don’t view anyone as ordinary, unless of course you wish to have more of the ordinary manifest into your world.
From Ordinary to Extraordinary
Leo Tolstoy’s famous story The Death of Ivan Ilyich, is one of my favorite pieces of literature. Tolstoy describes Ivan Ilyich as a man who’s motivated almost exclusively by the expectations of others, and isn’t able to live out his own dreams. The opening line of Chapter 2 in this compelling story goes like this: “The story of Ivan Ilyich’s life was of the simplest, most ordinary and therefore most terrible.” Tolstoy actually defines living an ordinary life as terrible. I couldn’t agree more!
If your expectations for yourself center on being normal, just getting along, fitting in, and being an ordinary person, you’ll resonate to ordinary frequencies, and you’ll attract more of normal and ordinary into your life. Furthermore, your impact on others as potential allies in co-creating your intentions will also revolve around ordinary. The power of intention occurs when you’re synchronized with the all-creating universal force, which is anything but ordinary. This is the power that’s responsible for all of creation. It’s ever-expansive, and thinks and creates in terms of endless abundance. When you shift to this higher energy and resonate more in harmony with intention, you become a magnet for attracting more of this energy into your world. You also have this kind of impact on everyone and everything you’re in contact with.
One of the most effective means for transcending ordinary and moving into the realm of extraordinary is saying yes more frequently and eliminating no almost completely. I call it saying yes to life. Say yes to yourself, to your family, your children, your coworkers, and your business. Ordinary says, No, I don’t think I can do it. No, that won’t work out. No, I’ve tried that and it’s never worked before. No, that intention is impossible for me. With the idea of no, you attract more of no, and your impact on others whom you could help and on whom you could rely for help is also no. Once again, I urge you to adopt the attitude of the poet Hafiz.
I rarely let the word No escape
From my mouth
Because it is so plain to my soul
That God has shouted, Yes! Yes! Yes!
To every luminous movement in Existence
Shout yes to everyone as often as you can. When someone seeks your permission to try something, before saying no, ask yourself if you want that person to stay at ordinary levels of living. When my son Sands wished to try out a new surfing area last week, my first inclination was to say, Too dangerous, you’ve never been there before, you could get hurt, and so on. But I reconsi
dered, and accompanied him on a new adventure. My yes impacted his life and mine in a positive manner.
Making yes your inner mantra allows you to extend yes outside of yourself and attract more of yes into your own personal intending. Yes is the breath of Creation. Think of a drop of rain merging with a river at the moment it becomes the river. Think of the river merging with the ocean at the moment it becomes the ocean. You can almost hear the sound of yes being whispered in those moments. As you merge with the universal force of Creation extending yes wherever feasible, you become that force of Creation itself. This will be your impact on others. No more ordinary nos in your life. On to the extraordinary.
Ordinary implies being stuck in a rut much like Ivan Ilyich. While in the rut, you’ll attract other rut-dwellers, and your mutual impact will be to stay in your ordinary ruts—complaining, finding fault, wishing, and hoping for better days. The universal force of intention never complains; it creates and offers its options for greatness. It judges no one, and isn’t stuck wishing and hoping that things will improve. It’s too busy creating beauty to be so foolishly engaged. As you move your own energy level up out of a rut mentality, you’ll have an uplifting effect on all of the rut-dwellers in your life. Moreover, you’ll help many of them have a similar impact, and create new allies in fulfilling your own intentions. Become aware of your identification with normal or ordinary, and begin to vibrate to higher and higher energetic frequencies, which constitute a shift upward into the extraordinary dimensions of pure intent.
The Power of Intention Page 10