How Your Energies Impact Others
When you feel connected and in harmony with intention, you sense a major difference in how other people react to you. Be cognizant of these reactions, because they’ll bear directly on your abilities to fulfill your individual intentions. The more closely you automatically resonate to the frequencies of the universal all-creating Source, the more that others will be impacted and their lower energies nullified. They’ll gravitate toward you, bringing peace, joy, love, beauty, and abundance into your life. What follows is my opinion on how you’ll impact others when you’re resonating with intention, and how different your impact is when you’re dominated by your ego’s separatist attitude.
Here are some of the most significant ways in which you’ll impact others:
Your presence instills calmness. When you coincide with intention, your impact on others has a calming influence. People tend to feel more at peace, less threatened, and more at ease. The power of intention is the power of love and receptivity. It asks nothing of anyone, it judges no one, and it encourages others to be free to be themselves. As people feel calmer in your presence, they’re inclined to feel safe, by virtue of the energy frequencies that you radiate. Their feelings are encouraged by your energy of love and receptivity, causing them to want to reach out and be with you. As Walt Whitman put it: “We convince by our presence.”
If, instead, you bring the lower calibrations of judgment, hostility, anger, hatred, or depression to your interactions, you attract that level of energy if it’s lurking in the people you’re interacting with. This acts like a counterforce to those same energies if they’re present in others. The impact intensifies the lower frequencies at that level and creates a field in which demands are placed as a result of feelings of inferiority or opposition.
Intention doesn’t interact against anything. It’s like gravity, which doesn’t move against anything, nor does gravity itself move. Think of impacting others like gravity, with no need to move against or attack anyone. People who feel empowered by your presence become kindred spirits. That can only happen if they feel safe rather than attacked, secure rather than judged, calm rather than harassed.
Your presence leaves others feeling energized. I recall leaving a two-hour session with a spiritual master and feeling as if I could conquer the world emotionally and spiritually. The saint was Mother Meera, who’d held my head in her hands and gazed into my eyes with her egoless divinity. I felt so energized that I didn’t sleep that entire night. I wanted more of what this joyous being had shown me through her presence alone.
When you bring the frequencies of intention into the presence of others, they’ll feel energized just by being in your immediate circle. You don’t have to say a word. You don’t have to act in any prescribed fashion. Your energy of intention alone will make others in your field feel as if they’ve mysteriously been empowered. As you begin consciously expressing the seven faces of intention, you’ll discover that others begin to comment on the impact you’re making on them. They’ll want to assist you in fulfilling your own dreams. They’ll be energized and volunteer to help you. They’ll even begin to offer to finance your dreams with their energized, new ideas. As I’ve grown in my consciousness of the power of intention, I’ve been told I’ve had an impact without my doing anything other than spending an evening having a meal in a restaurant. People tell me they’ve been energized with greater confidence and determination and inspiration after our time together. I’ve done nothing. They’ve felt impacted by the field of high energy we shared.
Your presence allows others to feel better about themselves. Have you ever noticed when you’re in the presence of certain people that you feel better about yourself? Their compassionate energy has the noticeably pleasant impact of simply making you feel really good about yourself. You’ll impact others with this energy of compassion as you develop your connection to intention. People will sense that you care about them, understand them, and are interested in them as unique individuals. With this kind of connection to intention, you’re less likely to focus conversation on yourself and use others to massage your ego.
On the contrary, being in the company of someone who’s disdainful or indifferent impacts you quite differently. If this is the low energy you transmit to others, they’re quite likely to depart the encounter feeling less than wonderful about themselves, unless they’re so strongly connected to intention that they can override the impact of this low energy. These extremely low-energy thoughts and behaviors are evident if you use every topic that’s brought up as an excuse to talk about yourself. Any behavior similar to this displays ego-dominated energy that impacts others unpleasantly. Moreover, it leaves others feeling as if they’re insignificant or unimportant, and obviously feeling worse about themselves when it’s a repeated pattern in a significant relationship.
Your presence allows others to feel unified. The effect of being in the presence of people expressing high frequencies is to feel unified and connected to all of nature, all of humankind, and to intention. As you raise your frequencies, your impact on others invites them to be on the same team. You are unified and want to assist each other in the fulfillment of a common objective.
The opposite of this feeling of unity is feeling polarized and cut off. Low energy is demanding and always moves against others. Therefore, it will inevitably produce a win/lose condition. The energies of antagonism, judgment, hatred, and the like set up a counterforce in which somebody has to lose. When you have an enemy, you need to establish a defense system, and having to defend yourself becomes the nature of your relationship. One person’s need to move against and polarize sets in motion the conditions for war. War is always expensive. This is all avoidable by staying connected to intention and bringing that higher energy to your relationships, allowing those you encounter to feel the oneness with you, with everyone else, with nature, and with God.
Your presence instills a sense of purpose. When you’re in the higher spiritual energies, you bring something to others that’s almost inexplicable. Your presence and behavior from a space of love, acceptance, nonjudgment, and kindness becomes a catalyst for others feeling on purpose in their lives.
By staying at the higher energies of optimism, forgiveness, understanding, reverence for Spirit, creativity, serenity, and bliss, you radiate this energy and convert lower energies to your higher vibrations. These people whom you so nondeliberately impact begin to feel your quiet reverence and serenity. Your own purpose, which revolves around serving others and therefore serving God, becomes fulfilled, and as a bonus, you create allies.
I’ve had thousands of people tell me that just by attending a lecture or a talk at a church where the primary message is hope, love, and kindness is sufficient motivation for them to make a commitment to pursuing their purpose. When I’m the speaker at such events, I always enter from the rear of the room to take some time to drink in the energy of hope, optimism, and love. I can literally feel their collective energy. It’s like a peaceful wave of pleasure, as if there were a warm shower running inside of me. This is energy. It’s the stuff of intention, and it’s powerfully motivating in helping everyone feel purposeful and hopeful.
Your presence allows others to trust in authentic personal connections. By bringing the traits of intention to others, you allow trust to be present. You’ll notice both an inclination and a willingness on the part of others to open up and confide in you. This is related to the quality of trust. In the atmosphere of higher energy, people trust and want to share their personal stories with you. By being so connected to intention, you are more God-like, and who would you trust more than God to share your secrets with?
Recently during an early-morning whale-watching expedition, a woman who had no idea of my identity disclosed to me her history of failed relationships and how unfulfilled she felt. In conversation with me, in an energy field that allows and encourages trust, she let herself take the risk of opening up to a stranger. (This has occurred frequently since I�
�ve been living the principles of the seven faces of intention.) As St. Francis of Assisi put it, “It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” You’ll ultimately discover that by carrying this energy of intention with you, even strangers will do what they can to serve you and help you accomplish your own intentions.
The opposite results are apparent when you emit the lower-energy frequencies. If your distrustful energy exhibits itself in anxious, judgmental, dictatorial, superior, or demanding ways, others are disinclined to help you get what you want. The truth is that your low-energy emissions often leave others with the desire to interfere with your own intentions. Why? Because your low energies help to create a counterforce, conflict erupts, winners and losers are necessary, and enemies are created—all because of your unwillingness to stay connected to the faces of intention.
Your presence inspires others to greatness. When you’re connected to Spirit and quietly reflect this consciousness, you become a source of inspiration to others. In a sense, this is one of the most powerful effects that connecting to intention transmits to others. The word inspiration means “in-spirit.” The fact that you’re primarily in-spirit means that you inspire rather than inform with your presence. You won’t inspire others by loudly insisting or demanding that others listen to your point of view.
In all the years that I’ve been teaching, writing, lecturing, and producing tapes and videos, I’ve noticed a twofold process at work. I feel on purpose, inspired, and connected to universal Spirit in all of my work, and many thousands or even millions of people become inspired as a result of my own inspiration. The second factor is the vast number of people who have helped me with my work. They’ve sent me materials, written me inspiring stories that I’ve used, and literally been my co-creators. When you inspire others by your presence, you’re utilizing the originating power of intention for the benefit of all those you touch, including yourself. I wholeheartedly endorse this way of being, and I know without a doubt that you too can be a presence that’s inspiring to others.
Your presence aligns others with beauty. When you’re connected to intention, you see beauty everywhere and in everything because you’re radiating the quality of beauty. Your perceptual world changes dramatically. At the higher energy of intent, you see beauty in everyone, young or old, rich or poor, dark or light, with no distinctions. Everything is perceived from a perspective of appreciation rather than judgment. As you bring this feeling of beauty appreciation to the presence of others, people are inclined to see themselves as you see them. They feel attractive and better about themselves as they circulate that high energy of beauty. When people feel beautiful, they act in beautiful ways. Your awareness of beauty impacts others to see the world around them in the same way. The benefit, once again, is twofold. First, you’ll be helping others become appreciators of life and be happier by virtue of their immersion into a world of beauty. Second, your own intentions receive the assistance of those people who have acquired newly enhanced self-esteem. Beauty proliferates in others just by virtue of your presence when you’re connected to intention.
Your presence instills health rather than sickness. Your connection to your Source keeps you focused on what you intend to manifest into your life, with no energy given to what you don’t want. This internal focus doesn’t permit you to complain about what ails you or to think about disease, pain, or any physical difficulties. Your energy is always on creating love, and expanding the perfection from which you originated. This includes your body and all of your beliefs about your physical self. You know in your heart that your body is a system of miracles. You have great reverence for its amazing capacity to heal itself and to function on its own without your interference. You know that your physical self is inspired by a divine force that beats its heart, digests its food, and grows its fingernails, and that this same force is receptive to endlessly abundant health.
When you bring to the presence of others a healthy appreciation for the miracle that your body represents, you defuse their efforts to dwell on disease, ill health, and deterioration. In fact, the higher your energy field resonates, the more you’re able to impact others with your own healing energy. (See Chapter 13 for a more thorough treatment of healing and intention.) Become aware of your own amazing capacity to affect the healing and health of those around you simply by the silent presence of your high-energy connection to intention. This is a literal energy that emanates from you.
In the hopes that you will recognize the importance of raising your energy level, I’m going to conclude this chapter with a look at how our entire civilization is impacted when energy levels are synchronized with the Source of our Creation. This will require an open mind and a bit of stretching on your part; however, it’s something that I know is true, and I’d be remiss if I left it out. It may appear peculiar or even outlandish to some who fail to see the ways in which all of us on this planet are connected and therefore impact each other from distances not discernible by our senses.
Your Impact on the Consciousness
of All of Humanity
Many years ago I was with one of my daughters as she completed a lengthy program in the wilderness to help her deal more effectively with some of her teenage dilemmas. The last thing the counselor at the wilderness camp said to her was, “Remember at all times that what you think and what you do affects other people.” This is true even beyond the impact we have on our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. I believe that we impact all of humanity. Thus, as you read this section, keep in mind that what you think and do affects all other people.
In Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins writes: “In this interconnected universe, every improvement we make in our private world improves the world at large for everyone. We all float on the collective level of consciousness of mankind, so that any increment we add comes back to us. We all add to our common buoyancy by our efforts to benefit life. It is a scientific fact that what is good for you is good for me.” Dr. Hawkins has backed up his remarks and conclusions with 29 years of hard research, which I invite you to examine if you’re so inclined. I’ll briefly summarize some of these conclusions and how they relate to the impact you have on others when you’re connected to intention.
In essence, every single person as well as large groups of people can be calibrated for their energy levels. Generally speaking, low-energy people cannot distinguish truth from falsehood. They can be told how to think, whom to hate, whom to kill; and they can be herded into a group-think mentality based on such trivial details as what side of the river they were born on, what their parents and their grandparents believed, the shape of their eyes, and hundreds of other factors having to do with appearance and total identification with their material world. Hawkins tells us that approximately 87 percent of humanity calibrates at a collective energy level that weakens them. The higher up the ladder of frequency vibration, the fewer people there are in those high levels. The highest levels are represented by the truly great persons who originated spiritual patterns that multitudes have followed throughout the ages. They’re associated with divinity, and they set in motion attractor energy fields that influence all of humankind.
Just below the energy level of pure enlightenment are the energy levels associated with the experience designated as transcendence, self-realization, or God consciousness. Here’s where those who are called saintly reside. Just below this level is the place of pure joy, and the hallmark of this state is compassion. Those who attain this level have more of a desire to use their consciousness for the benefit of life itself rather than for particular individuals.
Below these supremely high levels, which few ever attain in a permanent way, are the levels of unconditional love, kindness, acceptance of everyone, beauty appreciation, and on a more limited but nonetheless profound level, all of the seven faces of intention described in the opening chapters of this book. Below the levels of energy that strengthen us are the low energy levels of anger, fear, grief, apathy, guilt, hatr
ed, judgment, and shame—all of which weaken and impact us in such a way as to inhibit our connection to the universal energy level of intention.
What I’d like you to do here is take a leap of faith with me, while I present a few of the conclusions that Dr. Hawkins came to in his second book, called The Eye of the I. Through his precise kinesiological testing for truth versus falsehood, he’s calibrated the approximate number of people whose energy is at or below the level that weakens. I’d like you to consider his findings and conclusions relative to your impact on civilization. Dr. Hawkins suggests that it’s crucial for each of us to be aware of the significance of raising our frequency of vibration to the level where we begin to match up with the energy of the universal Source, or in other words, make our connection to the power of intention.
One of the most fascinating aspects of this line of research is the idea of counterbalancing. High-energy people counterbalance the negative effect of low-energy people. But it doesn’t happen on a one-to-one basis because of that 87 percent of humanity that’s in the lower weakening frequencies. One person connected to intention, as I’ve described it here in this book, can have an enormous impact on many people in the lower energy patterns. The higher up the scale you move toward actually being the light of enlightenment and knowing God consciousness, the more negatively vibrating energies you can counterbalance. Here are some fascinating figures from Dr. Hawkins’s research for you to contemplate as you review the impact you can have on humanity simply by being on the higher rungs of the ladder to intention:
The Power of Intention Page 11