The Power of Intention
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Detachment comes from knowing that your true essence is a piece of the infinitely divine field of intention. It’s then that you become aware of the importance of your feelings. Feeling good becomes much more valuable then polishing your jewelry. Feeling abundant surpasses the money in your bank account and transcends what others may think of you. Genuinely feeling abundant and successful is possible when you detach yourself from the things you desire and allow them to flow to you, and just as important, through you. Anything that inhibits the flow of energy stops the creating process of intention right where the obstacle is erected.
Attachment is one such roadblock. When you hang on to that which arrives, rather than allowing it to move through you, you stop the flow. You hoard it or decide to own it, and the flow is disrupted. You must keep it circulating, always knowing that nothing can stop it from coming into your life except any resistance you place in its way. Your feelings and emotions are sensational barometers for detecting resistance and evaluating your ability to experience success and abundance.
Paying attention to your feelings. Your emotions are the inner experiences that tell you how much of the divine energy you’re summoning for the manifestation of your desires. Feelings can be measuring tools that gauge how you’re doing in the manifestation process. An exceptionally positive emotional response indicates that you’re summoning the divine energy of intention and allowing that energy to flow to you in a nonresistant manner. Feelings of passion, pure bliss, reverence, unmitigated optimism, unquestioned trust, and even illumination indicate that your desire to manifest success and abundance, for example, have an extremely strong pulling power from the universal Source to you. You must learn to pay close attention to the presence of these feelings. These emotions aren’t just facets of your life that are empty of energy—they’re agents that are in charge of how you clean and purify the connecting link to intention. These emotions tell you precisely how much of the life force you’re summoning, and how much pulling power you have going for you at that moment.
Abundance is the natural state of the nature of intention. Your desire for abundance must flow free of resistance. Any discrepancy between your individual intention or desire, and your belief concerning the possibility of summoning it into your life, creates resistance. If you want it but believe it’s impossible or that you’re unworthy, or that you don’t have the skills or perseverance, then you’ve created resistance and you’re disallowing. Your feelings indicate how well you’re attracting the energy necessary for the fulfillment of your desire. Strong feelings of despair, anxiety, blame, hate, fear, shame, and anger are sending you the message that you want success and abundance but you don’t believe it’s possible for you. These negative feelings are your clues to get busy and balance your desires with those of the universal mind of intention, which is the only source of that which you desire. Negative emotions tell you that your pulling power from intention is weak or even nonexistent. Positive emotions tell you that you’re connecting to and accessing the power of intention.
Concerning abundance, one of the most effective ways to increase that pulling power from intention to you is to take the focus off of dollars and place it on creating abundant friendship, security, happiness, health, and high energy. It’s here that you’ll begin to feel those higher emotions, which let you know that you’re back in the match game with the all-creating Source. As you focus on having abundant happiness, health, security, and friendships, the means for acquiring all of this will be flowing toward you. Money is only one of those means, and the faster your vibrational energy around abundance radiates, the more money will show up in significant amounts. These positive feelings as indicators of your pulling power for success and abundance will put you into an active mode for co-creating your intentions.
I’m not suggesting that you just wait for everything to fall into place. I’m suggesting that by declaring, I intend to feel successful and attract prosperity, your emotional energy will shift and you’ll act as if what you desire were already true. Your actions will be in harmony with the faces of intention, and you’ll be provided with what you are, rather than attempting to be provided with what’s missing.
At this point in my life, I refuse to participate in any desire unless I have total, nonresistant knowing that it can and will manifest into my life from the all-creating Source of intention. My desires for personal indicators of abundance have all manifested by practicing what I write here, and in the ten-step program that follows. I’ve been able to allow by removing resistance and connecting to my originating, all-creating Source. I trust in it completely. Over the years, I’ve learned that when I’ve desired something seemingly impossible, I felt poorly as a result. I then figured that I should desire less, but all that did was make me even further removed from the unlimited power of intention. I was still in vibratory disharmony with the abundance of the universe.
I began to understand that my being in harmony with abundance didn’t cause others to be poor or hungry. On the contrary, the abundance I created gave me the chance to help eradicate poverty and hunger. But the significant awareness was realizing that I had less of a chance to help others when I was in the lower frequencies. I learned that I had to get myself into vibratory harmony with my Source. One of my reasons for writing this chapter in this fashion is to convince you that you don’t have to ask for less, or feel guilty about wanting abundance—it’s there for you and everyone in an unlimited supply.
I live and breathe what I’m writing here about success and abundance. I know beyond any doubt (resistance) that you can attract abundance and feel successful by absorbing the messages of this chapter, which, like the abundance you seek, have flowed from that universal Source through me and onto these pages. There’s no discrepancy between my desire to write it all out here and my willingness to allow it to flow unimpeded to you. How do I know this? My emotion in this moment is ineffable bliss, serenity, and reverence. I trust this emotional state, which indicates to me that I’ve been utilizing a very strong pulling power to create these messages from the all-creating Spirit of intention. I’m in vibratory harmony and abundance, and feelings of success are my intentions herewith manifested. Try it on anything you’d like to see flowing abundantly into your life.
Making Your Intention Your Reality
Below is a ten-step program for implementing the intention of this chapter—that is, to feel successful and attract abundance into your life:
Step 1: See the world as an abundant, providing, friendly place. Again, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. When you see the world as abundant and friendly, your intentions are genuine possibilities. They will, in fact, become a certainty, because your world will be experienced from the higher frequencies. In this first step, you’re receptive to a world that provides rather than restricts. You’ll see a world that wants you to be successful and abundant, rather than one that conspires against you.
Step 2: Affirm: I attract success and abundance into my life because that is who I am. This puts you into vibratory harmony with your Source. You goal is to eliminate any distance between what you desire and that from which you pull it into your life. Abundance and success aren’t out there waiting to show up for you. You are already it, and the Source can only provide you with what it is, and, consequently, what you are already.
Step 3: Stay in an attitude of allowing. Resistance is disharmony between your desire for abundance and your beliefs about your ability or unworthiness. Allowing means a perfect alignment. An attitude of allowing means that you ignore efforts by others to dissuade you. It also means that you don’t rely on your previous ego-oriented beliefs about abundance being a part of or not a part of your life. In an attitude of allowing, all resistance in the form of thoughts of negativity or doubt are replaced with simply knowing that you and your Source are one and the same. Picture the abundance you desire freely flowing directly to you. Refuse to do anything or have any thought that compromises your alignmen
t with Source.
Step 4: Use your present moments to activate thoughts that are in harmony with the seven faces of intention. The key phrase here is present moments. Notice right now, in this moment, if you’re thinking that it’s hopeless at this stage of your life to change the thoughts that comprise your belief system. Do you defeat yourself with thoughts of having had such a long life practicing affirmations of scarcity and creating resistance to your success and abundance that you don’t have enough time left to counterbalance the thoughts that comprise your past belief system?
Make the choice to let go of that lifetime of beliefs, and begin activating thoughts right now that allow you to feel good. Say I want to feel good whenever anyone tries to convince you that your desires are futile. Say I want to feel good when you’re tempted to return to low-energy thoughts of disharmony with intention. Eventually your present moments will activate thoughts that make you feel good, and this is an indicator that you’re reconnecting to intention. Wanting to feel good is synonymous with wanting to feel God. Remember, “God is good, and all that God created was good.”
Step 5: Initiate actions that support your feelings of abundance and success. Here, the key word is actions. I’ve been calling this acting as if or thinking from the end and acting that way. Put your body into a gear that pushes you toward abundance and feeling successful. Act on those passionate emotions as if the abundance and success you seek is already here. Speak to strangers with passion in your voice. Answer the telephone in an inspired way. Do a job interview from the place of confidence and joy. Read the books that mysteriously show up, and pay close attention to conversations that seem to indicate you’re being called to something new.
Step 6: Remember that your prosperity and success will benefit others, and that no one lacks abundance because you’ve opted for it. Once again, the supply is unlimited. The more you partake of the universal generosity, the more you’ll have to share with others. In writing this book, wonderful abundance has flowed into my life in many ways. But even more significantly, book editors and graphic designers, the truck drivers who deliver the book, the auto workers who build the trucks, the farmers who feed the auto workers, the bookstore clerks . . . all receive abundance because I’ve followed my bliss and have written this book.
Step 7: Monitor your emotions as a guidance system for your connection to the universal mind of intention. Strong emotions such as passion and bliss are indications that you’re connected to Spirit, or inspired, if you will. When you’re inspired, you activate dormant forces, and the abundance you seek in any form comes streaming into your life. When you’re experiencing low-energy emotions of rage, anger, hatred, anxiety, despair, and the like, that’s a clue that while your desires may be strong, they’re completely out of sync with the field of intention. Remind yourself in these moments that you want to feel good, and see if you can activate a thought that supports your feeling good.
Step 8: Become as generous to the world with your abundance as the field of intention is to you. Don’t stop the flow of abundant energy by hoarding or owning what you receive. Keep it moving. Use your prosperity in the service of others, and for causes greater than your ego. The more you practice detachment, the more you’ll stay in vibratory harmony with the all-giving Source of everything.
Step 9: Devote the necessary time to meditate on the Spirit within as the source of your success and abundance. There’s no substitute for the practice of meditation. This is particularly relevant with abundance. You must have an understanding that your consciousness of the presence is your supply. By repeating the sound that is in the name of God as a mantra, you’re using a technique for manifesting as ancient as recorded history. I am particularly drawn to the form of meditation I’ve mentioned previously, called Japa. I know it works.
Step 10: Develop an attitude of gratitude for all that manifests into your life. Be thankful and filled with awe and appreciation, even if what you desire hasn’t arrived yet. Even the darkest days of your life are to be looked on with gratitude. Everything coming from Source is on purpose. Be thankful while empowering your reconnection to that from which you and everything else originated.
The energy that creates worlds and universes is within you. It works through attraction and energy. Everything vibrates; everything has a vibratory frequency. As St. Paul said, “God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance.” Tune in to God’s frequency, and you will know it beyond any and all doubt!
“Anxiety is the mark of spiritual insecurity.”
— Thomas Merton
“So long as we believe in our heart of hearts that our capacity is limited and we grow anxious and unhappy, we are lacking in faith. One who truly trusts in God has no right to be anxious about anything.”
— Paramahansa Yogananda
Fulfilling this intention to live a stress-free and tranquil life is a way of manifesting your grandest destiny. It seems to me that what our Source had in mind when we were intended here is for us to have happy and joyous experiences of life on Earth. When you’re in a state of joy and happiness, you’ve returned to the pure, creative, blissful, nonjudgmental joy that intention truly is. Your natural state—the state from which you were created—is that feeling of well-being. This chapter is concerned with having you return to, and access, this natural state.
You were created from a Source that is peaceful and joyful. When you’re in that state of exuberant joy, you’re at peace with everything. This is what intended you here and what you’re determined to match up with in your thoughts, feelings, and actions. In a state of joy, you feel fulfilled and inspired in all facets of your life. In short, gaining freedom from anxiety and stress is a pathway to rejoicing with the field of intention. The moments of your life, which you spend being happy and joyful and allowing yourself to be fully alive and on purpose, are the times when you’re aligned with the all-creating universal mind of intention.
There’s nothing natural about living a life filled with stress and anxiety, having feelings of despair and depression, and needing pills to tranquilize yourself. Agitated thoughts that produce high blood pressure, a nervous stomach, persistent feelings of discomfort, an inability to relax or sleep, and frequent displays of displeasure and outrage are violating your natural state. Believe it or not, you have the power to create the naturally stress-free and tranquil life you desire. You can utilize this power to attract frustration or joy, anxiety or peace. When you’re in harmony with the seven faces of intention, you can access and pull from the Source of all in order to fulfill your intention of being stress free and tranquil.
So if it’s natural to have feelings of well-being, why is it that we seem to experience so much “unwellness” and tension? The answer to this question provides you with the key that leads to the peaceful life you desire.
Stress Is a Desire of the Ego
That pesky ego is at work when you’re experiencing stress or anxiety. Perhaps your ego-self feels more effective dealing and coping with stress because you feel you’re actually doing something in the world. Perhaps it’s habit, custom, or believing that this is the right way to be. Only you can analyze the why. But the fact is that stress is familiar, and tranquility is unfamiliar, so ego desires stress.
But there’s no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs. You can’t package stress, touch it, or see it. There are only people engaged in stressful thinking. When we think stressfully, we create reactions in the body, valuable messages or signals requesting our attention. These messages might reveal themselves as nausea, elevated blood pressure, stomach tension, indigestion, ulcers, headaches, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, and a zillion other feelings—from minor discomfort to serious, life-threatening illness.
We speak of stress as if it were present in the world as something that attacks us. We say things like I’m having a
n anxiety attack as if anxiety is a combatant. But the stress in your body is rarely the result of external forces or entities attacking you; it’s the result of the weakened connecting link to intention caused by your belief that ego is who you are. You are peace and joy, but you’ve allowed your ego to dominate your life. Here’s a short list of stress-inducing thoughts that originate in your ego self:
• It’s more important to be right than to be happy.
• Winning is the only thing. When you lose, you should be stressed.
• Your reputation is more important than your relationship with your Source.
• Success is measured in dollars and accumulations rather than in feeling happy and content.
• Being superior to others is more important than being kind to others.
The following lighthearted way to stop taking yourself so seriously is from a book by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander (he’s the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic) titled The Art of Possibility. It illustrates in a delightful way how we allow ego to create many of the problems we encounter that we label stress and anxiety.