The Power of Intention
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I write this with the idea of infinite patience producing immediate results. I know that I’m not alone as I sit here writing. I know that the right people will magically appear to provide me with whatever incentive or material I might need. I have total faith in this process, and I stay harmoniously in tune with my Source. The phone will ring, and someone has a tape they think I’ll like. Two weeks ago, it wouldn’t have clicked with me, but on this day, I listen to that tape while exercising, and it provides me with exactly what I need. I pass someone on a walk, and they stop to talk. They tell me about a book they’re sure I’d love. I jot down the title, look it up, and sure enough, I have what I need.
This goes on every day in some way or another as I surrender my ego-mind to the universal mind of intention, and allow precisely the right people to help me with my individual intention. The immediate result of infinite patience is the inner peace that comes from knowing that I have a “senior partner” who will either send me someone, or leave me alone to work it out myself. This is called practical faith, and I urge you to trust in it, be infinitely patient with it, and have an attitude of radical appreciation and awe each time the right person mysteriously appears in your immediate life space.
Making Your Intention Your Reality
Below is my ten-step program for implementing the intention of this chapter:
Step 1: Move away from hoping, wishing, praying, and begging for the right person or people to show up in your life. Know that this is a universe that works on energy and attraction. Remind yourself that you have the power to attract the right people to assist you with any desire as long as you’re able to shift from ego-driven energy to match up with the all-providing Source of intention. This first step is crucial, because if you can’t banish all doubt about your ability to attract helpful, creative, loving people, then the remaining nine steps will be of little use to you. Intending ideal people and divine partners begins with knowing in your heart that it’s not only a possibility, but a certainty.
Step 2: Conceptualize your invisible connection to the people you’d like to attract to your life. Let go of your exclusive identification with the appearance of your body and its possessions. Identify with the invisible energy within you that sustains your life by directing the functions of your body. Now recognize that same energy Source flowing through the people you perceive to be missing from your life, and then realign yourself in thought with that person or persons. Know within you that this power of intention connects the two of you. Your thoughts of creating this merger also emanate from that same field of universal intention.
Step 3: Form a picture in your mind of meeting the person(s) you’d like to have assist you or be in partnership with you. Manifesting is a function of spiritual intention matching up in vibrational harmony with your desires. Be as specific as you’d like, but don’t share this visualizing technique with anyone because you’ll be asked to explain yourself, defend yourself, and have to deal with the low energy of doubt that will inevitably occur. This is a private exercise between you and God. Never, never allow your picture to be blurred or corroded by negativity or doubt. Regardless of any obstacles that may surface, hang on to this picture, and stay in loving, kind, creative, peaceful harmony with your always-expanding and endlessly receptive Source of intention.
Step 4: Act upon the inner picture. Begin to act as if everyone you meet is a part of your intention to attract ideal people into your life. Share with others your needs and desires without going into detail about your spiritual methodology. Make calls to experts who might be of assistance, and state your desires. They’ll want to help you. Don’t expect anyone else to do the work of attracting the right people for whatever you seek—be it a job, admission to a college, a financial boost, or a person to repair your automobile. Be proactive, and stay alert for signs of synchronicity, never ignoring them. If a truck drives by with a phone number advertising what you need, jot the number down and call. See all so-called bizarre coincidences surrounding your desires as messages from Source, and act upon them immediately. I assure you that they’ll occur repeatedly.
Step 5: Take the path of least resistance. I use the word resistance here, as I have several times in Part II of this book. Thoughts such as the following are actually a form of resistance to having your intentions manifest: This stuff isn’t practical. I can’t just materialize my ideal person by my thoughts. Why should I be treated any better than all of those others who are still waiting for Mr. Right? I tried this before, and a real idiot came into my life. These are thoughts of resistance that you’re placing right in the way of Source sending you someone. Resistance is lowered energy. Source is high, creative, expansive energy. When your thoughts are low-energy vibrations, you simply can’t attract the high-energy people you need or desire. Even if they came rushing up to you announcing: Here I am, how can I serve you, I’m willing and able, and carrying a sign saying I’M YOURS, you wouldn’t recognize or believe them while you’re so busy trying to attract more of what you can’t have and don’t deserve.
Step 6: Practice being the kind of person you wish to attract. As I’ve touched on before, if you want to be loved unconditionally, practice loving unconditionally. If you want assistance from others, extend assistance whenever and wherever you have the opportunity. If you’d like to be the recipient of generosity, then be as generous as you can, as frequently as you can. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways of attracting the power of intention. Match up with the forthcomingness of the universal mind from which everyone and everything originates while extending it outward, and you’ll attract back to yourself all that you intend to manifest.
Step 7: Detach from the outcome, and practice infinite patience. This is the crucial step of faith. Don’t make the mistake of evaluating your intentions as successes or failures on the basis of your little ego and its time schedule. Put out your intention, and practice everything that’s written in this chapter and in this book . . . and then let go. Create a knowing within, and let the universal mind of intention handle the details.
Step 8: Practice meditation, particularly the Japa meditation, to attract ideal people and divine relationships. Practice the repetition of the sound that is in the name of God as a mantra, literally seeing in your mind’s eye the energy you’re radiating, bringing the people you desire into your life. You will be astounded at the results. I’ve provided examples throughout this book of how the practice of Japa meditation has helped people manifest their dreams, almost like magic.
Step 9: Look upon everyone who has ever played any role in your life as having been sent to you for your benefit. In a universe peopled by a creative, divine, organizing intelligence, which I’m calling the power of intention, there are simply no accidents. The wake of your life is like the wake of a boat. It’s nothing more than the trail that’s left behind. The wake doesn’t drive the boat. The wake is not driving your life. Everything and everyone in your personal history had to be there when they were. And what’s the evidence for this? They were there! That’s all you need to know. Don’t use what transpired in the wake, or the wrong people who showed up in your wake, as a reason why you can’t attract the right people today. It’s your past . . . nothing more than a trail you’ve left behind.
Step 10: As always, remain in a state of eternal gratitude. Even be grateful for those whose presence may have caused you pain and suffering. Be thankful to your Source for sending them, and to yourself for attracting them to you. They all had something to teach you. Now be grateful for everyone God sends to your path, and know as a co-creator that it’s up to you to either resonate with the high, loving energy of intention and keep those like-energized people in your life, or to give them a silent blessing and a pleasant no thank you. And the emphasis is on the thank you, for that is true gratitude in action.
In Lynne McTaggart’s fabulous book The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, she offers us this scientific perspective on what I’ve written in this chapter: �
�Our natural state of being is a relationship, a tango, a constant state of one influencing the other. Just as the subatomic particles that compose us cannot be separated from the space and particles surrounding them, so living beings cannot be isolated from each other. . . . By the act of observation and intention, we have the ability to extend a kind of super-radiance to the world.” [Emphasis mine]
Through relationships with others and by using the power of intention, we can radiate outward all of the energy necessary to attract what we desire. I urge you to move into this awareness now and know in your heart, just as the farmer in Field of Dreams knew, that if you build this inner dream, surely, it will come!
“No one can ask another to be healed. But he can let himself be healed, and thus offer the other what he has received. Who can bestow upon another what he does not have? And who can share what he denies himself?”
— A Course in Miracles
Every single person on the planet has within them the potential to be a healer. In order to make conscious contact with your inherent healing powers, you must first make the decision to be healed yourself. As A Course in Miracles reminds us: “Those who are healed become the instruments of healing,” and “The only way to heal is to be healed.” Thus, there’s a twofold advantage in this intention to be healed. Once you’ve accepted your power to heal yourself and optimize your health, you become someone who’s capable of healing others as well.
One of the many fascinating observations that David Hawkins made in his book Power vs. Force is the relationship between a person’s calibrated level of energy and their capacity to heal. People who calibrated above 600 on his map of consciousness scale (which is an exceptionally high-energy score indicating illumination and supreme enlightenment) radiated healing energy. Disease, as we know it, can’t exist in the presence of such high spiritual energy. This explains the miraculous healing powers of Jesus of Nazareth, St. Francis of Assisi, and Ramana Maharshi. Their exceptionally high energy is sufficient to counterbalance disease.
As you read this, keep in mind that you too emanated from the highest spiritual loving energy field of intention, and you have within you this capacity. In order to fulfill the intention of this chapter, you must, as Gandhi states in the quotation above, “be the change that you wish to see in others.” You must focus on healing yourself so you’ll have this healing ability to offer others. If you reach a level of blissful illumination where you’re reconnected to Source and are harmonized vibrationally, you’ll begin to radiate the energy that converts disease to health.
In St. Francis’s powerful prayer, he asks of his Source, “Where there is injury, let me sow pardon,” meaning, allow me to be a person who gives others healing energy. This principle has been repeated throughout the pages of this book: Bring higher/spiritual energy to the presence of lower/diseased energy, and it not only nullifies the lower energy, but converts it to healthy spiritual energy. In the field of energy medicine where these principles are being applied, tumors are bombarded with exceptionally high-laser energy that dissolves and converts them to healthy tissue. Energy medicine is the discipline of the future, and relies on the ancient spiritual practice of being the change, or healing others by first healing ourselves.
Becoming the Healing
Reconnect to the disease-free loving perfection from which you came is a succinct statement of what the self-healing process requires. The universal mind of intention knows precisely what you need in order to optimize your health. What you must do is notice your thoughts and behaviors, which are creating resistance, and interfering with healing, which is the flow of intentional energy. Recognizing your resistance is something that’s entirely up to you. You must dedicate yourself to this awareness so that you can make a shift to pure healing intention.
While I was on the treadmill at the gym yesterday, I talked to a gentleman for five minutes, and in that brief span of time, he regaled me with a laundry list of ailments, surgeries, heart procedures, diseases, and projected joint replacements—all in five minutes! This was his calling card. Those thoughts and recapitulations of bodily afflictions are resistance to the healing energy that’s available.
As I talked to the complaining man on the treadmill, I attempted to get him to shift even momentarily away from his resistance to receiving healing energy. But he was absolutely determined to wallow in his disabilities, wearing them as a badge of honor, arguing vehemently for his limitations. He seemed to cherish and cling to his self-loathing for his deteriorating body. I attempted to surround him with light and sent him a silent blessing, congratulating him for doing a treadmill exercise as I moved on to my own workout. But I was struck by how much of this man’s inner focus was on disorder, disharmony, and disease as he related to his own body.
Reading about the role of thoughts in reports of spontaneous recovery from irreversible and incurable disease is fascinating. Dr. Hawkins, writing in Power vs. Force, offers us this wisdom: “In every studied case of recovery from hopeless and untreatable disease, there has been a major shift in consciousness, so that the attractor patterns that resulted in the pathologic process no longer dominated.” Every case! Imagine that. And look at that term attractor patterns:We attract into our lives through our level of consciousness, and we can change what we attract. This is a very powerful idea and the basis for accessing the power of intention not only in healing, but in every area where we have desires, aspirations, and individual intentions. Hawkins goes on to say that “in spontaneous recovery, there is frequently a marked increase in the capacity to love and the awareness of the importance of love as a healing factor.”
Your intention in this chapter is facilitated by looking at the larger objective of returning to your Source, and vibrating more in harmony with the energy of the power of intention. That Source is never focused on what’s wrong, what’s missing, or what’s sickly. True healing takes you back to the Source. Anything short of this connection is a temporary fix. When you clean up the connecting link to your Source, attractor patterns of energy are drawn to you. If you don’t believe that this is possible, then you’ve created resistance to your intention to heal and be healed. If you believe that it is possible, but not for you, then you have more resistance. If you believe you’re being punished by the absence of health, that’s also resistance. These inner thoughts about your ability to be healed play a dominant role in your physical experience.
Becoming a healer by healing oneself involves another one of those imaginary somersaults into the inconceivable, wherein you land upright and balanced in your thoughts, face-to-face with your Source. You realize, perhaps for the first time, that you and your Source are one when you let go of the ego-mind, which has convinced you that you’re separate from the power of intention.
Healing others by healing yourself. In Lynne McTaggart’s book The Field, which I’ve mentioned previously, the author has taken the time and trouble to report the hard scientific research conducted around the world in the past 20 years regarding this field I’m calling intention. In a chapter that is relevant here, called “The Healing Field,” McTaggart describes a number of research studies. Here are just five of the intriguing conclusions that researchers have come to concerning intention and healing. I present these to you to stimulate an awareness of your potential for healing the physical body you’ve opted for in this lifetime, as well as the corollary capacity to offer healing to others. (I haven’t reiterated the obvious need for a healthy diet and a sensible exercise routine, which I’m assuming you’re aware of and practicing. Bookstores now have entire sections on healthy alternatives for this purpose.)
Five Conclusions about Healing from the
World of Hard Research
1. Healing through intention is available to ordinary people, and healers may be more experienced or naturally talented in tapping in to the field. There’s physical evidence that
those who are capable of healing through intention have a greater coherence and a greater ability to marshal quantum energy and transfer it to those in need of healing. I interpret this scientific evidence to mean that deciding to focus life energy on being in coherence with the power of intention gives you the capacity to heal yourself and others. This means essentially abandoning the fear that permeates your consciousness. And it also means recognizing the fear-based energy promoted by much of the health-care industry. The field of intention has no fear in it. Any disease process is evidence that something is amiss. Any fear associated with the disease process is further evidence that something is amiss in the working of the mind. Health and peace are the natural state when that which prevents them is removed. Research shows that healing through intention, which is actually healing through connecting to the field of intention, is possible for everyone.
2. Most authentic healers claim to have put out their intention and then stepped back and surrendered to some other kind of healing force, as though they were opening a door and allowing something greater in. The most effective healers ask for assistance from the universal Source, knowing that their job is to be uplifting and allow the Source of healing to flow. Healers know that the body is the hero, and the life force itself is what does the healing. By removing ego and allowing that force to flow freely, healing is facilitated. Medically trained professionals often do the opposite of allowing and uplifting. They frequently convey the message that the medicine does the healing, and communicate disbelief in anything other than their prescribed procedures. Patients often feel anything but uplifted and hopeful, and diagnosis and prognosis are usually fear based and excessively pessimistic to avoid legal proceedings. Tell them the worst and hope for the best is often the medical operating philosophy.