The Power of Intention
Page 26
You simply can’t convince connectors that what they’re intending won’t materialize, because they trust in their connection to Source energy so strongly. They’ll invite you to choose which possibility you’re going to identify with, and then encourage you to live as if it had already occurred. If you can’t do it, and are stuck in worry, doubt, and fear, they’ll wish you well, but they’ll continue what they call thinking from the end. They can see what it is they intend to manifest into their lives as if it already had materialized, and for them, because it’s so real in their thoughts, it’s their reality. They’ll tell you forthrightly: My thoughts, when harmonized with the field of intention, are God’s thoughts, and this is how I choose to think. You’ll see if you follow them closely enough that they’re exceptional at realizing the fruits of their intentions.
Connector people are exceptionally generous. It’s as if what they want for themselves is dwarfed only by wanting it even more for other people. They take great pleasure in giving. Others may wonder how they ever accumulate anything for themselves, yet their lives are filled with abundance, and they seem to lack nothing that they desire. The secret to the power of intention, they’ll tell you, is in thinking and acting the same as the all-providing Source from which all originates. It’s always providing, and I choose to be a provider, too. The more I give of myself and all that flows to me, the more I see flowing back to me.
Connectors are highly inspired people. They live more in spirit than in form. Consequently, they’re inspired and inspiring, as opposed to informed and filled with information. These are people who have a strong sense of their own destiny. They know why they’re here, and they know that they’re more than an encapsulated collection of bones, blood, and organs in a skin- and hair-covered body. They’re all about living this purpose and choosing to avoid being distracted by the demands of the ego. They have great reverence for the world of Spirit, and by communing with this Source, they stay inspired.
Their level of energy is exceptionally high. It’s an energy that defines them as connectors. It’s the energy of the Source, a fast vibrational frequency that brings love to the presence of hatred and converts that hatred to love. They bring a peaceful countenance to the presence of chaos and disharmony, and convert the lower energies to the higher energy of peace. When you’re around those who dwell in the field of intention, you’ll feel energized, cleansed, healthier, and inspired. They have a noticeable absence of judgment toward others, and they aren’t immobilized by the thoughts or actions of others. They often get labeled as aloof and distant because they don’t gravitate toward small talk and gossip. They’ll tell you that it is the Spirit that gives life, and that everyone on this planet has this Spirit within them as an all-powerful force for good. They believe it, they live it, and they inspire others.
They’ll even go so far as to tell you that imbalances in the earth such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and extreme weather patterns are the result of a collective imbalance in human consciousness. They’ll remind you that our bodies are made up of the same materials as the earth, that the fluid that comprises 98 percent of our blood was once ocean water, and that the minerals in our bones were components of the finite supply of minerals in the earth. They view themselves as one with the planet, and feel a responsibility to stay in balanced harmony with the field of intention to help to stabilize and harmonize the forces of the universe that can get out of balance when we live from excessive ego. They’ll tell you that all thoughts, feelings, and emotions are vibrations, and that the frequency of these vibrations can create disturbances—not only in ourselves, but in everything that’s made of the same materials.
Connectors will encourage you to stay in vibrational harmony with Source out of a sense of responsibility to the entire planet, and they regard this as a vital function to emulate. This isn’t something they think about and discuss from a purely intellectual perspective; it’s what they feel deeply within themselves and live passionately every day.
As you observe these connectors, you’ll note that they don’t dwell on illness and disease. They move through their life as if their body is in perfect health. They actually think and feel that any current disease pattern has never been present, and they believe that they’re already healed. They believe that they attract the new outcome, because they know that there are many possible outcomes for any given condition, even for a condition that may seem to others to be impossible to overcome. They’ll tell you that the possibilities for healing outcomes are here and now, and the course that an illness will take is a matter of their own perspective. Just as they believe that external turbulent systems become peaceful in the presence of our peace, they see this as a possibility for internal turbulence. Ask them about their healing capabilities and they’ll say, I’m already healed, and I think and feel from only this perspective.
You’ll often see your illnesses and physical complaints disappear when you’re in the presence of exceptionally high-energy connectors. Why? Because their high spiritual energy nullifies and eradicates the lower energies of illness. Just as being in the presence of connectors makes you feel better because they exude and radiate joyful appreciative energy, so too will your body heal by being in this kind of energy field.
Connectors are aware of the need to avoid low energy. They’ll quietly retreat from loud, bellicose, opinionated people, sending them a silent blessing and unobtrusively moving along. They don’t spend time watching violent TV shows or reading accounts of atrocities and war statistics. They might appear docile or uninteresting to people who wallow in the horrors being discussed and broadcast. Since connectors have no need to win, to be right, or to dominate others, their power is the fact that they uplift others with their presence. They communicate their views by being in harmony with the creative energy of the Source. They’re never offended, because their ego isn’t involved in their opinions.
Connectors live their lives matched up vibrationally to the field of intention. To them, everything is energy. They know that being hostile, hateful, or even angry toward people who believe in and support low-energy activities, which involve violence in any form, will only contribute to that kind of debilitating activity in the world.
The connectors live through higher/faster energy that allows them to access their intuitive powers readily. They have an inner knowing about what’s coming. If you ask them about it, they’ll tell you, I can’t explain it, but I just know it because I feel it inside. Consequently, they’re seldom confounded when the events they anticipate and intend to create . . . manifest. Rather than being surprised, they actually expect things to work out. By staying so connected to Source energy, they’re able to activate their intuition and have insight into what is possible and how to go about achieving it. Their inner knowing allows them to be infinitely patient, and they’re never dissatisfied with the speed or the manner in which their intentions are manifesting.
Connectors frequently mirror the seven faces of intention written about throughout the pages of this book. You’ll see people who are extraordinarily creative, who have no need to fit in or to do things the way others expect them to. They apply their unique individuality to tasks, and they’ll tell you that they can create anything that they place their attention and imagination on.
Connectors are exceptionally kind and loving people. They know that harmonizing with Source energy is replicating the kindness from which they originated. Yet it’s not an effort for connectors to be kind. They’re always grateful for what comes to them, and they know that kindness toward all of life and our planet is how to display gratitude. By being kind, others want to return the favor and become allies in helping them achieve their intentions. They associate with an unlimited number of people, all of whom are full of love, kindness, and generosity—assisting each other in fulfilling their desires.
You’ll also notice how connectors see the beauty in our world. They always find something to appreciate. They can get lost in the beauty of a starry night or a frog
on a lily pad. They see beauty in children, and they find a natural radiance and splendor in the aged. They have no desire to judge anyone in low-energy negative terms, and they know that the all-creating Source brings only beauty into material form and so it is always available.
Connectors never know enough! They’re inquisitive about life, and they’re attracted to every manner of activity. They find something to enjoy in all fields of human and creative endeavors, and are always expanding their own horizons. This openness to everything and all possibilities and this quality of always expanding, characterizes their proficiency at manifesting their desires. They never say no to the universe. Whatever life sends them, they say, Thank you. What can I learn, and how can I grow from what I’m receiving? They refuse to judge anyone or anything that the Source offers them, and this always-expanding attitude is what ultimately matches them up with Source energy and opens up their life to receiving all that the Source is willing to provide. They’re an open door that’s never closed to possibilities. This makes them totally receptive to the abundance that’s always ceaselessly flowing.
These attitudes that you see in connector people are precisely the reason that these folks seem so lucky in life. When you’re around them, you feel energized, purposeful, inspired, and unified. You’re seeing people whom you want to hang around with because they energize you, and this brings you a feeling of empowerment. When you feel empowered and energized, you step into the flow of abundant Source energy yourself, and you inadvertently invite others to do the same. The connection isn’t just to Source energy, it’s to everyone else and everything in the universe. Connectors are aligned with the entire cosmos and every particle within the cosmos. This connection makes the infinite power of intention possible and available.
These highly realized people think from the end, experiencing what they wish to intend before it shows up in material form. They use their feelings as a gauge to determine if they’re synchronized with the power of intention. If they feel good, they know that they’re in vibrational harmony with Source. If they feel bad, they use this indicator to adjust to higher energy levels. And finally, they act on these thoughts of intention and good feelings as if all that they desired were already here. If you ask them what you can do to make your desires come true, they’ll unhesitatingly advise you to change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.
I urge you to replicate their inner world, and rejoice in the infinitely magnificent power of intention.
It works—I guarantee it!
I would like to acknowledge Joanna Pyle, who has been my personal editor for two decades. You, Joanna, make my ideas and my disjointed stream-of-consciousness writing into a cogent format called a book. I couldn’t do it without you, and I’m deeply grateful for your loving presence in my life.
To my personal manager, Maya Labos, for almost a quarter of a century you’ve been there for me, and you’ve never once said, “That’s not my job.” Other writers and speakers have 25 assistants every year; I’ve had only one for 25 years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
For my publisher and my close personal friend, Reid Tracy, at Hay House, you’ve believed in this project from the very beginning, and you were willing to do what it took to make it all happen. Thanks, friend. I love and respect you and your courage.
I’d also like to recognize the teachings of Abraham, as brought to us through Esther and Jerry Hicks.
And finally, to Ellen Beth Goldhar, your loving inspiration guided me throughout the writing of this book. Thank you for your spirited suggestions and critical analysis of these ideas on intention as a synonym for the loving Source from which we all emanate and to which we all aspire to reconnect.
Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s the author of 30 books, has created many audios, CDs, and videos; and has appeared on thousands of television and radio programs. Four of his books, including Manifest Your Destiny, Wisdom of the Ages, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, and the New York Times bestseller 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, were featured as National Public Television specials; and this book, The Power of Intention, has been showcased there as well. Dyer holds a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and was an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York.
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