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Cykopath- Birth

Page 16

by Luca Braña

  “If that’s all, then I’ll be taking my leave,” the scientist declared and rose from his seat.

  “Yes, that’ll be all for now, Dr. Gacha. If anything else arises, I’ll call for a meeting.” The businessman leaned back in his chair to signal the end of the conversation. The scientist nodded once again and turned to leave.

  As he neared the door, he spun around to look at his boss with a deadpan stare. “Mr. Whale, while placement of employees in the upper floors is up to you, I trust you have thoroughly checked their background information,” the scientist said and walked out of the office, the glowing runes on the walls deactivating after confirming the meeting was over.

  Mr. Whale, however, blinked in confusion. What was that about?


  In his own office, Dr. Gacha looked through several reports and documents detailing performance and recommended course of actions for several dozen subjects at once, his fingers typing at inhuman speeds on the console of his desk.

  So far, everything was proceeding smoothly; fewer subjects were showing signs of rebellion after being introduced to the mutant ward whose figurative leader respected power and strength above all else, and who would annihilate any signs of revolt. Any actual violence was yet to happen, as the dragon mutant was an intimidating figure, especially to children. This intimidation factor indirectly helped curb most of the rebellious test subjects during experimentation, which increased the efficiency of research.

  A sound brought Dr. Gacha’s attention to the corner of his console’s screen. His science team had called him to oversee today’s socialization, not an unusual thing as he himself often volunteered to watch over the evolution of the subjects. He moved to turn the console off and closed his eyes, sighing.

  He was a professional—a scientist dedicated to his line of work and research. He had to be. Yet, the small stinging sensation in his chest was still there, no matter how much he focused on his work, it wouldn’t go away. All because of a small side project he had got attached to.

  The only light in his dark life of loss and amoral dedication to science, the only thing that he allowed himself to feel any sort of attachment to, the only thing he loved after his long life of hate. His small, white cat.

  A pet. That is what anyone else might think; love for an animal companion was incredibly common for a human. Yet, his cat, his Shiro, was much more than just a cat. She saved him from the depths of despair and he, in return, had saved her. To him, she had just been a pet, but now…

  Shaking his head for being emotional, he got up from his chair. He wouldn’t worry, he shouldn’t worry. She was strong, she could take care of herself. Even the brutes they had as security guards or the sociopathic mages and scientists wouldn’t harm her. He was worried though, because she had ventured out and hadn’t come back, but he knew she was all right, he could still tell that her vitals were strong and healthy.

  A few minutes were enough for him to make his way towards the security room where numerous scientists, particularly those specializing in psychology, observed the socializations. But while it was serious work, it had an air of casualness to it; the room was sprinkled with many scientists drinking coffee or munching on snacks as they worked on their reports for individual subjects.

  While a hardworking man, Dr. Gacha found value in clearing one’s mind with short breaks to refocus, so he allowed those bits of indiscipline to happen as long as they didn’t affect the results of the project. In fact, coffee is a wonderful tool for a scientist who works long hours like himself.

  They had, however, asked him to come here for a reason. This being to observe the interactions between subjects to see if there are issues they would need to address, and for that, he made his way to the main display board, where an overview of the entire gymnasium was shown, along with several smaller displays to focus on individual subjects.

  “Good morning, sir. The subjects have already been taken out of their cells. Today will be the first time the subjects of maximum-security will be present for a socialization,” a scientist with glasses said as Dr. Gacha approached the console controls. The head scientist glanced at the man who spoke to him before turning to look at the sizeable screen displaying the gymnasium.

  The maximum-security ward, filled not with those who were the most powerful, but those whose powers might represent a pronounced risk to the project by calling for outside help or being overly destructive. Most of the subjects that classify under the spiritual category were placed in this ward to prevent them from contacting spirits, as the seals protecting that ward were the strongest they had.

  Today would be the first time they would let these threats out of the ward without a higher security detail. As much as they wished to preserve the security they had, it was a necessity that even they be allowed to participate in these meetings in the hopes of inducing them into the Stockholm Syndrome. It was a risk they had to take.

  They had instructed the guards in maximum-security to give harsh warnings for them to behave, but he doubted it would be enough. Still, should they follow the rules, then everything would be fine. As a scientist, he hated depending on luck, but that was the basis behind this whole project, so he had to try at least.

  As he observed the subjects entering the gymnasium, his eyes caught sight of their most valuable asset. The subject known as Reddox, whose raw power could match a dozen of their own elite mages at age seven, he could only guess what kind of monster he would become with their help. If Reddox could match even ten percent of the Creator’s power, it would make everything they worked for worth it.

  Their golden ticket seemed to have already connected with a female subject. A quick search on his tablet labeled her as Ellyn, a high priority subject who had a strong spiritual attachment to wind. Her reason for being placed in the high security ward was due to her ability to talk with wind, which she claimed were spirits. Their mages confirmed that wind did, in fact, behave strangely around her. As he watched them, it seems they had connected with each other. He updated their files noting such.

  As he was observing their actions, he noticed that they seemed to be wandering about, chatting with only each other but as if they were searching for something. What could it be? he wondered. Did the wind tell her of something interesting?

  “Dr. Ferdinand, focus a camera on Subject 100. I’d like to observe his movements,” the head scientist said to his colleague in charge of the cameras. The bearded man nodded and worked on his console, causing one of the smaller displays to focus on Reddox.

  Continuing to watch their movements and taking notes on his interactions with the green-haired subject, he noticed that she seemed to be the more talkative of the two, while the redhead seemed mostly stoic, although he appeared to tolerate her. He realized that they were walking towards a small group of children, and with a quick search, it was revealed that most of them came from the same orphanage.

  His eyes widened as he saw something on the screen. Is that…

  “Strange, how did a feline get inside the gymnasium?” the scientist with glasses asked, his eyes wide as he stared at the screen alongside the bearded man, who hummed in thought.

  “Hmm, maybe it’s a shapeshifter? I don’t think we have records of one turning into a domestic cat though. They would be labeled as a failure almost immediately, although, we may use them for espionage,” he said with a stroke of his beard, not noticing how his boss’s face changed from stoic to a hint of surprised.

  “Today, the socialization will end early,” the head scientist’s cold voice cut through any lighthearted emotion left in the room, making the two scientists look at him in shock.

  “Sir? Is that advisable? We still have one hour to go. Besides, today is the first time we can observe Subject Number 100 interacting with others.” The scientist with glasses frowned.

  “Yes, for that reason, we need more time to review his current interactions so far.” Dr. Gacha’s mouth set in a hard line, curving downwards at the very end. The two scientists
still seemed confused, but nodded; they trusted their boss to know what he was doing.

  The head scientist activated the microphone and spoke his orders to the subjects below, indicating the abrupt end of the socialization period. Many of them looked confused at the suddenness, but still complied, knowing the consequences if they were to refuse his orders. The guards had disciplined them well.

  After, he looked at the group with the small feline, inspecting them carefully. Noticing that a blue-haired kid was hiding the cat inside his clothes, he searched for his information on his tablet. Subject Number 444, name: Cyko. A subject with high enhancing powers who was sharing a room with two others, one of them was one of their most cooperative subjects, while the other was a failure.

  “Take care of things here,” Dr. Gacha said as he turned around and headed towards the exit, his jaw set, “I must go back to work.” Upon exiting the floor, he ordered the security guards of that ward to escort him towards a particular cell. He had work to attend to, and he couldn’t wait to get to it.


  The cat-girl, for that is the only thing Cyko could call her thanks to the feline ears and tail she had, snuggled the scientist with love, purring as the man caressed her hair.

  Her clothes were in a much nicer condition than his and his roommates, comprising of a short, white fluffy hoodie that exposed her stomach and an equally fluffy white skirt. Her appearance also made her look at least three years older than them as she already had the beginnings of a developed female body.

  Cyko analyzed that in just a few seconds because that was the only thing his brain could comprehend. What, what was happening?! Where is Snow?! Where did that girl come from?! his mind raced.

  “W-what is going on?” Myo began to shake at the unexpected sight and the threatening presence of the guards. He didn’t understand what happened to Snow, the adorable little cat that had comforted him on many nights after a nightmare.

  “It seems…” Magy said indifferently, “we have been deceived. This pain in my heart, I dislike it,” she finished, her face and posture growing more threatening, with small sparks of dark energy floating out of her body.

  “W-what, no, th-this cannot be true, right? S-Snow has been… helping us all this time…” Cyko said with a disbelieving voice, watching the interaction between what appeared to be father and daughter. The scientist’s face, which had been stone cold when he entered, had morphed into one of warmth, and as for the cat-girl, she was perched on his waist, just like a cat, just like… Snow.

  “I suggest you cool down with that, rat,” said the big security guard as he pointed his massive gun towards Magy, who they deemed as the greatest threat. She glowered at both guards and the father-daughter couple, who seemed to be unaware of anything but each other.

  “B-b-big s-sis, c-calm d-d-down, please!” Myo stuttered. All the guards had raised their weapons. Magy didn’t let up on her glare, her eyes boring into them.

  Shiro, as the scientist had called her, turned around as if finally noticing Magy’s threatening aura, and looked at her with wary eyes. “Magy, don’t hurt papa! He did nothing wrong!” she said while spreading her arms wide open as protection. Magy’s furious aura only increased in intensity, however… It wasn’t her that exploded at this action.

  “What the heck?! What the heck, Snow?! Do you know who he is? What he and everyone in this Luni-forsaken prison did to us? DO YOU?!” Cyko yelled in outrage at seeing his tiny companion defend one of those responsible for all their suffering. The scientist’s face went blank as he watched Shiro, whose lips curled downwards.

  “You always speak of such complicated things! Papa is papa! I wanted you to meet him, and introduce my friends to him! Why are you angry?!” She yelled back, her lower lip trembling, earning herself an incredulous look from both Cyko and Magy.

  “Complicated? What do you mean complicated? What part of ‘they are torturing us for their sick power plan’ is hard to understand?!” Cyko fumed at the cat girl’s confusion, whose frown had grown deeper.

  “Because it is! Papa is a good person!”

  “Snow. Don’t you understand?” Magy spoke up, her threatening aura lessening as she seemed to realize what was going on. “The reason Myo cried every day? The reason Cyko is so stressed? The reason I am as I am? The reason that girl cried when she met you? We are imprisoned here against our will. They mistreat us, abuse us, starve us…” she trailed off, her eyes welling up with tears. Shiro seemed to understand, but still she looked confused, glancing from Cyko, to Magy, to her father.

  “But that makes no sense! Papa is not a bad person!” she repeated.

  Cyko was about to yell again when he was stopped with a gesture from the scientist, whose raised hand dropped to caress the cat-girl’s head, calming her down.

  “I know the nature of our research can be… harsh for some of you,” he spoke in a cold voice that sent shivers down the three children’s spines, “however, from this point on, we are already on the move for the next part of the project. I can assure you, your quality of living will improve from now on, as long as you keep cooperating with us.”

  “You think we are idiots?!” Cyko asked incredulously before looking directly at Snow, “Snow, please! Don’t you see what they have done to us? Heck, haven’t they done something to you to give you the power to transform into a cat?!” he pleaded, trying to reason with the first one to keep him company in his cold and lonely room.

  She shook her head again, refusing to accept his words. “Papa is not evil! And I used to be a cat! He changed me and I love him for it!” Her cheeks reddened as she spat out the words, making Cyko flinch in response to the unexpected reveal.

  Snow… used to be a cat? A normal cat? What?

  “Shiro, that’s enough. You can tell me about your friends later,” the scientist’s voice echoed in the small cell, making the children look at him. “It’s understandable that they are shocked right now, you need to give them time to… accept all this.” He turned to his daughter and allowed a small smile to show on his face.

  “You worried me, you disappeared for a long time,” he said, his voice kind but teasing, making the cat-girl’s ears and tail drop in regret at his words.

  “A-ah… I’m sorry Papa… I didn’t mean to…” She said, lowering her eyes, which only made the man pet her head once again.

  “It’s all right, I can understand what it’s like to be young and impulsive. Now, let’s go,” the scientist said as he took her hand in his and lead them out of the room.

  “Ah, wait, Papa!” Shiro looked back at the kids and to her father with a concerned stare. Dr. Gacha tugged her arm. She glanced back inside the room and flinched when she saw a returning glare from both Cyko and Magy. She didn’t understand, she did nothing wrong… Why were they looking at her like that?

  “Shiro,” her papa said as they walked the corridors of the ward, escorted by two guards who frightened her, “you understand why my work here is important, don’t you?”

  She furrowed her brows at his question.

  “I know it’s complicated, papa, but… yes, I do… You are working hard and doing your best to make sure nothing bad happens to me again…” she said in a subdued voice, her ears and tail dropping as she thought of her past before meeting her papa.

  “That’s right, little Shiro. Everything I’m doing here is for your sake. The Creator of this universe, Luni, is dangerous. There are suspicions of her getting more and more unstable and although nothing is confirmed, we need a way to defend ourselves,” he reasoned, putting his hand on her cheek.

  “I understand, papa.” The girl perked up even if she found it hard to comprehend most of what he said. “I know how much you love me! I love you too!” She bounced in place as his hand fell from her face. He grinned.

  Yes. He loved his daughter, and she loved him, they are family foremost. He knew if she understood more of what he was doing here, he would be criticized, but… All that mattered was that the project was successful, no
matter the cost. He would not let this universe die at the hands of a crazy Creator and for that… The next part of the project would be essential.

  “Oh, Shiro, is there anything I need to know about those three?” Dr. Gacha asked, his face back to the impassive mask of professionalism he always wore.

  His daughter looked up at him, squinting in thought. “Hmm… I don’t think so, they always talked about complicated stuff, so I never paid much attention.” She shrugged, earning a nod from her father.

  “Well, then we’ll proceed as planned,” he said. His plans for the next phase of the project were already in motion, and even if he was glad to have found his daughter, there was a lot of work to be done.


  As the door leading out of their room closed with a bang, everyone stared in silence, still unable to believe what had happened. The kitty, the small companion they had cherished for so long… Was one of them?

  “Snow… S-Snow… She… She…” Myo stuttered, falling to his knees as the strength left his body, unable to accept that the sweet and affectionate little kitty was actually with the bad people who were torturing them every day… It wasn’t possible!

  “Dang it… DANG IT!” Cyko yelled in rage as he felt tears forming in his eyes. Snow was… she was… the first roommate he had, the first thing he could share warmth with in this forsaken place, yet she… She had gone away with the evil scientist without a single word of protest! “She… she didn’t even try to understand! She just, she just left! Just like that!” He fell to his knees, feeling nothing but betrayal.

  It felt like his heart was stabbed, like it was on fire and he couldn’t do anything to stop it or the torrent of tears running down his face. To make matters worse, he could hear Myo bawling beside him. A friend, someone they had trusted, who had comforted them… had just left them, without a single word of compassion…


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