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Blood & Besiegement

Page 19

by Jeremy Dwyer

  One woman asked: “How can we do this to our children? Why would you want us to give them this poison?”

  Another woman asked: “How can we protect our children from the evil you say is coming? If we drink one (1) of the waters, we may have its power, and have hope. But if we drink more than one (1), we die.”

  A third woman said: “We will drink one (1) water each, and have hope.”

  A fourth woman asked: “What waters should each of us drink? Is there a proper choice?”

  “Our belief system is in the power of all the waters! You have shattered it!” Thomas said, angrily.

  “No. Your belief system is based on misunderstanding the waters. They are mighty, but they are separate, and their law must be respected. A person cannot have all powers, for then they would be like a deity. Each person can have some power, and rule over one (1) domain, but not more. That is the way of things. That is what the song means,” Daven said.

  “Your mind is not greater than the laws of the ocean waters. You must come to understand the truth, not invent your own. The law is to choose only one (1) water, and bind to it,” Zoe added.

  “That’s right. Pick one (1)!” Brant said.

  “Yeah. You tell him, big guy,” Rayner said.

  “Who taught you this law?” Thomas asked.

  “The oceans themselves. Be the first to drink of the potion, if you know better than everyone else. Let your followers see the truth – you can lead them to it. And when you go mad, and fall down dead, they can know what the potion of all waters holds for them. If they still choose to follow you, at least they saw the truth, and they heard it,” Zoe said.

  “I don’t suggest you actually go ahead and drink it! Please remember the words to the song. You will receive a power from the one (1) water you drink. It will be of great use to you, and you will be able to build a better world around you. By choosing differently, you will be able to work in all ways, and cooperate to render services that others, who chose to drink of a different water, cannot,” Daven said.

  “I will prove that you are wrong. I will show that the ritual of fire and water has truth. These women have been frightened by your lies, and will lead their children to doom. You will bear the guilt for misleading them, leaving them defenseless against the greater wickedness. One (1) power is not enough. One (1) ocean is not enough,” Thomas said.

  “As you wish,” Zoe said.

  “Old fool,” Rayner said.

  Thomas drank from the potion of all waters, and his brain began to bleed immediately. His heart palpitated, and beat at over two hundred (200) then three hundred (300) all the way up to nine hundred (900) beats per minute and simply exploded within his chest. His lungs collapsed and his arteries were torn. His eyes burst and squirt blood. He bled from his nose and his ears. He vomited blood. His bones became soft and his skull began to separate. Then, even his scalp bled and the blood poured down his face. The blood was not pure, but mixed with fluids from the organs that had burst within him. Thus, he died of crixalethicis within two (2) minutes.

  Zoe and Daven turned away at this.

  Rayner was not happy to see it, and watched with only one (1) eye open.

  Brant said: “I never knew it was that fast!”

  Rayner said: “It only takes two (2) waters to kill. He drank all twelve (12) at once. I guess it was an overload.”

  “See! That’s gonna’ be you if you drink this!” Brant said to everyone around.

  The women held their children close, filled with fear at what had just happened.

  “We will not follow him. He was a false leader. Our children need life. Please guide us,” one of the women said.

  The other men, who had earlier poured the waters into the cauldron, now backed away in disgust. They did not know this would happen. They had learned of this ritual from a distant place, where they read of a mystical book that instructed them on it. Now, they knew its truth.

  “What water shall we drink?” another woman asked.

  “I guess it’s time to teach you all that we know,” Zoe said.

  “The waters of the Atrejan Ocean let you hear the stars, where they’ve been, and where they’re going,” Rayner said.

  “The waters of the Elanatin Ocean let you hear the thoughts and feelings of others,” Zoe said.

  “The waters of the Gradaken Ocean give powers over the plants and the animals,” Daven said.

  “The waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean let you hide in the darkness, and make things cold,” Rayner said.

  “The waters of the Kazofen Ocean let you alter stones and crystals,” Daven said.

  “The waters of the Lujladia Ocean let you bend light and see around corners and see fast moving objects,” Zoe said.

  “The waters of the Medathero Ocean make you clever,” Daven said.

  “The waters of the Nabavodel Ocean make you fast and strong,” Brant said.

  “The waters of the Pirovalen Ocean give you song, which has many powers,” Daven said.

  “The waters of the Trerada Ocean give health and beauty,” Zoe said.

  “The waters of the Ursegan Ocean let you live long, for thousands (1000) of years,” Rayner said.

  “The waters of the Zovvin Ocean let you see the spirit world,” Daven said.

  “You can draw lots to see who gets what, unless you want to pick for yourselves,” Zoe said.

  “We shall decide for ourselves,” one woman said.

  Then the people began to discuss what these things meant. They didn’t understand the implications, but they guessed and drank of the individual waters and became waterbound, so that each of the twelve (12) waters was taken by several member of their group.

  “It’s time to get off this island. Can anybody here build a ship for us?” Rayner asked, hoping that a few of the people, among those who now drank the waters of the Gradaken Ocean, could work their magic on some of the island’s trees and make a seaworthy vessel.

  CHAPTER 22: Blood and Threat

  Fallavakara arrived in the northeastern region of the continent of Revod and was ready to kill. Her first target was the captain who brought her here. It was time to user her powers to their fullest ability. She concentrated and called on the fire within her, then reached out to move the blood within him. She was able to do more than change the flow of it – she called the blood to her, and it became searing hot, ripping through the captain’s organs and his skin. She summoned all of his blood toward her, and he died instantly. A cloud of blood floated in the air between the corpse of the captain and Fallavakara. She further exerted her powers over the blood, causing the cloud to take the shape of ten (10) sharp arrows, and she walked along one of the main roads of Revod. The witch looked all around her for threats and opportunities while being surrounded by floating arrows made of blood.

  She was met by several sentries who stood along the road and were assigned to restrict access to one of the towns of Revod. The Jenaldej Empire allowed free access to its airspace for airships so as to promote a peaceful world economy. This access was meant to allow others to travel above ground and achieve equal access to all oceans – the alternative was an unproductive water war that need not be fought yet again. However, they guarded their land jealously: anyone who set foot in Revod needed to meet with guard troops along one of the many roads and justify their presence. If it was for legitimate business, they would be allowed to stay for a limited time to conduct their transactions. Fallavakara did not, however, have legitimate business.

  “Please identify yourself,” one the guards said. He was in a company of fifty (50) other guards and they approached her.

  Before they could realize what the red haze around her was, the arrows of blood flew at their eyes and pierced them, and entered their brains, killing ten (10) of them instantly. The other forty (40) guards were frightened but drew their swords and bows and then…more terrible things followed

  Fallavakara concentrated and called on the fire within her, using it to pull the blood of those remai
ning guards as well. Their bodies were nearly instantly emptied of their blood.

  The forty (40) other guards died, and their bloodless corpses fell to the ground.

  Fallavakara was now surrounded by a large floating cloud of blood. She circulated it about her and considered what she might do with it. Then, it occurred to her to turn the blood into tens (10) of thousands (1000) of small sharp red blades, and they swirled at a high rate of speed. Anyone who approached too closely would be cut to pieces.

  She walked into the town ahead of her and looked for the one known as General Joshua.

  The small town that she entered was like many others in the interior of Revod in that it consisted of both residences and shops and nearby farms and diamond mines. She wanted to move quickly, and find this General Joshua and proclaim victory. She knew that she would have to resist the urge to partake of her favorite drink, because then she would be unable to fulfill her mission if she lost her focus again.

  Unknown to Fallavakara, this was one of the towns that had a decoy meant to deceive the sunfire creature. The decoy was a pair of troops: one was a sword wielding, armored warrior who drank of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean, for the benefits of speed and strength; the other was a light bender who was a drinker of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean for the benefits of the powers of light. The light bender provided a projection of a blue glow around the warrior’s sword, to make it appear as the Spirit Sword, and thereby frighten away the sunfire creature, who knew to fear the Spirit Sword.

  The decoy was assigned to a guard tower that was one hundred twenty (120) feet in height, and thus capable of seeing any airships traveling at the maximum safe altitude. There was a crystal canopy above it to protect the occupants from the heat of the inferno, as well. There were ramps descending gently from the tower to the rooftops of other buildings, and these allowed the occupants of the guard tower to have greater mobility. Following the ramps eventually gave them access to all rooftops in the town, and from those, access to the ground. Additionally, there were ladders to the guard tower that gave immediate access to the ground.

  Fallavakara looked about and saw this town, with its shops and homes and the ramps leading to the guard tower. It was a fascinating view of a town within a very wealthy empire, and she had never seen any of it before. She was more familiar with swamps, jungles, forests, caves, cemeteries and much smaller towns. She wondered if General Joshua would possibly be in a position of power over the guards, and she decided to get the information from them, whether they wanted to give it or not.

  She began walking up the ramps to the rooftops, and people looked on and wondered who this might be and what the red haze around her was. When some shopkeepers walked toward her to inquire, she sent sharp red blades of blood at their eyes and throats and killed them instantly.

  There were spies in all towns throughout the Jenaldej Empire – many of them drinkers of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean which gave them the power to hide in the darkness – and these spies saw her actions. One (1) spy left the town to report the witch’s actions to the authority in the military academy nearby. Other spies remained to see what else might occur. Two (2) of the spies, hidden in the darkness, followed the witch – they were waiting for an opportunity to strike and neutralize her, as well as to discover her purpose.

  Fallavakara worked her way up the ramps toward the guard tower. The entire time, she kept the red blood circulating about her, so that approach from behind would be dangerous to a would-be attacker.

  The guards in the tower saw her – and a red haze around her – from a distance, despite looking out, primarily, for the sunfire creature. The two (2) spies were behind her, hidden in the darkness. They were not able to approach because of the red haze, which they knew was a deadly weapon.

  Fallavakara walked up the last ramp toward the guards in the tower and the one with the sword shouted: “Identify yourself!” Both guards saw the red haze around her and were mystified. The other guard – who drank the waters of the Lujladia Ocean to have control over light – could also see in the darkness and saw the two (2) spies behind her. They were making hand signals, indicating that the red haze contained a weapon, and that they should not strike, but allow this intruder to speak.

  “I am an emissary. I have a message to bring,” Fallavakara said.

  “What is this message?” the guard, who had the power to bend light and see in the darkness, and who had received those hand signals from the hidden spies, asked.

  “It is for the one known as General Joshua. I will give it only to him,” Fallavakara said.

  One (1) of the spies in the darkness left, to report this intruder and the message.

  “He is not here. There are many towns in Revod, each with its own guard. He is at another town, and which one, we do not know,” the light bender guard said.

  “Tell me who would know,” Fallavakara said.

  “The Admiral…Admiral Gavin would know,” the light bender guard said.

  “Where is this Admiral Gavin?” Fallavakara asked.

  “He is in the military academy, to the east. You will be able to speak with him, and he can tell you more than we can,” the light bender guard said.

  “Thank you,” Fallavakara said.

  At this, she concentrated more and the red haze around her spun more violently, spreading outward. It sliced the guards and cut their throats – both the light bender and the one carrying the sword were killed. It also fatally struck the one (1) remaining spy that was in the darkness behind her. The spy fell to the ground, and returned to the light, because it took the concentration of the living to use the powers of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean to hide in the darkness.

  Fallavakara then walked down this ramp and made her way down to the ground. She left the town and headed east. She did not know much, due to her lack of studies, but she did know which way east was.


  The castle that served as the military academy was very well guarded, and there were many guards about it, including light benders who could see those who were hidden in the darkness. They saw two (2) spies, both hidden in darkness, approach. One (1) spy was a short distance behind the other, but soon caught up.

  The spies eased their powers, becoming visible again. “I have an urgent report,” each of them said to the guards at the academy. The spies made complex hand signals indicating a code to authenticate their access and both were allowed entrance into the military academy.

  They made their way to the office of Prince Emerond, who was in charge of all espionage activities. They entered the office and the first spy said: “Your Majesty, I have an urgent matter to report. An intruder has attacked commerce town number four hundred twenty-three (423), five (5) miles to the west. This intruder – a female – has a weapon. It is a red aura, or haze around her, that strikes dead all who approach.”

  The second spy, who was initially further behind, then reported, saying: “The intruder – the same one already described – came in search of General Joshua. She said she has a message for General Joshua. She killed the swordfighter and the light bender assigned to the guard tower.”

  “This is not a message. This is an assassination attempt…by an extremely dangerous, yet incompetent, agent who cannot find her target without help from the allies of her target,” Prince Emerond said.

  “What actions do you order, Your Majesty?” the first spy asked.

  “Create a hidden perimeter of spies around her, using the drinkers of the Ikkith Tar Ocean waters. Small companies of combat troops – swordfighters, drinking of Nabavodel Ocean waters for strength; archers, drinking of Lujladia Ocean waters, for quick sight; and a telepath, drinking of Elanatin Ocean waters for powers of communication – shall accompany them. The spies are to extend their darkness and provide cover to the combat troops and the telepath. We must test this red haze weapon, and find its limitations. We have adequate reserve troops and spies here, and a telepath who is not currently assigned,” Prince Emerond said.
  Emerond then continued, saying: “I will notify General Joshua, to make sure he keeps his distance from this intruder, so that the assassination attempt fails,” Prince Emerond said.

  Emerond then walked with these two (2) spies and led them to the ready room and summoned twelve (12) more spies, one (1) telepath and twelve (12) combat troops: six (6) archers and six (6) swordfighters. “Each of you – spy and combatant – shall be paired and hidden in darkness, to surround our enemy. The lone telepath will facilitate communication among all of you, and is to be covered under the darkness of the nearest agent. Strike only when the moment is right. This enemy carries a formidable weapon – in the form of a red haze which can kill those who approach. These two (2) spies can lead the way to the enemy’s last known location,” Emerond ordered.

  At this, each of them drank the waters from the vials they carried. The spies drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean to give them the powers of darkness. The swordfighters drank anew of the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean to give them the powers of strength. The archers drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean to give them the powers of quick sight. The lone telepath drank of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean to give him the powers of communication. The spies concentrated and entered the darkness, each concealing one of the others – swordfighter or archer or telepath – with them. The two (2) spies who had come from commerce town number four hundred twenty-three (423) led the way back along the same road, looking for the enemy intruder.

  CHAPTER 23: Blood and Crystal

  The force of twelve (12) spies, one (1) telepath and twelve (12) combat troops traveled westward along the road to the town where the enemy intruder was last seen. The darkness concealed them, as well as the two (2) other spies who had been in the town and gave their report, and who were now leading the way back to look out for their target.


  Fallavakara made her way eastward along the road from the town toward the place where she was told that General Joshua could be found. She was still surrounded by the blood haze.


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