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Jack of Hart- Wild Card

Page 31

by Violeta Bagia

  When he stepped closer, I let him. He wrapped his arms around me, and I pressed my head against his chest, allowing myself a moment to breathe and to regain some strength.

  Pulling back, I looked up into his emerald eyes, eyes I’d loved and dreamed of often. God I’d missed him.

  He gently led me to the couch and sat beside me. ‘I’ll make some calls, and then I’m going to need you to give me a crash course in this realm crossing thing.’

  ‘I can do that.’

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Having all of that on my mind and managing to fall asleep was some kind of miracle. I was so mad, rage practically vibrated through my veins and shook me back to the land of the waking. It wasn’t just Aurel, it was something else, jealously and everything else that came with it.

  Ace could block off her emotions to me, but her emotions were still subconsciously linked to mine. The Connection had a funny way of kicking you when you were already down. I didn’t feel everything, but I felt her reacting to him.

  What else did I expect? In all honesty, I was waging a battle I didn’t think I could win, maybe I didn’t deserve to.

  Checking my phone was also a bad idea, I figured that out when I saw a short and very direct message from Aurel.

  All it said was, “We need to talk. Call me when you’re up.”

  So, I sat up, swinging my legs over the bed and looked at the phone in my hand. Did I really want to call him?

  No. That was the short answer. I really wanted to call Ace. I wanted to hear her voice, tell her how much I missed her and how much of a mess everything had become.

  But I couldn’t, not until we were certain she would be safe if she came back here. I couldn’t trust anyone right now, Aurel proved that to me.

  Dialing his number, I sat patiently until he answered.

  ‘Illarion, thanks for calling back.’

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘I wanted to apologize for how our last conversation ended.’

  It was all so clinical, calculated. But now that he’d said it, I had no idea how to react. So, I carefully considered the next choice of words.

  On the one hand I was beyond forgiving but on the other, I was afraid that I’d lose him as an ally for good and maybe this phone call was a last-ditch effort to keep him on our side.

  If this was some sort of amends, I would be reckless to turn it down.

  ‘Apology accepted.’ I said in short.

  ‘Look, Anna and I were talking, and we think it’s a good idea for you and Ace to come and visit.’

  ‘Ace shouldn’t be anywhere near the Agency.’

  ‘I thought about that too, so I spoke with Elena, and if you’re happy to go along with it, it’d be a return home as a regular field agent. We’d cover her by saying she completed her contract with the FBI.’

  ‘No.’ I said shortly. ‘The plan is in place and she’s off the grid for a reason. Bringing her back now is reckless.’

  ‘Listen, people are talking.’

  ‘Which people?’ I demanded.

  Aurel went silent for a moment.

  ‘Who’s talking?’

  ‘There are some agents out in the LA office.’

  Resting my hip against the counter, I inhaled. ‘What are they saying?’

  ‘They didn’t want to go behind your back, but they’re saying that the Director is hiding something. That’s why she’s not back, especially considering news of the fallen senator has spread like wildfire.’

  Shit. I massaged my temple.

  Aurel continued, ‘And because of your personal history, none of this is looking good.’

  That was always a risk. Someone finding my personal history with her as a means to protect her if things did go wrong.

  ‘I’ve reached out to Matt, he said Peyton’s been actively keeping interested parties out of Ace’s files, so we’re okay on that front, but you saw how she was able to dig information up. Anyone from our end could do it too.’

  He was right about that. Which still begged the question, who the hell gave her the information anyway?

  ‘Riley and Belfort are happy to come down here as well, if it helps keep all of this above board.’

  ‘I’ll think about it. I need to run some numbers here before I break her out.’

  ‘Okay.’ He said, breaking my chain of thought. ‘It’s an idea. I think it might be good. Save face and give her a chance to be around friends.’

  Friends. Everything he was saying seemed to be laced with a hidden agenda and my insides instinctively recoiled at the thought.

  ‘I’ll speak to her.’

  Without another word, I disconnected the call and dropped the phone on the counter letting out a long, tired groan.

  So this is how it was going to be. Aurel was cautious of Ace, and he didn’t trust her, not wholly, not the way he used to and that broke my heart.

  How could I call her back to this? I couldn’t hide that from her nor would I. She deserved to know what she was coming home to, she would work it out for herself anyway.

  But, it wasn’t just my call, I wouldn’t make that mistake again, she deserved to be involved in this decision.

  Taking a deep breath, I picked up my phone and brought up her number then, without a second thought, I deleted it, and instead, called Peyton.


  The bar was alive with people, but a lot less than usual for a Friday night considering it was a long weekend. Most people were probably away, making the most of the good weather.

  Ordering another scotch on the rocks, I sat back in the dimly lit booth, hidden in the back row with a good view of the front door.

  When Peyton walked in, she only glanced around twice before she spotted me and made a line for the back of the bar.

  Walking through bodies occupying the middle of the floor, she kept her eyes locked on mine ignoring the very obvious attempts of seduction by the men she walked past. Peyton was a beautiful woman; long, dark hair framed her face and fierce eyes softened only by the light hue of color. She sat smoothing her hair behind her ears, this was the first time I’d seen her outside of work, she was casual, much less wound up like she was at work.

  In this setting, I saw the real woman beneath the surface. She was insecure yet confident all at once. It was curious. She was a good agent, she was a fighter, she had more potential than she’d given herself credit for, but she’d born this façade of harshness to repel people. But the fact that she was sitting here before me, going out on a limb for someone she barely knew, told me all I needed to know—she was a good person and I needed as many of those as I could find.

  ‘Thank you for seeing me.’ I said simply and then gestured for the waiter to come back.

  ‘Mimosa, please.’ She said and then her eyes were back on me. ‘It sounded important.’

  ‘It is.’

  When the drink came, and the waiter left, I leaned in, keeping my voice low.

  ‘I think we’re about to become compromised.’

  Her brows rose, her forehead crinkling ‘Where, at the bureau?’

  ‘No.’ I said. ‘Agency.’

  ‘A lot of chatter is coming through about allegiances.’

  ‘I know.’ I ground out, sweeping the patrons near us.

  ‘What can I do?’

  ‘Ace is in the wind. When I break her cover, she’s going to have to come back to New York, when that happens, there’ll be a short window of opportunity before the compromise becomes evident.’

  ‘And she has to go back?’

  ‘Unfortunately, yes. People are already starting to get edgy, my personal history with her is also making me a target.’

  She looked taken aback, and a little digging told me she was surprised I was sharing this with her.

  ‘Interested parties here have also been kicking up some dust here.’ She drew her finger over the stem of her glass. ‘They’re wondering if Ace had something to do with the deaths.’

  ‘Aurel said.�

  ‘You think he’s a threat.’ She said firmly.

  ‘I don’t think he’s an asset.’

  Her lip quirked into a half smile.

  She was incredibly perceptive, it was impressive.

  ‘I know from reading your file that you’re usually by the book. And things haven’t been going quite that way lately.’ She said. ‘Has that got anything to do with this?’


  ‘They think you’re covering for her?’


  ‘It’s not going to be easy, but I can make that incident go away, as for what’s happening with Aurel, I don’t know if I can help with that.’

  ‘At this stage, I don’t know that I can either, but I appreciate what you can do.’ I answered honestly. ‘I don’t know who we can trust.’ And when she remained quiet, a desperate plea found its way to my lips. ‘I cannot lose her.’

  Peyton’s eyes narrowed, and her lips set into a straight line. ‘I give you my word, I will do whatever I can.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I turned my attention to the glass. ‘Thank you so much, Melina.’


  Peyton went back to DC after she argued with me for more than half an hour about the ticket but when I showed her that I paid for it with Agency money, and not my own, she conceded, only just.

  The drive back to my house was filled with apprehension and questioning about the direction this next chapter of our lives would take.

  Finally, when I was safe inside my house, holed up in the office with a cup of specially brewed tea from Elsa, I allowed myself to relax, sinking in to the leather chair, behind my desk piled to the brim with mission notes and paperwork I needed to read over and sign.

  Ignoring the looming pile, I reached over, picked up the landline and hit one on autodial, Ace’s number came up and rang.


  Her voice brought a wide smile to my face. Everything consuming me moments ago was filed to the back, at least for the time being.

  ‘Hey,’ She said softly. ‘I didn’t think I’d hear from you for a while.’

  ‘Something came up.’ I smiled into the phone. ‘I needed to hear your voice.’

  ‘Something came up here too.’ She replied and for a moment went quiet and then I heard a door shut. ‘Alex is worried too.’

  ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘You first.’ She said.

  Her soft laugh always warmed my heart and then anger settled over me. This was unfair, where were the Beings now? Why weren’t they helping us?

  ‘It’s complicated, I’d rather talk about this in person.’

  ‘I know. But we’re hours away and I’d rather know what’s making you feel that way.’

  ‘I went to speak with Aurel, he’s on the fence about you and what’s happening.’

  ‘He doesn’t believe me.’

  It wasn’t a question and she wasn’t surprised.

  ‘It’s okay, love.’ She said. ‘I thought that might be the case, he seemed conflicted about something when I saw him, now it makes sense.’

  ‘He said you should come back to New York.’

  ‘But you don’t want me to.’

  Again, it wasn’t a question.

  ‘No, Ace, I don’t. I don’t want you anywhere near the Agency right now, or him, but we might not have a choice.’

  ‘Why? What’s going on?’

  ‘I’m worried about Aurel.’

  ‘You think he’ll say something?’

  ‘I don’t know, and if this is some way of offering us a chance to avoid that—’

  ‘Then you want us to take it.’

  ‘Maybe we should.’ I agreed. ‘He said some people have been talking about us, apparently they’re not convinced I can handle the matter.’

  ‘Because of your personal interest.’

  ‘Yes.’ The admission hurt. ‘What do you think about it?’

  ‘I’ll stay here if that’s what you think is best.’

  ‘I don’t know what I think.’ I admitted. ‘I saw Peyton, she said people are talking there too.’

  ‘What about?’

  ‘The Senator’s death.’

  ‘They think you’re covering for me?’

  ‘Doesn’t help that word has gotten out to some about my unorthodox interrogation methods.’

  ‘That’s bullshit, the Agency uses the Serum all the time.’

  ‘They do, but we weren’t at the Agency.’

  ‘Oh Ila, this is big.’

  I nodded, letting out a long breath.

  ‘What about Alex?’ She asked.

  ‘Alex and Clair should lay low. I still think they’re better off away from all this, if we can use them off the books, I’m happier to do that.’

  ‘None of this is going to plan.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘I’m scared.’

  ‘I won’t let anything happen to you, or any of us. I swear, Ace.’

  ‘Okay.’ She whispered. ‘Where are we going to set them up?’

  ‘They can stay at our house.’

  ‘Our house.’

  I heard the smile in her voice, and I imagined the way her cheeks flushed pink as she said it.

  ‘Yes, lyubov. It’s always been yours too.’

  ‘Okay.’ She said softly. ‘We’ll leave tonight, I’ll fill them in.’

  ‘What is it you needed to tell me?’

  ‘That needs to be spoken about in person, trust me.’ She replied softly, and I knew no matter how much I argued, she wouldn’t yield.

  ‘Okay, I love you.’ I made sure it was firm, full of every emotion I could throw into it. ‘I’ll see you soon.’

  ‘I love you too.’



  Alex knocked on the door a few seconds after I’d disconnected the call with Illarion.

  ‘Everything okay?’

  ‘No.’ I shook my head, expelling a tired breath. ‘Illarion said that Aurel suggested I go back. Illarion isn’t sure it’s a good idea.’

  He nodded, leaning against the door frame. ‘What do you want to do?’

  ‘I don’t know, maybe I should. Power in numbers, right?’

  ‘Do you think it’s a good idea though?’

  No, God, I didn’t think it was a good idea at all. People trying to find out about me and my past was an inevitable risk that came with my job, it was naturally going to go this way, from the get-go, but it didn’t make it easier. Seeing the way Peyton reacted, knowing people without the full story could go completely against me, put me on edge, it damn well scared me.

  But she’d also made amends, and that gave me hope.

  ‘I’m just worried. If we don’t go back and someone starts digging around, who knows what they’ll find, and Aurel’s already skeptical. If he says something…I just don’t want to risk it and I don’t want to risk Illarion’s position.’

  ‘What else did Illarion say?’

  ‘People are starting to question his loyalties.’

  Alex slowly nodded. ‘It was only a matter of time.’

  ‘Guess it’s a good thing you were so by the book.’ I said, looking down.

  Even though I didn’t see the frown appear on his face, I knew he was hurt by my comment. But he didn’t say anything. He knew I was right, and he still hated himself for it.

  ‘We should get you back then.’ He said simply. ‘We don’t want to give them a reason to question Illarion’s leadership. It’s beneficial to us that he stays there.’


  He dropped his gaze and turned to leave.

  ‘Illarion said you and Clair should stay at our house.’ I murmured, looking up at him. ‘It’s safe there, for now. None of us know how bad this is about to get.’

  ‘I’ll tell Clair to start packing.’

  ‘We’ll leave at nightfall.’

  He gave me a curt nod and promptly left.

  Another long breath left my lips and I groaned in frustration. How many more homes, j
obs and friends, would this life cost us?

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I’d been nervous about going back New York the moment Illarion asked me to. And the moment I saw the road sign welcoming us home, my heart sped up and my palms grew sweaty.


  I didn’t really feel like I had one anymore, at least not a place, a physical location, I felt home when I was with Illarion and I felt home when I was in his arms. A soft laugh escaped before I could stop it, earning a confused look from both Alex and Clair. When did I become so sappy?

  ‘So, where is this place we’re going to?’ She asked, keeping the conversation light.

  ‘Just on the outskirts of New York City,’ I said, looking over my shoulder. ‘It’s my, it’s…’

  ‘Her fiancés house.’ Alex supplied.

  Our eyes met for a moment and then he turned away, looking back at the road.

  I didn’t miss the pang of heartache that shot through him uttering those words. Claire looked a little taken aback too. She always used to joke that me and Alex would get married and she’d finally have a sister.

  Seeing the sadness in her eyes now, broke my heart too, for different reasons. We could have had that, we could have left the army together, lived the life we planned and none of these awful things I’d clung on to, would have ever happened.

  But a part of me knew that somehow, regardless of where I went and who I was with, my destiny would have caught up with me eventually. It was prophesied after all.

  Neither sibling said anything and a part of me wondered whether Alex was trying to work out what was going on in my mind or if he’d just accepted that I didn’t want to talk anymore. Thankfully, he kept his eyes on the road and the conversation to a minimal.

  Clair, however, was determined to make small talk, even if it was about completely random, unrelated things. Conscious not to shut her down, I joined in, chatting and adding to the conversation while my mind wandered to everything and everyone I’d left behind.

  Daniel. I didn’t even know how he was, and Elena, God. I hadn’t called her since Michael’s funeral and then there was everyone else. Raymond, Josh and James…and Troy. It was a year since his death, and I didn’t know how to digest that. I’d have to make time to take some flowers to his grave, he would have liked that.


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