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Jack of Hart- Wild Card

Page 36

by Violeta Bagia

  ‘As much as we hate it, yes, it is.’

  ‘Well shit, that’s not ideal.’

  ‘Listen, Ace,’ he began, ‘It might come to a point where we need to leave, I need to know you’re ready for that.’

  ‘I’ve left my life before, Illarion. I’m ready.’

  For a moment neither said what was weighing on our minds.

  ‘Alright then.’

  ‘When am I supposed to be briefing them?’ I asked, looking away from the gaze of a man who had far too much on his mind, too much he would never say.

  ‘Tomorrow, Elena gave you the day to prepare.’

  Haven’t even seen her in person and she’s already dictating the way my life was going to go.

  ‘Fine. I better start.’

  There was a strong possibility that things wouldn’t work out favorably and he knew there was a chance that we wouldn’t walk away from this, but neither of us wanted to accept it.

  Whenever his eyes found mine, straying from the job at hand, there was a strong sense of fear, of apprehension, we were both deathly afraid of the end we all knew was coming but like him, I would never admit it.


  There wasn’t much I could do to prepare these kids for the talk that would undoubtedly go down in history for the biggest shit news story.

  I gathered the paperwork, tucked it under my arm and waved Elena over. She smiled and led me to the back of the stage.

  ‘Are you ready?’ She asked softly coming to stand beside me.

  I’d prepared for this session in my head, a dozen times, but there was still so much doubt in the back of my mind.

  Elena gently squeezed my arm. ‘Sweetheart? Everything ready?’

  ‘Yes,’ I nodded. ‘It’s all ready.’

  ‘You’re on in a few,’ she said softly. ‘After I introduce you, I’ll be right here.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I forced a tight smile before she promptly left me, making her way to the stage.

  Would they all be thinking the same way? Disapproval and doubt? I knew that word would have reached almost everyone here by now, and that meant that even though on official terms I was cleared of the senator’s death, not everyone would believe it.

  Elena was casually chatting to a few recruits who were sitting in the front row and it boiled my blood seeing how casual everyone was. Did they not know what was coming? Did they not realize how serious this all was?

  I looked out onto the stage from behind the wing. She commanded attention like only a naturally born leader could and then it struck me, she was giving them exactly what they needed. Hope.

  I’d never be like that, I’d never be able to give people hope when I knew almost for certain there was none.

  Smoothing down my black pencil skirt, I took in another deep breath and adjusted my jacket for the tenth time.

  The lights in the auditorium gradually dimmed and went out completely, but the stage lit up when Elena walked on.

  I found myself absentmindedly smoothing my finger back and forth over my engagement ring. When Illarion wasn’t with me I found this oddly cathartic.

  ‘Welcome to your first official Agency brief for a live mission.’ She began as a screen behind her brought up an image of her in a grey suit, her long hair pinned up and simple pearl earrings with the heading reading “Assistant Director Elena Somers”.

  The recruits in the audience gave her all their attention.

  ‘Some of you have already met me, and for those who haven’t, I’m sure we’ll get the opportunity eventually. Now in standard cases, we don’t do these briefs until you’ve been with the Agency for at least nine months. But the position we’re in now doesn’t allow for the lengthy process. Some of you have been in touch with senior agents here who I’m sure have given you basic information about what is happening. Let me start by saying, at this stage, we’ve got it under control.’

  My ass.

  Unanimous murmurs and gasps broke out throughout the auditorium. Elena waited a few moments before holding her hand up, indicating that she had more to say.

  ‘I’m going to introduce you to one of our finest Special Agent’s here, whom we’re very lucky to have back. She’s spent close to a year working with the FBI over in DC, learning all about our non-Sensitive counterparts and how they run operations. She will be responsible for reading you in and explaining the reason for this briefing. Once she’s done, we’ll hand each of you a folder which I implore you to study, learn from it and come to us with questions.’

  She turned briefly and looked across at me.

  ‘I’ll hand you over to Special Agent Hart.’

  As the recruits gave her a round of applause, an influx of emotions came over me.

  I let out a long, slow and calculated breath and stepped behind the lectern. I took the small clicker for the presentation and looked out across the auditorium. I opened up my shield and cast it over the group, letting it travel out like a silken spider’s web, glistening, powerful, capturing everything in its path.

  Awe and curiosity filled the atmosphere, a few random thoughts here and there, but otherwise, nothing as bad as I was expecting.

  ‘We’re all here to do one thing, and one thing alone.’ I began, feeding off the murmuring questions rolling through the auditorium. ‘We’re here to make sure that we’re ready to fight when the time comes, and, unfortunately for everyone involved, it’s not a matter of if, but merely when. So, when we move, we move fast.’

  Determined faces looked up at me.

  ‘We have to be sure that we’re fully armed with every bit of information available to us.’

  The silence urged me to continue.

  ‘I can tell you that when you face the challenges that are coming, there will be times when you question everything, when you question your ability to make it and your own strength. But I’ve been there, I’ve felt those things. And you can make it, you will. Because you won’t have a choice. It’s that, or death.’


  ‘A weapon has been used in Washington, this weapon has the ability to target the genetic sequencing found in Sensitives, this means that whatever we’re about to face down, affects all of us, it’s no longer just about the Divine Sensitive and the Taker, it’s bigger than that and we have to band together now.’

  There were questions floating around the web about the Taker and questions about me, mostly about what really happened and if the rumors about me were true.

  I could spill, right now.

  Get it all out in the open, force the Agency’s hand but as I looked over at Elena, and saw that warning cross her eyes, I was reminded of the way they looked at me—fear, concern, distrust.

  They thought I was losing my mind and now, more than ever, I had to play their game, I had to show that I was cooperative and still on their side.

  So, instead, I let a deep breath settle inside me and I retracted my shield, homing in on the comfortable silence.

  ‘I’m here to get you as prepared as possible.’

  When the recruits remained silent, I continued.

  ‘Three years ago, the Agency was corrupted by a rogue agent within our own chain of command. Former Director Damon Cale. It was discovered through several rigorous missions that Simon Dalca, a Romanian national who defected to the United States under the guise of property development, was the mastermind behind this. Along with his son, Daniel, he owned a property in Alabama which was purchased below board with dirty money. His ties to Damon Cale were established via a connection in Ireland. This connection was determined to be a non-Sensitive who was inserted as a mole; Donna Somers.’

  I took a moment to gather my notes and catch up on my breathing.

  ‘It was uncertain at the time what Dalca’s goal was, but over the course of further investigation, and my captivity, it became apparent that he’d been searching for the lockdown protocol codes.’

  Complete attention was focused on me.

  ‘The codes were protecting a safe out in the pacific, t
his safe contains the schematics for a mass weapon designed to eradicate Sensitives and Collectors. This weapon is now in effect. But the good news is that this safe also contains the antidote which is out there somewhere. That is part of our job. Find the antidote and secure it.’

  Gasps broke out and filtered through the crowd.

  ‘Some field tests had already been conducted which I, along with the FBI had investigated. The discovery brought me back here.’

  ‘What kind of weapon is it?’ A voice called from the audience.

  ‘At the early stages of testing it was a genetically encoded bullet. Other tests we’ve seen, indicate that it could be some sort of chemical.’

  ‘Is it airborne?’

  ‘Rumors at this stage say that is a possibility, yes.’

  As I looked across the audience a range of expressions met me. Some were of shock; some were of fear and others were sadness.

  ‘I know this is a lot to take in, and if there was any other way to prepare you, I’d be doing that instead.’ I said gently. ‘But I don’t believe in sugarcoating things, and I don’t want anyone here to be ill prepared.’

  Unanimous nods came in response.

  ‘Please take this seriously and please take it upon yourselves to research the information in those files. I cannot stress enough how important it is to be fully aware and fully prepared.’ When no one stirred, I added, ‘It can be the difference between living and dying.’

  I swallowed hard and looked down at the papers in front of me.

  ‘The mission brief will be your bible. Read it, study it and if you have any burning questions—come and speak to me or to Assistant Director Somers. We’re here as a source, utilize us.’

  I swung my eyes across to Elena who produced a wide smile.

  ‘Now the most pertinent part I want your focus on, is the antidote. We must find it and we need your help to do so. If you find anything in there that we might have missed, bring it to us, don’t be afraid to come forward with any information, big or small.’

  Gauging the level of confidence growing among the recruits, I smiled to myself.

  ‘Good luck and I’ll look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time. Dismissed.’

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Elena caught up to me as we walked through the recruits occupying the hallway.

  ‘I think that went really well.’

  I glanced at Elena as we walked together through the hallways.

  ‘I don’t know.’ I mused. ‘Did I tell them the right things?’

  ‘Of course you did.’ She smiled, gently pressing her hand to my shoulder. ‘You told them the truth.’

  She was right. I hated when I was lied to, I hated when people didn’t trust me enough to know that I could handle the truth.

  ‘Sweetheart.’ She began and I saw the weight holding her down. ‘I’m happy you’re home.’

  ‘Didn’t feel like the welcome I was hoping for.’

  As we neared the board room, we stepped inside, and she motioned for me to follow her to take a seat.

  She poured us both a glass of water and handed me mine before she sat down in a chair beside me and downed the liquid in one gulp.

  She replaced the glass and folded her hand neatly across her lap and focused her eyes on me.

  ‘Illarion told me about the dreams you’ve been having.’

  My eyes swung up to hers.

  ‘Sweetheart. I know that what you’ve been through has placed a lot of pressure on you, and I understand that you’d been having dreams about him and what happened.’

  She was blindsiding me.

  ‘You don’t believe me.’

  She opened her mouth, but nothing came out, instead she closed it and dropped her gaze.

  ‘It’s coming up to a year now, isn’t it?’

  This couldn’t be happening.

  ‘This kind of reaction is normal, Ace, it’s PTSD.’

  ‘It is not.’ I snapped to which she just forced a tight smile.


  ‘I thought that it might have been the rest of the board keeping me busy with all the recruits, but not you.’

  She opened her mouth again but this time I held out my hand, stopping whatever she was about to say.

  ‘I don’t believe this.’ A breath caught in my lungs, stopping short. ‘Working with Anna, running all these information gathering missions with kids, is a waste of my time. You know that.’

  ‘Sweetheart…’ She pleaded.

  ‘I need you to believe me.’ I whispered.

  ‘I want to believe you—’

  ‘But you don’t. You think I’m crazy.’

  ‘I didn’t say that, Ace.’

  ‘No, you didn’t.’

  She found my eyes and there was no convincing her. I saw it as her steady aura began to pulse with nervous energy.

  She cast her eyes downwards, her usual poise was gone and replacing it was angst.

  ‘I’m not crazy, it’s not the Darkness.’ I muttered, walking over to the glass doors. I paused for a moment and then spoke again. ‘I understand that you have no proof here, but you have me. I thought that would have been enough.’

  Before she could answer, I pushed the door open and left.


  Illarion’s presence drew me to him in an instant.

  Washing off the soap from my hands, I dropped the sponge in the sink.

  He’d been out almost all day, running close to base missions while I was occupied with the recruits. The look on his face told me he wasn’t happy with how my meeting with Elena went.

  Word travelled fast and I had no doubt she would have gone toe to toe with him about everything that went down in DC. At this point, he held the power and I knew he’d have done everything in his control, to bring this back to a place that worked for us.

  His eyes softened and when I reached him, he wrapped his arms around me.

  ‘We don’t need them.’

  ‘Don’t do that.’

  ‘What?’ He stepped back.

  ‘Act like you’re shocked she didn’t believe me after you spoke with her. Did you say something?’

  ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘Do I look like I’m joking? Because I didn’t think I did. Maybe everything that comes out of my mouth is like some sort of joke right now.’


  ‘Right.’ I muttered, drying my hands off.

  ‘I don’t know why you’re acting like this, but we have work to do.’

  The blood rushed through me, making my head feel like it was splitting from the inside.

  ‘I didn’t say anything; her mind was already made up.’ He reiterated and then stepped closer, his hands gently landing on my arms coaxing me toward him.

  I relaxed letting him draw my face up to his where he gently brushed his lips across mine and swept my hair behind my ears.

  ‘I’m with you, Ace.’ He said. ‘You know that, you can feel it. I know you can. Why are you pushing me out?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ I answered truthfully. ‘My head is scattered, my body, nothing feels right.’

  ‘We’re going to leave.’ He said.


  Conviction filled his eyes. The gravity of what he was saying settled in my veins, he was ready to walk away from this life, his position as the Director, the title he’d worked his entire life for, for me.


  ‘Don’t argue with me.’ He said with a small smile. ‘We’re leaving. I’ll get us some new ID’s; I have a favor to call in.’

  ‘We can’t.’

  ‘We can, lyubov, and we are.’

  ‘Where?’ I breathed, contemplating taking him up on the offer despite how selfish it made me feel.

  ‘We have all the resources we need. We have money, cars, contacts. We’re both powerful, we’re both skilled. We can do this.’

  ‘And if they catch wind of it?’

  ‘Then we’re
screwed. Wouldn’t be worse than staying.’

  That hit home a lot harder than I cared to admit.

  Another long breath settled, and I found myself nodding. ‘I love you so much, you know that, right? And I’m so sorry for how I’ve been acting.’

  He swept his hands across my cheek again. ‘I know, lyubov. I love you too, more than you could know. And don’t worry about any of that, we’ve both been challenged.’

  ‘You’re right about that.’

  A gentle kiss found me again and whatever retort I had, fell to the back of my mind. His tongue pushed past my parted lips and brushed across my tongue.

  All my resolve faded like it always did and always would when I was with him. I closed my eyes and drew him against me letting his hands find their way under my shirt.

  As each brush of fingers drew a sigh from me, I opened myself up which took so much out of me, but with him it was worth it. I never held back when his heart and mine were intimate, there was no need.

  ‘You’re incredible.’ He whispered letting his lips linger.

  ‘You always say that.’

  ‘Because it’s true.’

  I closed my eyes and leaned into his palm.

  ‘When you lower your walls, it’s breathtaking.’

  Feeling the awe rushing through him, I let him in. ‘It’s not always easy. Have to save my juice.’

  He chuckled, trailing his hands across my skin and slowly creeping up to the front of my shirt, carefully and with anticipation he slowly undid button after button, one after the other.

  ‘Maybe we should save your juice now?’

  ‘Not a chance,’ I whispered, ‘Not when you’re doing that.’

  He smiled and pressed a kiss to one cheek and then the other, taking his time. ‘What you can do is amazing.’

  ‘I feel like I’m losing control as each day goes by.’ I swept my hands under his shirt and grazed his abdomen feeling his muscles tense.

  ‘I won’t let it take over.’ He slid the shirt off my arms, a moment later he cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed me.

  That was my invitation to take his shirt off and seconds later he drew me against him gently pressing his hand to my lower back while his other drew gentle circles on my cheek.

  We were completely in synch and completely aligned.


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