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Jack of Hart- Wild Card

Page 40

by Violeta Bagia

  I’d never thought that I needed to hide things from him. That alone, brought a fresh coating of anger.

  A sound outside the door drew my attention and as the locks opened and Elena stepped through, I turned my attention to the ceiling above me.


  ‘Get out.’

  When she stopped beside me, I kept my eyes averted. ‘Please don’t be angry.’

  Don’t be angry? I couldn’t even qualify that with a response. When she remained quiet, I turned my head to her.

  ‘He will hunt her down and he will hurt her. You understand?’

  ‘He isn’t hunting for her, Illarion. He wants to get her help.’

  ‘He wants her locked up.’

  ‘We’re not going to lock her up, I want her to get better, she’s my only family.’

  ‘And you’re letting this happen.’

  She closed her eyes, frowning.

  ‘I’m telling you, Elena, Aurel will not stop until she’s here, locked up and away from everyone. He doesn’t believe she can be helped. He wants her sedated.’

  ‘Illarion.’ She said sternly. ‘We’re not going to put her in a cell, she’s not a prisoner, she just needs our help.’

  ‘You believe she’s dangerous?’


  ‘Answer the question.’


  ‘Then you believe that treatment is the only way.’

  ‘No.’ She said quietly. ‘But it’s the safest way.’

  ‘Aurel won’t stop at that.’ I looked her right in the eyes. ‘Check with your contact, he’s going in with live rounds. Did you clear that?’

  ‘You don’t know that.’

  ‘Check with your contact. Unless you really did clear the use of live rounds.’

  ‘I would never clear that.’

  ‘Then check.’

  She looked like I’d just told her someone died. Her face dropped and she brought her phone to her ear.

  ‘This is Acting Director Somers, Agent Arcos, what’s your twenty?’

  Her eyes found mine as she listened to the other end of the conversation.

  ‘Who cleared the use of live rounds on this operation?’

  At least she went in with the obvious approach.

  ‘Arcos. Who cleared the live rounds?’

  Her eyes widened, her brows shooting into her hairline.

  ‘That is a negative, pull your team back now. I do not want Ace harmed in any way, do I make myself clear?’

  When she received an answer she obviously wasn’t happy with, she turned up the authoritative tone. ‘Arcos, this is a direct order. Pull your team out now.’

  Her face paled and she looked at me, the call was obviously disconnected.

  ‘You really think that’s going to work?’

  Her poised expression fractured. A crease above her brow intensified as she wrapped her long fingers around the rail I was cuffed to.

  ‘He won’t mean to hurt her, but when she fights back, he will. If I’m not there…’ I refused to finish the thought. I couldn’t let my mind go there. ‘I am the only one who can protect her now.’

  Elena’s mind filled with all the scenarios in which Aurel hurt Ace, all the ways in which this operation was failing.

  Wordlessly, she reached for the lock on my cuffs and undid them.

  ‘Find her, keep her safe, Illarion. Promise me.’

  ‘You have my word.’

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  The connection hummed, pulsing wildly, he was trying to reach me, but I couldn’t drop my shield now. I pressed myself flat to the ground and kept my eyes down keeping a safe distance from the trackers moving through the tree line.

  A quick scan of the agents confirmed that Daniel wasn’t among them. Damn it. Maybe they got wind of his loyalties or maybe, he knew being here was a bad idea.

  I held my breath and closed my eyes focusing everything within me and on keeping my location hidden. These trackers were Military; the Agency had spared no expense or resources on this.

  They were using everything on tracking me and even with my abilities I was still at risk.

  A downside of having so much power coursing through me was that it was almost like a beacon.

  Fortunately for me, my watch went off, a quick succession of messages coming through with good news—Alex and the team were less than an hour out and if I maintained my cover, I’d get into the cabin, lay low and meet them without incident. Thank God.

  As the woman nearest to me swept the low hanging trees, she turned her gaze toward me but looked right over my location. I released a calculated breath and relaxed, slowly getting up. The cabin was just out of reach, a few yards away but the trackers were still too close.

  I felt Illarion trying to break through but holding him back and keeping my shield up was too much. I pressed myself against a large tree trunk and looked out behind it. If I could make a run for it and get inside, I’d be good. The perimeter was protected, all I needed to do was get behind those wards.

  A quick moment later, when the trackers were turned in the opposite direction, I forced a gust of energy around the tree line, forcing a rapid breeze to fill the branches above effectively distracting them from the sound I’d be making.

  Throwing everything into the short distance sprint, I ignored my own created wind whipping at my face and the ache in my muscles. I threw myself up over the last few feet and into the door.

  As my feet crossed the threshold, I felt the effect of the Celestial Symbols take hold. I dropped my shield and just as I did, Illarion came through.

  “Tell me you’re there, Ace.”

  “I’m here, I’m safe.”

  “God, I was worried.”

  “What happened? I thought you’d be here already?”

  “You need to listen to me carefully.”

  “I’m listening.”

  A pause and then a strong and steady pulse of energy flickered through me. Someone outside was trying to break through the wards, Illarion had them set to protect us, no one else could set foot in here—it didn’t mean they wouldn’t try.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked quickly.

  “Someone’s trying to break through your wards.”

  “Listen, there isn’t much time. Aurel is coming after you, he took me out before I managed to get to the car.”

  What the hell did he mean Aurel took him out?

  “You need to go, do you understand?”

  “Where?” I panicked. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  “You don’t have time, please Ace. I need to know you’re safe.”

  “They’re not here yet, Ila. Alex is an hour out.”

  “You have to go on your own, there’s no time to wait.”

  “I can’t go anywhere, there are trackers outside, they’ve sent a God damn army after me. I need back up.”

  “Damn it, you can’t stay, Aurel knows about this place. He’ll get there before Alex does.”

  Anger pulsed through the Connection. He knew there was no way he’d get here before they broke through the wards. There was no way Alex or Matt would get here either and I knew it too.

  I collapsed against the door, letting a breath free.

  “God, Ila, I don’t know what to do.”

  “You’re going to have to run.”

  Fear crested as I swept my gaze across the windows looking out over the garden.

  They were getting closer.

  “Where am I meant to go?”

  “Anywhere, just go.”

  I stopped at the window and carefully peeled back the blinds, there were at least a sixteen out there now and they knew I was in here.

  “I should wait. The wards will hold.”

  “I’m not worried about the wards not holding but Aurel is coming, he can get in, do you understand? I coded them to his DNA too.”

  My body grew weak with terror. Everything was falling apart; nothing was going to plan. I wa
s alone and I was outnumbered, and I was so, so scared.

  The power inside me coursed, but it’d been so long since I’d allowed it in, I was almost more afraid now than before to use it. What if it didn’t come, what if I couldn’t do it anymore?

  “Ace, I’m so sorry.’ He whispered. “I never imagined I needed to keep him out. Please, you have to do this.”


  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Shit.” I ran a hand over my hair.

  “Lyubov, please, you have to go.”

  “There are too many of them.”

  “How many?”

  Tendrils of fear swept across me, choking a breath from my lungs as I checked again, there were ore.

  “Ace.” His voice took on a desperate edge. “How many?”

  “Sixteen, maybe more.”

  “Damn it.” His voice shook.

  “What am I supposed to do?” I swallowed back my nerves and forced myself to think. “I can’t run—they’ll get to me before I’ve even made it through the clearing and if I somehow do, they won’t stop coming.”

  “Use the Darkness.”

  My stomach turned into a mess of nerves.

  “I can’t.”

  “You can and you will. They will not take you without force.”


  “Aurel shot me in the back with a dart; he came after me with two armed agents. They won’t stop at that when they come for you.”

  A sour taste filled my mouth. Aurel was really out of line.

  “I need you to get yourself out of there. This is the only way. He’s coming with live rounds, someone cleared it off the books, I don’t know who. But you have to get out of there.”

  What the fuck? Live rounds? Seriously? This couldn’t possibly get any worse.

  The trackers outside formed a circle around the cabin. I gripped the edge of the windowsill and took in a long deep breath.


  Illarion hated what he was asking of me. But he was right, there was no other choice and I didn’t want to think about what they would do to me if they caught me.

  Somehow, getting dosed and knocked out every day wasn’t really how I’d planned on spending the rest of my life.

  “I’ll see you on the other side.” I said.

  Before he could reply, I forced my walls up and let the Darkness come. I welcomed it with open arms and I prayed harder than I’d ever prayed that it would still work, that I still knew how to control it and that Aaryon would help me. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply as the heat spread through my veins, starting from my heart, travelling outward into my arms.

  As the static charged the air around and me and sparked to life, I felt another presence in the room with me. It wasn’t Dalca and I wasn’t afraid. Whatever it was, was positive, full of energy and I used it. The cabin and surrounding streetlights were plunged into darkness.

  The smell of electricity burning through the air filled the cabin and I felt it form a force shield around me. There was no turning back now. The Darkness had formed its grip on me, and she was strong. I was no longer in control.

  As the static burned and sparked, the energy grew, faster and stronger than I’d ever felt and as it exploded, a breath was ripped from my lungs and that presence I’d felt, continued sending waves of encouragement into me. I had no idea what it was, but I held on, using it, letting it guide me. Maybe it was Aaryon, maybe he’d finally come to my aid.

  When I released another force field of energy, the agents outside ducked low, taking cover from what I’m sure they knew was coming.

  Game on.



  I drove down the highway, taking a turn toward the cabin.

  Nerves started to fire as the clearing came into view. There were seven unconscious bodies strewn across the lawn, trees had been upturned and the cabin’s windows had been blown out from the inside. The others, were gone, probably following her tail now.

  I checked the woman closest to me and breathed out in relief. She hadn’t killed them.

  Her shield was up and I couldn’t get through, but I felt her, she was still on the move and a part of me grew wary. If Aurel saw this, he wouldn’t hesitate to take her down.

  The highway came up and once again I found myself driving down the same road both literally and proverbially.

  Endless questions fell unanswered.

  Why didn’t the Beings help her?

  Why weren’t they here now when Dalca was taking over?

  And why didn’t they stop the creation of Project Adam?

  I took a deep breath and focused on Ace again. Her walls were still too strong for me to break through.

  All I could do was hope that I wasn’t too late, I pushed my foot down and floored the Maserati.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Awicked headache was rapidly building and the buzzing in my ears was driving me crazy. It felt as though I had a whole head full of water, echoing and drowning out everything else. To top it off, the messages kept coming, one after the other, non-stop. Alex was stressing out, he was telling me about the trackers all over the place, his contact was freaking out, and I was too exhausted to know what to do.

  Pushing through the vertigo I used the inertia of consistent movement to keep me going, one foot in front of the other. I could do this.

  A clearing presented itself a few yards away and a quick check on my shield told me it was clear. Across the road, much to my relief, there was a large department store completely dark save for the generator powered lights giving off a creepy vibe.

  The mannequins lining the windows had grins that showed way too many teeth and heads adorned with waist length black hair.

  At least I wouldn’t run into anyone here. No one really crept around dark department stores in the middle of the night. I looked around the empty lot, ensuring no one was there and quickly with a forceful jab of my elbow, I broke the glass just under the lock and let myself in. the warning beeps of an imminent siren told me I had about fifteen seconds to deactivate the alarm.

  I pulled the panel off the wall and found the two wires that sent the signal back to base. I ripped them apart and the beeping stopped.

  I paused, listening out. Nothing but silence greeted me.

  When I was safely inside, I retrieved my phone and dialed Alex, he picked up immediately.

  ‘Where are you?’

  ‘Department store just off Montana Avenue.’ I breathed through the headache and looked around searching for something I could use as a weapon. ‘I had to bail; the rendezvous was overrun.’

  ‘I know, Illarion called as soon as he was out.’

  ‘Is he okay?’

  ‘He’s fine, he’s coming to you, so are we.’

  ‘I don’t feel so good.’ I said honestly.

  ‘Stay there.’ He instructed; Matt was in the background muttering questions to him. ‘You hear me? I’m nearly there.’

  ‘I don’t think there’s time.’

  ‘Ace.’ Matt said. ‘Don’t move, find somewhere to hide and wait for us. We’re not far now.’

  ‘I think Dalca’s breaking through.’

  ‘What? Why?’ Alex shot.

  ‘I had to use the Darkness; I think it let him in.’

  ‘Okay, we deal with that, just find a place to hide, stay quiet and stay low. We’re coming.’

  A crash sounded somewhere off in the distance of the silent store; they were breaching.

  ‘What was that?’

  ‘They’re here.’ I whispered.

  ‘Stay put, do not face them, do you copy?’

  ‘They’re inside, Alex, I can’t stay hidden.’


  Hanging up, I shoved the phone back in my pocket and moved, praying the Dalca wouldn’t screw me.

  Up ahead I spotted the women’s department, I jogged across to a rack holding black yoga pants and matching tank tops. I took one of each and tucked them under my
arms and grabbed a pair of boots sitting beside them.

  Hiding behind a tall rack, I changed into the clothes and tossed my other ones out. Better. At least I was able to move my legs properly now. I slung my bag over my shoulder and began to move again before a gut-wrenching sound stopped me in my tracks.

  There were new agents, many new agents, like at least fifty. Military trained, more ruthless than the ones they’d sent to the cabin and I knew by the way they moved they were solely by the book, there’d be no negotiating no appealing to their human side.

  Their black eyes were focused in the dark and their auras pulsed steadily—I’d never seen such unity in any military unit, it wasn’t right. My guard went up and I dared a quick look. All of this was starting to get way too weird.

  My dream about Illarion, the Legion army Reicher had mentioned and the men I’d seen in Bob’s apartment and in Paris.

  These guys were machines, proficient killers. As far as I knew, the Agency never sanctioned any experimental operations like this, but what did I know? Everything Illarion and I knew had been a lie.

  But one thing remained true above all else, they were here to take me down and right up ahead, leading them was Aurel.

  Sweat beaded across my forehead and my body stiffened. This was most definitely not good.

  I swept my eyes across them and took in as much as I could. They each had a standard issue baton, a Glock holstered to their thighs and the few up front had M16’s and the ones trained on the space ahead them, carried MAC-10’s—not the kind we used with darts to subdue a victim; these rounds were bullets.

  Illarion wasn’t kidding when he said Aurel was coming at me with everything. He’d lost it, he wouldn’t hesitate to actually kill me. That thought alone hit me like a ton of bricks.

  I needed a better vantage point. My only real choice, unless I planned on taking every one of them out, was to hide and wait it out just like Alex said.

  Aurel continued his steady advance, muttering orders to the soldiers. I watched as they dispersed evenly, taking each exit.


  A low murmur of panic set in as I slung my bag over my shoulder.

  Up ahead to my right, there was a clothing display set up with mannequins at a barbeque, there were knives, tongs and logs. Bingo.


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