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Blood Born (The Dark Hills Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Hana Blue

  She cried out from the torturous pain, thrashing wildly beneath me until it forced me to release her. Her blood now dripped from my front teeth and nose as I snarled, throwing my paw into the side of her head. She howled out again, quickly rolling to get out from under me.

  “Mother!” I heard Dominic call out from the distance, and I threw my head around.

  Using my distraction, the white monster grabbed my throat in her jaws, throwing me to the ground, my head smashing into one of the large rocks embedded into the earth. Forcefully, my body shifted back without my control. My vision darkening as I watched Dominic approach us quickly.

  “Dominic.” I whined out softly to him, my arm weakly reaching out to him before it all went black.

  * * *


  Rushing to her side, I kneeled next to Aine. Blood pooling from the side of her head. Frantically I grabbed for her hand, holding it in my own. “Get up! Come on, Aine. Get up!” I pleadingly yelled to her, my voice cracking. “You can’t give up now.”

  Grabbing her shoulder, I shoved it, trying to wake her, but her body laid there limp. She has faced so much in her life. There was no way that this could be the end for her. “Please.” I groaned down to her. “Please Aine.”

  Darkness filled me as I rose to my feet, standing almost face to face with my mother who stood by watching. A wretched smile across her face.

  “My, my. The little brat sure has grown.” She mused. Tilting her head to look down at Aine. Her eyes looking pleased with the almost lifeless sight of her.

  A low growl ripped from low in my throat as I stepped forward placing myself between her and my mate. A sickening laugh burst forth from my mother as she shook her head at me.

  “Are you really going to defend this little bitch Dominic? I thought I raised you better.”

  “She. Is. My. Mate.” I barked out at her. The sight of the woman who raised me now causing bile to erupt into my throat. “If she dies, you die.” I snarled, her laughter erupting again with an arrogant tone.

  “Don’t you know? That little brat is why your father is dead. Why would you protect her?”

  She took a step forward, her motherly expression returning. “Why would you protect the woman who is responsible for your own father’s death?”

  My eyes narrowed on hers, then darted down to Aine. Laying there on the ground, the pool of blood around her face drying. “You’re lying.” I muttered under my breath, my eyes never leaving my beautiful mate at my feet.

  “Why would I lie, son?” My mother reached out to touch my arm and I pulled back. “There’s a reason I told you to fear them. To kill one before it could kill you. They are evil, spawns of Satan himself. She is no different.” Her words came out icy and heartless.

  My upper lip quivered as a deep snarl ripped from it. My eyes narrowing down on Aine. A fire erupting in my soul. “No” I muttered. Turning back to my mother I squared my shoulders lifting my chin to her. “No.”

  “So you choose the killer?” She asked with a beaming smile that didn’t quite make it to her eyes.

  “I choose my mate.” I replied sternly.

  With a tsking sound, my mother shook her head from side to side. “I told you, you had to kill her. Or I would.”

  The next thing I knew, a brawl had broken out. A vicious battle ensuing between me and the woman I had looked up to and honored my entire life. The woman that raised me, cared for me, brought me up to be the man I was today on her own.

  How she fought back, how she was so willing to attack mercilessly made me believe that none of that meant anything to her. She fought me without care or honor, like I was nothing more than just another traitor, not her son. Praying on my weakness and apprehension to hurt her. Despite her strength, I knew I could kill her in an instant, but I hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

  Our raging battle quickly became deadly as my mother started making valiant attempts at my weak points. Making it more than clear in my mind that she was out for blood, and the only way to end this battle was for one of us to die at the other’s hand. Which was something I didn’t want to happen. But it seemed inevitable.

  Swallowing the very last bit of love I had for the woman who held me pinned to the ground, slashing at my face, I blinked. Controlling my breathing just enough to focus, letting the new-found beast I was unfold. Shrieking, my mother pulled away. Watching me as I took hold of it. Roaring out into her face, I clutched her throat in my hand, tightening my grip gradually. A suffocating blood lust fogging over my mind. Rising to my feet, I lifted her with me. Leaving her dangling from my grasp.

  “Damien.” My mother squeaked, her eyes now seeming to look behind me.

  The sound of my father’s name hitting my ears like venom.

  “It—- can’t.” She struggled to muster out.

  “DAMIEN!” She finally screamed out, her eyes wide like she had seen a ghost before blacking out.

  I dropped her body to the ground, whipping around to look where her eyes were locked, only to see a figure of a man disappear into the trees. Aine’s long golden legs dangling, draped over his arm as he ran.


  Old Friends


  My eyes cracked open slowly, my head pounding wildly. A low thud resonating around the side of my face that was caked in dried blood. All memory was foggy and almost unrecognizable as I fought to regain my consciousness. “Where am I?” I grunted softly. Holding my hand to side of my face, looking around. My vision starting to clear from the pain endured blur I had been trapped in.

  I was still in the forest.

  Sucking in a labored breath, I brought myself to stand, my legs unsteady as they struggled to hold me. I turned to look behind me, trying to gather my bearings. Sitting on a stump, an older man rested his head in his hands. He had dark brown hair that fell over his hands in loose waves, peppered with a silvery hue. He was a sizeable man, dressed in ragged jeans and a tattered leather jacket. I grumbled in confusion, pressing my hand into my face harder.

  Who was this man? My fight-or-flight instincts now on high alert as I peered into the man’s direction. Trying to place if I knew him or not. I shook my head back and forth in irritation, scanning my mind for any explanation to who he was, or what I was doing here with him. Alone. I took a step back slowly, only for my foot to find a branch, breaking it. The snapping sound echoing around us, and I froze like a statue.

  The man lifted his face from his hands and let out a warm smile. A welcoming one, like you would give to an old friend. Someone that you knew. I didn’t understand. His face seeming so familiar, in so many ways, but so foreign in others.

  “One of these days, I’d like to meet you without saving your life.” The man laughed out dryly, rising from his spot on the stump, showing himself for his true size.

  He brushed off his clothes meticulously and straightened the collar of his jacket. Standing tall and monstrous. Everything about him screamed danger, except for his actions and demeanor that were seemingly harmless.

  I look a step back, tilting my face to the side in uncertainty. “Excuse me?” I questioned the man, taking another step away as he took one closer.

  The man extended his hand out to me, offering it as a handshake. I looked at his hand for a moment, taking in the scars and age that it bore, contemplating on not accepting it, or choosing to. After a moment I went with the latter. Cautiously I placed my hand in his, letting him shake it. His grip was firm and full of undoubted authority.

  “Damien.” He smiled warmly. “But we’ve met before Aine.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion. Looking up into the grayish blue orbs that looked down at me with a frozen intensity that made me feel an eerie comfort, telling me I knew him. His grip on my hand remained, and I felt my wrist go limp, uncertainty and fear coursing through me.

  “You are Aine, right? The little girl with the baby.” He inquired calmly with an inquisitive head tilt, scanning over my face with his eyes slowly. Eying me ov
er as though he had possibly made a mistake in who I was. Of course, he had not been mistaken, but I myself couldn’t place him.

  I mulled over his statement for a moment, searching my memories for any clue. Recollection finally hit me.

  The girl with the baby.

  * * *


  “Where are we?” I muttered, climbing off of the chest of the large ashen beast. The one who moments before lunged us over the barrier to safety in a panic.

  He rolled over, bracing himself before rising back onto his hind legs. “We are back in the dark hills.” He replied coldly, looking out over the edge we had just flown over carelessly. He seemed completely unharmed by the land, although he used his own body as a cushion to protect me and my sister from the impact onto the ground.

  “Here you will be safe. Amongst your own kind.” He muttered, slowly turning back to face me.

  “What is your name, child?” He pressed, bending down to look me in the eyes.

  My entire body and soul remained frozen, standing there cradling my baby sister to my chest. Desperately trying to comprehend what was going on, and who this beast was that saved us. Speaking to me without ever moving his lips. His mind linked to mine like he was family. A million questions bubbled under my tongue, but I couldn’t seem to find the bravery to speak them. Every ounce of fight in me vanishing into thin air.

  “Your name.” He repeated.

  I swallowed hard, biting back my fear. “Aine. Aine Dunnam.” I whispered into my chest, lowering my eyes from the creature that stood before me. Trying to make myself as small as possible.

  “And the baby?”

  I looked down at the small angelic face of my sister. I felt a wave of sadness rumble in my chest, realizing that she did not have a name to give.

  My nose flared and my eyes starting to blur with a watery sheen. My sister had no name. She was but an infant. Mom said that she would name her when the time was right, when a name that fit her came. But now, we no longer had a mother to name her. My beautiful sister was a nameless child. A motherless one.

  Staring down into the bright, innocent red eyes of the baby I held, I had to make a choice. I had to give her a name. It was now on my shoulders to give her the title she would use for the rest of her life.

  “Caireen.” I muttered softly. Placing upon my sister, the name of our mother. A salty tear escaping from the corner of my eye, gently dropping onto her forehead. She looked up to me, eyes full of wonder and confusion.“Her name is Caireen.” I muttered again, my voice cracking from the sob that was on the verge of escaping.

  “That’s a beautiful name, Aine.” The creature remarked, lowering his head down in reverence to the infant. “I think it will suit her just fine.”

  * * *


  “The beast, the one that rescued us.” My eyes widened at him as he solemnly nodded. Seeming almost displeased that I could remember. Like the memory of that night was equally traumatizing for him as it was for me. Caireen truly was the only one who made it out of all of that relatively unscathed.

  “How? What? I—” I stuttered out, causing him to laugh. His voice was warm and full of life. The sadness in his look quickly drifting away.

  “I was actually there for someone else, but I thought I’d keep up the tradition of saving your life. Nice tattoo, by the way. I’m flattered.”

  “What?” I choked out.

  Then I realized what he meant, and I rubbed the back of my neck where the tattoo of the wicked grey beast, with black eyes graced my skin. I sheepishly held the area on my neck as the man shook his head, staring at my scars. No doubt remembering what I looked like before they had healed. The battered, mangled mess of a little girl that he had saved.

  I smiled, letting out an awkward chuckle. “Yeah.” I sighed, letting my eyes close for a minute.

  “So, Aine.” Damien spoke, bringing my attention back to him in an instant.

  He tapped his neck, curiously looking at me. “Mated?”

  I nodded, rubbing over the mark.

  “Good, that means help will be here for you soon.” Damien sighed.

  I pursed my lips, “Maybe.” I replied sourly. Unsure if I had help to come my way. I couldn’t say confidently that I knew Dominic would come for me or not.

  Looking around us, then up to the sky, Damien sighed again. “Are you well enough for me to leave you here?” He asked dismissively, keeping his gaze ahead. Feeling my reservations.

  “Yes.” I muttered softly.

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Good. I will come back to find you, I recommend you make it back to your pack house, but I need to go.”

  Damien closed his eyes, lowering his head. “Thank you Aine.” He muttered under his breath.

  I looked at him with great confusion. What on earth could he be thanking me for? I had been nothing but a burden for him every time he had seen me. There was nothing to thank.

  “You kept your promise. You survived.” He finally added, giving me a contagious grin.

  * * *


  “I’ll follow your mother! Get to Aine!” Ciri screamed out, Dylan and Allea hot on her tail as they took off after my mother. Who used my distraction as a point of escape. With Ethan, Micheal and Daniel following behind, I took off after the man who had just whisked my mate off into the trees.

  No matter how hard we pushed ourselves, we could not keep up with the human man. He was impossibly fast as he carried her away, quickly swooping her out of sight. My chest felt as though it was being strangled by the worry for her. Guilt pooling deep in my stomach as I realized it was MY fault she was in danger. I had doomed her. For all the battles she had fought, for all the trials she faced and overcome, I became just another battle. Just another fight for her life, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I was destined to be nothing more than just another thorn in her side for all of eternity. That thought alone was almost unbearable.

  Relying on my senses, we continue to track her and her capturer down. Even though they were far from our line of vision.

  Reaching a clearing, we slowed. My nerves on fire from the resonating feeling of her being here. At least for some length of time. I scanned around the trees, slowly creeping through the area looking for the next line to where she had gone.

  “This is all your fault, you know. If you would have just stayed the fuck away from her, she could have been happy back at the pack house far away from danger.” Daniel retorted to my searching. The honesty in his words cutting like a knife.

  I shot around to face him, chanting to myself that I couldn’t hurt him. It was only by Aine’s love for him he still stood, and I needed to maintain that. Especially if I didn’t want to bring any more anguish into her life.

  “Mind your own.” I spat at him. Forcing myself to continue my search. Willing myself not to be overcome by the anger that was boiling in my blood.

  The truth in his words were almost as infuriating as the fact that he was here searching with us. I guess I hadn’t quite realized he had joined us until now. Having been too overcome with the need to get her back and keep her safe clouding the world around me in a fog.

  “Maybe you should have just killed her.” Daniel fired out again. His tone cold and dark, no doubt bating me. Knowing that I had initially set out to kill her.

  My eyes grew wide as my entire body went rigid. The statement making me sick. Killing Aine was the farthest thing from my mind anymore. I couldn’t even fathom the thought of her dying, let alone by my hand. Even the memory of wanting to rip my soul to shreds. But those desires were before I knew her. Before I saw her for more than a monster, more than a beast different from me.

  But really, maybe the whole time, she wasn’t so different.

  Now, she was not my target. She was my mate. A part of me that no other person or wolf could ever be. The carrier of my soul within herself. A beautiful, forceful woman that I would do anything to protect. Even if that meant sparing the life of a ma
n who by all rights should have died the moment I laid eyes on him, especially after what he did. Instigated by her or not.

  Spinning on my heals, I marched over to him, towering over the fearless red head. My eyes trained in on his. Making sure that he could see every ounce of honesty and intent in the words I was about to speak. Because they will matter more than any other thing I will ever say. Not just to those who hear it, or witness. But to me.

  “You will listen to me, Daniel.” I started. Squaring off my shoulders at him, increasing my size compared to his own, much like I have always done. A show of power and strength. Proving bravery and challenge.

  “Aine is my mate. She holds my soul within herself and I would never do her harm. I would, however, do harm upon those tho would seek to hurt her, or stand in between her and I. She. Is. MY. Mate. Not yours, and I love her more than you could ever fathom. So before you open your dense mouth again to speak of things you do not understand about, I recommend you remember that it is her love for you, and my love for her that keeps you alive. But that can be changed.”

  Daniel lowered his gaze for a moment. His upper lip quivering with anger as he internalized my words. Ethan standing nearby nodding in recognition to what I had said. A low growl ripped under a long breath as Daniel clenched his fists.

  “You don’t even know her.” He griped in protest, still not bothering to look up from the ground.

  “Do you?” I responded harshly, lifting my chin to the man, an evil smile wrapping around my lips, leaving a cruel expression behind as I threw my hand threw the air at him. Grasping his throat in my hand. With little choice, he finally looked up to me. Fear finally gracing his eyes, bringing me great pleasure.

  He was promptly giving me the reaction that I had set out for in the beginning. A wave of pride overcame me, unleashing the cocky asshole that I have always been drawn to being.


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