Blood Born (The Dark Hills Series Book 1)

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Blood Born (The Dark Hills Series Book 1) Page 23

by Hana Blue

  I felt my face flush, blushing like I hadn’t for so long. Something that would be so natural feeling so foreign to me. I swallowed hard and traced my lower lip with my tongue nervously.

  “What is it, Aine?” Ciri asked in concern, looking at me questioningly.

  I cleared my throat and sucked my lower lip between my teeth. Preparing to sound so girlish and stupid, but was saved by the bell. Dominic came to stand off to our side, grabbing my arm, pulling me from Ciri’s grasp directly to his side. He looked down to me with an infectious smile.

  “I’d say we’re getting along.” He muttered down to me. Answering Allea’s remark easily, but it was more than obviously directed to me. I couldn’t seem to help myself, I smiled back. I felt like my face would break I was smiling so wide. Looking up into his crystal eyes like they held every answer in the universe.

  A cocky smirk crossed his lips, and I suddenly realized I was spending way too much time looking at him. I averted my gaze and chewed my lip. Lowering my head away from him just a fraction.

  “Aww, is it over?” He cooed mockingly, pulling me up against him tighter.

  “What?” I whispered softly, still keeping my eyes off of him.

  “You being sweet.”

  My eyes shot open wide in embarrassment and my body tensed up.

  “Oh damn you Dominic, would it have killed you to just let her do her own thing? Now you’ve embarrassed her.” Ciri spat at him in a motherly tone, pointing her finger at him in disapproval.

  “Seriously Dom, if she wants to stare at you like a piece of meat just let her. Damn.” Allea added to Ciri’s statement plainly, only increasing my embarrassment.

  I felt Dominic’s chest rumble beside me as he let out a boisterous laugh. Causing my body to shake a little.

  “What? I’m not used to her looking at me without her wanting to kill me.” He chuckled out at them. Ciri shook her head at him in return, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly.

  “We are going to keep setting up, sit with us during dinner?” Ciri mused at me, forcing a smile out. She had a warm demeanor that was hard not to love and admire. I nodded at her in agreement and watched as he linked her arm with Allea, leading her off to the house.

  No sooner were they out of sight, Dominic pulled my chest into his, leaving us face to face with no room for air between us.

  “I didn’t say you had to stop.” He whispered against the skin of my forehead, kissing it slightly. “I think I enjoy seeing you like this.”

  “Like what?” I questioned him, pulling back to look at him.

  He placed his hand on the side of my face, brushing my hair that hung wildly behind my ear. “Comfortable. Around me.” He replied, letting his hand rest on my face, running his thumb along my cheekbone.

  “You know? You have the most beautiful eyes.” He remarked. I felt my knees going weak as he looked at me.

  He was right. I was comfortable. I wasn’t sure when, or better yet, how I became comfortable, but there was nowhere else I would rather be. It made me wonder, was this what being with your mate was supposed to be like from the beginning. The butterflies that fluttered like a storm in my belly, every nerve in my body alight from even the simplest contact.

  I felt lost in the moment, lost in him. Just taking in the light from his eyes, how they were looking at me. I felt dizzy, like I was getting high off of him. I was in such a trance that all time faded away from me. Never even noticing that the festivities had started around us.

  Dominic chewed his lower lip, seemingly unbothered by my silence, or my staring. Maybe because he was content doing the same. As music filled the surrounding air, our embrace shifted into swaying and my hands creeped up to rest on his chest.

  He tensed slightly under my hands, letting a ragged breath escape from between his lips. His bright blue eyes fluttering closed, letting his long lashes dust over the tops of his cheeks. Letting me clearly see a softer side to this man, in a way I hadn’t before. It bought to be a sort of peace.

  His lips remained parted ever so slightly as we swayed our bodies in unison to the soft music. Calling to me. I chewed my lower lip as I looked at him, feeling less conscious of it since his eyes were closed and couldn’t see me. Lifting on to my toes slowly, I let my heart take over, and I kissed him. Gently placing my lips to his, giving in to the craving to feel them, swept up into the moment, the emotions. Letting go of everything.

  He welcomed the kiss, softly returning it before opening his eyes. His eyelids heavy as he looked at me, an almost frightful look gleaming over his eyes.

  “Aine.” He uttered my name roughly, lowering his face closer to mine. I felt a shiver shoot down my spine. The way I sounded coming from his voice making me feel special and wanted. “Aine, I think Ive fallen-”

  “May I cut in?” Damiens dark voice asked from beside me, cutting Dominic off from his thought.

  Dominic’s eyes shot open wide and great irritation crossed his face, a low snarl bubbling from his chest. Looking as though he would murder his father right there and then. Dominic looked over to his father who stood extending a hand out to me, asking for me to dance. He rolled his eyes and released me from his arms.

  “Have at it.” He mockingly bowed at his father waving over me.

  I grabbed Dominic’s arm, aching to know what he would say. Needing to know what was going on in his mind for him to look at me the way he was. “Dominic.” I muttered his name, stopping him from walking away. “What were you going to say?”

  He took a deep breath and shook his hand, waving his hand about. “It doesn’t matter, I’ll tell you some other time.”

  He took my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. His lips lingering there for a moment as he closed his eyes. Then he walked away. Taking my hand in his, Damien led me in a contemporary dance, guiding my steps slow. I sighed in disappointment. Disheartened that the beautiful moment Dominic, and I had, had now ended. Over as quickly as it had started.

  “Cheer up little one, he’ll tell you eventually.” Damien chuckled out, taking me by the arm spinning me outward.

  He pulled me back up to him, and we swayed again. His face almost mocking me as I struggled to lift my mood. My mind trapped, wondering what Dominic would say to me. Why he seemed to upset when he couldn’t. Damien gave me a knowing smile like he could sense my frustration and huffed, shaking his head at me slowly.

  “You know what he was going to say?” I questioned him and he nodded, smiling arrogantly.

  “He’s my son, of course I do.” He remarked with a laugh. “Plus, Ive seen that look before.”

  I rolled my eyes at him, keeping quiet, still lamenting on the fact I wanted to continue dancing with Dominic, not his father. As we circled, I searched around me to see him, looking like a lost puppy looking for his owner.

  “Don’t worry, you won’t lose him.” Damien remarked to my searching. “I never thought the day I saved you, I’d come back you being my daughter.”

  “Yeah. Me neither.” I muttered, raising my eyebrows, finally giving up my rubbernecking. “So did you guys talk?” I asked curiously.

  He nodded sharply and clicked hick tongue. “Yeah. I don’t think he was too happy learning what he’s known all his life was bullshit, but hey, shit happens. At least it gives him a chance to see you for who you are.”

  I nodded as I listened, slowly taking in his words. “I wanted to dance with you, because I wanted to say something. You good to listen? Then you can get back to him.” Damien questioned, stopping us and offering me a hand to take. Seeing it as my only way, rather than my quickest way back to Dominic, I agreed and took his hand, letting Damien lead me away from the party.

  He led me to the daintily lit up walkway back to the house and stopped to sit on one of the old oak benches. Taking his lead, I sat next to him, patiently waiting to hear what he had to say.

  “Aine, Dominic will need your help, and all the support you can give him. So now, if you really aren’t up to standing by him, you need to w
alk.” His tone was morose and commanding, the most frightening I have ever heard it, almost like he was an uncommon man than the one who had saved me.

  “I don’t understand.” I replied calmly.

  “Tomorrow evening I want to talk to the both of you, I want to give you an understanding of what I am, but more importantly what he is. I will stay here, I’ve gotten blessing from Micheal to do so. I want to train Dominic in his demon form, and I will need your help.” He shook his head, sighing.

  “It will come down to a war, especially now that Evangeline knows you are alive, and his mate no less. So I guess what I’m asking is. Are you willing to go to war with him, to stand by him even if that means you die?”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. There was no other answer. There was no way I could refuse. The question spurring the harsh reality that was becoming clear to me at a rapid pace.

  “Yes. I’ll do whatever.” I stated proudly, looking at Damien so he could see the sincerity in my face.

  “Good.” He chuckled, the lighthearted attitude I was used to returning. “I remember what you did as a kid, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious to see what kind of damage you could cause now.” He punched at my arm and laughed. I wobbled to the side and joined in on his contagious laughter.

  “Also, did you really behead some guy to scare son off?” He asked playfully, cocking an eyebrow at me as he stood.

  I lowered my head, laughing, pressing my tongue into my inner cheek. “Yeah, I did. In my defense, your son tried to kill Caireen and I.”

  I looked back up to Damien who smiled at me with pride. “Good to know you never lost the fight in you.” He offered his hand to help me stand, and I took it.

  I brushed off the back of my pants and nodded quickly, swallowing hard.

  “Now go back to him before he puts up missing posters.” Damien joked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  We walked back to the party talking lightly. His mentions of war buzzing in my mind. War never scared me. What worried me was the possibility of loosing Dominic. A thought that I never thought I’d have. I guess I had begrudgingly gotten used to him being around, and now with this new flood of feelings that started to pool within me, I was afraid I’d loose it all. A fear that I wasn’t all to familiar with unless Caireen was in trouble.

  * * *

  “Could you not steal my mate away next time.” Dominic attempted to sound playful as he called out to Damien and I, but failed miserably. He was upset and it was more than obvious. The angry, domineering look I was usual so use to seeing consuming him, plain as day. Damien threw up his hands and laughed before walking away, leaving me to stand there in front of Dominic alone.

  “So, will you tell—” I began questioning him, but he cut me off.

  “Come with me.”

  Without another word my hand was in his and I was being whisked off away from the party again and into the house. Dominic leading me quickly towards the house, almost pulling my arm from its socket.

  “What are you doing?” I called to Dominic, trying my best to hold in a giggle.

  Pulling me into my room, Dominic slammed the door behind us. Next thing I knew my back was against the closed door and Dominic was standing before me. Grabbing my face in his hands, he kissed me, pressing me against the door with his chest.

  “What are you doing?” I asked through gasps, trying to catch my breath.

  Instead of answering me, he started kissing down my jaw, nipping and biting down to my neck. His fingers lacing the strap of my shirt between them, pulling it from my shoulder. Exposing the area for him to continue his descent of gentle kisses.

  “Aine.” He muttered against my shoulder where the strap was, taking a deep breath that warmed my skin as he exhaled.

  He pulled back looking me in the eyes, the look he had before while we were dancing having returned.

  “I’m in love with you.”

  Twenty Two



  As soon as the words left my mouth I panicked. Coving my face quickly with my hands, squeezing my eyes shut, I became paralyzed. I couldn’t believe I said it. I couldn’t believe that my mouth spewed forth the thoughts I was keeping locked in the back of my mind. Sharing the feelings that had suddenly rushed into my consciousness before I even knew what was happening.

  I couldn’t bring myself to look at Dominic, feeling ashamed. I couldn’t bare to see the look on his face. Both of us remaining silent and still. I didn’t want to see the anger I felt would be there. The disappointment in me. Or even the confusion that he might have. This wasn’t a part of the deal. Right? Falling in love with him wasn’t exactly in my plans, as foolish as that may sound.

  I didn’t know what came over me. Maybe it was my being swept up at the moment. Maybe it was how he looked at me as we danced. Maybe it was the decision that Damien had laid on the table for me. Whatever the case may be, I was almost certain that those words would end up being my last.

  “Look at me.” He commanded in a low tone. It didn’t sound angry, but it didn’t sound happy either. The tone itself almost seemed broken or distressed.

  Keeping my eyes closed, I shook my head no. “I’m sorry.” I whispered. My voice barely audible over the pounding heartbeat in my chest. Throughout all the battles I had seen in my life, the gore and haunting sights, much beyond imagination, I had never been as scared as I was now. My heart threatening to bust right from my rib cage and onto the floor.

  It was almost like I couldn’t breathe. The fear lurching the air in my chest till it felt like it would explode. If I could have vanished into thin air I would have in an instant. Taking myself away from this space without looking back. Unfortunately, I had no such power, which ultimately left me here, unable to open my eyes and face the outcome that would follow my sudden lapse in judgement.

  I felt Dominic’s hand gently cradle my face, holding it softly in his grasp as his thumb rubbed over my chin. I flinched. Almost like an attempt to pull away, although I knew I couldn’t. Being as I was still stuck right between him and the door. Leaving me nowhere to go, unless I was willing to fight my way out.

  I swallowed hard, pulling my hands down from my face, but still not brave enough to look at him. I heard him sigh, feeling his chest rise against mine. It felt like an eternity of just standing there, frighteningly staring into the pitch black of my shielded eyes.

  “Aine. Look at me.” He commanded again, this time, his voice sounding more welcoming.

  Slowly I cracked my eyes open, taking in the sight of his face. His features riddled with concern, his eyes now searching mine. Making me feel like their icy color would ice my face over in a flash. Maybe they already had. I felt like they froze me.

  A soft smile creeped across his lips and I shuddered, afraid of what could have caused the smile. I had already come to know that he would smile, regardless of anger or pleasure. There was no telltale sign of what it could mean, leaving me clueless and frightened.

  Finally, a low chuckle came from him and the smile grew wider. “Is that so?” He muttered to me, bringing his face a little closer. Close enough, I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face, the minty smell of it filling my nose almost suffocating me.

  I forced back the lump in my throat just enough to whisper “I’m sorry” again without my voice cracking.

  Taking a step back, Dominic took my hands into his. Cradling them, nodding at them thoughtfully. I didn’t understand what he was doing. I couldn’t wrap my brain around him not being eternally pissed at me for it. So I remained silent. Waiting, not so patiently, for him to make the next move. And he did.

  Pulling his hands, that still held onto mine up to his face, he kissed the back of my hand. “You always have to win, don’t you?” He murmured against my hand before lowering it. “You couldn’t just let me have this one first.” He shook his head. Letting out an exasperated sigh.

  Searching his face for answers, I watched as a mixture of frustration and what would alm
ost be construed as joy play at his eyes. I was so focused on watching his reaction; I failed to even recognize that he had asked me a question. Well rather, asked a question, then answered it himself, like it was never directed at me at all.

  I sucked my lower lip in-between my teeth to ward off the bundle of nerves that plagued my chest. Unable to contain the silence and awkwardness that flooded between us again, feeling like what little progress that had been made was washed away by my words, I closed my eyes.

  Hanging my head low, facing down at the floor, letting my hair shield around my sides as it hung wildly.

  “I’m falling in love with you too, Aine.”

  His voice finally broke the silence moments later, sounding warm yet conflicted. It wasn’t an “I love you too” but it wasn’t anger. In fact, it was much more than I had expected. Making me feel like the panic attack that had overcome me was all for naught. Leaving me to feel foolish, realizing that I obviously didn’t know this man enough to even expect how he would react correctly.

  I swallowed hard, letting out a lengthy breath that I had been holding for much longer than I had realized. Finding the bravery now to open my eyes and face him. For real. He looked back at me, a hurt expression plastered all over his face.

  “That’s what I was going to tell you.” He finally added, his tone far more somber.

  I licked my lower lip. “I’m sorry.”

  The minute my additional apology escaped my lips, he took a step forward, returning to the space he had occupied before. Pinning me between the door and the wall. His hands found their way to my waist where they stopped. Possessively holding me in place.

  “Stop your damn apologizing.” He growled, leaning closer to my ear.

  Wordlessly I nodded, swallowing back my reservations loudly, only to find his lips pressed to my throat again.

  “Never apologize for loving me if you do.” He added between soft pecks.


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