Book Read Free

His Beauty

Page 13

by Sofia Tate

  Taking in the picture, I imagine myself in the costume.

  I nod with a huge smile. “Yes, that’s the one.”

  * * *


  “I look ridiculous.”

  “You look dashing,” Emilia insists.

  I stare at myself—dressed in a poet’s shirt, vest, pantaloons, boots, a belt with a fake sword and gun strapped to its sides, a kerchief wrapped around my head and tied at the nape of my neck, and an eye patch over my right eye.

  “I look like I should be ordering my crew to swab the decks and walk the plank. All I need is a damn parrot perched on my shoulder.”

  I rip the eye patch off my face, dropping it to the floor. “This is futile. What was I thinking?”

  “It’s for a good cause, Grayson. You’re an alum, for heaven’s sake. And…”

  “And what?”

  “I know you care for Lily more than you like to admit.”

  I sigh. “What could she possibly see in me?”

  Emilia gently cradles my face in her hand. “She sees you, my boy.”

  I allow myself a slight smile. “Thank you.”

  “You’re quite welcome.” She claps her hands together. “Now, I think I have the perfect costume for you.”

  Emilia pivots back to the clothes, pulling something off the rack I hadn’t noticed before.

  This time, I smile widely back at her.

  My heart begins to beat rapidly as I rise from the bed to take the ensemble from her.

  My eyes roam over it, taking it in.

  Yes, this is the one. Because I want to look my best for Lily.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Hello. I’m Lily Moore.”

  The tall man at the gate, dressed in all black with an earpiece, checks his clipboard. “Good evening, Miss Moore. Go ahead.”

  My eyes widen like saucers and my jaw drops in awe as I steer Ingrid through the open gates down Grayson’s driveway.

  The entire drive has been edged with paper lanterns, illuminating the way to the main house.

  The beads on my dress jangle with each movement of my arms as I slide into my usual parking spot.

  I shut off the engine, checking my face in the rearview mirror one last time, applying one final coat of pale pink lip gloss.

  Opening the driver’s side door, I exchange my sneakers for the sparkly silver stilettos in the shoebox on the passenger seat.

  I gently shove the door shut, not with my usual hip check, so as not to stain the white wool coat that came with my costume rental.

  When I make it to the front of the house, I notice the sculpture in the fountain has been cleaned free of dirt and moss, and now gleams from the lights that have been strung around the rim of the basin.

  As I walk in a cacophony of noise assaults my ears—guests chatting, music blasting, glasses clinking.

  “May I take your coat?”

  I look to my right, where a woman in a white shirt with a black tie and pants stands in front of a portable coat rack.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  I hand the woman my coat, taking my coat check number with me.

  I slide my mask over my face, walking a few steps into the room to absorb it all. Emilia and I decided to save ourselves the stress of planning the ball ourselves and hired an event planner, who took care of the caterer, wait staff, coat check, and security.

  The shine from the newly polished chandeliers almost blinds me. An eight-piece orchestra is playing a 1920s jazz number I recognize, and couples are dancing enthusiastically.

  I turn around to check out the dining room. Long tables have been set up to display silver platters of food, both cold and hot. Round tables covered in white damask tablecloths take up the majority of space in the room, and each one has a floral centerpiece with a votive candle.

  The beauty of it all overwhelms me.

  “They did an amazing job, didn’t they?”

  Emilia appears to my right in a regal costume—probably Elizabeth I—holding a stick in her right hand with a purple velvet mask attached to the end of it.

  “They certainly did, Your Majesty.”

  She laughs, encircling my shoulders with her left arm. “We were so wise to let someone else do all the hard work so we could enjoy it.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing. Where is Grayson?”

  She shrugs her shoulders. “Who knows. Probably hiding in the studio. He’ll come out when he’s ready. You should go have something to eat. You look gorgeous, by the way. Straight out of a Fitzgerald novel.”

  I finger the beads on my knee-length silver dress, then the long string of pearls falling down my chest. I glimpse down at my shimmering silver stockings then nervously adjust the silver headband holding my blond Clara Bow wig in place. The ends of the bobbed hair tickle my chin.

  “Wearing this makes me want to dance the Charleston and drink some bathtub gin,” I joke. “It’s nice being someone else for a night, though.”

  Emilia nods. “I agree. And the last time I checked, I think Ashby’s art department is going to be very pleased with how much money we’ve raised.”

  “That’s what matters the most.” The smell of roasting food makes my stomach growl. “I think it’s time to eat.”

  Emilia leans over to peck me on the cheek. “Go ahead, my dear. I’ll find you if I need anything. Consider yourself off duty tonight.”

  “Thank you. But find me if you need anything at all.”

  “Will do.”

  I watch her disappear into a sea of costumes. I load up a plate with caprese salad, trout almondine, and new potatoes.

  Grabbing a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, I sit at an empty table. As I take a bite of the salad, the table starts to vibrate. I check my ringing phone in my clutch, and discover my principal’s number on the caller ID.

  “Hello, Mr. Palmer. I apologize in advance for the noise. I’m at a party.”

  “That’s quite all right, Lily. And I’m sorry for calling you so late, but I wanted to tell you right away. I’m afraid I’m calling with some bad news.”

  I hold my left ear closed with my left index finger to shut out the noise. My heart jumps to my throat. “Yes?”

  I can barely hear him. “The board has decided against the afterschool program for the ESL students for the spring semester.”

  My shoulders drop as I begin to shake with anger. “What? They can’t do that! The students are going to lose everything they’ve learned so far.”

  “I completely understand your frustration. I don’t know what our options will be. Maybe we’ll hire some teacher aides. But they did offer something that might be of interest to you.”

  “What is it?” I ask, gritting my teeth to keep myself in check.

  “They’d like me to form a summer session for ESL students, like a day camp. It would be in the mornings, and I’d like you to be the head teacher for the younger students.”

  I gasp. “Oh. I see.”

  “You don’t have to give me an answer right away. Give it some time and call me with your decision when you’re ready.”

  “I will.”

  “I must go. We’ll speak soon. Have a good evening, Lily.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Palmer. You as well.”

  I press end on the call, placing my phone on the table, staring at it, trying to make sense of what I’ve just been told.

  Putting the phone back in my clutch, I take a sip of champagne, and pick up my fork to take a bite of my dinner. My mouth is full of trout almondine when I hear someone speak my name.

  “Hello, Lily.”

  Reed is dressed in a pirate costume accentuated by the stupidest looking fake parrot perched on his shoulder and a patch over one of his eyes. He’s accompanied by Tabitha, who’s wearing the Tombstone madam costume I rejected at the shop in Albany.

  You have got to be kidding me.

  I purse my lips together to keep myself from bursting into laughter. “Hello, Reed. Dr. Cross.” I acknowledge them wit
h a nod.

  “Having a good time?” she asks with a smirk.

  “Fabulous,” I reply a bit too emphatically.

  Fuck this shit.

  I grab my clutch. “Will you two please excuse me?”

  “Lily, I—” Reed starts to address me, but the sound of his voice is lost behind my shoulder.

  I need some place to let it all out, away from prying eyes. I head upstairs, unhooking the velvet rope from the stand that cordons off the upper floor. I rush down the hallway for the blue guest bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I start to laugh and laugh, holding my sides to keep them from hurting.

  * * *


  I check myself once more pulling down on the sleeves of the tuxedo jacket to make sure they’re even.

  I place the white mask over my face, and my scars are perfectly hidden.

  I’m reaching for the doorknob when I hear someone laughing loudly, nearly to the point of hysteria, in the hallway.

  Quickly I open the door and search for the sound, which seems to be coming from a guest bedroom.

  I throw the door open to find Lily leaning against the wall, doubled over and holding her sides, laughing openly and freely.

  I rush to her, my heart pounding, worried that something’s happened.

  “Lily!” I shout. “Lily, what’s wrong?”

  When she finally raises her head, she stops laughing, wiping the corners of her eyes. “Nothing is wrong, Grayson. Nothing at all. I’m just happy and relieved.”

  What on earth…

  “You’re not making any sense.”

  She swallows. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  I step closer to her. “Tell me.”

  She clears her throat. “I got a call from my school principal that there won’t be an afterschool tutoring program for my ESL students, but then he told me there’s going to be a summer day camp for them and he wants me to be part of it, which is great. And then right after he called, Reed came up to me with his date, the chair of his department with whom he’d been having an affair.”

  “The one he was with when the fire broke out?”

  “Yup, that’s the one.”

  My fists clench in frustration. “So why were you laughing, Lily? You should be more distraught.”

  “I’m laughing because she’s dressed in a costume that I passed on. She looks like she runs a brothel in some Western and he’s in the most ridiculous pirate costume. He even has a fake parrot on his shoulder. I mean, come on!”

  I smile to myself. Thank God I went with the tux.

  Her blue eyes shimmer in the light. I didn’t even take notice of her costume. She’s dressed like a ’20s flapper; in a silver dress festooned in beads, a blond wig, silver high heels, and a glittery headband, her beauty overwhelming me.

  I need to touch her. I reach out to take her hand but I pull back at the last minute.

  “How is it downstairs?”

  A delighted grin takes over her face. “It’s beautiful, Grayson. You should come see for yourself.”

  “Before I do, I have a question for you.”


  “Have you had a chance to dance yet?”

  “No,” she replies, slightly hesitant.

  As if on cue a female voice booms upstairs, launching into the first stanza of “The Nearness of You.”

  I hold out my hand to her. “May I?”

  She nods silently, placing her hand in mine and slowly stepping into my arms.

  Lily’s head barely reaches my chest, but she’s close enough for me to take in the floral perfume she’s wearing, intoxicating me.

  Heady with sensation, I press her closer to me. Without warning, she lays her head to my chest. I hear her exhale as her body relaxes in my embrace. Her hand grips mine tighter, the one on my shoulder fisting the fabric of my tuxedo jacket.

  I glance down at her, her bright blue eyes staring back up at me.

  Before I know it’s happening, she moves her right hand to my face, gently tracing the edges of my scars with the pads of her fingers.

  “Grayson…” she sighs.

  My cock grows hard at the tone of her voice saying my name, her eyes so warm and soft, her touch so delicate, caressing my scarred cheek.


  I lean my head closer to hers as she reaches up to me. Our mouths near each other, our lips brushing together. She purses her lips and I panic, thinking she’s about to pull back, but instead, she pulls my head down toward hers, grabbing me by the nape of my neck to kiss my lips.

  The feel of her lips on mine sends me reeling. With her next kiss, her tongue pokes out slightly, testing me, seeing if I’ll respond.

  I open my mouth, my tongue grazing hers, quickly becoming entangled as we devour each other. Her warm breath mingles with my own.

  I need to hold her closer. My hands move to her backside, hoisting her into my arms. Her legs immediately twine around my waist. I turn around and slam our bodies against the wall to support her. Our shared moans bounce off the high ceilings of the bedroom.

  When we finally pull back, our panting breaths are in sync, our gazes are locked with a combination of wonder and surprise. I slowly set her down to the floor. I can sense her legs shaking, but she holds me, tight and steady. Unwavering.

  She finds her voice first. “That was…”

  I nod. “I know.”

  “No words.”

  I touch her face, running my fingers slowly along her reddened cheeks, then her swollen lips.

  “You are so beautiful, Lily.”

  She blushes sweetly.

  “Have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  Her reply comes swiftly, her joy palpable. “Yes.”

  I clear my throat. “We should probably go downstairs.”


  Neither of us moves from the other, not wanting to break the spell of this moment.

  Lily pulls me down to her once more, giving me a soft but deep kiss.

  I watch her step to the door, giving me one last smile before walking out of the room.

  I lean against the wall, my head lolling back.

  Did that just happen?

  I take in a deep breath, my mind whirring.

  I kissed Lily. And she didn’t run away.

  I inhale again, pushing back from the wall.

  I adjust my bow tie.

  I give myself one last glance, and I step into the hallway, determined to find Emilia.

  I have a dinner to plan.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Adele is everything.

  I decide this as I’m singing loudly off-key in my room. My bed is a mess, piled high with clothes that I just picked up from Reed’s house. I thought I would feel bad about leaving, that I would have some sense of loss or sadness.

  But I feel none of that because of what happened last night when I saw him with Tabitha, and more importantly, because of the extraordinary kiss between Grayson and me.

  Which is why I’m now belting out “Rolling in the Deep” as if I were onstage with Adele herself. I’m cleansing myself of Reed, telling him good-bye and preparing for what I know will be the most amazing night of my life.

  “What in the hell?”

  I spin around at the sound of my mother’s voice. She’s dressed in her nurse’s uniform, just back from her shift at the hospital. “Hey, Mom.”

  “You know I love her, but would you kindly turn Adele down?”

  I lower the volume on my wireless speakers.

  Mom assesses the situation—me singing to my heart’s content, the messy bed, the clothes and shoes strewn about the room. “What gives? First, you’re breaking up with he-who-shall-remain-nameless, and now, you’re just so…”

  I end the sentence for her. “Happy.”

  “Does Grayson Shaw have anything to do with this change in your mood, I ask, already knowing the answer?”

  I simply smile at her.

  “Ask a stupid question,” s
he mutters. “All right. Tell me everything.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Not much to tell. Last night at the ball, Reed showed up with a date, and I was okay with it. Miracle, right? And then…”

  “What?” she demands.

  “Grayson kissed me and we’re having dinner tonight at his house.”

  “‘Not much to tell,’ my ass! That is huge, honey. You’re positively glowing.”

  I blush from her compliment, but I know it’s time to share more about him with her. “He suffers from agoraphobia, Mom. His parents died when he was five in a horrible car accident. It’s how he got these terrible scars on his face.”

  “Maybe you can help bring him back into the world.”

  “Take it down a notch, Mom. We just kissed.”

  She steps over to me to give me a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. “Okay, sweetpea, if you say so. Have fun tonight. Just remember, no glove, no love.”

  I grimace in reply. “Geez, Mom. I know that.”

  “Love you, sweetheart,” she shouts over her shoulder as she walks out of my bedroom.

  “Yeah, yeah, love you too,” I yell in return.

  I look over at the clock on my nightstand.

  Shit. One hour to go.

  I pull a dress from the pile on my bed, sliding it over my body.

  I check myself in the mirror on my closet door. It hits me that I wore this dress to the last dinner Reed took me to, for my birthday, which seems so long ago.

  The doorbell echoes throughout the house.

  “Mom? Are you getting it?”

  When the bell rings again, I sigh and rush downstairs. Reed is standing on the stoop when I open the door.

  His face falls when he sees how I’m dressed. “Hey.”

  “This isn’t a good time, Reed,” I tell him as forcefully as I can.

  “You have a date?” he asks accusingly.

  “It’s none of your business.”

  “Nice, Lily. I came here to ask you to give me another chance, but now I see I wasted my time. Fine with me.”

  My eyes pop out at him. “Are you kidding me right now? After last night, seeing you with her, you want me back? Give me a break! You cheated on me, Reed. Last time I checked, I don’t have the words ‘sucker’ or ‘doormat’ tattooed on my forehead.”


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