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The Pass (Smart Jocks Book 5)

Page 8

by Rebecca Jenshak

  “That kiss was fucking hot. Best guy on girl soft-core porn I’ve ever seen, but that’s not what I mean. It’s when you are just sitting next to one another or standing together. There’s this connection and awareness, soul-deep shit that I won’t even pretend to understand, but I know isn’t normal friend behavior.”

  “Soul-deep shit?” I ask with a chuckle.

  He lays back on the bench for his next set, and I get in position to spot him. He gets five easy and I help him push out two more.

  “If I had that with someone, I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss it, that’s all I’m saying,” he says, still breathing hard.

  “I don’t take it for granted for a second,” I tell him honestly. “She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I know it sounds cheesy as hell, but it’s true.

  He nods in understanding. “You might want to examine why that is.” He holds his hands up defensively, probably at the hard look I’m giving him. “I’ve said my peace.”

  “Noted.” Eager to change the subject, I ask, “You remember my friend John Datson? He came up last summer and went to The Cove with us over Memorial Day weekend. Anyway, he’s coming up tomorrow.”

  “Datson! Yeah, love that guy. He’s a good time.”

  I chuckle. That he is. They are a lot alike in that regard. Datson’s a good guy, and definitely always up for a good time.

  “I have a few friends coming up this weekend, too. A couple of very good-looking girl friends. And by friends I mean people I don’t want to hook up with. You know, since we seem to have different definitions of the word.” He winks. “I think you’ll like Willow. Tall, blonde… that is your type, right?”

  I flip him off. He’s not wrong. That’s exactly my type.

  We finish up in the gym and head inside. We’re both already in our swim trunks and I’m dying to get in that pool to cool off. Jonah mixes up protein smoothies for us and I stare out the window to where Sydney’s floating on a yellow raft.

  He brings me a strawberry smoothie and a water. He’s carrying his own drink and smoothie, and we take a step outside before I stop in my tracks. “I should grab Sydney something.”

  Jonah chuckles. “So thoughtful. In the door of the fridge.” He continues on and I go back to get another water.

  The extra twenty seconds gives Jonah a chance to grab a floatie and join Sydney. I sit on the edge of the pool while I finish my drink. They’re at the farthest point on the lazy river. Their voices and laughter are barely heard over the music. Jonah is complimenting her body and Sydney’s laughing as he goes on and on and on and on. Your stomach and those shoulders. All right, Jonah, that’s enough I want to tell him. But the smile on her face as they come into view stops me. He’s not saying anything that isn’t true and anything that makes her happy, makes me happy.

  We stay at Jonah’s house until around dark. Sydney was all about going out tonight, so we head back to shower and get ready.

  For all the things Sydney and I have done together, we’ve never gotten ready for a party or a night out at the same place. It almost feels like a date as I sit in the living room scrolling through my phone waiting on her.

  She’s come out three times with different dresses to ask my opinion. Her style is short, tight, and colorful and there’s absolutely no way to go wrong with that so I’m not a lot of help. Torture devices? Yes. But the good kind of torture.

  “Babe, Uber’s going to be here in three minutes. Are you almost—”

  My words die as she steps into view.

  “I’m ready. I’m ready.” Thankfully she’s staring down at the small purse she carries, so she doesn’t see my jaw drop to the ground and hang out there while my eyes scan her from head to toe.

  Tonight’s torture device isn’t a dress, but the amount of pain it causes remains the same. A plain white tank top is tucked into a hot pink skirt that ends waaay above her knees. It’s just a step above indecent. She got some sun the last few days and her skin has this smooth and satiny look to it. I want to run my hands up her legs and see if they’re really as smooth as marble. It’s the sort of thing I might have joked about just a few days before, but the tightening of my jeans in the crotch area refuses to let me play it off like that.

  “Tanner?” Sydney asks. Her brows knit in concern.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Does this look okay?” She runs a hand along her waist. “I don’t usually wear skirts because I don’t like the way the band feels around my stomach and I swear somehow that tiny piece of added fabric makes my boobs look smaller, but… what do you think?”

  “Skirt good. Very good. Err…” I shake my head. “I think my brain exploded. You look amazing.”

  Her smile says she believes me. Sydney doesn’t often need or request my praise, but after seeing how happy she was when Jonah fawned over her earlier, I realize I need to be quicker to give it. A job I’m happy to do.

  I stand and close the distance between us. Running my hand down her arm, because I can’t freaking help myself, I breathe her in. She smells like my shampoo and body wash and fuck, why is that so hot?

  “You look pretty good yourself.” She places a hand on my chest. It’s when she compliments me that I realize I may not have been doling out the praise, but she always has. A new shirt or even an old one that she thinks fits me well, a good hair day, little things sometimes, but she’s always looked for, and been verbal about, the ways I impress her.

  I’m a fucking idiot.

  “Let’s go show you off.” I hold my arm out, and she grabs on to my bicep.

  The Cove is only about five minutes by boat but by car it takes us almost thirty. The Uber pulls up to the front door and I climb out behind Sydney.

  The bar is at the front of the place leaving room for tables on the back half that look out at the lake. We squeeze in and order drinks. A band is set up on one side and they’re covering a Heart song. Sydney sways in place to the music.

  “I know that look,” I tell her, shaking my head. “I’m going to have to carry you off the dance floor tonight, aren’t I?”

  She grins. Yep, that’s a yes.

  We take our drinks and weave through the crowd. Jonah is easy to spot, especially since he’s somehow commandeered three tables. They’re pushed together and pitchers of beer and empty shot glasses line the surface.

  “Hey!” Jonah calls out when he sees us. “Syd, I saved you a seat next to me.”

  She rushes off without hesitation and I take the only other seat on the opposite side by Ollie and a couple of guys I recognize from the boat yesterday.

  The band continues to cover popular songs from the past thirty years which fits the mix of ages in here.

  I’m half-listening to the guys and sneaking glances at Sydney across the table. She and Jonah talk and laugh. He stands and helps her to her feet.

  “So, Tanner,” Ollie starts, pulling my attention away from the hot, blonde otherwise known as my best friend. “Which are you going to do after college, baseball or basketball? I assume they’re both scouting you.”

  “I’m not sure.” I finish off my beer and set it on the table.

  “Maybe you could do like Michael Jordan did. Play a few years of one and then switch.”

  Laughter slips out. “Even Jordan didn’t pull that off.”

  The truth is, I haven’t decided. I don’t want to give up either. Each professional organization has pros and cons and the lifestyle of both will be brutal. Tara’s definitely right about that even if I’d never admit it to her. Still I can’t imagine giving up either let alone both.

  Every time I think I’ve made up my mind, I change it. I still have some time before I need to commit to anything, and I’m going to take all that I need to make sure I make the right decision.

  Thinking about that is depressing as hell though, so I stand to get another beer from the bar. Sydney and Jonah are on the dance floor, front and center.

  With a fresh beer, I lean a hip against the bar and watch them.
Jonah holds on to Sydney’s hands and lifts them so that she can twirl. Seeing two people from different parts of my world hitting it off so well gives some sort of balance to my life. Sydney and I are so much alike, I don’t expect there’s anyone in my life she wouldn’t get along with.

  I head back to the table and fall back into conversation with Ollie. He’s telling me about his part-time job at the golf course when long arms wrap around my neck from behind. Sydney’s hair falls over my shoulder before she leans down so we’re cheek to cheek. She still smells like my bodywash but now it’s intertwined with sweat and alcohol. That should turn me off, but it doesn’t.

  “Did they kick you off the floor already?”

  “Quick hydration break.”

  I hand her the diet and Malibu I got for her at the bar.

  “Oh you’re a prince.” She takes it and moves to sit on my lap facing Ollie.

  “What happened to Jonah?” he asks her.

  “He’s waiting for the band to break so he can talk to the lead singer.”

  We all turn to get a look at Jonah standing at the bar with his back against the hard wood. Even from here I can tell his gaze is on the tall, lanky guy crooning into the microphone.

  “Never happen.” Ollie chuckles. “He’s been working up the courage for weeks now. Every time Jonah comes up with one excuse or another why he didn’t get a chance.”

  “I didn’t take him for the shy type.” Sydney cranes her neck farther to watch the two of them. “We should help.”

  Ollie groans. I manage to keep my initial reaction to myself.

  “How exactly would we help?” I ask and then regret that question immediately when Sydney goes into scheming mode.

  “What if, you talked to him first and then you could introduce them?”

  “Why me?”

  “Because I’m not his type.” She waves a hand in front of her boobs.

  Ollie laughs.

  I kick his chair. “Why don’t you do it?”

  “Oh no, you’re much prettier than I am. Our best shot is sending in the ringer.”

  He and Sydney both stare at me expectantly.

  “No. No way. It’s a terrible plan.”

  Sydney looks at me with those big, brown eyes. “What if that cute singer is Jonah’s soul mate and he never meets him because he was too shy? Can you really live with that guilt?”



  “What is he doing?” Jonah asks as Tanner approaches the stage where the band is packing up.

  We gave Jonah until the end of the set to make a move, but as Ollie predicted, he only stared at the handsome lead singer.

  “He’s being your wingman,” I tell him with a little poke in the chest.

  Jonah’s brows shoot up under the dark red hair falling onto his forehead. Then he laughs. “Well, that’s ironic. The only guy in this place that’s more chickenshit than me is helping me out. Fuck.” He pushes off the bar and his jaw flexes. “All right.” He strides toward them.

  “What just happened?” I ask Ollie on my other side.

  “Our plan worked.” He shrugs.

  Jonah squeezes Tanner’s shoulder and says something that makes the singer laugh. Tanner opens his stance, and the three of them talk back and forth for a few minutes before the suspense is killing me, and I go in.

  Tanner glances up as I get near and smiles. He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. I love when he claims me like this, even if it’s only meant to be a friendly gesture. Maybe it should annoy me because it undoubtedly scares men away, but I really don’t care.

  “Was the last song an original?” Jonah is asking the singer. “I’ve never heard it before.”

  “Yeah.” He shoves his hands in the front of his jeans pockets. Without a microphone, he looks a lot shier than he did. He’s got a nice, friendly smile. I can see why Jonah’s into him. “Did it suck?”

  “What? No way. You should play more originals. It was bomb.” Jonah tilts his head toward the bar. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “I should help the guys load up first. Will you be around for a while?”

  After making plans to meet up with us, hottie singer whose name I find out is Richard, goes back to his band, and Jonah wears the largest grin I’ve ever seen as we go back to the table.

  “Nice work,” Tanner tells him. “Knew you had it in you. You just needed a little competition.”

  “Please. Even if you were gay, you are so not his type.”

  “I want to be offended by that, but I’m going to let it go because I’m happy for you.” Tanner lifts his glass. “Cheers, buddy.”

  The mood is light, and the drinks seem to be drained faster the later it gets. Richard and one of his bandmates join us. Jonah may have been too shy to approach the handsome guy he’s had his eye on, but he’s found his confidence now as he rests an arm around his chair and chats him up.

  “They’re cute,” I tell Tanner. Everyone around us is in conversation making it loud so we have to lean in close. He reaches over and pulls my chair next to his and then rests his hand on my thigh.

  “What’s that? Did you say I’m cute?”

  “I said they’re cute.” I glance to Jonah and Richard. “Way to make it about you.”

  “Last summer he was dating someone, so I’ve never seen his game or lack thereof before.” His long fingers are still on my leg radiating heat through my skin to my core.

  “What about you?” I ask, trying to ignore the way my body feels at his touch. “Do you hook up at the lake?”

  His face tells me the answer even before he does. “Sometimes. It’s hard to take anything too seriously knowing I’m going back to Valley in a few weeks. It’s like a really long spring break. Nobody is looking for a relationship at the lake.”

  I snort. “More lake rules by Tanner?”

  “Something like that.” His gaze falls to his hand on my leg as if he’s suddenly realized he’s touching me, and he removes it to grab his beer on the table. “Don’t act like you haven’t had your summer flings. What about that guy you met in Japan?”

  “It was Italy, and his name was Sebastian.”

  He shrugs as if the place as well as the guy is inconsequential. He’s mostly right. Although I had hoped things with the cute volleyball player I met in Italy last summer while playing in the world championship volleyball tournament would go beyond the month we were in the same country, but it was just too hard with the distance.

  “You ready? If we don’t get an Uber soon, then we’ll be sitting outside after closing.”

  I nod my agreement and we say bye to everyone and get in our ride back to his place. He sits in the middle of the back seat so we’re side by side.

  I’m staring at the lake at night and the dot of lights as we pass by when Tanner nudges me with his elbow. “You’re staring out that window awfully hard. What are you thinking about?”

  I put my head on his shoulder. “I was thinking about what you said earlier. How you can’t picture something more with a fling or hookup you meet during the summer. The thing is, I think some people—mostly girls it seems—hope beyond reason that a summer fling will turn into more. I’ve rarely hooked up with anyone that I couldn’t see a future with. I just think it’s interesting. The girls you hooked up with were probably hoping you were going to fall for them and want more.”

  “I am always honest about my intentions. I never promise a girl I’m going to call and then don’t.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t hope you’d change your mind.”

  “I don’t think I’ve seen a future with any of the girls I’ve dated in the past two years. How sad is that?”

  “Really? Why did you date them then?” I’d always wondered why Tanner had chosen the girls he did. From Amelia to the one before… I never found any real common thread to figure out what it was that made a guy like him settle down.

  “I liked them, and I wanted to spend more time together. And with Amelia there w
ere times when I could picture us together after college, but never like…” He pulls back and shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Tell me.”

  He hesitates before saying, “The only person I’ve ever really been able to picture in my life forever is you.”

  My heart hammers in my chest and blood pounds in my ears.

  “When I see my life in five years or fifty—I see it with you.”

  “With me as your best friend or…?”

  The car pulls up at Tanner’s and we climb out. I walk numbly behind him. Neither of us speaks until we’re inside.

  “Water?” he asks, grabbing two from the fridge.

  I take one, kick off my shoes, and we go sit outside on the deck.

  It’s late. The moon is high in the sky and the lake is quiet. Tanner sits and then pulls me onto his lap. We’ve sat like this a million times. We’ve always been comfortable in our affection. Still, this feels different.

  I’m deciding whether or not I should push for an answer to my question from the car when he starts talking again.

  “I’ve gone over it a million different times. Wondering what would happen if I kissed you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve woke up with the most vivid sex dreams recreating that first night together.”

  “And?” My voice wavers. I’m so nervous. I’m never nervous around Tanner.

  “All I know is that I want everything to be exactly the same.”

  My heart drops. I didn’t realize how much I was hoping he wanted more until now. Then his hand lifts my chin up and slides down so he’s caressing my neck. “Except I want to own your body like you own my heart.”

  He’s still, blue eyes darkening and waiting for a response. For the second time, I make the move. This time, though, he’s in control from the second my lips land on his. Tanner makes a gruff noise deep in his throat. His tongue sweeps into my mouth and the hand at my neck holds me in place as he kisses me deeply and passionately.

  An ache, so deep and constant I’m not sure it can ever be soothed, throbs inside of me. I shift so that I’m straddling him. My skirt inches up on my thighs leaving nothing but the lacy material of my panties to rub against his jeans. We both groan and our kisses become frenzied and manic. I might be on top, but he has total command.


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