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Haunted by the Wolf- Shannon

Page 18

by Margery Ellen

  He wasn’t sure exactly what he was going to do next and wanted Frank’s advice. He found Frank sitting on his front porch.

  “I was hoping you’d come back. I must admit, I’ve never seen things go south so quickly. What the hell happened?”

  Fletch sat down and Piccolo lay at his feet.

  “I don’t need to be kicked in the head to realize it was never going to work. If you could have seen the look in her eyes, you would have agreed. She was terrified.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Shannon was terrorized by a shifter and almost killed. She has remembered everything that happened. When I looked into her eyes, all that terror was there, screaming. She didn’t slap me because I disappeared, it was because I didn’t tell her I was a shifter.”

  “Ah, now things are making a little more sense. I told Gary not to keep the truth from her, but he wouldn’t listen. Now you’re paying for it. So, what are you going to do? I thought you were looking forward to getting back to work.”

  “I am, just not here, not now. I have a couple of weeks before I have to be in Montana. I need to collect my things from Air Rescue and move the helicopters. I’m sure Kenney will help me with that.”

  “If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.”

  “You’ve already helped me more than you know.”

  “What, I picked you up and gave you a place to stay. Whoop-e-do.”

  “Did you eat at the bar?”

  “No. I didn’t stay very long after you left. Nobody did.”

  Fletch walked out to his truck and retrieved the box of ribs and the bag of bones.

  “Here, compliments of Roger over at the BBQ.”

  “You’re not leaving tonight, are you?”

  “No, I need to talk to Gary in the morning and collect my stuff.”

  “I just made a fresh pot of coffee; you know where the cups are. Help yourself.” They walked inside, followed by Piccolo. The wolf cub had already picked a favorite spot in Frank’s kitchen.

  The two men discussed the pros and cons of what Fletch should do next until after midnight.

  “Well, young man, it’s past my bedtime,” Frank announced, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  They said good night.


  Shannon waited until everyone had gone to bed before heading for the office. She hadn’t checked her email in a while. That was as good an excuse as any for being in the office in the middle of the night.

  She turned on the computer to give her enough light to look in the files. Most information was on the computer, except the information she was looking for. Once she had the file, she searched for the grandfather’s address. When she found what she was looking for, she googled the address on the computer. She needed to know where she was going.

  Fletcher’s grandfather owned a small ranch near the town of Prineville, Oregon, not far from Bend.

  “Wow, that’s really out there.”

  “Did you find what you were looking for?” a voice said in the dark. Shannon about jumped out of her skin.

  Gary turn on the light. He had been sitting in the dark the whole time.

  “You scared the hell out of me.”

  “That was my intent. You are sneaking around in my office in the middle of the night, going through personnel files. Care to explain?”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to find out where Fletch was going. I heard Kenney say he was going to his grandfather’s.”

  “Why? You didn’t exactly welcome him home with open arms.”

  “Why didn’t he tell me he was a shifter?”

  “Because, I told him not to. Oh, he wanted to, but you were already afraid of the rest of us. I thought if you didn’t know, you would go to him and he might be able to help you.”

  “Help me? How?”

  “Bradley Fletcher went through a traumatic experience, similar to yourself. We thought he might be able to help you remember since he knew what it was like.”

  “You mentioned something before.”

  “I can’t give you the details but consider what you went through and multiply it by a hundred, or a thousand, you might understand what he’s been through.”

  “Oh no. Is he alright? Mentally, I mean.”

  “I think so. The time he spent in the wilderness gave him time to grieve the death of his grandfather and come to terms with things that happened. He loves you, Shannon.”

  “Then why did he leave?”

  “Because he knows you can’t accept what he is.”

  “But I can.”

  Gary got up and went to his desk. He unlocked a drawer and took something out, then relocked the drawer. He handed her a DVD.

  “Good night, Shannon. Don’t forget to turn out the lights.”


  Shannon sat there, staring at the DVD. She didn’t know what was on it, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know. The voice in her head kept saying: “You want to know, here is your chance.”

  After wrestling with her fears, Shannon inserted the DVD into the computer, and hit play. She watched as a naked man, the one she knew as Weston Cruz, turn into a wolf and attack Fletch. This time she got a good look at the wolf. The first time, when he attacked her, she only got a glimpse before she passed out.

  “Well, weren’t you an ugly son-of-a-bitch,” she said to herself. “I’m glad you’re dead.”

  She watched as the wolf bit into Fletch’s shoulder, before Fletch transformed into an enormous bear. His clothes fell away as the bear fought the wolf. When the wolf saw an opening to escape, he fled. Fletch transformed back to a man.

  Shannon sucked in her breath when she saw Fletch covered in blood. She could see how badly he had been bitten. She watched as he tried to cover his wounds and clean up the mess, so she wouldn’t know what happened.

  A tear slowly slid down her cheek.

  She watched the DVD again. The bear looked directly at the security camera and she froze the image. She sat there for the longest time, looking into the bears eyes. There was no mistake, it was Bradley Fletcher. She could never forget those eyes; they were the first thing about Fletch she fell in love with. She pressed print.

  “You’re not so scary, you’re just a big old bear,” she whispered.

  She thought about Weston and his wolf, a shiver went down her spine. She copied the footage to a USB drive, removed the DVD, and shut down the computer. She placed the disc in Fletch’s personnel file. She’d tell Gary in the morning where to find it. She took her picture and drive, turned out the lights, and went to bed.

  Chapter 34

  Idaho Air Rescue, having passed inspection, was back in business. The alarm blared at five in the morning. Shannon never let lack of sleep stop her from doing her job. Everyone strapped in and prepared for lift off. The jovial camaraderie had been dampened by recent events.

  “What do we have, boss?” Stan inquired.

  “Injured hiker. Another inexperienced city idiot.”

  Stan was taken aback by his response; it wasn’t like him.

  “You okay, boss?”

  “Yeah, sorry. An inexperienced rock climber. We’ll have to drop the basket on this one. Who’s going down?”

  “I am,” Shannon spoke up.

  Gary gave her a thumbs up.

  Shannon was ready for this. After being cooped up for weeks, she couldn’t wait to get out there.

  “Be careful, Shannon,” Stan told her.

  She was surprised to hear that. It seemed Stan was the only one that wasn’t blaming her for Fletch leaving. She gave him a weak smile; it was the best she could.


  Fletch and Piccolo arrived at the Air Rescue hangar shortly after the team had taken off. He had made arrangements with Gary late the night before.

  Gary had called him from his office before Shannon carried out her midnight mission. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get Fletch to change his mind about leaving. He was sorry to see him go, and sorry the celebrati
on went to hell. He liked Fletch and didn’t like the way things had gone.

  Fletch only had two weeks before he had to report to his new job. Gary informed him he was going to be the boss at the new air rescue in Great Falls, Montana. He had two weeks to get his pilot’s license and mechanic’s certificate. That was the deal when he bought the helicopters and the head office was going to hold him to his bargain. All he had to do was pass the tests.

  Fletch packed up his personal belongings while Piccolo explored. Gary had left his personnel file on his bed so he could take it with him.

  Fletch looked around, making sure he wasn’t forgetting anything. He left notes for Stan and Kenney, telling them he enjoyed working with them and sorry he didn’t get a chance to say goodbye properly. He asked Kenney if he would fly one of the helicopters to his grandfather’s ranch. He would make arrangements with Gary.

  He wanted to leave a note for Shannon, but he was unable to put his feelings into words. If he tried, he knew he would screw it up. It was better he left things as they were. When he was done, he called Piccolo.

  “Piccolo, where have you gone?”

  He checked all the rooms and was surprised to find Piccolo in Shannon’s room, on her bed.

  “What are you doing here? Come on, it’s time to go.”

  The wolf cub gave a whimper.

  “Sorry, little one, she doesn’t want us. Come on, we have to leave.”

  Just as Piccolo was about to leave the room, she saw something she wanted. She dashed into Shannon’s closet and grabbed a leather sandal. When Fletch tried to take it from her, she growled.

  “Fine, keep it, but you’re the one that will have to explain to Shannon.”

  Fletch loaded up his truck and drove back to Frank’s. Piccolo sat in the passenger seat, protecting her precious treasure.

  “So, have you decided what you are going to do?” Frank asked when they returned to the house.

  “Gary called me last night, after you went to bed. Apparently, I’ve been offered position of Captain at the new rescue center.”

  “The boss! Congratulations. Are you going to take it?”

  “I may as well, I don’t have anything else going for me. I’ll have to change my plans. I have to fly to Seattle and take my finals. Can I leave Piccolo with you?”

  “Sure, why not. She is always welcome to stay here.”

  “I stopped by the BBQ and asked Roger, just in case you couldn’t. Piccolo stole one of Shannon’s sandals. I thought if I gave her a fresh bone, she would give it up.”

  “Did it work?”

  “Hell, no. Look for yourself.”

  Piccolo had settled in her favorite spot in Frank’s kitchen. Frank had folded up an old blanket for her to sleep on. She had her treasured sandal tucked under her chest while she gnawed on her bone.

  “She didn’t interact with Shannon last night; I wonder why she’s attached herself to something of hers?”

  “I have no idea. Can you drop me at the airport, I have a flight to Seattle this afternoon? I called HQ while I was at the hangar, they made the arrangements.”

  “That was fast.”

  “Gary must have notified them. They were waiting for my call.” Fletch called to Piccolo. “Will you be a good girl if I leave you with Frank?” Almost as if she understood, she went to Frank and sat at his feet.

  “She’ll be fine, we'll go to the BBQ for dinner.”

  While she sat with Frank, Fletch tried to take back the sandal but changed his mind when Piccolo snarled.”

  “Fine, keep it.”

  Frank chuckled and scratched Piccolo behind her ear.

  “I’ll get her a rawhide bone if she needs something to chew on.”

  “Maybe you should. The odd part is, she hasn’t chewed on the sandal. It’s more like a trophy.”

  They both watched as Piccolo went back to her bed and rested her head on the sandal.


  Idaho Air rescue returned to base. Attitudes had lightened up a bit.

  “Hey, guys, sorry about last night.” Shannon finally spoke.

  “Don’t worry about it, shit happens,” Stan told her. “It’s my night to cook, what would you like for dinner?”

  “Surprise me.” Shannon gave a smile.

  Stan noticed a change in Shannon. When the boss told her the wolf was dead, there was a sense of relief, he could see it in the way she moved; this was different.

  “What’s up, Shannon?”

  “Nothing, why?”

  “There’s just something different.”

  “I'm not afraid anymore,” she smiled.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I was terrified of something I knew nothing about. Weston, or whatever his name was, haunted my dreams. I didn’t know what a shifter was, I never knew they existed, except in horror movies. Now I know they’re real, I’m not afraid anymore. Let me ask you something; why would you ever reveal your bear to me?”

  “To protect you, as a last resort.”

  “Exactly. So why should I be afraid, unless, of course, you’re a psychopathic serial killer.”

  “I think one was enough,” Stan replied with a chuckle. “If you ever want to meet my bear, just say the word.”

  “I will, thank you.” Shannon stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thank you for being a friend.”

  “What are you going to do about Fletch?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Too late, now,” Kenney remarked as he entered the kitchen.

  “Why is that?” Stan asked.

  “He’s gone.” Kenney held the note up. “He came while we were gone and packed up. All his stuff is gone. He’s cleared out.”

  “What does the note say?” Shannon asked.

  “He’s been transferred to Great Falls, Montana, and he’ll be in touch. I think he left Stan a note as well, it may say more.”

  “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

  Shannon ran upstairs to her room. If Fletch left notes for Stan and Kenney, there should be one for her as well. She searched her room but there was nothing there. She went back downstairs a little less cheerful than she had been.

  When Stan asked if she got a note, she shook her head, she didn’t trust her voice.

  “Maybe he plans to talk to you in person.”

  Shannon nodded. Stan went to her and put his arms around her. That is when the tears began to flow.

  “Let’s take a walk.” They walked out back so they could sit on the steps.

  “Why did he leave you and Kenney a note and not me?”

  “Maybe he didn’t know what to say.” Stan put his arm around her so she could lean against him.

  “I love him, Stan, what am I going to do?”

  “Not slugging him last night might have been a good start.”

  “He could have told me he was a shifter.”

  “Is that why you slugged him?”

  Shannon nodded.

  “Fuck. You should have slugged the boss, he’s the one that told him not to tell you.”

  “I know, he told me last night. I wanted to slug him then.” Shannon let a bit of a giggle slip.

  “When you decide to do it, let me know, I want to see that.”

  Stan always had a way of cheering her up.

  “Thanks for being such a good friend. You have pulled me out of a slump so many times, I’ve lost count.”

  “Isn’t that what friends are for? So, what made you change your mind about Fletch?”

  “Gary gave me the security footage of the fight between Fletch and Weston.”

  “He didn’t.”

  Shannon nodded.

  “Did he stay with you while you watched it?”

  “No. He just handed it to me. He didn’t even tell me what it was.”

  “Now I want to slug him.” Stan was pissed.

  “No. I'm glad he did. He knew it was the only way to get over my fear.”

  “You, you’re not afraid of anything.”

sp; “Except bear shifters. I didn’t want to see your bear, because I didn’t want to believe it was real.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I have to figure out how to get him back.”

  Chapter 35

  Fletch spent three days in Seattle. He passed all his tests. He spent the morning of the last day with Levi Lewis, the head of HQ. They went over what was expected of him.

  “We have assigned three EMT’s to your location. One is a helicopter pilot and has rescue experience. He’s a fair mechanic as well. The other two will need some time training in the air. You’ll have a month to put them in shape. Are you going back to Air Rescue in Caldwell before you leave?” Levi asked.

  “No, I cleaned my stuff out of there before I came here. I will need to move the helicopters to my grandfather’s ranch in Oregon, eventually.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I forgot about them.”

  “Really, Gary said that was part of the bargain you were holding me to.”

  “Bargain? I don’t understand.”

  “Gary said the only way you would sell me those old helicopters was if I got my pilots license and mechanics certificate.”

  “I think Gary pulled a fast one on you. I was very surprised to hear that you wanted to do either. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad, that’s why I made you the boss. I knew you were originally against the idea.”

  “That S.O.B. He tricked me. Mind telling me what the real deal was?”

  “We were going to scrap both of those old choppers. I told Gary that they were about to be junked. If you wanted to restore them at your own expense, go for it, they were yours. I’m glad you brought them up, I have some transfer papers for you to sign.”

  Levi called his secretary and told her what he needed. She had all the required paperwork twenty minutes later.

  “Well, Captain Fletcher, it’s been a pleasure. You have all the numbers you need. Don’t hesitate to call me if you have any questions or need anything.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll have someone take you to the airport.”

  “Since I don’t have to report in, right away, do you mind if I reroute. I’d like to visit my friends in Bend and check on my grandfather’s ranch.”

  “Be sure you give yourself enough time to get acquainted with your crew and your new surroundings.”


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