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The Prime Minister's Daughter

Page 19

by William Manchee

  Chapter 19


  General Pelton went to the microphones that had been hastily set up by the media for the news conference. He opened his notebook and began reading to the crowd of reporters.

  “At eighteen hundred hours, six men and an NDC defector drove up to a warehouse that had been identified as NDC headquarters. The defector told the guards that he had some new recruits and needed to bring them down to be processed. The guards did a search and then allowed them to pass. Once inside, the men were led to the armory, where the defector had been assigned. He outfitted them with NDC uniforms, rifles and ammunition. He led them toward the makeshift brig. Unnoticed, they passed by many soldiers and NDC officials, until they reached the corridor leading to the prison cell that held Kevin Wells and Deviane Shah. There, they waited.

  “At nineteen hundred hours, six attack helicopters converged on the warehouse. The first two helicopters dropped their squads at the front entrance, where they were met with heavy resistance. While the NDC soldiers were occupied at the front of the building, two attack helicopters fired rockets, ripping gaping holes in both sides of the warehouse. The helicopters landed and government troops poured into the building, meeting little resistance.

  “A fifth helicopter landed on the roof. Eight soldiers jumped out to secure it. As they were scrambling into position, an NDC helicopter suddenly appeared and attacked the government troops who were sitting ducks. The pilot of the government helicopter made a desperate attempt to leave, but before he got a hundred yards from the building, he was hit by a missile. The chopper exploded and fell to the ground. The NDC helicopter immediately landed. Several men emerged from the building and climbed into the helicopter.

  “The sixth government helicopter, which had been doing surveillance, made a pass and the pilot opened fire with its machine gun. The chopper was hit but not disabled. As soon as it was off the roof, it turned and headed across the Caribbean Sea toward Casper Grande, a small island off the coast of Trinidad. As the government helicopter started to pursue it, another NDC helicopter appeared from the north. After a short chase, it locked on its target and launched a missile that hit the government helicopter dead-on. It burst into flames and fell into the sea. Both NDC helicopters headed out across the Caribbean Sea and disappeared into a blazing sunset.

  “Inside the warehouse, a battle was raging. The government defense team had secured the prison cell. A half dozen NDC soldiers came to retrieve the prisoners and take them to the roof. They were surprised by the intense gunfire that greeted them as they made their way down the hall. Three soldiers were immediately hit and fell to the ground. The others laid low, using their fallen comrades as shields and returned the fire. In less than fifteen minutes, the warehouse was secured. The soldiers, pinned down in the hall, surrendered and two government soldiers escorted Kevin and Deviane to a waiting helicopter. Twenty minutes later, they landed at Port of Spain General Hospital and were rushed into the casualty department.

  “That’s all I have for now,” he said as he closed his notebook. “I’ll be back when I get more information. Thank you.”




  The Prime Minister was waiting in the casualty department of Port of Spain General Hospital when Kevin and Deviane arrived. He immediately went to Deviane.

  "Deviane, are you all right?" he asked.

  “Yes, Father. I’m okay. Kevin is the one who is hurt. I think he may have a concussion.”

  The prime minister yelled to the medics to take care of Kevin. They came over and began to examine him. Anila came rushing in.

  "Deviane, are you all right?"

  "She's alive," Ahmad said. "She's not seriously hurt, but Kevin may have a concussion."

  "Oh my God! What happened?"

  “Ray Mohammed and another soldier came to our cell. He was going to rape me but Kevin talked him out of it. As they were leaving the soldier hit Kevin with the butt of his rifle, but it was a mistake because Kevin grabbed the rifle and wrestled it out of his hand. Then he killed them both.”

  “Ray Mohammed is dead?”

  “Yes. Kevin shot him several times. I’m sure he’s dead.”

  “Well, he got what he deserved,” Anila spat.

  “What about Kiran. I’ve been so worried about her,” Deviane said.

  “She okay. She’ll be by to see you later.”

  “Good. No permanent injury?”

  “No. The doctors say she’ll make a full recovery.”

  Two orderlies showed up with a gurney and wheeled Kevin into a treatment room. Ahmad put his arms around Deviane and Anila and took them down the hall to their private waiting room. Reporters were everywhere, wanting more details of the raid on the NDC headquarters, but Anamica told them they would have to wait until morning, when General Pelton would brief them further on the operation.

  Several hours later Ahmad, Deviane and Anila walked into Kevin’s room. His head was bandaged and he had a sling holding one arm rigid but otherwise he looked okay.

  “How do you feel? “Deviane asked.

  “Much better. They want me to stay the night but they say I can go home tomorrow.”

  “I’m going to stay with you,” Deviane said. “I’m not going to leave you alone.”

  “Deviane,” Anila said. “You should come home and get a good night’s rest. Kevin will be home tomorrow morning. That will be soon enough.”

  Deviane got up, went to Kevin’s bed and sat next to him. “No. I’m staying here with Kevin.”

  “It’s all right,” Ahmad said. “She’s been through a lot; let her do as she pleases.

  “I need to call my parents,” Kevin said. “I’m sure what has happened has been on the news. They must be terribly worried.”

  “Of course,” Anila agreed. “Ahmad. Can you arrange it?”

  Ahmad nodded, got up and left the room. A few minutes later the telephone in the room rang. Kevin picked it up.


  “Kevin. Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  “Where are you?”

  “In the hospital–nothing serious. I’ll be out tomorrow.”

  “Come home. It’s too dangerous there.”

  “No. I can’t come home right now.”

  “Then we’ll come there,” Pat said.

  “No, it’s too chaotic here. It would just complicate things. I’ll be all right, I promise.”

  “Oh, Kevin. I’m so worried. I can’t lose you too.”

  “You won’t. I’m safe now. I’d like to come home, but I’ve got to stay and figure things out.”

  After much reassurance Kevin convinced his mother to stay at home. He hung up the phone and smiled at them.

  “She was a little bit worried.”

  “Yeah. I bet,” Anila said. “Well, I guess we’ll leave you two to get some rest. I’ll have them bring a cot in here for you, Deviane.”

  “That’s okay. I’ll just climb in next to Kevin.”

  Anila gave Deviane a look. “You two slept together while you were in captivity?”

  Deviane shook her head. “Don’t worry my virginity is still intact. It was either sleep together or sleep on the hard concrete.”

  Anila shook her head. “I’ll have them send in a cot.”

  Deviane shrugged. “Whatever.”

  As they were talking, Kiran was wheeled into the room in a wheel chair. She wore a green hospital gown and no makeup. She looked a little weary too, not the princess Kevin had first met, but still as beautiful as ever. Kevin felt a warmth radiate through him just being in her presence, but it wasn’t the same surge of excitement he had felt before.

  "Kiran,” Deviane said getting up to embrace her sister. “I’m so glad you are okay. I thought you were going to die.”

  “So did I. . . . How are you, Kevin?”

  “Fine. I was hoping you'd come to see me. It was such a relief to find out you were alive and doing well."

  Kiran gave
Kevin a hard look and shook her head. "You look terrible."

  "I know, I’m sorry. It's nothing serious, just a few broken ribs and a concussion."

  "So now what are you going to do?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "A lot has happened; you may have had enough of Trinidad. I wouldn’t blame you if you just packed your bags and got the hell out of this dismal country."

  Kevin suddenly realized he had been less than excited to see his bride to be. He gave her a gentle smile.

  Anila stood up. “Let’s give Kevin and Kiran some privacy for a little while.”

  Deviane frowned but finally relented and left with her mother and father. When they were gone Kiran struggled out of her wheel chair and sat next to Kevin on his bed.

  “I’m so sorry all this has spoiled such a happy moment in our lives,” Kevin said. “I love you.”

  “I was so worried about you,” Kiran said, tears streaming from her eyes. “I thought for sure they would kill you.”

  “And I had no idea whether you were alive or dead. After taking that bullet in the jungle I was sick that I had lost you forever.”

  “Oh, Kevin! I’m so glad you’re safe,” she said as she bent over and looked him in the eyes. He smiled and pulled her lips to his.

  After a few seconds she lifted her head and said, “So whose kiss was better mine or Deviane’s?”

  "Huh?" Kevin said as he was blasted with a rush of guilt.

  "Kevin, I saw you and Deviane out there in the forest. I wasn't asleep. I know Deviane loves you, and it sure looked like you were enjoying her advances."

  "Why didn't you say something?"

  "I wanted to see what you would do. You didn't put up much of a struggle for me."

  "I didn't want to offend Deviane, or wake you up by causing a commotion."

  "It's all right, I know it wasn’t your fault. She’s been jealous of every boy I’ve ever dated. I should have warned you.”

  "She’s got some crazy idea that I’m her soul mate.”

  "Is that so crazy? Isn’t that what you are looking for."

  “What are you talking about?"

  "You’ve told me as much. You’re looking for a virgin. A girl who is unspoiled.”

  “Virginity is just part of it. Obviously I don’t want to marry a girl who has slept with every jock on the football team. How could there be any trust in such a relationship?”

  “True, but what if it wasn’t every jock on the football team, but just one jock? . . . . I mean what if a girl thought she loved a man so she gave up her virginity only to find out she had been mistaken?”

  “That might be different, it depends on the circumstances.”

  “So, being a virgin isn’t a hard and fast rule.”

  “No, I never said it was. Everybody just jumps to conclusions. I just want a relationship that’s based on love and respect. I’m not interested in recreational sex after excessive drinking or taking drugs.”

  “Good, I wouldn’t want to marry a man who couldn’t forgive. Forgiveness is such a great virtue.”

  “Yeah. . . . I suppose it is.”

  Kiran continued, "So, do you remember when we were in the Natural History Museum? Remember the boy I talked to while Deviane tried to charm you?"


  “He’s the one.”

  “What one?”

  "He's the one, you know, that I thought I loved.”

  Kevin’s face dropped. “You were talking about yourself?”

  “Why of course. What do think was the point of the conversation? I thought I loved him. We talked of marriage. One afternoon on the beach, where I told you the lovers go, well, we made love there. It was wonderful. . . . Then he dumped me like I was a two dollar whore.”

  Kevin felt weak. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He closed his eyes, hoping when he opened them again Kiran would be gone and he’d know he had been dreaming. He opened them. Kiran was weeping.

  “I’m sorry, Kevin. I should have told you before we talked of marriage, but I never dreamed virginity would be a concern to a boy from America. If you want to forget our marriage, I’ll understand.”

  “No, no,” Kevin said. “If it was just an isolated incident I can understand. It’s almost happened to me a couple times.”

  “Good,” Kiran said. “I was starting to get excited about planning the wedding.” She smiled, laid her head on Kevin’s shoulder and closed her eyes.

  “But, there is one thing,” Kevin said. “There must be love.”

  Kiran’s eyes opened. She sat up and looked at Kevin. “There will be, it will come, I’m sure.”

  Kevin took a deep breath. His eyes showed his disappointment. “No. Unless you love me now. I can’t marry you.”

  “Kevin. Are you sure?”

  Kevin nodded.

  “Kiran got off the bed and struggled into her wheel chair. “I’ve got to go. I’ll come visit you later.”

  Kevin didn't respond. Instead, he just stared into space.

  Kiran yelled for the orderly to take her away.

  A few minutes later Deviane came back into the room. Kevin smiled at her. “Come here.”

  She walked over and sat next to him on his bed.

  “Well, you’ll be happy to know I told Kiran I couldn’t marry her.”

  She frowned. “Why would you do that?”

  Kevin’s heart sank. He just stared at Deviane speechless.

  Deviane suddenly smiled. “Just kidding,” she said and threw her arms around him. “I knew you’d come around. You’ll never regret this!”

  “Yeah. I don’t know about that,” Kevin said looking at her warily.

  She leaned into him and they kissed for a long time, just stopping every few minutes to breathe. Then Deviane leaned down and bit his shoulder.

  “Oh, wow! What was that?”

  “Number 7.”

  Kevin shook his shoulders. “Jeeze. That sent tremors down to my toes.”

  Deviane laughed. “I aim to please.”

   After a while they were interrupted by an orderly who bought in a cot. He looked at her in Kevin’s bed disapprovingly but didn’t say anything. They laughed when she left and then continued. Eventually they fell asleep in each other’s arms.





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