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Hard to Find (Hell Hounds Harem Book 4)

Page 30

by Briana Michaels

  “Mo leannan,” Valor carefully grabbed her shoulders and tried to turn her around. “Tilly, can ye hear me?”

  Bishop snatched her from his arms and cradled her. He gave Valor a deadly glare and snarled. Such possessiveness was understandable… but not tolerable for the alpha.

  Tilly moaned in Bishop’s arms and her eyes fluttered open. “Bishop,” she whispered.

  “I’ve got you,” he cooed, “I’ve fucking got you, Sweetness.” Bishop carried her out of the kitchen and into the living room. Her wound dripped blood in a trail for Valor to follow. “Get something for her arm,” Bishop yelled as he walked away with their woman.

  Their. Woman.

  Valor shook the thought out of his head and went for a clean towel. He stormed into the living room and dropped down beside Bishop. “Maiden, Mother, and Crone, lass,” Valor swept the hair from her face, “never do that again.”

  “Don’t worry,” she sighed, “I won’t. Zaza’s not going to come back. It was part of our deal.”

  Valor gently grabbed her arm and wrapped the towel around it to staunch the bleeding. He wished he could use his power to heal her, but that didn’t go so well last time and he was a Hound who tried to never repeat a mistake.

  “We’re going to have to stitch that up,” Bishop said. “That’s a deep wound.” He popped up onto his feet and returned with a first aid kit. “Fuck, we don’t have anything to numb it with.”

  Their kit wasn’t equipped with much because they’d never needed a lot. Their pack healed fast naturally.

  “It’s okay,” Tilly said from the couch, “Just do it so we can get moving. I have a way to summon Baz back.”

  She called him Baz. As if she knew him. The sound of that Hound’s name on Tilly’s lips warmed Valor from tongue to toes.

  What the fuck was going on? Valor shook his head to rattle his brain and continued to hold Tilly’s hand while Bishop rummaged through their first aid kit.

  Valor kept a wary eye on her aura and the color of her eyes. He was worried they would turn again, that whatever had possessed her might still be lurking within her, hiding, waiting.

  Tilly must have sensed his worry because she smiled softly, “He’s not in me. Not anymore. You don’t have to worry.”

  Bishop gently grabbed her arm to inspect the damage and Tilly winced.

  “Her tendon was just barely missed, alpha.”

  “He knew what he was doing, it wasn’t our first exchange.” She tried to sit up so she could watch Bishop sew her arm.

  Valor kept watching too, and he saw there were several scars going up Tilly’s arm. “These,” he said, tracing a finger down her sweet skin, “These are all scars from doing this before?”

  Tilly nodded. Valor wanted to punch himself in the nuts for not noticing the scars before now. He’d seen the woman naked, for crying out loud. He should have noticed the scars on her arms before today.

  “I thought you were a cutter,” Bishop mumbled while making the first puncture to stitch her up. “I just didn’t want to ask you about it yet.” His gaze flicked to hers, “I can’t tell if I’m relieved or more angry now.” He bent over and went back to the stitches.

  Tilly exhaled loudly, “Well, it’s probably better you learned this way. Had you asked, I would have let you believe I was a cutter. That’s a more acceptable answer than saying a spirit form likes to drink my blood in exchange for favors.”

  A growl erupted from Valor’s throat. It was ten kinds of possessive too, and he didn’t bother trying to hide it. The thought of someone – or something - else swallowing anything of hers made him mental. “What must we do, mo leannan?” Perhaps if he stayed busy, he could take his mind off Tilly and her sweet body being gobbled up by someone other than him.

  “I need personal objects from the twins. Also, sage, patchouli, a piece of string or something like it, and a radio.”

  “That’s all?”

  “No, but I’ll tell you more when you return with that stuff.”

  Valor popped up and got to work. Bishop said something in low tones and Tilly laughed then squeaked with pain.

  “Mmmph, sorry Sweetness.”

  “It’s okay.”

  The hell it was, Valor wanted to snarl. She shouldn’t suffer any more, not by their hands or anyone else’s.

  Bishop’s tone was gentle, “I can’t believe this isn’t hurting you more.”

  “I’m used to it,” Tilly said.

  With his back to the two of them, Valor grabbed the doorjamb and closed his eyes. He needed to not be a possessive beast right now. That Bishop was able to make her laugh shouldn’t anger Valor, it should please him. The minute he thought it through, the weight of jealousy lifted a little.

  He left the room and went in search of the items she’d asked for. It was time to find the twins and be done with this nightmare.

  As he passed the kitchen and saw the blood smeared all over the makeshift Ouija board on his table, Valor stopped dead in his tracks. Circled, in Tilly’s blood, was the word she’d written in chalk: Goodbye.

  Chapter 40

  Ever feel like you’ve been hit by a Mack truck after being chewed up and spit out by a shark? Yeah, Baz hadn’t either, but that sure as fuck had to feel similar to the agony he felt now. Baz blinked back the brightness and squinted. He was so disoriented, he felt like he was floating.

  Wait. He was floating. Or was he sinking?

  Shit, hold up. Baz tried to gulp down air and found it impossible. His mouth was sewn shut. Every time he tried to open up, the threads tugged tighter and when he tried to lift his arms, he realized they were tied down.

  How the fuck did this happen?

  And – oh shit – his soul was still in him! He couldn’t see more than a couple feet ahead, so he had no idea where Drake was. Closing his eyes, he tried to focus on hearing his brother. If D could just make a sound then he’d at least know his twin was still alive.

  How long had he been out? Why was he so numb?

  “He’s waking,” a voice said. “Bring the herbs.”

  Baz tried to fight against his restraints. A weight was placed over his legs and he wasn’t able to move them at all. Panic spiked in his veins and he tried to howl for help.

  Where was the girl? Where was his brother? What the hell was happening?

  The scent of burning herbs poured into his nostrils. An abalone shell appeared in front of his face, but he couldn’t see past the tattooed hand that held it.

  Baz’s head got all kinds of fuzzy and he coughed, which didn’t go so well with his damn mouth being sewn shut.

  Drake, he thought as the world started to fade to black, Drake, brother, where are you?

  Just as he closed his eyes, extreme pain ripped through him and Baz jerked upright, his eyes peeling open wide and then he was flying…

  “Is it working? Do you see him?” Bishop rocked impatiently back and forth. His hands were clasped with Valor’s, Tilly stood in their circle. Blood dripped from their clasped palms, each having to offer blood for this particular magic to work.

  Tilly gathered the other objects – a favorite pair of boots that belonged to Drake; a faded, worn shirt of Baz’s; a leather cord and a pottery dish with herbs burning in it. The radio she’d asked for sat on the counter, making a static noise.

  While the Hounds chanted a protection spell she’d quickly taught them, Tilly got to work on the summoning spell Zaza taught her. Wrapping her fingers with the leather cord, she inhaled the herbs, spoke the right sequence of words, and prayed to anyone within ear shot that this would work.

  Imagine her surprise when Baz’s soul flickered into view.

  “He’s here,” she said.

  Baz didn’t look good. Blood was smeared all over his body, he was covered in dirt and sweat. His bones were protruding from his hips and collarbone. He stumbled forward, unable to hold himself up. Tilly caught him before he dropped.

  The Hounds kept chanting.

  “Mmm mmph mmph!” Baz couldn’t
open his mouth. It was as though –

  “Whoa, whoa, hold on.” Tilly pulled out the smaller blade she’d tucked into her back pocket and shoved it between his lips. She felt invisible strings snap as she swiped the blade across his mouth.

  Baz gasped. Inhaling deeply, he clutched Tilly’s shoulders. “Help… me.”

  “We’re trying, Baz. Tell us where you are!”

  “I don’t know... I can’t fucking see.” His voice echoed in the radio.

  Tilly felt the tightness begin in her throat – what Zaza warned her about was starting and she didn’t have much time. “Is Drake with you?”

  “I… I don’t know. I don’t know what happened.” Baz’s body arched and he howled in pain. “They’re doing things… I don’t know what…” he yelled out again, his eyes squeezing shut. “Fuck! Valor! Bishop! Get my Hounds. Please lady!”

  “They’re right here. We just need to,” she winced and wrapped her hands around her throat, “find you. Tell us something. Anything about your location.”

  Baz dropped to the ground, writhing in pain. Tilly watched in horror as Baz’s soul twisted and convulsed on the floor. An unnatural shriek flew out of his mouth and he clawed the air. His dark hair fell into his eyes and he bayed like an animal being slaughtered.

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Tilly dropped down and tried to help, but didn’t know what do to. She saw the blood on his chest and didn’t see a single wound that would make him bleed in such a way. Maybe the injury was invisible, like the strings in his mouth had been, or maybe this blood wasn’t from a wound at all. She looked more carefully at it.

  The smears were in a pattern. She… she knew this from somewhere… she knew… Tilly wrapped both her hands around her throat. She couldn’t breathe. Snatching the knife she’d dropped to the ground, Tilly grabbed Baz’s hand and carved into it. As she made the last mark, he disappeared again.

  Valor and Bishop broke the circle and Valor reached Tilly first. She tried to gasp for air, but couldn’t. Too… tight. She pointed at her neck and shook her head. Too tight! Too tight! Stars started winking before her eyes, her vision turned foggy, and her limbs got tingly.

  Tilly clawed at her neck, scratching and suffocating at the same time. The squeezing only grew tighter. Stars started blinking in her vision. Opening her mouth, she tried to suck in air. Nothing. Nada. She continued to choke and hold her throat.

  “Tilly!” Bishop yelled. He wrapped his hand around her neck, like he could pull the invisible noose off her neck. “Shit!” He reached around and untied her hand – the one she’d bound the leather strap to. As he unraveled it, the tightness around her throat eased.

  Finally, she was free from the strangulation and she coughed and sputtered, swallowing air as fast as she possibly could.

  The two Hell Hounds helped her stand.

  “Are ye alright?”

  “Yes,” she cleared her throat. “Shit, Bishop,” Tilly clutched onto his arm and squeezed, “Thank God you knew to do that. I would have fucking died if you hadn’t unraveled me.”

  “I’m just glad I thought of it. It was a total shot in the dark.” Bishop’s eyes softened and he dipped down and kissed her once before asking, “Tell us where they are, Tilly. Please say you know how to find them.”

  “He’s in trouble. Like… a lot of fucking trouble.”

  Val stiffened. “Where are they? Did he say?”

  “He didn’t know. But they’re doing things to him. His mouth was sewn shut and…” she shook her head, dismissing the idea of telling them everything she saw Baz do on the ground. It would only upset them and she didn’t want that. They looked strung out enough already. “I think I know where he is, but I’m not a hundred percent.” She broke out of Bishop’s arms and headed for the kitchen. “Do you have a computer around here?”

  “Aye,” Valor led the way and escorted her into his office. The room was all leather furniture, bookshelves, paintings and tall windows. She dropped into his leather swivel chair and turned on his lamp.

  Holy hell, it was night time again. She didn’t even know what day it was anymore.

  Shaking the thought away, her fingertips clicked away on the keyboard and she pulled up a search engine. “Baz had blood smeared all over his body. It looked like a hexagon with squiggles in the middle.” She typed while she continued, “I thought it was from an injury, but it was too clean. It was smeared, but not smudgy. It was drawn on, I think. And there was a mark towards the top. And… a moon. I think.”

  Shit, now she wasn’t feeling all that confident in her theory.

  Tilly hit the search button and pulled up a map. Okay, now she felt a little better. She wasn’t crazy. “There,” she pointed at the screen. “That’s it.”


  “Yeah. He’s in Paris, I think.” Tilly tucked her hair behind her ear. “I mean, I’m pretty sure.”

  Bishop leaned down and looked at the computer screen. The glow of the computer cast shadows all over his handsome face and made him look more severe than sexy. “Paris?” he said again. “How is that possible? And what would the moon be?”

  Valor snatched a piece of paper and a pen and slapped it down in front of Tilly. “Draw it, lass.”

  Tilly made a quick sketch. She was not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, but she could draw a blob and a crescent moon without too much trouble.

  “A waning moon?” Bishop asked. “What the fuck does the phase of the moon have to do with where they are?” He scooted the paper around and looked at it from a different angle. Tilly sat back in the chair and stared at the maps of Paris while the two Hounds tried to figure out what the moon phase had to do with where the twins were.

  She leaned forward and clicked on more and more images. “Hounds?” They kept talking like they hadn’t heard her. She thrust her hand out and hit Valor’s arm, “Alpha!” Valor shut the fuck up and gave her his undivided attention. “I was wrong. It’s not a moon. I think it’s a C.”

  “A C?” Bishop repeated. He leaned in again to see the image she’d pulled up. “Oh fuck. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Bishop grabbed the sides of his head and turned away, cursing and panicking.

  Valor frowned at the screen. “It makes sense. More sense than a moon does.”

  “FUCK!” Bishop yelled again.

  “We have to go,” Valor turned to leave and Tilly followed him.

  Her heart raced with excitement and worry. “I can call to have a private plane ready.”

  Valor stopped and pivoted towards her. “Ye canna go with us, mo leannan. I’ll not have ye in anymore danger.”


  “I said no and that’s final.” He turned and walked away. “BISHOP!” he barked.

  Bishop came out of the office, looking like a man about to go to his own fucking funeral. What the hell was going on here? Tilly followed them down to the basement.

  “Oh, so now that you have a good lead, I’m no use to you? Fuck you and fuck you too. Assholes.” Tilly even flipped them both the bird just to drive home her point.

  Bishop took the bait and turned on her. “You can’t come, Tilly. There’s no fucking way we’d let you. This is going to be hard enough without the added stress of making sure you’re kept safe, too.”

  “I didn’t ask for bodyguards, and you don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  Valor went over to a wall with a key pad and punched in a bunch of numbers. The wall opened up and a full arsenal of weapons was revealed. He started making choices for him and Bishop, tossing him a few select weapons and ammo.

  “You think you’ll pass security with all that, Rambo?”

  “We doona need a plane. We can travel using other methods.” Val stormed past her on a mission to get to the twins as fast as possible.

  Tilly spun around, “I’m coming with you.”

  “Bishop, control her.” Valor disappeared around the corner.

  “Control—” she glowered at Bishop when he approached.
“Seriously? You’re going to take his side?”

  “Yeah. I am. If it’s a choice between keeping you safe and putting you in more danger, I’m going to choose safety every time.”

  “Says the Hound who allowed me to risk my fucking life just now to get in contact with the twins. I had no idea Hell Hounds were such fucking hypocrites.”

  Bishop cringed. “I didn’t know you were going to be in that much danger, Tilly. You left the risks of your actions out of your explanation.”

  “So you’d have stopped me from doing it had you known?”

  Bishop cast his eyes to the ground. “It’s a moot point now. What’s done is done. I’m not about to put you through anymore shit.”

  She slapped him and hoped like hell his face stung as much as her hand and her pride did right now.

  Bishop’s jaw clenched. His eyes stayed on the ground as he said, “I have to go.”

  “Good luck to you then. There’s no windows to open down there. It just gets darker and tighter the further you go.” Tilly brushed past him and felt like a total bitch for saying that. It was a low blow, even by her standards.

  Outside, a horn beeped. Bishop jogged past Tilly and opened the front door. Valor was already in the truck, his hand still pressed down on the horn. “You won’t be here when we get back, will you?”

  “What do you think?” Tilly’s heart hammered in her chest.

  “Please…please stay so—” Bishop sucked back whatever his next words were. Like he’d just accepted her answer and wasn’t even going to try to beg her to stay. He turned and ran towards the SUV. As they drove away, Tilly ran outside and watched the car lights fade into the dark. It felt like another tie was just severed. Snip. It didn’t feel freeing at all this time. It felt heart breaking.

  Steeling herself, she said out loud, “Get a grip, Tilly. You need to get out of here. Go live your life.” She helped them find the twins, her job here was done. It was time to leave. Time to live. She’d accept her death however it came – murder, car accident, choking on a peanut butter sandwich. She wasn’t going to be afraid anymore. “Time to go.”


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