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Taming His Cowgirl (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 1)

Page 20

by Delta James

  “What do you think, Ruth? Is this the most perfect thing you’ve ever seen?”

  Ruth was beaming. “I do indeed. You look stunning.”

  Sierra smiled. Ruth opened the door and she walked out into the hall where Charlie was waiting. Sierra had asked Charlie if he would escort her down the stairs and to Ryder. For once, the tough ranch foreman had been tongue-tied, but had simply nodded his head.

  Ruth rushed down the stairs to give the signal to the band to start the wedding march.

  “I sure wish your daddy could have been here to do this instead of me,” said Charlie, choking back the tears.

  “He’s here, Charlie. I feel him.”

  The first strains of the wedding march started quickly garnering everyone’s attention. Martin Scott and Ryder had moved into position to stand in front of the massive fireplace and people now realized there was an aisle of sorts. Their eyes followed it back to the grand staircase and up. As Charlie started down with Sierra on his arm, no one could take their eyes off of her—least of all, the man waiting at the end of the aisle. Ryder was transfixed. He was quite certain he had never seen anything more beautiful than Sierra walking toward him.

  Martin Scott gave him a bit of a nudge and said, “Don’t forget to breathe, son.”

  Sierra knew there were other people there. She could hear them whispering and wishing her well. But all that existed for her was Ryder. He had on a dark navy suit with a shirt in the same color as Sierra’s dress. She floated down the aisle. When they reached him, Charlie handed her off to him, telling Ryder to take good care of her and Sierra to mind Ryder. They had smiled at him and then had eyes only for each other.


  The party/wedding had been a great success. Everyone had enjoyed themselves including the bride and groom. They’d had a memorable wedding night. Even though they had been having sex for the past few months, it felt almost like her first time. Ryder had made love to her numerous times and several times they had both fallen asleep with his cock still buried in her pussy. It had been the stuff of which fantasies and memories are made.

  They boarded the Air France flight bound for Paris. As this was Sierra’s first trip to Europe, Ryder had wanted to spend a few days there before driving to their cottage in St. Agreve. Now, happily settled in their bed in the cottage, Sierra and Ryder agreed to exchange wedding gifts. While still back in Idaho, they had each assured the other that the gift would be easy to transport to France.

  They had spent their afternoon wandering in the old town of St. Agreve where Ryder had spent the majority of the time they had been apart. Sierra had been enchanted. She could tell that Ryder was well liked and had been missed by his friends and neighbors.

  “I love it here,” she said, snuggled next to him. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “So it won’t be hardship to pry you away when I need to be here.”

  “Hmm, let me think… it will, but I’m such an accommodating wife, I’ll agree to do it.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re too good to me.”

  “I know,” she said blithely, “but you’re worth it.”

  “All right, wife—God, I love saying that—let’s get these wedding gifts exchanged. I’m going first.”

  He reached beside the bed and pulled out a simple white letter envelope. Sierra looked at him questioningly.

  “Inside,” he said softly.

  Sierra opened the envelope and gasped. It was an official letter from the BLM formally declaring that the roan stallion’s mustang herd would forever be the responsibility of those at the Flying M. They were giving up any claim to ownership or custody.

  “How? When?” she stammered. “Oh, shit, you did this the day that pencil pusher was at the ranch and I got all pissy with you.”

  He nodded. “And got your bottom spanked for it, but at least you didn’t bug me about it after that.”

  “Ryder, I’m so sorry…”

  “No. Once we settle things with you over my knee, we’re done. No recriminations; no rehashing what happened. You understand me, little girl?”

  She nodded.

  “So you like your gift?”

  “I can’t think of anything I’d like better.” She handed him a manila envelope. The smile on her face was breathtaking.

  Ryder opened it and drew out the deed to the Flying M. At first he didn’t understand until he looked more closely. The deed was in the names of Ryder and Sierra Malone.

  He shook his head. “You didn’t have to do that, babe.”

  “I know, but I wanted to. Now before you look at the next document you have to promise not to spank me.”

  “Sierra, what did you do?”

  “I kind of spent a whole lot of our money without checking with you first.”

  “That’s not what we agreed.”

  “I know, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime exception.”

  Ryder looked at her face and then accepted the kiss she offered. He pulled out the second document and caught his breath. It was the deed to the original homestead of Crooked Creek and the land that lay between it and the Flying M. It too was made out in the names of Sierra and Ryder Malone.

  “I know it was a bit presumptuous of me to add my name…”

  Ryder was quick to cut her off with a deep kiss.

  “Not presumptuous at all, sweetheart. Just perfect.”

  Ryder laid all of the paperwork on the table next to his side of the bed and gathered her into his arms. Sierra wound her arms around him and embraced the man who had returned to tame his cowgirl and claim her as his own.

  The End

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